Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2719: Nine births and nine bodies

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"I broke through."

On the top floor of Emperor's Palace, Xiang Yang's face was gratified. Then, the whole person sat directly on the spot, and his mind was empty. The whole person's consciousness was all entered into the Promise Immortal, entering the Devil's avatar. .


A few women are all staring at Xiangyang. This is a breakthrough. Other breakthroughs are all imposing, and Xiangyang’s breakthrough is that the whole person is stunned, just like a fainting, just sitting there. It doesn't look like a break-through feeling.

"really weird."

A few women groaned, did not bother to Xiangyang, but quietly looked at Xiangyang.

However, what they don't know is that at the moment, among the Promise Immortals, all the consciousness of Xiang Yang has entered the body of the first demon. The first demon has burst into a terrible atmosphere, and the infinite first stone around them are all in the same The explosion at the moment became a smash, and the energy that turned into infinity rushed into the body of Xiangyang.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s first demon screamed and an earth-shattering magical explosion broke out.

He is surrounded by nine intricate rules of the Ronaldinho, namely: the rules of the first devil, the rule of the kendo, the rule of the sword, the rule of the murder, the rule of the king, the rule of the king, the rules of the boxing, the earth It is the rule of Daro, the rule of overbearing Dalu, and the rule of power.

The rules of the nine Dao Luo are hundreds of feet long, just like the supreme dragons flowing, the horrible atmosphere is erupting.

Moreover, at this moment, the nine Dalu rules began the process of integration, all of which were dominated by the rules of the first devil, and all the rules of the Da Luo were all immersed in the rules of the first devil, and at the same time, The rule of the Magical Dala is growing up a little bit. When the other eight rules of the Dala are all integrated into it, the rule of the first Dharma has reached a level of ninety-nine million meters.

"I have a demon avatar, the main method is the beginning of the magic. Since the breakthrough of the Da Luo, naturally it should be based on the rules of the beginning of the devil."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, seeing that the Dalu rule had been completely integrated and successful. When he appeared in a magical aura, his heart trembled, knowing that he had broken this time, and the worst was also the realm of Da Luo Mo Zun. This is absolutely unprecedented in the fairy world. From the true immortal, it directly crosses into a strong person, even in ancient times, no one has ever done it.

Now Xiang Yang has done it.

"Although it can guarantee the breakthrough to the Da Luo seven-day Tianxian Zun, but now I have control of the nine Dalu rules, if it is not to break through to become Xianzun, is it not sorry for the nine Da Luo rules that I have painstakingly comprehended? ”

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, his body is still absorbing the beginning of the magic to improve the body, although his nine rules have been completely integrated into one, and the aura of the demon is also manifested, but he feels This is not insurance.

What he has to do is to let this singer and sorcerer completely break through to the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Devil, not to be confined to the Seven Heavens or even the Eight Heavens.

"The most important nature of the breakthrough of the honorable power is the understanding of the rules of the Dalu. If the Daluo Xianzun demon realizes more rules of the Da Luo, it is equivalent to the fact that they are already stronger. However, My breakthrough, what I lack, is to temper the body into the body of the demon. Although my body is very powerful, I want to take the breath of the big Luo Jiuzhong demon. The power should not be enough. In this case, I will come to a crazy one, and let this one of the first devils be reborn."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, his eyes with a firm and hot color.

"In the beginning of the magic, there is a law of life and death, named, nine life and nine law-breaking, if it can be reborn, it can be cultivated to a certain extent, so my current purpose is Practicing into the true legendary nine invincible demons."

"Not enough, still can't be too careless, you must suppress everything in the flesh, and at the same time, you must separate a sense of consciousness into the body of the deity, but you must divide the true spirit of the deity into a part, or else, the avatar The spirit is too weak."

"In this case, let the deity come in."


After Xiang Yang made a decision, at this time, on the top of the Imperial Palace, the deity of Xiang Yang, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes. His eyes looked at a few women and whispered, "I am going to the Promise. After a period of retreat, during this time, you take care of yourself and everything is dominated by Mei Xiaoniu."


After that, Xiang Yang’s body shape disappeared directly into the place. However, what surprised the girls was that even the little tiger had been biting the neck of Xiangyang with his mouth, and when the deity of Xiangyang entered the Promise In the middle of the house, the little tiger also entered with it.


At the moment, in the Promise of Immortality, when Xiang Yang’s deity came in, he found that something was wrong. In his trouser legs, he even followed the little tiger. He blinked. “How did you run this little guy?”


The little guy squinted at his eyes, and suddenly he found that Xiangyang’s first demon body was surrounded by the horror of the beginning of the horror. At the same time, in this space, there is still an infinite beginning of the magic gas is flowing, It suddenly moved, which opened its mouth and sucked it. A large amount of the beginning of the magic was directly swallowed by it.


After swallowing the beginning of the magic, the little tiger was shaking with excitement, and he was ready to continue to swallow all the magical powers in this space.

Obviously, swallowing these beginnings of magic, it has a great effect on it.

If it is normal, swallowing the beginning of the magic is useful for the growth of the tiger, Xiang Yang will not be embarrassed, but this time, these beginnings of the magic can not let this little tiger swallow, after all, Xiang Yang's first demon Breakthroughs also need the help of these endless ingenuity.

"Going to the side, this is what I want to break through. If you dare to eat it, I will kill you first." Xiang Yang blinked, and suddenly the tiger hurriedly ran to the side with his tail, although he looked at it. The beginning of this sky, the beginning of the magic has been swallowing, but never dare to talk more.

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the little tiger, but directly called Xiao Ling and Lao Wan.

"Boss, you are this..."

After Xiaoling and Laowan came over, once they saw this posture, they immediately understood that Xiangyang’s first demon avatar was to break through, but they did not know that Xiangyang’s avatar breakthrough was to call them to do what?

"I can't guarantee that the demon avatar can break through to the top of the Dalu Jiuzhong Devil's Reign, so in order to be able to break through to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, I need to do something."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

"Boss, with the strength of your avatar, it is a bit difficult to break through to the context of the Nine Heavens. However, it is possible to break through to the big seven heavens." Lao Wan suddenly saw Xiang Yang’s situation of the beginning of the devil.

"The tower of the body repair is about to be completed, as long as the boss's avatar breaks through the big seven heavens, and then enters the tower of the body repair, and then it will not only become a place for the body to repair the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, practice The gas repair is also the same as the peak of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Devil." Xiaoling said with a smile.

"No, I have to make a one-time direct breakthrough to become the realm of the martial arts."

Xiang Yang shook his head and said, "In the beginning of the magic, there is a martial law called the nine births and nine annihilation laws. I intend to use this method to decide to practice the flesh into a nine-dead body at this time. At that time, you can be sure that you can also break through the repairs of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

"It turned out to be this practice."

After listening to the old man, he took a breath and couldn’t help but say, "Boss, I have said this practice, it was created by the first demon, although it is only the practice of the Dalu, but it is Self is too cruel, and the requirements for the practitioners are too strict. If you are not careful, you will be in danger of death. This mysterious work has been practiced in ancient times in ancient times, but no one can practice. success."

"Boss, be cautious." After Lao Wan finished, he couldn't help but persuade Xiang Yang to say, "If there is a problem, not only will you lose your avatar, but even the true spirit of the deity will be damaged."

"I have made a decision."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Reassured, I have 80% of the ability to cultivate successfully."

While speaking, in his body, there is a body of the true spirit of 100,000 feet tall, which is split by his deity and is divided into the true spirits of the avatar.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and the Promise Excalibur screamed out from the body of the deity, suspended above the avatar, exuding the golden light of merit.

The beginning of the devil avatar itself also has a handle blade emerges, it is the devil of the battle blade this day after tomorrow.

"It is enough to use the magical battle blade as the magic weapon of my enlightenment."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself while thinking about it, and also sacrificed the magical sword. At the top of the head of the demon avatar, there were three squadrons suspended, especially the Promise Sword, which is the power of the future. Under the circumstance of tyranny and the power of merit, even the Devil's Blade is forced to retreat a lot.

"Not enough. I need to suppress the flesh and the true spirit with a million robbery. I need to maintain my last vitality with the fire of the Qiankun in the fortune of the Qiankun. At the same time, I need to reverse the life and death with the life and death of the deity."

Xiang Yang said quietly.


Since Xiang Yang has made a good decision, even if he wants to oppose it, it is impossible. With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, and Wan Wan nodded, Xiang Yang has already suspended the 10,000 robbery from the body. The devil is on top of his head.

Lao Wan is the instrument of the tens of thousands of robbers. Although he can control the tens of thousands of robs, the real ultimate controller is Xiang Yang. However, with the existence of Lao Wan, Xiang Yang can let go of the tens of thousands of robbing to Lao Wan. That's it.

"You help me suppress the flesh."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he looked at Xiaoling. The latter did not need to talk about Xiangyang, and he gathered directly from the Qiankun for the creation of a fire.

"Well, with this kind of fire, and the fact that I reversed life and death with life and death, it is enough to ensure that nothing is lost."

Xiang Yang’s avatar reveals a radiant glow, and a flame circulates in the body. At the same time, his deity sits directly next to him, and a 100,000-foot-sized flame lotus slowly emerges from his body. .


When the fire and the lotus appeared, a force of life and death broke out, causing the little tiger who was lying on one side to see the eyes and then gleaming, and it was not directly rushed to swallow this life and death.

"Little guy, don't you even want to swallow my talents?"

Xiang Yang smiled coldly and looked at the little tiger. He found that this little guy turned out to be really shining. When he seemed to want to try it, he was speechless. Other things could be swallowed by this little thing, but life and death. If the fire lotus is swallowed by this little guy, Xiang Yang is really afraid that this guy will be born to die.


When Lao Wan saw the little tiger, it was a strange color. "This little tiger turned out to be a congenital beast. It contains congenital runes, but it is a pity that these runes are a little weak."

"After the birth of the little guy, he directly swallowed the power of the lord of the lord of the world, and this grew up in the realm of Da Luo." Xiang Yang said the birth of the little tiger.

Lao Wan said that his eyes were bright and he said with a smile. "If this is the case, then the growth of this little guy is good."

"I will eat the goods, but I will take care of him and do my own thing. I have already merged the rules of the nine Dalu, and I can’t suppress it for too long without breaking through. I can only practice the nine-year-old law, and if I can practice it. Becoming a true immortal body, it will be perfect."


At the same time as Xiang Yang said, his first demon smashed into a horrible magical flame. This is his first demon avatar that has begun to cultivate nine dynasties and nine annihilation laws. This is the fire of the nine annihilation.


At this moment, Xiang Yang only felt that there was a painful pain that broke out. Rao was his years of hard work, and he suffered from countless pains before he practiced to the present level. He couldn’t resist biting at the moment. With the teeth, the blue veins are exposed.


Xiang Yang snorted, his deity sitting in the distance, but also the same feelings, but the deity is very calm, as if in a state of sitting, only the beginning of the devil screamed, still reminded The fire of the nine annihilation begins to calcine the self and consolidate the body of the nine.

"The body of the nine births and nine annihilation, the decree created by the first demon guy is indeed very ferocious, but if you can persist, as long as you can cultivate successfully, the boss can truly become a big one."

After seeing this scene, Lao Wan is talking to himself. As a spirit of the tens of thousands of gongs, he knows all kinds of treasures and countless gods. He can make him feel very good. It is conceivable that the law of nine births and nine deaths is extraordinary.

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