Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2716: Devil Raleigh

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When this one is powerful and unmatched, the middle-aged man feels that even when he returns to the peak, he is not likely to appear compared to the other man, and when he directly calls Xiang Yang as the boss, the middle-aged man suddenly becomes dumbfounded.

"Li Huan, have you met with old friends?"

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the sudden appearance of Li Huan. He was very satisfied with the sudden appearance of Li Huan. In particular, when he saw the face of this middle-aged man on the opposite side instantly darkened, he felt very comfortable. Cool.

"I have seen it."

Li Huan nodded, and then looked at the middle-aged man on the opposite side of the big Luo Ba Tiantian, to Xiang Yang Gong, "Boss, need me to shoot?"

"First seal this gambling house."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.


Li Huan replied with respect and respect, and there was a Tiangu in his hand. It was the one that Xiangyang asked Xiaoling to help refine and surpassed the best of the best.


I saw the Tiangu in the hands of Li Huan gently shocked. Suddenly, there was a drum sound spread around, accompanied by an energy wave spreading out in all directions, and the interior of the gambler was sealed in an instant.

Although it is only this energy wave, the power of the seal is stronger than the gambling itself.

Within the gambler, both the middle-aged man and his 19th-level sages have all become very ugly, especially the middle-aged man himself is the master of the world, and he discovers the strength of Li Huan. When he was so horrible, his heart trembled, only that Xiang Yang was really evil.

A true fairy, just followed by a group of fairy kings, and walked away with a sacred and sacred heavenly sacred statue, there is a more powerful sacred sacred heaven and earth in the back, this is endless. Is it desperate?

Xiang Yang looked at the middle-aged man with a smile on his face. "Come, now we can talk about it."


The middle-aged man had a grievance on his face. Even, he managed to stop the injury on his shoulders. He was about to regenerate his flesh and blood. When he saw such a situation, the speed of flesh and blood regeneration slowed down.


The middle-aged man opened his mouth and found that he did not know what to say to Xiang Yang, because the overall situation is not here, no matter what he said is useless.

"Let's say, how many treasures you have here, all handed over, I hope not to let us do it." Xiang Yang smiled at the middle-aged man, although he has got a lot of treasures during this time, but this baby The more things, the better, not to mention that this middle-aged man is a gambler himself. It must be that there are no limits to the baby, how can you let go of each other.

"You have done so much, just to grab me?"

The middle-aged man looked a little sluggish and looked at Xiang Yang, especially when he looked at the Xiangyang’s Li Huan’s respectful appearance on Xiangyang’s clothes, which made him very uncomfortable. This kid’s ability can make it big. Is the super fairy in the world of Luo Bazhong so respectful?

"Not at all, mainly because you want to rob us first. Therefore, I am a straight person. You want to borrow me. I naturally want to rob you. This is a very fair thing. Are you saying yes?"

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

While talking, he suddenly realized that the little tiger who was standing at his feet did not know when he had ran away. At first glance, he found that the tiger was running to the place where the egg he was born was full of mouth. Swallow the eggshells.

"This little guy, how can I eat this?"

Xiang Yang has a little headache. This little tiger has just swallowed the power of the eight super-powers of the super-devils and the origin of the seven-seven-year-old demon of the seven heavens. Eat enough, ran to eat the eggshell, this is simply more than a small blood to eat, how can you afford it in the future?

"Does this guy have blood?"

Xiang Yang has a headache on his face.

"Boss, this little tiger's blood is very extraordinary, contains some special runes, a bit like the runes of some congenital gods in ancient times, but what kind of runes are, what level I can't understand. If you want to understand what kind of congenital **** this little tiger is, you can go to the door. The door is very thorough in this aspect."

Li Huan looked at the little tiger and smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"Can you see this?"

Xiang Yang’s face looked at Li Huan with a shocked color. It was the ancient king of the ancient times, and he saw everything in the tiger’s body at a glance.

"It was only once involved." Li Huan said modestly.

The middle-aged man on the other side has a slightly changed face. He knows very well that the people who can be involved in the inscriptions of these innate gods are the most top-notch, because these people study the inscriptions contained in the congenital spirits in order to explore the innate The way, in order to allow yourself to embark on a different avenue, it is too rare to be able to do such a person.

This kind of person is either a madman or a genius, and how can the other person be a madman as a fairy in the world? It is highly probable that there is no arrogance.

"You, is it really a descendant of the sacred knives?"

At this time, it was the middle-aged man who had doubts about Xiang Yang’s identity.

"Who said that my teacher respects the descendants of the fairy knife?" Xiang Yang looked at the middle-aged man with a smile.

"The 斩 葫 葫 你 你 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” This is almost impossible.

"Oh, this is what Lu Qing gave me."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


This middle-aged man is called a ghost if he believes in Xiangyang. However, when he looks at Li Huan around Xiangyang, he is a bit relieved. With this breath, I am afraid that even Zhu Xianfei Xian Zun Lu Qing, who is a knife, is not an opponent. It is normal to be robbed.

"Don't think about getting away with it, and handing over all the treasures."

Xiang Yang blinked and was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy.

"This time, it is indeed Luo Mou planted. These are all the treasures that Luo has accumulated over the years. I am willing to offer them, but from then on, our grievances are clear." The middle-aged man looked at the shackles in Xiang Yang’s hands. The fairy gourd and Li Huan did not dare not take out the treasure. He could only smile and handed a storage ring to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang took a look and found that the treasures in this storage ring are much more than before, all kinds of magical magic weapons, as well as celestial stones, even refining materials, and two of them. The three kinds of materials that can be produced in the chaos that transcend the level of the best fairy make him a little satisfied with his heart.

However, the other party’s grievances and grievances, Xiang Yang is a bit unacceptable.

He smiled at the corner of his mouth and smiled at the middle-aged man. "You want to get along with me peacefully?"


The middle-aged man felt that Xiang Yang’s smile was too weird, and even if he was a magician, he felt that Xiang Yang at the moment was a bit confusing.

"Peaceful is very simple. In order to ensure that you will not deal with me in the future, I need to plant a little ban in your body, so that we can get along very friendlyly in the future." Xiang Yang smiled, his smile made The heart of the middle-aged man is shaking, and the feeling of being in the heart is getting worse.

At this moment, he looked at Li Huan again, and looked at Xiang Yang again. Suddenly he understood a little bit. Why did Xiang Yang let other people leave, but only left Li Huan, who was in a big place.

This is clearly something that has already been expected.



At the same time that the middle-aged man was shocked, the speed was very fast, and he had to use his secret method to escape.

However, his speed could not be compared with Li Huan. When the middle-aged man rioted, he heard a roaring sound. Li Huan around Xiangyang had already had a terrifying power. He had one hand. In the sky, I saw a huge Qingjin **** directly volleyed down, and instantly pressed the middle-aged man to the ground.

"Let the owner open."



The nineteen men around the middle-aged man were all furious after seeing them, and they were going to shoot Li Huan. However, even their masters could not resist Li Huan, let alone the magic of these big Luo’s seven heavens. Respected, Li Huan had a golden light flashing away, and instantly bound the magical deities of the nineteen big Luo seven heavens.

"Boss, you can start."

In the blink of an eye, everyone was controlled, and Li Huan looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on his face.

"With you at your side, the fairyland is big, I can go."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but erect a thumbs up to Li Huan. It is really incredible to use Li Huan's strength. All these 20 strong people are suppressed between the hands.

However, his heart is also in vain. If he has been with Li Huan, he will have less sense of crisis, which is very unfavorable for improving cultivation.

Fortunately, Li Huan is going to help the devils in the battlefield of the fairy to reunite the flesh. It takes a long time to follow.

"The boss has a good reputation." Li Huan's face with a happy smile, can get such a compliment to his master, is also very happy for him.

Xiang Yang whispered a smile, but his movements were not slow. The hands clasped the law and began to condense the magic species. In the blink of an eye, the nine hundred and ninety-one magical species were condensed into the middle-aged man's body.

In the process, the middle-aged man knows that since he is controlled, he is certainly unable to resist. He did not even have any resistance. Even without the reminder of Xiangyang, he took the initiative to let go of the gods, making Xiangyang very smooth. Complete the process of seeding the magic.

"Raleigh has seen the master."

After the magical species all entered the middle-aged man's body, the middle-aged man's face looked at Xiangyang with excitement, and went straight to Xiangyang, his eyes with a feverish color.


"Your name is Loli?"

Xiang Yang was originally planning to work on the magic of the remaining nineteen big Luo seven heavens, but suddenly he heard the name of this guy, scared his hand, and the condensed demons were scattered. He couldn't help but stare at Raleigh, only to feel that he was scared.

Your sister, the name of a middle-aged man is called 'Lolly'. Are you not aware of it?

"Yes Master."

When Raleigh said, his face showed a proud color. "Small is the descendant of the devil's world. However, there are too many members of Luo Yi, and there are many trillions of dollars. The scope of the fairy tale is more than a few dozens of continents. However, many of Luo's descendants are not able to surname Luo because of lack of blood. Although they are not very good, they are forced to reach the Roche surname by blood. ”

"I am not asking your last name, but asking your name. You are really "Lolly"."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh. He felt that Raleigh was really simple. The name is really a magical charm.

On the other side, Li Huan looked at Raleigh with a strange look on his face. "I don't think you are a descendant of Luo Yi's pulse. Luo Yi is very famous in the devil world, especially the demon ancestors. It is even more famous. It is not weaker than the Five Emperor. Can you still live today?"

"You, you know Luo Mo's ancestors?" Raleigh took a deep breath and looked at Li Huan's eyes with an infinite shock.

"Of course, when Luo Wei was the realm of Da Luo Jiuzhong Devil, I once met him. However, I was only a fairy king at that time, and the strength was not comparable to him." Li Huan said faintly.


After Raleigh heard it, he was shocked. He did not expect that the sacred sect in front of himself was in the same level as his own ancestors.

You must know that Luo Mo's ancestors of the year, but the super demon esteem in the devil's world, and later participated in the wars of the heavens. In the legend, Luo Mo's ancestors set the battle for the heavens. Unlimited merits make the two circles of the demon and the devil look at him, and Luo Yi's pulse has risen. In a short period of time, the latecomer has become one of the best kings in the devil world.

Moreover, in the past few years, Luo Yu's ancestors have lived up to the expectations of the people, and the breakthrough has become the demon sage. In the devil world, it is the super supreme lord-level figure of the real party.

In front of this person, I have seen Luo Mo's ancestors. Such a person, no matter how it is cultivated, can live from ancient times to the present, and it is absolutely terrible.

For a time, Raleigh remembered that he was surrendered by Xiang Yang and was suppressed by Li Huan. His heart never felt sorry for it. He felt that he should have been conquered by Xiang Yang.

After all, even the horrible existence of Li Huan can be conquered. Although Xiang Yang is only a true immortal, I am afraid that the real strength and identity are high, and definitely not what I can touch.

"You are all happy, let me leave a ban."

Next, Xiang Yang directly directed the demon of the nineteen big Luo seven heavens, leaving a ban on their bodies. Soon after, the nineteen devils returned to their place, all respectfully bowed to Xiang Yang. There is an infinite fanaticism in the eyes.

"Hey, there is such a powerful and invincible team in the blink of an eye, which makes me a little inflated."

Seeing that these twenty peerless deities are respectful in front of themselves, Xiang Yang could not help but sigh.

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