Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2704: Universal sacred body

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“What are these coffins doing?”

Xiang Yang came to the center of this continent and found that in this central position, there were tens of thousands of coffins suspended in each of the coffins. Each coffin portrayed the mysterious runes, and there was a chain of gods connected to the mainland, as if it were a lock. The coffin is as if it is extracting energy from the land through the chain of gods to nourish these coffins.

Xiang Yang’s face is full of shock. He feels an evil force from these coffins. He is no stranger to this power. It is the atmosphere of zombies encountered in the source world. .

His face was dignified, and there was already speculation in his heart, but he was not sure, and he had to look at the old man.

The old man seemed to realize that his chances came. He stood tall and looked at Xiao Ling and Lao Wan with a smug look. Then he respectfully said to Xiang Yang, "Master, there is a holy body among these holy shrines." ""


Xiang Yang’s pupils shrank and realized that this was a very horrible thing. What is the Holy Body? It can be seen by the literal meaning, the body of the saint, and here, there are thousands of saints.


The old man whispered, "This is the meaning of the existence of the real fairy magic battlefield. These holy bodies are the bodies of the sacred strongs who died in the Pangu world and the extraterritorial world wars when the mass robbery came. There is no real chaos of the saints, but the existence of the level of the holy and quasi-holy."

"What do you mean by saying that there are tens of thousands of sacred and quasi-holy?"

Xiang Yang stared at the old man, he only felt that his heart was shaking, and tens of thousands of sacred and quasi-holy, this is a terrible existence.

I have also thought that I can make hundreds of thousands of order guards of my own hands break through the realm of Da Luo’s nine heavens, and I can already be invincible, but in fact, even hundreds of thousands of order guards have become The strongest of the Da Luo Jiu Tiantian level is also inferior to a sacred master.

The master of the sacred world is already the existence of a truly extraordinary sacred level. It can really kill everything. Not to mention that his order has not yet broken through to Dalu’s nine heavens. Even hundreds of thousands of people have become Da Luo Jiuzhong. The heavenly level of the Xianzun strong can not stop a sacred master.

However, there are tens of thousands of sacred masters here, which is simply terrible.

"These sacred masters were the strongest of the heavens and the world in their lifetime. They were the strongest of the chaos and saints. In the same year, after the mass robbery broke out, they fought in the exotic world until the war died. Even after death, their bodies were also used up, and after being re-refined by the saints, they became a sacred body that was nourished here, and only to be reinvested in the war of destruction in the future. ”

The old man sighed and said, "They are real heroes. This fairy battlefield exists for them. However, their souls have been completely annihilated. Today they have a strong body and are real. The immortal body."

"They have become zombies?"

Xiang Yang frowned.


The old man shook his head. "Zombies are not among the three realms of the Three Realms. Although they are very powerful, the weakness of the zombies lies in the lack of soul and knowledge. Especially in the first battle of the year, the zombies also participated. A team of foreigners, specializing in the zombies, specializing in the power of the soul, making the zombies nearly extinct."

"Wait, what do you say? Is there really a zombie vein? And it is very powerful?" Xiang Yang felt a little messy, could not help but stare at the old man.

Zombie is no stranger to him, but in his cognition, even the zombie king is not so good. It is impossible to compare it with the immortal, but it has become a very powerful existence in the old man.

"Boss, the zombie is indeed a presence, and even the true ancestor of the zombie is also a terrible existence. He was born in chaos and is the power of the chaotic sacred level."

At this time, Lao Wan said it.

"Is there such a terrible existence?" Xiang Yang stared at Laowan and Laojiao. He didn't know that the zombie was so huge. He even got such a message at the moment, which really shocked him. .

"Yeah, the body of the zombie ancestors is a few of the chaos that can be compared with the tens of thousands of robes and Pangu. They all have an immortal body. It is the real body of immortality, even if it is congenital. Chaos to the treasure to attack, can not break their flesh."

Lao Wan said with a sigh.

"What about the zombie ancestors? Isn't that going to die?" Xiang Yang asked in a dull moment.

"do not know."

Lao Wan shook his head. "I didn't know what happened in the past. I have paid little attention to the outside world since I was robbed."

"Then you know? Zombie true ancestors?"

Xiang Yang asked the old lady again.

"I, I don't know." The old man said in a confused way, "I was refining it by the saints after the foreign war. The battlefield of the fairy is to protect and nourish these holy bodies for future use." I know that some things are what the saints want to let me know. There are many things that I don't know."

"Actually, if you want to know if the zombie ancestors are still alive, just go to the zombie world."

Xiaoling said.

"Hey, is there such a thing?"

Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoling inexplicably.

"Yes, there are many worlds in chaos. There are some worlds that are created by powerful strong people of the Holy Land. There are big and small, although they can't compare with the ancient world, but these worlds are also very powerful. ”

Xiaoling said, "Boss, you can understand the world of today's heavens as your source, and the other worlds of chaos become the world of stars around the source."

"It seems that there are so many things in the heavens and the world that I don't know."

Xiang Yang frowned, and his heart raised a deep curiosity. Everything in the world thought that there was Wanjie. This is not all that he can understand. I didn’t expect the chaos outside these heavens. There are still countless huge worlds in the world, and those worlds, which are also created by the great sanctuary, have incredible functions.

"In the future, if there is a chance, I will definitely go around and have a look."

Xiang Yang’s heart decided that some of the things here are really amazing for him, especially the so-called zombie world, which has aroused his curiosity.

"Boss, I believe that you will fall in love with Chaos." After listening to Xiang Yang's words, Lao Wan and Xiao Ling both eyes glowed and looked at Xiang Yang with a smile.

"How are you very happy?"

Xiang Yang looked at the two with a suspicious color.

"No, we just think that the boss wants to travel in chaos. This is a big good thing, because in this world, many opportunities have been dug away, if you want to get more More opportunities, in fact, can only go deep into chaos." Lao Wan quickly said.

“Is it?” Xiang Yang didn’t know if he could, and he always felt that Xiaoling and Laowan had the same purpose. However, he did not care about these things, but he had a light smile on his face, looking at these holy shrines and whispering. "I would like to see what the holy body among these holy shrines looks like."

After all, his figure flickered and he flew up to the holy shrine in front.

"Masters can't, these holy shrines contain a strong holy shrine, which is definitely not accessible to the average person." After seeing the old man, his face changed greatly and he hurried out loud.

"Oh, what do you know about the younger brother?"

Xiaoling and Laowan were sneer a few times, and they also kept up with Xiangyang.

The old man heard the sneer of the two people, and suddenly his face changed, thinking that the two were to deal with him, and quickly shut up and dare not say more, but he kept up.


At this time, as Xiang Yang flew up, he felt a huge roar, and then it was sensed that there was a horrible Holy Power acting on himself, making Xiang Yang’s figure A meal, the whole person was almost directly suppressed by the downward pressure.


However, Xiang Yang is a gaze, a powerful and unmatched force erupts, and a rule of tens of millions of Da Luo burst out. This is the most horrible force of the rule of Luo, just Xiangyang just watched The rules that Pangu opened up and understood, after the outbreak of this moment, his body shape actually survived under this holy prestige.

"Interesting, this holy power is really terrifying."

Xiangyang’s mouth has a faint smile. These holy shrines are not just a sacred sacred eruption, but a sacred body of a group of sacred sacred sacred ones, although they cannot be compared with the true chaotic saints. Than, but it is equally earth-shattering.

"Boss, do you want us to help?"

At this time, Xiaoling and Laowan kept up at the same time. They felt the power of this holy power. At the same time, they looked at Xiangyang. They did not take the initiative because they knew that if Xiangyang could block such a holy Wei's words have a lot of benefits for Xiangyang. Unless Xiangyang speaks, they can never help Xiangyang to resist.

"No, it's just the pressure of the sub-level, and it can't make me surrender."

Xiang Yang shook his head and stabilized his body shape. The power of the avenue of power broke out, and his body shape directly turned into a streamer, although the closer he was to these holy shrines, the more prestige he faced was stronger, but However, his speed has not diminished, and he has already flown to the same height as these holy shrines.

His eyes looked at the past, and tens of thousands of holy shrines were suspended in the void, and a ray of light was flowing. These rays had black magic and red blood, and the breath that burst out was all amazing.

"It's really very powerful."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but admire, looking at these blood and magic, even if it was just a glimpse, if the ordinary Da Luo strong absorbed, I am afraid that it will instantly burst and die.

"This coffin should be built."

Xiang Yang meditates, looking at these coffins, can see that the materials of these coffins are not ordinary wood, he carefully searched the knowledge of the reserve in the brain, and only the legendary building wood can be refined by the saints to place these holy bodies. The coffin is gone.

The so-called Jianmu is the first tree in the legendary opening of the heavens and the earth. It is full of heaven and earth, and it is infinitely productive. It absorbs the power of heaven and has the power to be comparable to the treasure.

"It is Jianmu."

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling are also standing next to Xiang Yang. Their eyes are on these coffins. Although they can't see what the holy body is like, they are obviously able to sense the horror of their eruption. the power of.

"Since these holy bodies have not yet become zombies, that is, they are just empty shells, equivalent to magic weapons?" Xiang Yang turned his head to look at the old man.

"Master wise."

The old man said quickly.

After Xiang Yang listened, he gave him a look. "In this short period of time, how did you talk so well?"

"Cough, relying on the cultivation of the master." The old man replied respectfully, and his heart was a bit sad. He had just been beaten by Xiaoling and Laowan, two big brothers, and he was already aware that he was a bit If the situation is not alone, if there is no way to please the master, there will be no place to be bullied in the future. It is really terrible.

"Since there is no consciousness, it will not hurt people easily. I will go and see what they are like."

Xiang Yang smiled softly, curiosity, and his body flashed, and he immediately reached the front of one of the holy shrines, and his right hand was placed on the coffin.


At this moment, Xiang Yang, who was not prepared, only felt a roaring sound, and there was a terrible murderous gas and blood gas rushing into his head, making his whole person tremble.

His eyes were red, and there was an amazing murderousness in his body. There was only one voice in his head to kill the roar, as if he was in the sand, and there were countless strong people all roaring.

"killing and killing..."

"Kill them, kill them, don't leave them, kill me."

"At all costs, you must destroy them..."

His whole body gradually burst into a **** light. It was a very horrible blood gas containing murderous outbursts. At the same time, only the sound of '叮咚' sounded, Xiang Yang’s head, three-inch blood-colored killing sword Jumping out, it is crazy to release its own murderous.


The murderous liberation released by the Sword of Killing is surrounded by these murderous and magical spirits here, as if forming a connection point, so that the murderousness and blood gas released from the coffin of the sacred body also burst out. The three-inch **** killing sword spread over.

In this way, it adds to the horrible atmosphere of Xiang Yang's body, which is the murderousness of Xiang Yang's killing sword combined with the murderousness of these sacred bodies.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s three-inch **** killing sword actually began to grow slowly after getting these murderous moisturizing, and a little bit of high, it has become five inches high in the blink of an eye, and continues to grow. .


After Xiaoling and the old Wan saw, they changed their face and whispered. "The boss is in trouble. He was murdered and invaded."

"Do you want to shoot?" Xiaoling looked at Laowan. Although these murderous horrors are terrible, it is not a difficult thing for them to be two innate treasures.

"Don't worry, the boss is not lost, he will grasp it himself. Moreover, there is the existence of the Promise Sword. Although the merits of the future are not comparable to us in other aspects, the power of merit and the wisdom of the guardian boss are Very simple." The old one said calmly.

"Just, I see the boss's killing sword is a bit uncontrollable, but don't really have a problem." Xiaoling is still a little worried.

In this blink of an eye, the sword of killing has grown to nine inches, and the murderous outbreak is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems to be assimilated by these murderous.

"It shouldn't be.."

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