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"It's so boring, the boss still doesn't come out. He has been in it for a long time, and, from the boss into the chaos, these chaotic anger is violent, even if we can't see what happened inside, I know early. I should find a way to ask the boss to bring us together."

On the battlefield of the fairy under the chaotic isolation layer, the little ones of Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong sighed very boringly.

Although Xiang Yang’s time is not very long, but these three little guys are not the ones who can sit still, plus it’s too boring in this fairy battlefield, there’s nothing fun around them. There are Li Huan and others who have a face, they are also annoyed, and at this moment it is a bit unstoppable.

"Let's wait, the boss should be coming out soon."

The little blood is angry and weak, but it is directly from the storage magic weapon to pull out some tables and chairs, and some to eat and drink, while the three little guys sit here to eat and drink, still feel bored.

"No, not waiting, it is too boring. Let's go to the battlefield of the fairy to play. When the last time the boss came, you have not been released. Now my sister will take you around."

After another meeting, the little blood finally couldn't help it. Just stand up and play with Xiaoyin and Xiaohong.


Xiaoyin and Xiaohong have always been led by small blood. They listened to the little blood to bring them to play, and suddenly stood up excitedly.

"Walk, let's go and see the great rivers and mountains of the fairy demon battlefield." The little blood waved very aggressively, and hurriedly left.

On the one hand, Li Xian’s Xianzun and Mozun saw the helplessness in the heart, but did not manage the three little guys, but shook their heads helplessly, but the Mingxin Xianzun was more careful, for fear that the three little guys would suffer. Quickly send out a message to the outside kings, let them pass on orders, and let some spirits be distressed by three little guys.

Of course, with the strength of a small blood nowadays, as long as it is not a group of heroic spirits to deal with them, there is no need to worry about any danger. Even if the king of the king comes, it will only be destroyed by small blood.


Soon after, the body shape of Xiang Yang appeared in chaos, and Xiang Yang came out from the violent chaos with Xiaoling, Laowan and Laojiao.

"Hey, what about the three little guys?"

Xiang Yang found that he did not see the figure of the three little blood, and he could not help but swear.

"Boss, they went to play."

Li Huan smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"Hey..." Xiang Yang was speechless, but when he thought about the character of the three little guys, he was relieved. He said with a smile, "Let them play for a while if they want to play."

"So we did not stop them, and the small also sent orders to the outside king, so that the attention of the people, can not be difficult for the three ladies." Mingxin Xianzun said quickly.

"It's not bad, it's still thoughtful, even though those princes and heroes can't be opponents of small blood, but since they are going to play, if they encounter something, it will affect their mood."

Xiang Yang appreciatively glanced at Mingxin Xianzun. This guy is equivalent to an old fritter. He knows very well what he can do to please his own joy. What he is doing now is obviously asking for his own favorite.

In the past, in the secular world, Xiang Yang had a big steward of Xiang Xiang, and many things were very smooth. Today, Xiang Feng is the steward of the Qing Xue Universe Group in the lower bound, and there is a lack of such a person. He thought that after the Mingxin Xianzun had the flesh, he could consider letting this guy be with him, or let this guy go to the Qingxue Universe Group to help.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang glanced at the fairy and the demon, and suddenly felt that after these guys had the flesh, it was very good for them to go to the Qingxue Universe Group.

After all, today's Qingxue Universe Group has certainly developed to a very large extent, and even has begun to develop towards the two circles of the fairy magic, but the real high-end combat power is too little, only the Suzaku female is so holy. The strong, although she is enough to force the world, but it is impossible for little things to be done by herself. If there are these masters on the battlefield of the fairy, it can really make the Qingxue Universe Group Grow into a powerful force that can tremble all the worlds.

"Li Huan, when you go to the lower bound, can you see a group of bosses in the clear snow universe?" Xiang Yang turned to ask Li Huan.


Li Huan nodded and looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color, but did not say anything else, which made Xiang Yang a bit puzzled. "What do you watch me do? If you have something, hurry."

"Boss, after we sent the two girls to the Qing Xue Universe Group, we stayed in the Qing Xue Universe Group for two or three days. During that time, I realized that the directors of the Qing Xue Universe Group are all our owners. Mother."

Li Huan sighed and said.

"This is normal, no, Suzaku's sister is my sister, you can't talk nonsense, or else, she will start a fire, even if I can't protect you." Xiang Yang said.

"But, for this reason, you look at me with that kind of look?" Xiang Yang and Li Huan are very familiar, and they are very casual when they talk.

"This is not the case, mainly because I found that the strength of all the masters is much stronger than that of the boss." Li Huan said at the same time, he felt that he was a bit hitting people, and he quickly replied, "also It's not that the strength is stronger than you. They are all big Robin, but the combat power should not be compared with you, but in the realm, it has already surpassed you."

"how is this possible?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly became dumbfounded. He came to the fairy world for a few years. When he saw the women, they were still not immortal. How could it be that after several years of hard work, the women have become Da Luo is strong?

"Cough, in fact, it is." Li Huan looked helpless at Xiangyang.

He felt that Xiang Yang was a bit miserable. As a man, he found that all the women around him had surpassed themselves. Anyone who knew it would be a little uncomfortable.

"This is great."

However, what Li Huan did not expect was that Xiang Yang did not feel uncomfortable, but smiled very excitedly. "Haha, after their cultivation is upgraded, there are Suzaku sisters and Mu Yunping, so don't worry about them. What danger is there, great."


When Li Huan discovered that Xiang Yang’s reaction was different from his imagination, he felt a little weird. He thought that Xiang Yang’s strength in those women who knew Xiangyang was stronger than Xiangyang. At that time, Xiang Yang should feel that his face is dull and in a bad mood. What he did not expect is that Xiang Yang was still very happy.

What Li Huan didn’t understand was that the age of his birth was too long. At that time, although there were also strong female saints such as Emperor Huang in the saints of the heavens, but after all, men were stronger, and women belonged to the subsidiary status. Xiang Yang is different. In the heart of Xiang Yang, the strength of his woman is more important than anything. If someone can suddenly break through the holy world, it is even more enjoyable.

"Li Huan, the next thing you have to do is very simple. Take the fairy goddess and the immortal king spirit in the battlefield of the fairy to the new world, and help them reshape the flesh with the origin of the wild world."

Then, Xiang Yang smiled and said to Li Huan.


Li Huan had already known that Xiang Yang wanted him to do something to help everyone reshape the flesh. He naturally did not have any reaction, and Ming Xinxian Zun and several other emperors respected it and was shocked.

For these immortals and demon statues, as if a super-strong earthquake broke out, their hearts were shivering.

What they didn't think of in any way was that Xiang Yang suddenly helped them reshape the flesh at this time.

"Master, really, really?"

Mingxin Xianzun was trembling, and his face looked at Xiangyang with an unbelievable color.

"Crap, what do I lie to you?"

Xiang Yangbai took a look at Mingxinxian, and then ignored the immortal and demon statues with unbelievable colors on his face, but turned his head to look at the old man. "They can't leave the battlefield of the fairy." ?"

"Masters, they are only the body of the true spirit, they must be placed on the battlefield of the fairy, unless there is a flesh, otherwise, leaving the battlefield of the fairy for too long, will affect their spirit." The old man said quickly.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and reached out to Li Huan. In the battlefield of the fairy, countless **** runes were detained by him and integrated into Li Huan’s body.

After I saw it, my face changed slightly, but I didn’t say much.

"I have already given you the method and authority to open the channel of the fairy battlefield. After you reach the lower bound, you can open the battlefield of the fairy, connect the battlefield of the fairy to the new world, and then you can help them recast the body. "Yang Yang said.

"Yes." Lili nodded in exchange.

"Master, in fact, there is an easier way."

At this time, the old man said openly.

"any solution?"

Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the guy. The brow was slightly wrinkled. What he hated most was that when someone spoke, he didn’t finish it all at once. Just said it earlier, the heart was talking to himself and there was a simpler one. Method...

"The battlefield of the fairy is a treasure to the day after tomorrow." At this time, Xiaoling was open.

"Since it is a magic weapon, and it has been refining the boss, it is natural to want to let it go where it can go, instead of having to be in this space all the time." Lao Wan continued.

When the old lady saw that he had been robbed of what he had to say, his heart was a bit uncomfortable. However, when he remembered the power of these two, he would not dare to say it. He could only keep talking and said, "Yes, yes. ""

"What do you mean, let me throw the whole treasure of the fairy magic battlefield to Li Huan?"

Xiang Yang asked.


Xiao Ling and Lao Wan both pointed their heads.

"I do not want."

Xiang Yang shook his head. "I have let Li Huan open the channel of the magical battlefield and the lower boundary this time. There is another reason. I want him to open up a passage so that I can lower the boundary at any time. I will not be able to get to the bottom of the world by giving the magical battlefield to Li Huan."

After all, he said to Li Huan, "The outside world is the central fairy city of the Eastern Tianyu, which is the city where the fire people are one of the five great celestial beings. Would you like to see the old friend who saw you?"

Li Huan once said that there is an old guy in the fire family who was his old friend of the year. Although Xiang Yang has not seen each other, he is not worried about letting Li Huan’s lower bounds, but asks the other side to Don't go see an old friend.

"Can the owner go to the fire family?"

Li Huan asked in a deep voice.

"I have been there, and I have completed a deal with the Fireman, and I promised to participate in the Battle of Million in the name of the Fireman." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"In this case, I will go to the fire family, see the fire," Li Huan said.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang took a deep look at Li Huan, knowing that Li Huan wanted to go to the fire family, just for himself, and wanted to find himself a 'backing mountain' among the fire people.

Although Xiang Yang does not need to have any 'relief' in the fire family, but seeing Li Huan so much to himself, Xiang Yang still felt very moved, gently patted Li Huan’s shoulder, did not say much what.

"Let's go."

Xiang Yang softly smiled and prepared to leave the battlefield of the fairy.

"Well, we should continue to go back to the refiner."

Xiaoling and Laowan said hello and went directly into the Promise Immortal. They still have to go back to the refining tower, which is the most important thing at present.

Xiang Yang said to Ming Xinxian and others, "You wait first, and when Li Huan opens the passage, you can condense the flesh of the new world of the wild, but remember, you can not damage The power of the wild world, otherwise, I will not finish with you."

In the new world of floods, there are tens of billions of living creatures. If the origin of the new world is damaged, it will be a great disaster for hundreds of millions of people.

Xiang Yang naturally cannot do this to damage the lives of other people for the sake of the heroes in the battlefield of the fairy.


Mingxin Xianzun and others all bowed their respectfully.


Xiang Yang greeted Li Huan with a voice, and at the same time, his mind was moved, and the three women, who were ‘exploration’ in the battlefield of the fairy, were summoned, and they immediately opened a passage to leave.

"Master, what about me?"

When the old man saw that everyone had their own things to do and saved him from being thrown aside, he was anxious.

"What do you do for what you do." Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said.

"But, I have nothing to do in this fairy battlefield." The old man said quickly, "Master, you can carry the fairy magic field with you, and then let me go with the two big brothers?"

Although I will be bullied by Xiaoling and Laowan, it is much better than being alone here.

Moreover, at least we can also study what kind of existence of Lao Wan and Xiao Ling, which is very useful for the plan of anti-control after the old man, and even the plan to upgrade the two to step on their feet.

Yes, Laojiao has long thought of it. He admits that the Xiaoling and the old Wandang boss are only temporary. In the future, as long as he gives him time, he will definitely find a way to wait for the future magical battlefield to rise to the level of the innate magic weapon. You can step on the two feet.

"Do you want to follow me?"

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at the old man, thinking about it, the magical battlefield stayed here and brought with him is the same, and carry it with you, as a day after tomorrow, sometimes can play a certain role, Happy nodded, "Okay, take it."

"Thank you, Master, thank you master, master Yingming..."

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