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"This is really thinking that I can eat us." Xiang Yang sighed and looked at the boss of this gambling house. I didn't expect the other party's power to be so powerful. It would be easy to have 18 Da Luo. It is no wonder that the existence of the team under the Seven Heavens is so arrogant, and dare to do it, knowing that the fire is also here.

The faces of Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu have become very ugly. If it is only the middle-aged man and the old slaves of the big seven heavens, even if this middle-aged man is a big man, he is a grandson. The strength of Chun Yu and Sun Yuxiu, even if they are not opponents, can at least block the other side, and then wait for the family to rescue.

Nowadays, the other party has 18 men and women who are in the midst of the seven heavens. This is incredible.

At first glance, I know that the eighteen big Luo’s seven heavens are united and trained. There is definitely a way of arranging. When the 18 centuries are condensed into a battle, even if it’s a big world The masters are not opponents, let alone Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu, the two kings, even if their strength is so strong, it is impossible to stop the attack of these 18 people.

At this time, the flamboyant face is also a bit ugly. The other party, in the case of knowing that he is a little princess of the fire family, dare to be so unscrupulous, proving that there is definitely a hidden power behind the opponent, or It is possible that the other party is a stray killer who is not afraid of fear, no matter what kind of identity the other party is, it is very troublesome.

On the contrary, Mei Aoxue’s newly promoted Da Luo’s master of the heavens is indifferent, because she has a convergence method, as long as she does not want to, even if the middle-aged man is a big man’s eight heavens. Super strong people can't see it.

"Sister Mei, what do we do?"

Silver Jubilee asked softly.

"Nothing, there is nothing I will do." Mei Aoxue said very calmly, looking at Xiang Yang, who was also indifferent, and said to Yin Yin, "And, there is Xiang Yang."

"Xiang Yang..."

After Yin Hao listened, it was awkward. Although Xiang Yang’s strength is very strong, she does not think that Xiang Yang can fight against a world-famous fairy goddess, plus eighteen big Luo seven heavens. The fairyland of the situation.

Mei Aoxue didn't say much about China, but smiled softly. Only those who really saw Xiangyang Yijian killing the ghosts of Dalu Jiuzhongtian can know how terrible the strength of Xiangyang is. Although Xiang Yang himself also exploded into a **** fog at that time, the style of Xiangyang’s sword would not be forgotten by anyone who had seen it.

At the moment, when Xiang Yang looked at the middle-aged man with a smile, the emperor of the eighteen big Luo seven heavens was surrounded. They dispersed and surrounded Xiang Yang and others. They all showed their way out and shrouded everyone. For a time, strong pressure was directly suppressed, making everyone's face change.

“Is this going to be a refining and refining us?”

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, looking at Yulia and Yuliqin. These two little gimmicks were the lowest among the people. Even the immortals were not. Under the suppression of the great Luoqiang, they were not careful. It will explode directly and become extinct.

Fortunately, there is Mei Aoxue around, and she has protected the two women in time. With her cultivation as the environment of Da Luo, she can easily block all pressure.

"Mei Xiaoniu, they will hand it over to you." Xiang Yang smiled and said to Mei Aoxue.

"Do not worry, there is me, there will be nothing, you should be careful." Mei Aoxue whispered.

"Reassured, I will definitely be fine."

Xiang Yang replied with a smile.

"There is still a feeling of flirting, little guy, although your cultivation is not very good, but your courage is very good." The middle-aged man who was in the big heaven and the sky was forbearing after seeing it. I can't help but laugh.

"Our repair is okay, but the courage is bigger." Xiang Yang also said with a smile.

"Yes? Is the repair of the deity just okay in your eyes?"

The middle-aged man blinked with a sigh of coldness and said with a sneer.


Xiang Yang has been indulging for a moment. "In fact, although you are the fairy of the world, you have a part of your strength. It is not your own. I can sense that the atmosphere in your body is very chaotic. You should have swallowed up a lot. Only when you are trained to do so, have such achievements. In fact, you are the practitioner of the Magic Road. Well, you guys are the people around him. In these years, you should be able to see, the next hand next to him. Reduce it?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked at the old slave next to the middle-aged man and the other 18 masters who had already displayed their methods to suppress them.

After the 19th Da Luo’s seven heavens, the fairy goddess listened, and his face changed slightly. Apparently, Xiang Yang said that he had a lot of people around him. However, with the improvement of cultivation, At the same time, the strength of their masters has increased a little, and the people around them have also been inexplicably reduced. Until now, only the remaining 18, because of the formation of the formation, can force the celestial celestial The reason for respect has never been reduced.

These eighteen people are very calm, because their cultivation is only a matter of seven heavens, but their masters have said that they should be able to suppress the masters of the world of the eight heavens.

The old slave who is next to the middle-aged man has changed his face. He is the most aware of what happened in these years. Similarly, his status as a middle-aged man is also dispensable. Now think of it. He felt that the whole person was shaking, as if the middle-aged man around him would take him to swallow him at any time.

"The junior uttered madness and went to get him first."

The middle-aged man was very calm and directly told the old slave around him.


The old slave abandoned all the flustered thoughts, and he was physically moved. He appeared in front of Xiangyang in an instant, and took a shot toward Xiangyang.


Although Sun Chunyu's face is not good-looking, but seeing the other side and doing something to Xiangyang, he is very loyal and continues to block the opponent's attack.


Sun Chunyu has a sword, although he is only a six-day world of Da Luo, but this sword is powerless and directly blocks the attack of the other side.

The old slave angered, "Sun Chunyu, although you are the genius of the Sun family, but you know that if you participate in this matter, even the Sun family can not protect you."

"If we don't participate now, can you let us go?"

Sun Yuxiu asked on the other side.


After the old slave listened, it was a change of appearance. It is of course impossible to leave. Don’t say that he did not have this qualification to let Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu’s brother and sister leave. Even if he has this qualification, he also knows absolutely. It is impossible for this brother and sister to leave.

If you let them leave, I am afraid that the next second, they will face the attack of the Sun family and the fire family's strong, when, even their boss has a strong strength is useless.

"If you are not willing to participate in this matter and make a swearing oath, the deity will not be embarrassing to you." The middle-aged man said with a smile on his face.

"think too much."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh in the back. "I am afraid that the gamblers who left before have already been completely destroyed by your men. Unfortunately, they thought that they would be safe and sound early, in fact, when they went out That moment has been destroyed by your 18 cents."

"The eyes of the little brothers are really very good, but let the deity have the heart of love."

At this moment, after the middle-aged man listened, it was a strange color on his face. He looked at Xiang Yang and praised him. "Although it is only a real fairy, but whether it is your kendo or your daring, Talent is enough to be the best choice. If you are not weak, please worship me as a teacher. The deity will pass everything to you."

"Do you want to be my grandfather?"

After Xiang Yang listened, there was no opening. Sun Chunyu couldn’t help it anymore. He yelled. "Bastard, although you are a big man, you can’t win without a single player. Well, just because you are a bastard, I dare to be my ancestor. You are so tired."

He is really angry.

Sun Chunyu was originally in this central fairy city. In fact, it is also a character like the second ancestor. Especially when he was young, he even walked the world. Although he was later promoted, his heart was much weaker. All hobbies were turned into martial arts, but at this moment, when he heard that the other party wanted to accept the teacher who he had identified as an apprentice, he could not stand it.


"You give me to die."

The long sword in the hands of Sun Chunyu under the wrath of the horse directly erupted with a swordless sword, and smashed toward the old slave.

Obviously, although he is angry, he is not stupid. It is very clear that if he is now directly rushing to deal with the middle-aged man, he may not be close to each other. He must face the dozens of the big seven heavens. The siege of Zun, the thing he has to do now is to kill the masters of these big seven heavens.

"Hey, it’s just a fairy king. Although your strength is good, the old man is Xianzun, definitely not what you can fight against."

After the old slave who was in the seven heavens of the big Luo saw it, he snorted and shot directly, roaring, and collided with Sun Chunyu.

The two men shot in succession in this small range. However, they all controlled the power very well, and did not let the slightest energy leak out. For a while, the roar was constant, and it was wonderful.

"You are still watching here, don't you shoot?"

And Sun Yuxiu frowned and looked at Xiangyang, sneer and said, "My big brother is in this whirlpool for you, you still don't help?"

"I am just a true fairy. I have been suppressed by the array of 18 emperors." Xiang Yang said with a sly smile on his face.

"You are a true fairy?"

If there is no terrorist power in the underground black market to see Xiangyang’s killing of Xianzun, Sun Yuxiu will feel that Xiangyang is just a true fairy, but he can see that Xiangyang can kill Xianzun. After that, she knew that Xiangyang’s strength was terrible, and it was definitely not a real fairy.

She screamed at Xiang Yang, "You really shameless."

"If you want a face, you will kill the magic scorpion." Xiang Yang sighed and said.

The magic scorpion in his mouth is naturally the demon esteem of Da Luo’s eight heavens. Although the other side conceals very well, Xiang Yang has already sensed it. The other person’s body has a magical airflow, which is the method of cultivating the magic road. The demon statue.

Although there are obvious boundaries between the two circles of the fairy and the demon, it is normal for the demon to appear in the fairy world.


Sun Yuxiu is going crazy, she is roaring Xiangyang. "You bastard, my big brother is really wrong."


Xiang Yang shook his head helplessly. "He always looked at me wrong. I didn't think about accepting him as a disciple. It happened that you have discovered my true face. You must not let him follow me. Can't let him pester me."

At the same time, Xiang Yang was very happy in his heart. It seems that he can finally get rid of Sun Chunyu.

Although this guy is the peerless king of the world of Ronaldinho, but Xiang Yang really does not want to follow a guy who wants to worship himself as a teacher all day, this kind of person is really too much trouble.

"Hey, don't worry, I will not let my brother worship you as a teacher, just rushing to you like this, even if the kendo is so powerful, the character is so bad, it is useless."

Sun Yuxiu snorted and looked down on Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang couldn't help but screamed with joy. He felt that Sun Yuxiu was a very good girl. She knew her heart and knew that she should help her get her brother.

Thinking of the little things between Xiaoguangtou and Sun Yuxiu, Xiang Yang said directly, "Sun is so good, then I will definitely help you get a little bald head."


Sun Yuxiu’s heart is very uncomfortable thinking that he must not let his brother follow Xiangyang, otherwise, if his brother is also Xiangyang, then it will be finished, I am afraid that the whole grandson will be taken afterwards. At that time, suddenly I heard Xiang Yang say that she should help her get a small bald head, and she suddenly stunned.

She has a relationship with a small bald head?

Sun Yuxiu looked at Xiang Yang and suddenly felt that Xiang Yang was definitely misunderstood. He was always shackled with a small bald head. Isn’t he just trying to find Xiang Yang?

As a result, Xiang Yang actually felt that he seemed to like a small bald head. What is the situation?



However, when Sun Yuxiu was about to tell Xiang Yang that he had misunderstood, Xiangyang’s hand was suddenly showing a crisp voice on the moment of the giant egg, which made everyone’s face change.

"what happened?"

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