Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2717: Immortal version of the Imperial Palace!

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"Master, there are some treasures that have been accumulated in these years, and the master is also smiling." When Xiang Yang completely conquered all the demon statues, he sighed in his heart, if he released all his men, it would be Being able to form a powerful force, and when the heart is inevitably somewhat inflated, Raleigh is very respectful and continues to hand out a storage ring to Xiang Yang.

"this is..."

After Xiang Yang looked at it, he suddenly got a breath.

There are not many treasures contained in this storage ring, and there are only a dozen or so kinds of treasures. However, each of them is a treasure for various refining tools that Xiangyang wants to find, as long as it is handed over to Xiaoling. With these dozens of treasures, it is absolutely possible to refine some treasures.

Moreover, what excites him the most is that there is a big piece of Yuanmo Stone here, which is ten times larger than the one that was previously obtained in the underground black market.

"Well, I have finally collected enough, and finally I can refine my invincible body."

Xiang Yang was very excited. He smelted the Jindan, Yuanmoishi and Vajra extracts, and debugged them into a better quenching body. Now Dan has almost tested it. The only difference is the material. There are both Jindan and Vajra Bodhi. The original one is the Yuanmo Stone. Now, with this piece, it is all collected.

Under the excitement of Xiangyang's heart, he directly took the Yuanmo stone into the Promise, and gave it to Xiaoling, and he himself patted his shoulder against Raleigh. "Good, very good." ”

"Thank you for your master."

When Raleigh saw Xiangyang so happy, he suddenly felt that it was worth it to hand over these treasures.

Xiang Yang looked at the guy with a happy face and sighed, "Good, you are all very good."

Say, he thought about it for a while, and said to Li Huan, "Li Huan, after you go to the lower bounds, take them away, go to Qing Xue Universe Group, and hand them over to Suzaku Sister. Let her send it."


Li Huan nodded. Anyway, his next goal was to go to the lower bounds to help the spirits in the battlefield of the fairy to condense the flesh and go to the Qingxue universe group. For him, it was just a blink of an eye.

Moreover, this is what his master asked him to do, even if there is even greater difficulty, he dare not finish it.

"Raleigh, you take them to the lower bounds. When the time comes, there will naturally be people who will arrange what you have to do. Remember, what these people said is what I said, and I must not disobey them."

Xiang Yang is still not at ease, for fear that Raleigh and others will not obey the order after going to the lower bounds, so they will show the appearance of Zhuque Girl, Gongsun Jianwu, Zhao Qingxue, Liu Yaqian, Zhang Lingshuang and others to Raleigh and others, and strictly let Raleigh and others Be sure to follow the orders of a few women.

"The owner is assured that I will wait until the Lord's order is ordered."

Raleigh was very clever. When Xiang Yang showed the appearance of the women, he showed his attitude very respectfully, and he also knew that the women would be the women of Xiangyang.


Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the gambling house. Suddenly, he thought that after he came to the fairyland, he had been drifting away. It seems that it is time to find a stable place. The location of this gambling house is good, the environment. Also good, the decoration is very good, it seems that I can be used to make a small business.

Keke, of course, Xiangyang’s purpose is not to do small business, but to think that if he is idle, he can also make a stronghold in this fairy world.

Ever since, he smiled and said, "Let's go, this gambling house took over, and since then, it has been renamed, the Imperial Palace is good."

Emperor Palace, when it was in the lower bound, when Xiang Yanggang returned to Tianhai City, where Xiangfeng was in charge, Emperor Palace could be said to be a super clubhouse. He had everything to eat and drink, and Xiang Yang did not think about it. Move this name directly.


After hearing the words of Xiang Yang, both Li Huan and Raleigh all showed the shocking color, and looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color.

"What's wrong? How is your eyes so strange?" Xiang Yang looked at the two with incomprehensible color.

"Boss, now the fairyland, is the fairyland of the Five Emperors." Li Huan sighed and said, he really does not understand, Xiang Yang really does not understand, or does not understand the fake, this fairy world is the fairy world of the Five Emperors In the fairy tales, the Five Emperor of Heaven can be said to be the emperor on the bright side, and Xiang Yang directly renamed the place to the Imperial Palace, and it will inevitably not let some people with the heart find an excuse to deal with him.

"Now is a democratic world. I am not thinking about rebeling the position of the Emperor. I don't have to worry about it. Isn't it a name? If anyone has an opinion, let him come to me."

Xiang Yang did not care at all. He waved his hand and said, "Okay, it’s like this. From today, this place is called the Imperial Palace. Right, don’t leave, help me arrange it, um, originally. All the gambling houses are left behind, and all of them listen to my orders. Of course, except for twenty of you, you still go to the lower bounds."

At the same time, he took out a shield on the spot. This is a magic weapon of the best fairy level. However, after being refining by Xiang Yang, he directly turned into a plaque. At the same time, there were two big characters on the top of the emperor. palace'.

Even in order to increase the majesty, Xiang Yang specially put the sword of his own sword into it, making it clear to the gods.

Next, Xiang Yang personally, and even refining some maps, smelt some of the materials obtained from Raleigh into a platoon, and build the entire palace into a super-defensive place, and he thought After thinking about it, I even thought that the original gambling house was not high enough, and it was raised directly. In the blink of an eye, a towering building directly stands in the central fairy city. From a distance, it’s almost a little It is compared with the Emperor's residence in the central fairy city suspended in the sky.

"God, what is this?"

“There are people who dare to make the building so high. Is this going to provoke the majesty of the Eastern Emperor?”

"This person is too bold."

"I saw that the name of the threshold on this building turned out to be the Imperial Palace. God, is it the new residence of the Emperor?"


When this multi-million-ton building towered into the sky and appeared in front of everyone in the central fairy city of the eastern Tianyu, countless residents of the entire Central Fairy City were shaken.

Since ancient times, no one has dared to provoke the prestige of the emperor since the Emperor of Heaven in the East, but nowadays, some people dare to build such a tallest place in the central fairy city of the eastern Tianyu, which is below the residence of the Emperor. The building, this is simply a tendency to turn over the Eastern Emperor in the air, which for many people, even guessed whether the other party is a part of the Central Fairy, ready to rebel, This is a deliberate indication of an attitude and wants to see the reaction of the Emperor of the East.

"Isn't that the gambling house we left before?"

At the same time, Mei Aoxue and others who had returned to the restaurant looked up and saw this towering place, they were all shocked.

"Imperial palace... How do you have a familiar feeling?"

Mei Ao Xue was slightly frowning. Suddenly, she thought that she had gone to the world of the world as the Supreme Demon Supreme Demon Supreme in the secular world. It seems that she had heard of the place of the Emperor Palace.

“Is it Xiangyang?”

The more I think about it, the more I think I have this possibility. If there is something related to the secular world, it must be inseparable from Xiangyang.

"All come to our home in the fairy world, the imperial palace in front of you."

Sure enough, not long after, these people around Xiang Yang all received the soul of Xiang Yang, affirming their guesses.

"It's really him."

Mei Aoxue and others were silent for a while, but the speed was not slow. They packed up the good things and went directly to the outside of the Imperial Palace. They saw the original gambling house and now they have become a splendid tall building. Of course, this building The tall, everyone has already seen it, and what makes everyone laugh is that at this moment, Xiang Yang is wearing strange clothes, black and white, and looks like a little gentleman, but with the mainstream costumes of the fairy world. Very not in conformity.

"This is a suit."

Only Mei Ao Xue sighed, although she did not live in the secular world, but lived in the source star for a long time, and often went to various places in the source star, knowing that this is the suit of the secular world.

"You have come."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at everyone.

"Boss, are you playing?"

The little bald head rushed over and looked at Xiang Yang with excitement on his face. He felt that Xiang Yang’s play was a bit strange, which made his heart itch difficult and directly changed his clothes. It was exactly the same as Xiang Yang’s suit, and then touched his bald head, and suddenly felt that his appearance was very handsome, which made him sigh. “The boss is so powerful that even the suit can be designed.”

The little bald head has lived in the new world for several years. Although at that time, the source star has become a new world of hunger, especially Xia Guo, it is the era when all the people enter the practice, and everyone is rising. Many people have abandoned the suits, which are unfavorable for practice. However, the small bald head recognizes that this is a suit.

At this moment, the little bald head touched his bald head. After thinking about it, he randomly took out a magic weapon from the storage ring. Under the mind, he directly changed this magic weapon into a sunglasses, and then stood so powerful. In front of Xiang Yang, at first glance, it was a super invincible bald bodyguard, and it was really a bit imposing.

After Xiang Yang saw it, his eyes glowed. Looking at the little bald head, he couldn’t help but sigh and said, "You are smarter than me."

"Ha ha ha, the boss has won the prize." Although the little bald head did not know whether Xiang Yang’s sentence really praised himself or faked him, he was so excited that he could not help but wipe his own. Bald head, regret in my heart, if you have hair, you will make a big back, and then lick a cigar in your mouth, it will be pretentious.

However, although the hair has been suppressed by his master in Dharma, it is possible to have a cigar.

Ever since, the little bald head is like a thief. The thief smashes out the treasure he got in the new world from the storage ring. A box of golden cigars, this small box is made of gold. The cigar inside is also the best Cuban cigar. In the source star, it is definitely the treasure of value.

However, these values ​​are nothing for a small bald head. After all, he is a fairy king, what he wants is not available to him?


After the little bald head ignited the cigar very much, he took a deep breath and then spit a cigarette ring, making him look like a fog in the clouds. He looked satisfied and said, "Idle. There is nothing to do with a cigar, and the game is alive."

"You are a fairy king yourself, and you have lived a living god..."

Xiang Yang and others are speechless.

However, Xiang Yang found that Sun Yuxiu’s eyes were shining brightly at this time. It seemed to be a bit of a heart-like look, which made Xiang Yang a little bit stunned. “The female fairy king of Sun’s family actually liked this mouth. ?"

"very handsome..."

Then, let Xiang Yang feel surprised that the group was surrounded by a group of people, and some women saw the little bald head, and even whispered out.


After Xiang Yang listened, it suddenly became shocked. The fairy goddesses in this fairyland are really tasteful. Well, it’s not bad. It seems that the emperor’s palace in this fairy world can finally be opened.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang directly waved at Sun Chunyu, who stared at his eyes with a sparkling eye. The latter rushed over and looked at Xiang Yang with respectful face. "Master, you looking for me?"

"Don't call my teacher, call the boss." Xiang Yang gave him a look. When Sun Chunyu's master is impossible, it will never be possible. He already has several disciples. Xiang Yang cannot be idle. No matter what kind of apprentice to collect, but it is possible to collect another younger brother. After all, this emperor’s palace wants to stand in the central fairy city of this fairyland, and it needs a little backing.

"Yes, boss."

Although Sun Chunyu was a little regretful in his heart, he couldn’t call Xiang Yang’s “Shi Zun”, but it seemed to be a very good thing to be a younger brother of Xiang Yang. So he was very excited and shouted, and he was deeply impressed. This is recognized. From then on, this kendo mountain can be seen at any time, and its own kendo can also be expected.

"You go to help me with some things, and post some news to the outside world. I said that this Imperial Palace is a shopping mall where you and I have a fire and a small princess. You can buy a shopping mall here. You can buy it. You can also buy a variety of casual gadgets, as well as live, and dance parties. As long as you can imagine something, you can see it here. It is everything in the fairy world. The emperor of the shopping store, because there is nothing here..."

Xiang Yang’s face was arrogant.


After Sun Chunyu listened, he suddenly showed a shocking color to Xiang Yang. He blinked and looked at Xiang Yang. Although he felt that his boss was really perfect, this sign would definitely cause the East. The sensation of the celestial domain, but also let people know that the reason why the imperial palace is called the emperor is not to rebel, but to provide convenience to the residents of the central fairy city, and even to the strong of all fairy tales. The shopping environment can be said to be a multi-purpose.

However, the most important thing is that this place is really as good as Xiangyang’s description. Can Xiangyang produce so many things to sell here?

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