Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2705: Great harvest (five more flowers)

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"What is their body in the end, so that they are so confident that the master will not be lost by these murderous attacks?"

Seeing the **** murder of Xiang Yang’s body is getting stronger and stronger, even the sword of killing has been growing infinitely. The old man is very nervous. He is afraid that Xiangyang will suddenly fail, but when he looks Xiaoling and Laowan are very calm, he is very puzzled, do not understand why these two guys can be so calm.

Until now, the old man has not figured out what the body of Xiaoling and Laowan is. He only knows that the two people’s body is absolutely innate, but the old man’s knowledge is just like the old man’s ignorance. It’s a catastrophe.

"However, the murderousness and blood in these holy bodies are too strong. What do the saints do? Are they really trying to cultivate 10,000 holy zombies?"

Then, Xiao Ling and Lao Wan were caught in meditation at the same time, and their faces were inextricably colored.

Even if they can sense the murderousness and bloodyness of these coffins, they have reached a very terrible level.

They know very well that the holy bodies among these coffins are not conscious, just a shell, and they want to make these holy bodies play a powerful role. There are only three ways to choose, or to let them evolve into zombies, but The infinite years have passed, and these holy bodies have not changed. It can only be said that this is not what the saints have to do.

The second is to let people enter these holy bodies, so that these holy bodies can live and have powerful power.

This point remains to be tested, but the soul that wants to enter the Lord's sacred body is absolutely necessary to be very powerful. At least it is necessary to reach the same level. Otherwise, it is impossible to exert the power of the Holy Spirit without any effect.

The third is that after these holy bodies are grown up, they will be refining them into shackles. At that time, they will be able to exert powerful power and be controlled by people.

However, if you want to refine these holy bodies, even if you are a saint, you need to have the best help.

Unless it is, Qiankun made such a treasure.

At the same time, Lao Wan looked at Xiaoling and whispered. "Maybe, these are the guys you will refine in the future."

"Who knows."

Xiaoling’s face has an indifferent color. “Although these holy bodies are destined to be bosses, but how can the boss get them, that’s the boss’s thing. If the boss is willing to make these guys into shackles, it’s very simple. The only thing that is needed is that there are more auxiliary materials. The boss is not able to come up now."

"But if the boss can give me enough auxiliary materials, I can definitely make these holy bodies into supreme powers, and even allow these holy bodies to refine the power of the primary saints."

At the same time, Xiaoling’s face was full of excitement. “Although it’s just a primary saint, after the successful refining, 10,000 saints will be shot at the same time, so what exotic estimates can’t be eaten.”

"It seems quite reasonable."

The old man was stunned, and he did not expect Xiaoling to have such a certain grasp. When he heard that Xiaoling said that he could make this whole body of sacred to be comparable to the true chaotic saint, he looked at Xiaoling’s eyes. Also weird.

The old man on the other side has already heard it.

At this moment, he finally wants to understand, in the chaotic world, there is a supreme treasure, containing the essence of the creation, all-in-one, possessing the function of horror, even if the chaos is desired, it is the creation of tripod.

" are..."

At this time, the old man's eyes looked at Xiaoling, and his figure was shaking.

This is the Qiankun Ding Ding, the legendary chaos to treasure, is the real supreme treasure, in contrast, the old man, this acquired treasure is really nothing.

"Big brother."

Suddenly, the old man gave a very respectful ceremony to Xiaoling. At the same time, he looked at Laowan. Although he couldn’t recognize what kind of treasure Laowan was, he could compete with Qiankun for the power of Dading. The existence of the location, what would be simple things?

"My master is really extraordinary." The old man trembled in his heart, and he looked at the body that was wrapped in magic and blood, as if Xiangyang had to be demonized, and his heart gave birth to an admirable meaning.

As the owner of the innate chaos to the treasure, even if it is just an ordinary person who does not understand a little, how can it be ordinary?

"This guy is taking the wind again."

After Xiao Ling and Lao Wan saw the old man's expression, he sighed and felt that this guy should be the reason for being so lonely in countless years, causing problems in his head.

Of course, Xiao Ling and Lao Wan are certainly not likely to admit that they both will be stupid, and they do not want to assume this responsibility in front of Xiang Yang.


At this time, the sword of killing on the top of Xiangyang’s head has grown to a full three feet high. Just like a three-footed sword, the horrible murder and blood of the horror, far away, even with these holy There is no such thing as spreading out on the body.

Even at this moment, there is a **** killing avenue around the body of Xiangyang. After the emergence of the rule of the Da Luo, these forces are constantly drawing up and growing up, making it grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

"The boss is deliberately trying to absorb these forces, so that his rule of killing Dalu can also grow up." Xiaoling and Laowan understand the intention of Xiangyang. They look at Xiangyang’s eyes and find that Xiangyang The whole body was shrouded in murderousness, but the eyes did not have any confusion, apparently not assimilated by murderousness.


The rules of the murderous avenue of Xiangyang’s body were flowing, a little bit of reinforcement, and the murderousness and bloodyness of the murderous sword that had all rushed to the top of his head was all ignorant of his killing rules. Among them, the sword of killing is no longer growing.

However, this is so, at this moment, Xiangyang’s killing sword seems to have been truly turned into a substantial, flickering **** smell, as if it is a bloodless sword.

"The sword of killing is essentially."

The rule of killing Da Luo is still growing. Xiang Yang opened his eyes, his hand extended, and the killing sword on his head flew into his hands and was caught by him.

Once, Xiang Yang thought that if his own sword of killing and the sword of the king can be fully substantive, they will be able to display a stronger power. At this moment, the sword of killing has actually turned into an entity, although it is impossible to see what it is. Level, however, Xiang Yang has a feeling that if he is holding a sword with a sword of killing, the power of the explosion will surpass his own Qing Xuan sword.

"Compared to the treasure."

After Xiang Yang gave such a conclusion, he took the killing sword into the body, and then he used these murderous and **** nourishment to kill the Dalu rules. The right hand was placed on the coffin board again, and the coffin was slowly pushed away.


At this moment, when the coffin board was pushed open, there was a strong breath that made the Xiangyang heart tremble. When I saw the people lying in the coffin, the whole person could not help. He squatted back toward the rear and stopped until thousands of miles away.


At the moment, the mouth of Yang Xiang spurted blood, and his face looked at the front with a shocking color. The cover has been actively closed. Obviously, although the sacred body inside has no consciousness, it has infinite power, definitely not the present. Xiang Yang can see the other person's true body.

"It's a bit temper."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but smiled and shook his head.

There was a lot of cracks in his body. Before he resisted these pressures, there was no injury. Even if he was rushed into the body by infinite murderousness and blood gas, it was also very calm. However, he only pushed one of the coffins, but he did not even look at it. Seeing the look of the Holy Body in the coffin, he was severely wounded.

Of course, Xiang Yang is very clear that he was badly wounded, not because of the sacred body, but because the power of the sacred body is too strong, and his strength is too weak to really see. The look of the other party.

God must be ignorant.

The weak is unable to look directly at the strong. In the past, Xiang Yang did not feel that this sentence was correct. Now, he finally understands that this is really right.

"It seems that it is really necessary to break through. If the body can break through the situation of Da Luo Jiuzhongtian, although it is still not strong enough, at least it will not be as embarrassing as it is now."

Xiang Yang sighed, his first demon avatar has begun to break through, and it will take a long time to break through to the state of Da Luo. As for whether he can become the strong man of Da Luo’s nine heavens, he himself is not very clear, but At least it can be a fairy king.

As long as he becomes a fairy king, even if he is facing the strongman of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian level, he also has enough strength to kill the other side.

"Boss, are you okay?"

Xiaoling, Laowan and Laojiao also caught up.

The old man looked at the injury of Xiang Yang. He was a little guilty because he did not tell Xiang Yang that he could not easily open the holy shrine. Otherwise, he would face the holy body and bear the attack of the holy body. Absolutely unstoppable.

He was afraid that Xiangyang would look for him to settle accounts, as long as he lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

"No problem."

Xiang Yang did not find the old man to settle accounts. In the face of Xiaoling and Laowan’s concern, he smiled softly. After the injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, even the one that surrounded him was the rule of killing. It was also collected by him.

He shook his head and said, "But, I can't directly face these holy bodies with my current strength. Come back after I break through to the state of Da Luo."

"The boss may have to figure out how to use these holy bodies?" Xiaoling asked.


Xiang Yang stunned. "These holy bodies are not made by me. How did they become how I used them?"

Obviously, in his consciousness, since these holy bodies were specially collected by the saints, then there must be other roles, and he had never thought of robbing them.

Moreover, he did not have the ability to **** things with the chaos saints.

"Master, the master of the battlefield of the fairy, has everything in the battlefield of the fairy." The old man reminded Xiang Yang.

"What do you mean, these holy bodies are actually my people?" Xiang Yang looked at the old man with an unbelievable color.


The old man nodded and said, "They have been connected to the battlefield of the fairy, whether they will become zombies, they will be under your control."


After Xiang Yang listened, it was a bright eye. He could not imagine that these holy bodies could be controlled by himself. Now, the old man’s words are to speed up his heartbeat.

This is the body of the great sanctuary. Although it is only a corpse, it has the strength of horror. If it can control one, it has already had terrible power, let alone the sacred body that can control the eternal. If you take it out, what strength will it have?

"Boss, don't give me these holy bodies, as long as you give me some materials, I will be able to refine them into a magic weapon, so that they have the true chaos sage level strength." Xiaoling It was a look of excitement and looked at Xiang Yang.

“Can they have the strength of the sage level?”

Xiang Yang looked at Xiao Ling with an incredible color on his face.

"Yeah, after many years of warming up, these guys got the power of the Pangu Axe, and they themselves have evolved to the level of the Yasheng Peak. Further, they can definitely break through to the level of the primary saint. However, there are more materials needed, or do you want to see it?"

Xiaoling’s face was stunned with a 缕 “涩”, apparently a bit embarrassed to tell him what he needed.

"Don't look at it, it must be a treasure that I can't get for a lifetime."

Xiang Yang’s old face is black, although he is very excited, but he also knows that if you want to refine a sage-level scorpion, it is definitely not some raw materials that you can find.

"It is impossible to find it in a lifetime. As long as you can go deep into the chaos, you will not get much time to get it."

Xiaoling said with a smile.

"Don't want to lie to me into chaos, I have not been to chaos, knowing that chaos is not only dangerous, but also has fewer treasures." Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoling with vigilance.

"Boss, the chaos you have been to is not the real chaos, just the chaos around the world that Pangu opened up. If the heavens are the land, and the chaos you have been is the chaos around you. In addition to this, there is actually a broader landscape."

The little inspiration sighed and said.

"It seems that my eyes are too narrow." After Xiang Yang listened, he frowned.

"It's okay, let's explore chaos together. As long as you get enough treasure, the boss can have tens of thousands of sage-level powers to be beaten." Xiaoling is able to make these holy bodies into true sage-level Oh, I am trying to seduce Xiang Yang with great pains.

"Let's talk about it later."

Xiang Yang snorted and did not continue to want to see the holy body among the holy shrines, but sighed a sigh. "This time I entered the battlefield of the fairy, let me comprehend the rules of the ancient road of Pangu Avenue. I have learned the true invincible sword, so the harvest can be said to be beyond my imagination, and then it is time to leave."

While talking, while he whispered softly, his figure directly rushed into chaos and left the mainland. Behind him, Xiaoling and Laowan, and the old man, quickly followed.

"When I step on the land next time, it is when I can control you."

In the chaos, the violent chaos gas makes Xiangyang give way, the order chain is also separated, and Xiang Yang’s face is with a firm color, and finally he glances at the axe from Pangu. The land that has been turned, this really leaves.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, more than 20,000 words, ask for flowers...

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