Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2712: Black tiger

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One after another, a crisp voice rang from the eggshell of the huge egg in front of Xiangyang, making everyone's face become more dignified than ever before, even Sun Chunyu and the big Luo seven heavens in the fight The old slave also stopped.

The little bald head is the color of surprise on his face, cried, "I want to come out, haha, my egg is broken..."


After listening to the voice of a small bald head, Xiang Yang almost fainted. Did this guy come out of the summer country of the new world? Can he say that his egg is broken? Isn’t this a joke?

However, for these, the little bald head does not seem to care. He is very excited to look at the giant egg, and his face is excited. "I don't know what kind of baby will be born in this egg. If you give birth to a congenital deity, I will recognize him as a son in the future and grow up well."

"Boss, it won't take long, the gods don't have time, I can have a son of chaotic saints, how, high unhappy, hi or dislike, do you think it is worthwhile to have a younger brother like me?"

At the same time, the little bald head was completely immersed in self-indulgence, only to feel that he was too powerful, and that he would certainly be able to walk sideways in the heavens and the world.

"Can you stay away from me?" Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head and said helplessly.


Xiaoguangtou’s face looked at Xiangyang with an incomprehensible color. He was very excited. According to the truth, Xiangyang’s boss should quickly take this opportunity to contact him with his feelings.

Xiaoguangtou’s heart thought that if he was Xiangyang, he would definitely take this opportunity to contact him with his feelings. Otherwise, if he developed himself in the future, he would ignore Xiangyang, and that Xiangyang must cry. However, Xiang Yang is going to be far away from himself?

Is it because you want to worship yourself and ask yourself not to stay away from him?

Thinking of this, the small bald eyes glow, just feel that they are welcoming the peak of life, they are ready to step back a few steps, so that Xiang Yang can worship himself.

Of course, he also thinks about it. He is also a descendant of that pulse, and he is also his own boss. He can’t always be too cold. After a while, Xiang Yang worships half of it and immediately rushes to the item. Yang pulls up, so that he will not show the feeling of being a villain.

"I am afraid of being stupid by your stupidity."

However, when the little bald head retreatd two steps and looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on his face, he had already thought about what kind of posture he should use to greet Xiang Yang’s worship, and he saw that Xiang Yang just glanced at him. Take back your eyes.


The smile on the face of Xiaoguangtou was stiff. He looked at Xiangyang in a dull way. The whole person had the feeling of falling from the height of a million feet. He wanted to cry a little and felt that he was too wronged. , unexpectedly, think too much...

"My stupidity..."

The more he thinks, the more he feels that he is not a taste. He wants to refute Xiangyang. However, Xiang Yang did not pay attention to him. Instead, he looked at the giant egg and made the little bald head sigh in his heart. The more he thought, the more uncomfortable he was. .

"Get out."

However, at this time, I heard a screaming sound, and the middle-aged man in the big heaven and earth was shot. His figure flashed and instantly appeared in front of Xiangyang, accompanied by a sip and a palm. Just shot towards Xiangyang and wanted to shake Xiang Yang from this giant egg.

"Don't worry, you will give it to you."

Xiang Yang laughed happily, but did not hit the other side hard, but the body shape retreated toward the rear to avoid this blow, and then looked at each other with such a smile.

"I count you."

The middle-aged man did not think of why Xiang Yang could avoid his own random blow. He must know that he is a world-famous fairy goddess. Although he is only a random blow, it is also powerful, and it is definitely not easy to hide. It's open.

However, in Xiangyang, it is easy to avoid.

At this moment, the middle-aged man looks at the egg with an excited color. "This is an ancient life. It may be a congenital creature. I have already sensed the power of life in it. If I can swallow this. If you have an innate egg, you will certainly be able to break through to Dalu’s nine heavens."

"No, no, if the creatures in this egg can be cultivated well, the future will surely become the sub-holy environment. Even the chaos sage is possible, and if it is swallowed by me, it is estimated that I can only make breakthroughs. It’s just a matter of going to Da Luo’s nine heavens. It’s too much to lose.”

Then, after thinking for a while, the middle-aged man refuted his own thoughts and felt that he could not make such a slap in the face, but decided to wait for the souls in this egg to come out and say.


Just at this time, this egg was full of cracks, and then it finally broke.

"It's coming out."

At this moment, everyone's eyes are attracted by this egg, even if Mei Aoxi and others who have been sitting on the other side are also looking at this egg.


I saw the light between the moments, the powerful first weather broke out, and the whole gambling house trembled, even if there was the seal of the sect of the 18th Da Luo’s seven heavens. It is also impossible to completely block the impact of this momentum.

Under the impact of this momentum, the celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial continuation of the law, which made this nine-colored ray not leaked out.

This is so, everyone is horrified.

The middle-aged man is excited and his body is shaking. "Good, it is a congenital god, just born, it is so powerful."

"This is my son."

The little bald head couldn’t care about what he should do on the side, but rushed forward with great excitement and shouted.

"Don't be excited, this is a tiger. Do you want to recognize a tiger as a son?"

Xiang Yang stopped the little bald head and said with a smile.

"Hey, tiger?"

After listening to it, the little bald head stunned and looked at the egg that had been completely shattered. Sure enough, there was a little black tiger on the ground that looked like a small dog. Enthusiastically squatting.

"this is..."

At this moment, let alone the small bald head was shocked, and even the middle-aged man who was so excited was also a little bit different.

Among his thoughts, this should be a supreme god. When he was born, he was unmatched and he was born with the innate gods.

Of course, the momentum of the nine-color ray that just burst out is enough. However, this little tiger is a bit like just exhausting all the power just now, just now, it’s mad at the moment, trying hard Opening his eyes, he found that even his eyes were very tired, so he continued to groan as he slammed.



The dark little tiger looks like a tiger's head. After a long rest, he sucked a few breaths, and then he opened his eyes in front of him. He looked at the surroundings with anger and weakness. When he found that he was standing in the distance, Xiang Yang, The eyes lit up as if the newborn had seen the brilliance of his mother.

The little guy seemed to want to climb towards Xiangyang. However, after trying several times, he still couldn’t stand up. He could only look at Xiangyang with pity, and he sang a few words to Xiangyang. ..."

"It won't be that this little guy hasn't been born yet, so I used the power of my soul to plant the magic species, and it hurts it too much?"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but wonder if this little guy was having problems with himself. The nine energy that was leaked at the beginning was indeed strong enough and full of momentum, but the little guy at the moment looks really It is too weak, and even after people have seen it, I feel that this little guy is innately deficient and will die if he accidentally.

"How could this be, my chaotic saint son?"

The little bald head was also crying and looking at the little tiger. He felt that he had been cheated, and it sounded the rich nine-color light that broke out when the egg broke. He felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He was angered by the sacred sacred method of the eighteen big seven heavens. "I blame you, you bastards, deliberately suppressing the congenital gods with the formation method. When the little one was born, in order to protect himself. I thought that I would use all my strength to break through your seals. So, at the beginning, I will use all my strength to rush all the innate powers toward you. Now if I don’t add energy to it, it will definitely die. It is."

The speaker is no different, the listener is the eyes shining, at this moment, the middle-aged man who is equally disappointing is the eyes shining, and quickly yelled at the old slave, "Look, lose your source to this little guy."


After the old slave listened, his face suddenly changed. The power of Xianzun’s origin is powerful, but it can’t be wasted. If you just lose to this little tiger, he can still bear it, but in case What if the little guy’s appetite is too big? Didn't you say that he wants his life?


The middle-aged man looked coldly at the old slave under his hand, regardless of whether the other party was willing or not. In his heart, the old slave was the only one who could provide the source of the tiger.

"the host..."

The old slave looked at the middle-aged man with a pleading color. "This little tiger was born and does not need the power of the sage. You can use their source of power, master, I am still useful to you."

After listening to the middle-aged man, after thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "If this is the case, let the kid go."

While talking, he pointed to Xiang Yang, ready to let Xiang Yang lose all his own power to the little tiger.

"Kid, do you want to be the deity?"

At the same time, the middle-aged man looked at Xiang Yang with a sullen look and turned his mind on Xiang Yang.

"Do you want me to inject the power of this source to this little tiger?"

Xiang Yanghe looked at each other with a smile, and did not get angry because the other party wanted his own source to support the tiger.

"Give you ten breaths of time."

The middle-aged man looked at Xiangyang with a cold look. Although he did not say that he would do it if he didn’t do it after ten breaths, but everyone in the threat of the words knows.

"you dare?"

Sun Chunyu was chilling and sipping, and the little bald head also stood up and sneered and said, "What's special, Xiaoyan is not arrogant, are you really bullying? You dare to bully the boss of Laozi, this is It’s looking for death.”

"Don't be excited, I believe that they will take back the idea of ​​giving me the power of the little tiger."

Xiang Yang smiled at Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu, and then said to the middle-aged man, "I have seen classics, similar to the beasts, and the mutated congenital gods, no, it should be said that all the creatures After birth, when you see who you are at first sight, you will have a good impression on the other party. Of course, this is not only the case. Whoever gives them energy, maybe they can get the recognition of this little guy and become the object of the little guy’s loyalty in his life. Ah, I think that if you like this little tiger so much, it is better if you want to give it the power of its own. Otherwise, if I input the power of the source to the other party, maybe the little tiger will follow me, then You are not losing money."

"Of course, this person is very good at speaking. Since you must give me the little tiger, I will laugh."

At the same time, Xiang Yang is walking straight forward with a happy smile on his face, reaching out, and there is a source of power in the palm of his hand. In the eyes of the little tiger, he is ready to put himself. The power of the source is lost to the other party.


However, Xiang Yang had not yet reached the front of the little tiger. The middle-aged man couldn’t help but stop Xiang Yang’s shouting. He looked at Xiang Yang with a sullen look and sighed. go with."

At the same time, he himself came to the front of the little tiger, reached out and broke out the power of the sacred ancestor of Da Luo’s eight heavens, and he was ready to lose to the tiger.


After the little tiger saw it, he even had a sigh of relief and looked like the power of the guy.

"This little tiger looks so weak, but it is very spiritual, as if he really looks down on this guy."

Sun Yuxiu couldn’t help but say.

"Because the first person I saw after the birth of the tiger was me, so in his heart I am the closest person to it. It naturally does not like the power of others. Unfortunately, if the tiger is fed for the first time. The power of the source is to use my strength, this little tiger will always be loyal to me." Xiang Yang sighed, his face with endless regret.

"You have no chance." The middle-aged man sneered.

At this moment, this guy is fortunate in his heart, and he feels that Xiang Yang is really stupid. He clearly has the opportunity to get this little tiger. After all, he has dug it out from ancient stone mines, and the power that broke out when he was born is It can be seen that the potential of this little tiger is very strong, and in the future, no matter how bad it can be, it will become the realm of Da Luo.

Such a miraculous beast, even if it was almost a little bit, was handcuffed by himself. Fortunately, Xiang Yang promptly reminded him to let him wake up and quickly use his own power to lose to the tiger. At that time, the tiger will Will become his most loyal **** beast.

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