Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2715: Taichu ancient mine (five more flowers)

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"I didn't think about how to deal with you, so let's answer some of my questions first." Xiang Yang smiled at the middle-aged man and did not regard the other person as a super strong person in the world. .

"You said."

If this middle-aged man is still in the peak state, if Xiang Yang does not have the best fairy-class gourd in his hand, Xiang Yang dares to talk to him like this. This middle-aged man has already shot Xiang Yang directly.

However, there is no such thing in the world. Although this middle-aged man is a peerless demon in the context of Da Luo’s eight heavens, his source of power has been sucked by the little tiger by 80%. At this moment, only 20% of the source of the source is left. In addition, Xiang Yang’s best fairy-class 斩 葫 葫 斩 has the power to kill him, so that all the murderousness in his heart is suppressed, and he can only look at Xiang Yang with great grievances.

“Where did these ore be dug out?”

Xiang Yang refers to some of the stones in the corner of the gambling house. These stones have an ancient atmosphere, which seems to be decaying. It is obviously not a stone excavated from ordinary places.

Moreover, the statue that the little bald head got before was also very extraordinary. It was an ancient secret treasure. Together with the birth of the little tiger, it made Xiang Yang realize the extraordinary of these stones.

"You don't even know?"

Xiang Yang did not expect that after the middle-aged man listened, he even looked at himself with a strange face.

"Why should I know?" Xiang Yang was a bit puzzled, looking at other people and found that whether it was Sun Chunyu or Sun Yuxiu, even the little bald head looked at his own eyes as strange, as if asking himself Hey, there is no such knowledge.

"Do you have any opinions?"

Xiang Yang never felt that he didn't know that these things were very shameful. He held the gourd gourd in one hand and the chaos of the gourd mouth. A knife light was flashing. He looked calmly at this middle-aged man. There is a big voice in the other side, saying that there is an opinion, and the phoenix flying knife will fly directly out to the other side.

The middle-aged man's face turned black and his eyes looked at Xiangyang's hand in Xiangyang's hand. He only felt that his wound seemed to hurt a little more. He said quickly, "This is not a secret. The stones used in the gambling house, even the fairy world. Most of the stones in the gambling stone are all dug out from the early ancient mines."

"Taiji ancient mine? What is it?" Xiang Yang stunned, listening to the name is a bit old-fashioned, it seems to be a very famous and unacceptable place, but he just doesn't know.


The middle-aged man's face was a stiff face. He looked at Xiangyang carefully. He determined that Xiangyang was not playing with himself, but he really didn't know the existence of the ancient mine. He felt strange in his heart. It is almost a famous name. It is a place that is generally famous with the five-party Tianyu. It is too strange to know that some people don’t know.

"What is your expression? I don't know what the Taikuo mine is. Is it strange? Or do you want to tell me about the Taikuo mine?"

Xiang Yang looked calmly at the middle-aged man, and the chaos of the scented gourd in his hand was even more terrible. A horrible murder broke out, making the middle-aged man look like a big change, and quickly said, "No, I am just I feel a little weird. The ancient mines in the early ages are very famous in this fairyland. They are also vast and boundless. Some people even call it the sixth heavenly domain outside the five major celestial spheres. I don’t know if you didn’t arrive first.”

At the same time, the middle-aged man sighed in his heart, and the pulse of Zhu Xianfei was more and more backward. In addition to preparing a disciple gourd for each disciple, there is really no place to show up, the disciples taught, Even the ancient mines in the early days did not know where they were. If such disciples walked alone in the future, they might be destroyed when they were.

While sighing, his heart raised a sense of sorrow, and the demon-minded man who was so arrogant and arrogant in his heavens was actually pitted by such an ignorant junior. It was really terrible.

"Is there still such a statement?"

Xiang Yang stayed, and turned his head to look at Xiaoguangtou. The latter constantly nodded, indicating that the middle-aged man said it was true. Then look at Sun Chunyu. Although this guy thinks Xiangyang is a bit like it' Simple, but thinking that he is a teacher, he must not express his expression of the future master, so he followed his nod, only one side of Sun Yuxiu sneered, "even the early ancient mines do not know Are you a fool?"

"You are a fool."

Xiang Yang retorted, and groaned in his heart, he was so famous to cultivate the Taiyuan ancient mines. The place that claimed to be the sixth Tianyu did not know. It was really a bit sorry for the masses.

He made up his mind that he must make up some common sense in the future, otherwise it would be a bit shameful.

However, he also knows that the immortal world is boundless, even if it is to make up some common sense is not so easy, unless it is encountered, it would be a little difficult to make up for so many common senses.

"Xiang Yang, this is the thing of the early ancient mine."

Or Mei Aoxue couldn’t see it. Although the man was sitting in the distance, she passed the news about the ancient mines to Xiangyang.

The early ancient mines, in the ancient times of the legend, the places that existed when the heavens and the earth were first opened, may be a land that fell from the chaos. Later, after the opening of the heavens and the earth, they were independent of the wilderness, and the creatures disappeared. No living creatures can survive in the Taiyuan ancient mines, but the strong ones can enter the adventures. In the legend, some people have dug up treasures in the early ancient mines.

Later, the world of the wilderness was broken. The ancient mines in the early days were still intact, and even became more broad. There was a saying in the sixth Tianyu. There were often some adventurers who entered the Taiyuan ancient mines. If they didn’t die, they got something from them. They are all treasures of infinite value.

A peculiar feature of the Taiyuan ancient mines is that every few hundred years, some ancient ore will be actively sprayed out, and as long as they stand outside the ancient mines, they can smash stones.

Some of the stones ejected from these ancient archaeological mines are sealed with treasures, some are sealed with creatures, and even some people have ever dug up the congenital gods...

When Xiang Yang understood the power of the Taiyuan ancient mine, the whole person was suddenly shocked. This ancient mine sounds so mysterious how it looks, it seems that there have always been congenital gods.

His eyes looked at the little tiger, who was licking his trousers, and whispered, "Are you a congenital god?"


The little guy yelled at Xiang Yang, his head smashed on Xiang Yang's trouser legs, and he didn't know if it was understanding Xiang Yang's words or not.

"Forget it, if you look at this small look, you can't be a congenital god." Xiang Yang sighed helplessly, and his heart was very curious about the Taikuo ancient mine.

When Xiang Yang was shocked, the middle-aged man was also shocked. Originally, he was thinking about dealing with Xiang Yang when he was shocked by Xiang Yang. However, when he had not had time to do it, he felt that there was a big Luo. The horrible power of the Eight Heavens broke out and suppressed him.

This kind of pressure is strong, even if he is out of the heyday, he is just like the other party, or even less than the other party, not to mention that he lost the power of eight sources at the moment, only 20% of the source of him Even the king of the six heavens in Da Luo is not necessarily comparable.

"This kid is followed by a fairy who is a big man in the heavens. Who is it?"

The middle-aged man turned his face in an ugly look. He saw Mei Aoxue still sitting there faintly. When he saw the middle-aged man looking at his eyes, Mei Aoxue just glanced at him and suddenly made this middle-aged man seriously injured. In general, the corners of the mouth were pale, and even the wound on his shoulders stopped the blood and cracked.

"A superpower who is stronger than I was in my heyday, I was so supervised."

The middle-aged man with a shocking look on his face, no longer dare to look at Mei Ao Xue, but looked at Xiang Yang, looking at what he should do to get rid of today's predicament.

At this moment, he has already been thoroughly cultivated. He knows that even if Xiang Yang does not have a knives, he will be able to destroy him and all his men with the sacred sacredness of Mei Luoxue.

Xiang Yang also turned around at this time. He looked at the middle-aged man with a headache. "You said that I should deal with you. It is really a headache."

"The thing today is that the deity is looking away. I am willing to send some treasures and be friends with you. From then on, how can we not make river water?"

The middle-aged man decided to break the bankruptcy and disaster relief. At the same time he said, a storage ring appeared in his hand and sent it to Xiang Yang. "This is my little bit of heart. If you think you can, the deity wants us to be able to The enemy is a friend."


When Xiangyang’s result storage ring was seen, it was found that there were quite a few treasures in it. There were tens of millions of celestial stones and thousands of celestial wares. It was so densely piled up that it was bright and bright.

"It’s not a gambling house, it really is rich."

Xiang Yang sighed.

"In this case, since then you are a friend of Luo." The middle-aged man thought that Xiang Yang was finally touched by himself, and his heart was very excited.

At the same time, he made up his mind and temporarily forbears a period of time. After he has recovered, he must find a way to destroy Xiangyang. If he is not good, he must also ask the people in the dark world to shoot, even if they ask for the top ten killings. To kill Xiangyang completely.

"Like this, you let my people leave, then let's talk about how to reconcile."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the middle-aged man.

"Well?" The middle-aged man listened to his face. The treasure in the storage ring that he gave to Xiang Yang could be said to be half the size of his entire body. So many, I did not expect that Xiang Yang was not satisfied.

His expression gradually cooled down, but he remembered that if the lord of the big Luotian in the back could leave, at least his chances of defeating the victory would be much greater. His mouth was a smile and directly agreed. It’s down, "Okay."

At the same time, he smashed a lawsuit with his hands and directly removed the tactics that shrouded the gambling house. Although he was too serious because of the loss of his source, he did not have much to repair, but solved the battle. The law is still very easy.

"Mei Xiaoniu, you take them out first, and I will go back to you later."

Xiang Yang said to Mei Aoxue.

"What else do you want to do?"

Mei Ao Xue frowned and came to Xiang Yang's side, looking at the middle-aged man and the masters of the nineteen big Luo seven heavens, whispered, "not weak, I will abolish them before leaving, no matter you What do you want to do with you?"


After listening to the words of Mei Aoxue, everyone’s face changed greatly, especially the middle-aged man. He did not expect that this woman who had been sitting quietly was so embarrassed.

"No, it's still useful to keep them, I can get it myself." Xiang Yang said, gently patted Mei Oxue's little hand and whispered, "Take them away, staying here will only get in the way."

"it is good."

Mei Aoxue understood the meaning of Xiang Yang and knew that if these people were left here, it was really not a good thing for Xiang Yang. So he nodded directly and said to the women, "Let's go back first. ”


A few women naturally listened to the words of Mei Aoxue and Xiang Yang. When they answered, they followed directly behind Mei Aoxue.

The little bald head is looking at Xiang Yang, "Boss, what about me?"

"Take these two guys back to the hotel and wait for me."

Xiang Yang blinked and pointed to Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu.


Xiaoguangtou quickly promised to say to Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu, "Two, let's go."

"This is not his place. Why should he leave if I let us go? This girl will not leave today."

Sun Yuxiu is cold-sounding.

"Little girl, don't make trouble, just follow me."

However, Sun Chunyu is more sensible. He took Sun Yuxiu and said to Xiang Yang, "Master, I will go back to wait for you."

Xiang Yang was too lazy to pay attention to Sun Chunyu. He just looked at the middle-aged man and other masters who were in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. After everyone left, he smiled and said, "Now we are left, you are Not very excited, thinking that your chance is coming?"


The middle-aged man really wants to deal with Xiang Yang. However, although his source is slowly recovering, he has recovered very slowly. At this moment, he is only recovering to the extent of the three cost sources, and he is far from resisting the knives. He can only stabilize Xiangyang first, and then use the tactics to attack Xiangyang. At that time, if the sneak attack is successful, he can completely control Xiangyang, and even directly destroy Xiangyang and grab the Xiangyang flying knife.

When I think of myself being able to get a superb fairy squad, I’m a guy who is a great man in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. He can’t help but feel excited, thinking about taking the opportunity to open the array. Can deal with Xiangyang.


However, at this time, when the middle-aged man was prepared to deal with Xiangyang by the formation method, suddenly, he heard a roar, and a terrible breath broke out. A handsome middle-aged man appeared out of thin air. In front of Xiang Yang, the other party's momentum is like a rainbow, it turned out to be the supreme power of the big Luo eight heavy heavens peak.



Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, more than 20,000 words, seeking flowers...

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