Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2718: I broke through!

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Although Sun Chunyu suspected that Xiang Yang would continue to do so, he would stink his reputation. At that time, when he attracted a large number of people to come shopping, he found that there was nothing in this palace. Even if he is a singer, he will be chased, but this is the younger brother he has just become Xiangyang. The only thing Xiang Yang wants him to do, but he has to complete it, he can only leave the scalp.

Xiang Yang was very satisfied and watched Sun Chunyu leave. After the signboard of Emperor Palace was played out, the next step was to solve the problem of the supplier. His eyes looked flamboyant and smiled. "Fire chick, the next step is We should discuss the cooperation."

Before, he did not discuss the fire with him directly. It is because he is very clear that he will not disagree.

Sure enough, with the voice of Xiang Yang falling, Hu Mei looked excitedly at Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, what do you say about cooperation, my is not yours? What do you want me to do, I am now Just do it."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang replied happily, directly listed a lot of things to the fire, and said with a smile, "I want to make this emperor palace a sign in the fairy world, so we must do something special, it should There must be all the treasures in all aspects, including various magical weapons and elixir of various forces. Therefore, this requires the help of the fire people. Of course, if the owners of the fire family have opinions, we can A certain share of the fire family is."

"I am afraid that the old man has opinions, everything has me." Huo Mei directly plunged his heart and promised.

"Well, this is our home in the fairyland. If we do it well, we will no longer have to rob it, cough, and rob the rich."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, and he sighed in his heart that if he could open the voice of the imperial palace throughout the fairy world, he might become a big local tyrant in the fairy world.

Of course, if you want to enlarge the Imperial Palace, you must first train your own forces, especially the guards of order. If hundreds of thousands of order guards can break through to Da Luotian’s realm, then On the bright side of the Imperial Palace is to do business, but also to collect all kinds of intelligence, but in the dark is the idea that you can carry out your own order to guard the avenue.

At that time, the heavens will not be fair, and they will have their own guards.

When Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, he suddenly felt that there was really no one around him who could use it. So he saw the little bald head that was swallowing around him, grabbed him directly and took off the sunglasses of this kid.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

The little bald head is very nostalgic for his previous life. I feel that this kind of swallowing is really refreshing. After being caught by Xiang Yang, he looked at Xiang Yang with dissatisfaction.

"The next time, the safety of the Imperial Palace will be handed over to you."

Xiang Yang smiled and said to the little bald head.


After listening to the small bald head, he was shocked, and even the cigars in his mouth were scared to the ground and found nothing.

He stared at Xiang Yang, and looked at the towering sky, almost the height of the Emperor's residence, the height of the emperor's palace, only think that Xiang Yang's words are like a congenital treasure to kill himself.

Let him protect the safety of the imperial palace, which is equivalent to let him confront those who maintain the Eastern Heavenly Emperor. If he is the former of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but the most important thing is that he is only a fairy king. .

"I said that since you are so cool, then the mission of protecting the Imperial Palace will be given to you in the future." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"I rely on..."

The little bald head couldn't help but screamed a swearing voice. He cried and looked at Xiang Yang. "Boss, don't, my cultivation is very weak. The practice of various systems in my body is messy. I will explode if I accidentally." I followed you and wanted to practice well. I want you to help me solve the difficulties in my practice. Don't push me to death. I haven't lived enough. My cigar has not been exhausted yet. ”

"Don't worry, it won't make you die, it will make you famous."

Xiang Yang patted the shoulder of the small bald head and said.

"Yes, but..."

The little bald head looked silly at the imperial palace. "Boss, the name and height of your palace is too strong. It is simply telling others that you want to die."

"Do not worry, it will be fine soon."

Xiang Yang smiled happily, looked at the crowd, thought about it, and finally released all the masters of the ancient gods of the ancient fairyland, such as Huolin and Huo.

At that time, the Vulcan of the ancient immortal world went to attack the Xiang family. Except for some of the kings and the fire forests, they were surrendered by Xiang Yang, and the younger generation’s Tianjiao, which was also in the Da Luo’s realm, was also conquered by Xiang Yang. I have been practicing in the Promise of Immortality. Now, it is finally a place to use them.

After they came out, Xiang Yang directly passed what they had to do to their brains, and then they started to work very smoothly.

Then, Xiang Yang took the money and directly re-melted it with a shield of the best fairy-grade level, and transformed it into a huge billboard and began to write a CMB advertisement.

For a time, the imperial palace that Xiang Yang got up has become the most famous place in the entire Central Fairy City. Even if it is already the reputation of the Million Island Real Immortal, it seems to have been suppressed by the Imperial Palace.

Of course, everything in the imperial palace is still too naive. It is a bit difficult for Xiang Yang to support the entire emperor.

In the next period of time, Xiang Yang has been busy with the real situation of the Imperial Palace, but the results are very obvious, whether it is Sun Chunyu or fiery, they directly mobilize the family's power to the family in order to complete the task of Xiang Yang. Even, even an ancestor of the fire family, directly came forward to support the fiery, let the fire and let go.

Of course, the ancestor of this fire family is the one who is an old friend with Li Huan.

Although at the beginning, Emperor Palace did encounter some troubles, and some people who made trouble came to the emperor's palace to chaos, ready to demolish the imperial palace, and even some, in the name of maintaining the Emperor, feel the name of Emperor Palace. No, I have to withdraw the name. I also feel that the Imperial Palace is too high. It has the meaning of hitting the Emperor of Heaven. I want to plead guilty to the owner of the Emperor Palace in Xiangyang.

However, what is surprising is that in the residence of the Emperor of the East, there was an order. The Imperial Palace did not collide with the Emperor. Everything was a free activity, and it was impossible for the Emperor to be in the name of the Emperor.

Ever since, the Emperor's Palace of Xiangyang is even more famous. Even under the alliance of the Fire and Sun, the younger generations of some of the heroes were also swayed by Sun Chunyu and others. , began to join the Imperial Palace.

At this time, Xiang Yang really realized that the efficiency of the immortal was too fast. Ten days later, the Imperial Palace officially opened, and a square standing in the fairyland was opened, although some of the counters in the Imperial Palace were still empty. However, Xiang Yang believes that it will take a long time for more franchisees.

Of course, if these franchisees want to enter the Imperial Palace, they must follow the rules, and even the special personnel must be trained by the people of the Imperial Palace.

Of course, this is mainly because, just now, the people in Xiangyang are not ready yet, and there are not enough people to run this palace, but he has already begun to let some of the Promise Xianfu have broken through. The physical repairers who came to the Daluo area came out to help, and gradually incorporated the Emperor Palace into their own customary rules.

For a time, the opening day of the Imperial Palace, it was really a sea of ​​people, let Xiang Yang once again feel the feeling of the mall in the secular world.

At the top of the Imperial Palace is the residence of Xiangyang and others. At this moment, Xiang Yang is standing with the crowd and looking down at the scenery of the Central Fairy City. He sighs in his heart. "It is so easy to open such a shopping mall in Xianjie. It seems that as long as There are enough people, I can completely open the Imperial Palace in the fairyland in a short time, and it is not limited to the Eastern Tianyu. So, I want to find my wife, why should I resort to others? ?"

Thinking of this, Xiangyang’s aura flashed, only to realize that he had always thought of using the power of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor to find women. If he knew from the beginning he would create a force or even a commercial means. This intrusive method makes the entire fairy world full of Emperor Palace. Is it not a simple matter to find a woman?

"Boss, are you really playing this time?" The little bald head was holding a cigar in his mouth, and his face looked at Xiangyang with a shocking color.

"Not playing, but really want to open the emperor's palace all over the fairyland. From now on, you will give me a cigar. The ones that let you take it out last time, many people think it is very fun after buying, but This kind of cigar in the secular world does not have much effect. It can't stabilize customers. Only by means of alchemy, some cigars can be made, so that everyone can enjoy some benefits while smoking cigars."

Xiang Yang said to the small bald head.


The little bald head took a sigh of relief. He really didn't know how to describe Xiangyang. He felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He felt that he had to be a security guard and a cigar. He did too much.

But right away, when he found out on the street below, someone dressed up like himself, when he was wearing a big cigar, wearing a suit and sunglasses, he suddenly felt excited.

"Ah, haha, I can also be a role model for everyone. Well, if the Imperial Palace can open the entire fairyland, can I still name the world and become a new generation of cigar tycoons?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly left very eagerly and began to study how to make cigars.


The little tiger crouched at Xiangyang's feet and was gently biting Xiangyang's trouser legs. He looked up and looked at Xiangyang with pity. Obviously he wanted to find Xiangyang to eat.

"How can you eat this little thing?"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh, this little guy has swallowed Raleigh's eight cost sources and broke through to the state of Da Luo. Other skills are not, but they are more and more edible. This makes Xiang Yang very lamented. I think this guy should not be a tiger, but a beggar.


The little guy is looking at Xiangyang with its more and more black and bright eyes. During this time, the more things he eats, the other skills of the little things don’t grow, but the eyes are getting more and more The better you look.

After the fire on one side, I quickly called the little guy to the past and threw some medicinal herbs to the little guy. At the same time, I said to Xiang Yang with dissatisfaction. "How can you abuse Xiao Hei? It is so cute, not yet. Give it full."

"Since you like it so much, then give it to you." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay." Huo Mei was happy to answer, and then said to the little tiger, "Little black, you will follow this girl in the future, eat spicy and spicy, you have."

At the same time, it was handed over to Xiaohei for some food. The little guy was very happy and ran back to Xiangyang’s side.

"...white-eyed tiger."

After the fire met, I couldn’t help but scream, this situation has happened more than once, but no matter how flamboyant it is to lure the little tiger, this little tiger is not afraid to eat anything. However, it is followed by Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang smiled softly, looking out the window, faintly can see a huge Tiangong is emitting a powerful pressure suspended in the air, its height is just a little higher than the Imperial Palace, but he stood The top floor of this imperial palace can also almost see the location of the Temple of Heaven.

When his eyes were on the Temple of Heaven, he could see the gloom in the Heavenly Palace. There was a supremely powerful person who burned a powerful and unremarkable flame. It seemed to look at himself as well.

"Is it the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei?"

Xiang Yang said to himself, he knows that his imperial palace can be opened in this short ten days, and it is inseparable from the support of the Eastern Emperor. At the beginning, there are some good people, playing It is necessary to maintain the name of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor's majesty to deal with the Imperial Palace. Fortunately, the words in the Heavenly Palace have made those people no excuses.

However, he did not know the Emperor of the East, and the other party actually helped himself. This made Xiang Yang feel a little surprised.


However, when Xiang Yang thought about it, suddenly, he only felt a roaring sound, and his whole person trembled. At this moment, he was completely stunned.

"What happened to Xiangyang?"

A few women, such as Huo Mei, Mei Ao Xue, and Yin Jue, found that Xiang Yang’s was not right, and his face changed greatly.

During this time, among the women, Yulia and Yuliqin were too weak, and Xiang Yang passed them on a mysterious work, and gave the newly refined body fluid to the two women and let them Entering the Promise of the Promise, the other women were sitting together. At this moment, several women stood up and looked at Xiangyang with a worried color.

"Nothing, I broke through."

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