Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2707: Small bald glory

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In the void near the central Xiancheng in the eastern Tianyu, with a roaring sound, a space channel suddenly appeared. Then, Xiangyang took Li Huan, Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong, and the old man. Together, they walked out of the space channel.

"You let go to the side."

Then, Xiang Yang greeted Li Huan and others, and he stood at the mouth of the space. He squeezed his hands with both hands and shouted softly. "The demon battlefield, for my use, give me over."


At this moment, the entire battlefield of the fairy magic has shook up, and the infinite chaos of the air has exploded in the chaos. Fortunately, the battlefield of the fairy magic itself is placed deep in the chaos, otherwise, if it is in the fairy world In the space, it will certainly cause the shock of countless powerful people.

This is the case. In the chaos, some of the strongest people opened their eyes. Their eyes looked at the direction of the battlefield of the fairy, and they all smiled. "The Lord of the Battlefield of the Immortals, finally returned."

"That kid is finally going to take the battlefield of the fairy, and you don't have to guard the battlefield of the fairy in the future, hahaha."

"What's special, the little guy got the battlefield of the fairy, but didn't take it away earlier, let's keep helping him keep it too much. After seeing him, he must punish him for a few drinks."


Some of these sacred strongs are because they know the battlefield of the fairy, but they are not involved in it, while others are ordered to guard the four sides of the battlefield of the fairy, protecting the battlefield of the fairy. Now, Xiangyang will be the fairy After the battlefield was taken away, it was considered to be their freedom.

It is a pity that Xiang Yang does not know that these guys are ordered to guard the battlefield of the fairy. If he knows, I am afraid that he will find ways to communicate with these guys anyway, but after all, he will help them regain their freedom...


With the implementation of Xiang Yang's law, the magical battlefield directly turned into a **** light into his body and disappeared. At the same time, the old man was also dragged and directly integrated into it.

"come on."

However, when the old man and the fairy demon battlefield entered the body of Xiangyang together, he suddenly felt that there was a traction force coming over. Two horrible forces directly pulled him, dragging him away from the battlefield of the fairy, and instantly entered another Among the space, what he didn't know was that it was the Promise.

"this is..."

The old man stood in the Promise of the Promise, and his eyes looked around. Suddenly, he found that there was a horrible big tripod that didn’t know how many tens of thousands of people. The big ding was burning with a horrible flame, which was able to burn The chaos of heaven can destroy the sacred sacred, and it can also create the horrible flame of all things.


After the old cockroaches met, he suddenly became stunned. Then his body trembled and his voice hoarse and exclaimed. "This is the legendary innate chaos to the treasure, ‘乾坤造化鼎'.”

"I don't think we are a little bit of a younger brother. I can recognize the Qiankun Ding Ding." At this time, I only heard a laugh and passed over. The old man turned his head and looked at it. He saw Xiaoling and Lao Wanzheng’s smile. Holding him.

"I have seen two bosses."

While the old man was shocked, when he saw Xiaoling and Laowan, he no longer dared to have any hesitation. He quickly had a flattering smile on his face and cautiously confronted the two.

"Not bad."

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling nodded very satisfied, and then they waved between the hands and took out some tables and chairs from the Promise Xianfu, which were filled with various food and monkey wines. Come, come and have some food."


After listening to the old man, his eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and the whole person was very excited. As an instrumental spirit in the battlefield of the fairy, it can be said that it has been lonely since the generation of consciousness, and has never had anything to eat or drink. And so on, at this moment, seeing Xiaoling and Laowan actually greet him, he only feels excited and almost burst into tears.

Ever since, the three sacred spirits have feasted in this Promise, and after they have enjoyed eating and drinking, Xiaoling said with a smile. "Okay, you have enough to eat, you should work." ""


The old man’s excitement and satisfaction were cool at this moment. The so-called feast had no feast. It turned out to be true. He only had to eat and drink, but he was going to work?

"I don't see the treasures that Qiankun Huai Ding is refining. I watched carefully and added materials to it according to this requirement. Remember, this is after the refining, if there is a problem because of your slack, huh, huh, Without us to shoot, the boss will kill you completely."

After Xiaoling passed some of the things that need to be paid attention to in the refining tower, he threatened it a bit. He smiled and said to Laowan, "Go, let's go to the Promise Xianfu, play, etc. Come back later."

"Well, it’s good to go shopping, but pay attention, don’t let this kid mess up. If this kid is messed up, even though he wants to be erased, the consciousness is dead. Hey," said Lao Wan.

"Do not worry, I believe he does not dare."

Xiaoling’s face is full of self-confidence. In fact, he is the instrumental spirit of the Qiankun Ding Ding. No matter where he can sense the state of the magic weapon being rebuilt in Qiankun’s creation, there is no possibility of any deviation. As for the old man to add materials, it is only for waste utilization.


Seeing Xiao Ling and Lao Wan left, the old man looked at the Qiang Ding, and looked at the pile of materials that exude the atmosphere of the congenital avenue. He had no excitement before, but instead Shocked.

"It’s a great feat to make the best of the world after the reign of the Qiankun."

The old man sighed, he himself is only a treasure to the day after tomorrow, however, the little spirit is the creator of the day after tomorrow, for the old man, the little spirit is like a creator, making his heart tremble and feel that he recognizes the little spirit. When the boss is actually a very sensible thing.

"If I can help with the refining, I will have a credit for this success after the refining of the day, so that the master can also look at me."

The old man whispered in his heart. He seemed to find a reason. He only felt very excited. At the same time, his eyes looked at the innate chaos and the atmosphere of creation in the Qiankun dynasty. He took a glimpse of it. I hope that "the legendary Qiankun will be able to return to the day after tomorrow. If I can please the little ancestor and master, maybe the battlefield of the fairy can also be promoted to become a forerunner."

At the same time, I don’t dare to slack off, but strictly follow the requirements of Xiaoling to invest in materials.

For this, Xiang Yang did not pay attention to it. At this moment, he has returned to the hotel where he lived with Li Huan, Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong. Li Huan went directly to the fire family to find his old friend. And Xiang Yang is ready to go to Mei Aoxue, intend to talk to her.

"I hope that Mei Xiaoniu should not hate me, as long as she can get out of her heart, everything will be fine."

Xiang Yang groaned and walked outside the door of Mei Aoxue, preparing to knock on the door, only to find that in his induction, Mei Aoxue was not in the room.

"Is it gone?"

Xiang Yang stayed asleep, and his heart was a little lost. He said, "Is it because of anger, don't want to get along with me, and leave?"

"Just, she didn't even say anything to me when she left. What is the situation?"

Xiang Yang stood still outside for a while, then he shook his head helplessly and turned away.

"Emperor brother."

At this time, only two sounds of surprises were heard. Yulia and Yuliqin just passed through here, and they came to Xiangyang with surprises.

"Hey, why are you here too?"

Xiang Yang looked at the two little gimmicks differently. Since the reunion with these two gimmicks, although the two hoes are also very good with the couples of silver enamel, they are too weak because of the repairs. They are all in retreat, so he did not bother the two women.

The two women, one left and one right, holding Xiang Yang’s arm, said with a smile, “Xie brother, Mei sister and sister-in-law, and the sister of Huo Mei ran to play. We know that the brother must be coming back soon. Stay here waiting for you."

"They ran out to play?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed. He thought that Mei Ao Xue would have left because he didn't want to see himself because he was too sad. What he didn't expect was that Mei Aoxue didn't have anything, and he ran to play. It seems that I am worried about it.

"Yeah, and when they just went out, they seemed to have a lot of fun. It was said that something happened to the little bald head with the brother before, and then they looked at it."

Yuriqin said.

"What kind of moths are there in the little bald head?"

Xiang Yang stayed and stayed. I didn't expect to go out for a while, and the little bald head didn't know what was going on.

"I don't know yeah."

Yulia and Yuriqin shook their heads.

"Go, let's go see."

Xiang Yang is a soft smile, directly greeted the two women to leave the hotel together, at the same time, let the two women lead the way, to see what happened to the little bald head, and actually can alarm Mei Aoxue.

"This direction..."

When Xiang Yang followed the route of the two women's directions to the destination, he finally knew that it was a smashing. It turned out to be a gambling street. Obviously, the little bald head went to gamble again.

"God, since ancient times, gambling has killed people, from the secular world to the fairy world. I don't know how many people are harmed by gambling. The small bald head is the sorghum of Buddhism, and it has fallen into it."

Xiang Yang exclaimed, but his heart was thinking about it. If the little bald head owes too much debt, he should not pay attention to the guy. He never knows each other, and the province will help the other party to pay back the debt.

"Come here, this time, Xiaoyan must open a prehistoric treasure for everyone to see, everyone starts betting, Xiaoyan takes out a treasure as a bet, whoever wins, can divide that treasure. ""

Then, when Xiang Yang followed Yulia and Yuliqin into one of the oversized gambling fairs, just after entering the entrance, they heard the voice of the little bald head smug.

"Well, I bet 10 pieces of the best fairy, this time I can definitely open a super baby."

"I use a million of rare stones to gamble on a piece of garbage."

"Let's let go, what are you guys, let me come, I use this treasure, this is the inner cat of a chaotic behemoth hunted in chaos, I measure it with the value of one hundred pieces of the best fairy. Your kid's luck can't be so good."


Then, it was a mess, a bunch of people were betting around, they have taken Xianshi and even some treasures, and some people even took out the treasures of the bet, which made Xiangyang feel a little heart after seeing it.

Of course, what makes Xiangyang feel more heart-warming is that among the pile of treasures, there is a stone figurine that exudes a very terrible breath. Although it is suppressed, the breath can still be shocked. It turns out to be a The pieces surpass the best of the fairy class.

Not enough, it is a pity that the statue is covered with cracks, not a real complete artifact.

If not, if the statue is complete, it will be of infinite value. It can never be measured by some of the best instruments. But, so, the little bald head puts this figurine on the bet and let others down. Note, it seems to be very extravagant, attracting countless people to participate in gambling.

The entire gambling hall is almost always surrounded by a small bald head.

However, this gambling hall is not a gambling house in the ordinary sense, but a pile of special stones, like the gambling stone that Xiang Yang saw in the secular world.

Yes, yes, it is the gambling stone. These stones are obviously produced from some special minerals. They have very terrible power, and it is very likely that some treasures are enclosed in them.

If you are lucky, you can buy these stones, and it may be a treasure. If you have bad luck, it may be just a stone slag.

The little bald head is actually gambling on the stone, and it also expands the gambling stone to let other people participate, and even drives the atmosphere of the entire gambling hall. It can be seen that this kid’s harvest is not small, otherwise it is impossible to cause such a big Sensational.

"what's going on?"

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