Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2713: Source feeding

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"Look at the kid's reminder of the deity, and the deity will let him die soon."

The middle-aged man whispered in his heart, but the superficial line showed a very gentle smile. He said to the little tiger, "Hey, after eating these sources, you can grow up and you can walk, and then follow. Master, what do you want."


However, what made his face black was that the little tiger had a direct snoring and turned his head in disdain.


The middle-aged man was furious in his heart. He wanted to shoot a dead man, but remembered that this little tiger had a good impression on Xiangyang. If he killed Xiangyang in this way, it might even cause the little tiger to resent. Ever since, I can only continue to increase my own strength and intend to lose to the tiger.

It is a pity that the little tiger still keeps his head, that is, he refuses to devour the origin of this guy, making this middle-aged man almost crazy.

"Stupid, I don't want to swallow it anymore. Although this guy's hospital is not very good, it is also the origin of a fairy, and it will drain my source."

When Xiang Yang saw that the little tiger was so arrogant, he was equally mad. He couldn’t help but pass the voice to the little tiger and shouted. "If you don't **** this guy out, I won't want you."


When the little tiger listened to Xiang Yang, he was anxious, screaming a few times, and quickly turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, gradually becoming a smart big eyes showing the color of desire.

"it is good."

After the middle-aged man met, he was overjoyed, thinking that his own persistence finally played a role, and quickly transferred his own source of power to the tiger.


Although the little tiger was very reluctant at the bottom of his heart, after remembering what Xiang Yang said, it had to scream a few times and began to devour the power of the middle-aged man.

"it is good."

The little tiger is a congenital creature born from an egg opened in ancient stone mines. When it began to devour the origin of this middle-aged man, the middle-aged man suddenly felt his own power was quickly Devoured.

Feeling that the little tiger swallowed its own power so quickly, the middle-aged man's face showed excitement.

As the superb fairy of the world of Da Luo, he has a strong source of power. He naturally does not have to worry about the fact that the power of the source will be swallowed up by the little tiger. Even, he sees that the tiger is swallowing faster and faster. At that time, he was very excited. He felt that as long as his own source of power was swallowed up by the little tiger, the tiger would identify himself as its master and would not betray his life. Even if he broke through to the holy world, he could also control himself. This little tiger.

"The speed is too slow. I want to find a way for him to swallow all the power of the source. If you don't eat it yourself, you won't have to eat it later."

The speed of the devour of the tiger has been very fast. Even the hair of this little tiger has become shiny at the speed visible to the naked eye, and its breath has become stronger and stronger. Even the body type is The speed visible to the naked eye grew, but Xiang Yang was still not satisfied.

How strong is the origin of a peerless sage in a world of great typhoons, even if it is not easy to describe Xiangyang, but it is absolutely boundless, and wants to rely on the little tiger to absorb the other's origins. Not very likely, but not so easy.

Not enough, Xiang Yang still wants this ‘good-hearted person’ to help him feed the tiger. If it can help to make up for the congenital defects in the birth of the tiger, it would be a good thing.


After hearing the threat of Xiang Yang, the little tiger, who was originally passively carrying the energy passed by this middle-aged man, suddenly became anxious. After making a squeaky scream, he took the initiative to devour the origin of the middle-aged man. Force, and the speed is hundreds of times faster than before.

"So fast?"

The middle-aged man suddenly took a breath after seeing it, even if he did not think that the speed of the devour of the tiger could be so fast.

"Hey, it’s a natural innate spirit. It’s too fast to swallow. However, I have heard that the more you insult the innate spirit, the faster you swallow, the stronger your potential, the less the tiger. It’s a pity that it can be swallowed up. It should have been my baby."

When the middle-aged man was a little anxious, he heard Xiang Yang sigh and said.

After he heard it, his eyes shone slightly, and his heart was dark. "The deity is a strong man in the world of Da Luo. If my power is not enough to feed a little tiger, it will definitely make people laugh. Although these guys are already destined to be dead, the deity does not believe it. Can this little tiger be powerful enough to swallow all the powers of the deity? And, I have 19 of them who can give me Devouring to supplement my source."

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man glanced at his nineteen big Luo seven heavens in the heavens, his heart suddenly settled down, simply let go of the power to let the little tigers swallow their own source.

"Really generous."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, but he still dismissed the slowness of the little tiger to devour, and continued to use the power of the soul to pass on to the little tiger. "Little guy, hurry up, use your sacred power to swallow this guy." It is."


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the little tiger snorted and there was a black whirlpool on his body. There was a powerful and unabated suction bursting out, madly absorbing the power of this middle-aged man, and the speed was even higher. layer.

"Well, I already know how to use this life magical power. It is really a congenital beast. It's great." The middle-aged man was very excited. While sighing, he continued to let the little tiger swallow.

"Not bad."

Xiang Yang was very satisfied with his heart. He glanced at the little bald head around him and found that this guy looked at himself with a strange look. Similarly, even Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu had a quirky color on their faces.

"Boss, when are you willing to do this kind of loss?"

The small bald head gave a question to Xiang Yang.

"Oh, sometimes, it is a blessing to suffer." Xiang Yang sighed and said.


The little bald head almost laughed and squirted, and it is appropriate to use the words that are used in some particularly honest people. However, when used in Xiangyang, it should be understood that Xiangyang’s opponent’s loss is Xiangyang’s blessing. .

"Come here, lose your strength to me."

At this time, the middle-aged man seemed to be unable to bear the devour of the little tiger, and he yelled at the old slave who was in the big seven heavens.

"Yes." The old slave did not dare to defy the slightest, but quickly went to the middle-aged man behind him and injected his own source of power to the middle-aged man.


With the addition of the power of this old slave, the middle-aged man who originally consumed three or four layers of the original power seems to have been supplemented at once, but he still hasn’t breathed a sigh of relief, and he hears a loud roar. The vortex that emerged from the appearance of the little tiger has increased by three. There are four vortexes flowing at once, and the suction is even more than a hundred times. It still absorbs their original power.

"not good."

Both the middle-aged man and the old slave realized that something was wrong. The appetite of this little tiger actually exceeded their imagination. The stronger their origin, the stronger the swallowing power of the little tiger, even in this blink of an eye. The power of the two of them has also been swallowed up by two or three percent.

"This is not going well."

The old slave whispered to the middle-aged man, "Master, what is this little tiger? Is it so big that it doesn't really **** us both?"

"For these congenital beasts, the more appetite it has, the stronger the source of engulfing, the stronger the growth in the future. If you can make it full, it may be possible to become a chaotic saint in the future. Now, I must hold on to it. After I have fed him, I will give you the magic Yuan Dan to restore your source."

The middle-aged man said quietly.


The old slave did not dare to neglect, he could only continue to input his own source of power to the middle-aged man. Fortunately, the power of inputting the source is that they are together, and the middle-aged man is strong in the world. The top is in front, he can stick to it.

However, as time went by, both the middle-aged man and the old slave all looked more and more ugly, and even because of the power of the source, they had a little sallow.

Especially the middle-aged man, it seems that the little tiger likes to absorb his original power. His origin has lost five or six. Rao is the demon of the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. Can't hold it up.

"the host..."

At the rear, the old slave looked at the middle-aged man with a panic color. He was really afraid that his own source of power was not enough for this little tiger to swallow.

"No problem, there is me."

The middle-aged man was also very confused. When he spoke to the old slave, he yelled at Xiangyang and others. "Come here, lose your source of power to the deity, and you will not die, otherwise, wait a minute. The deity has destroyed you."

"Oh, this time I dare to threaten us, you are really tired." Xiang Yang has not opened his mouth, and the little bald head has already sneered and said, "I said that you two scorpions are not tired, they have already At this level, I still feel that I am very arrogant. Do you believe that Lord Buddha will kill you?"

"Little bald head, you are looking for death."

The middle-aged man was very unhappy at the moment. After hearing the little bald head, he was directly screaming and yelling at the eighteen cohesive methods. "The first time I killed this little bald head." ”



Suddenly, the formation of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs.

"At last, I have to start playing, and Foye has long been unable to bear it."

Don't look at the little bald head, it is just the fairy king of the six heavens of Da Luo, and his opponent is the fairy statue of the eighteen big Luo seven heavens, but at this moment the little bald head is not afraid at all, he snorted The figure rushed straight out, and the Buddha's light flowed around. The big day was like a show, and suddenly, the sky was his palm print, and a golden Buddha was standing on the ground, as if to break this array.

"Keep him."

When the middle-aged man saw that the little bald head was so brave, he had a bad feeling in his heart, but he did not hesitate to give orders. "Kill all of them, and then dig up the gods and feed the deity. God beast."


The 18 masters all broke out. Their formations were suppressed with the power of terror to the small bald head. Although they were in the gambling room, they created the heavens and the earth, and the stars were flowing. Daojian gas smashed toward the small bald head.

The small bald head is unafraid, the Buddha's light is flowing, the Buddha's voice is flourishing, and the whole person is like an incarnation to win the battle. Every punch and every palm must smash the heavens and the earth, and all the swords are smashed.

"The little bald seems to be stronger."

After Xiang Yang saw it, he frowned. Each of these swords was equivalent to a singer of the big seven heavens. However, the small bald head can easily be blocked, and the strength of the shaved head can be seen. Stronger than before.

"No, that is a relic."

Suddenly, Xiang Yang’s eyes glanced, and the face of the Buddha’s virtual shadow behind the little bald head was holding a relic, and he was constantly releasing energy to the small bald head. Obviously, the small bald head was able to change the energy of the relic. It is so powerful.

"It was the last time I got it from the underground black market."

Among the things that were obtained in the underground black market, there was a relic, which was directly sent to Xiaoguangtou by Xiangyang. After the guy got the relic, he even used it directly, and he could play the big seven heavens. Fighting power.

At this moment, the little bald head is afraid that even the masters who face the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens can put on a few tricks.

Xiang Yang sighed and felt that the luck of the little bald head was really good. Even with a relic, he could have such a powerful force, but it was also very extraordinary.

However, after all, the small bald head can only send out the power of the immortal equivalent of the seven heavens of the big Luo, and he is faced with the array of the elites of the Xianzun level of the eighteen big seven heavens. Law, the power is not the same, after a while, the little bald head can not help but can only shout, "Boss saves life."


Xiang Yang felt that his heart praised the little bald head and made a mistake. He turned his head and ignored the little bald head.

"I will help you."

On the contrary, Sun Chunyu saw that the little bald head seemed to be unable to hold back. He quickly killed the past. For a time, the two great celestial kings shot, and they blocked the siege of the 18th Da Luo’s seven heavens. How can the strong of the eighteen big Luo seven heavens attack, and can not hurt the two.


Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man was a little anxious. He looked at Xiang Yang, who was smiling, and Mei Aoxue, who was sitting at the rear, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

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