Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2720: Mysterious little tiger (five more flowers)

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The law of nine births and nine extinctions was displayed, and the nine evil flames burned. Xiangyang’s first demon avatar broke out with an incomparable breath. This flame, burning from the inside out, lit the whole person of Xiangyang. It is.

In the blink of an eye, for a little while, Xiang Yang’s whole person exploded directly at this moment.


When Xiang Yang’s first demon blast exploded, the Promise Excalibur floating above his head was trembled, and a burst of merit and qi was the first to suppress the **** fog of Xiang Yang’s first demon blast. Then, the magical warfare blade also circulates with the same light, and there is an infinite magical spirit from which it is incorporated into the blood fog of Xiangyang.

However, in this **** fog, there is still a fire that is burning, and the blood mist of Xiangyang’s first demon is completely burned.


However, the catastrophe trembled and a bell rang, causing all the fires of the nine annihilation to be in the flesh and blood, and the blood mist of the Xiangyang explosion was constantly squirming and eventually re-emerged. The appearance of Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar.

"One death and one death, it became."

Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar was pale, this time the body exploded, although it seems that there is not much difficulty on the surface, but only Xiang Yang knows that this time, if not enough for himself, It is enough to let the gods die by the burning of the fire of the nine annihilation. Even the true spirit of 100,000 feet tall has been burned into a height of only eight thousand feet.

However, in any case, this first death has already passed, and after the body is reborn, Xiang Yang clearly feels that his body of the first devil has become stronger.

"Come back."

Xiang Yang’s first demon detachment continued to practice with his eyes closed, and the nine annihilation flames broke out again. However, the first flame was normal red, and the flame in this time turned red, with a strange The breath, even in this Promise Immortal, there is also a strange red wind that does not know where to brag, and to the beginning of the Xiangyang.

"It’s these monsters."

After Lao Wan and Xiao Ling met, they were very nervous, especially Lao Wan. They even fell into the tens of thousands of robbers and were ready to help Xiang Yang.


When this **** demon wind blew over, all the flesh and blood of Xiangyang's first demon avatar disappeared instantly, leaving only a bone shelf and a beating heart.

At this moment, in the heart of this moment, there is a fire of life just like the candlelight that is about to be extinguished. It is crumbling. At the same time, on the periphery of this candlelight, the red flame and the red demon wind are like the siege. Going, as long as this last fire of life is also destroyed, even if it is the beginning of the demon, it is not easy to resurrect.

"Life and death, lotus is turning to life."

In the midst of it, Xiang Yang’s voice sounded, and he saw that the fire and lotus that floated under him were slowly spinning, and there was a majestic vitality erupting from the fire. , along the skeleton of Xiangyang's first demon avatar directly into the heart.


At this moment, the last fire of the heart of Xiangyang’s first demon avatar got the help of the fire and the fire lotus, and instantly it turned into an infinite force, which broke into a flame. The lotus flower, a little bit of rotation, absorbs the power of vitality, bursts out a little, and the skeleton of the latter's first demon is on the skeleton.

The fire of the Nine is still burning, and the **** demon wind is also blowing. However, it has been unable to cause too much damage to Xiang Yang’s body. His flesh and blood grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it becomes a blink of an eye. A fleshy person.

"I am alive again."

As if I had experienced another reincarnation, Xiangyang’s first demon sighed and sighed. This voice is full of death, and at the same time, with a vitality, it is reborn in desperation, reversing life and death, with the last A little fire of life, finally let the flesh recover.


At the same time, Xiang Yang breathed, and the infinite beginning of the magical atmosphere in this small world was swallowed by him, making his body burst out more powerfully several times.

"There are still seven times."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and the body's nine annihilation flames burned again. Of course, it was not only the fire of the nine annihilation. This time, there was a **** hurricane in his body, which was his inside out. The flesh is cut a little bit, and this is the nine demon style.

"Every time you get through a robbery, there will be more power to deal with me in the next robbery, and if you can get through it, this kind of power will become the energy generated by the operation of the nine births and nine evils. Deal with me..."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, but in the next moment, his words could not be said, because this **** demon wind cut him from the inside out, making him flesh and blood, which is more painful than Lingxiao. The feelings made him unable to speak anymore.


Moreover, this is not only the attack of the two forces, but it is only the most basic for Xiang Yang. There is also a **** thunder from the outside. It is the thunder and thunder, which is the thunder of destroying his flesh. force.

A **** Thunder was born from nothingness, directly bombarded in the beginning of the Xiangyang, so that his first demon was divided, and even after the Thunder smashed Xiangyang’s first demon, it did not stop. Instead, they continued to be bombarded with the Thunder, and they wanted to completely destroy them.



At the same time, the catastrophe ringed again, and with the bell ringing, a ripple spread in all directions, making all the **** thunder seem to encounter natural enemies, no longer bombardment Xiangyang, but directly into these flesh and blood. Among the blocks.

The fire of life and death is still spinning, and the power of powerful vitality erupts. The true spirit of Xiangyang is to forcefully display the law to gather the flesh and blood pieces together. At the same time, the beginning of the magic work is running, taking advantage of the vitality, making these flesh and blood The pieces are pieced together and blended together.


In the end, all the flesh and blood fragments were merged together, and the original demon avatar of Xiangyang was re-formed. The fire of life was burned on his body, and the flame of the scorpion made the body stronger and stronger.

Moreover, the Promise Excalibur is also a kind of faint merits and golden light into the treasures of the day after tomorrow, which makes the devil's body a magical body, and there is a sacred feeling.

"The devil in the devil, this is the real beginning of the devil." Lao Wan and Xiao Ling after seeing this scene is a shocking color.

"The third time passed."

This time, Xiangyang’s first demon has been resting for a long time, but it does not absorb the beginning of the magic, but with the vitality of the pure life and death, and the merits of the Promise. Force causes itself to grow energy from the inside out.

This process is very slow, but for Xiang Yang, this time the power is not based on the beginning of the outside magic, but makes his physical strength more powerful.

"The human body is a treasure. As my deity, when the power is exhausted, hundreds of thousands of portals are opened. At that time, I lived with me, even the gateways that were left behind, and the discovery of the king of the cave. In the future, it was the opening of hundreds of thousands of cave portals in the body of the deity. This is the beginning of the devil, although it is only a **** sea tire, but after so many years of practice, I believe If you do not rely on external forces, there will always be internal forces."

Xiangyang’s first demon swears at the same time, and once again runs the law of nine births and nine annihilation. Suddenly, this time, three kinds of forces erupt from the inside out, the **** flames, the **** demon winds and the **** thunders at the same time. The body is flowing, this time, it is the fourth time he runs the law of nine births and nine deaths.


Sure enough, when the power bursting from the inside bombarded the body of Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar heard only one sound of water flowing, followed by a **** river from the void. Appeared, directly washed over his body, the tremendous pressure and the power of erosion broke out, making Xiang Yang's first demon body instantly become a pool of pus.


This time, even Xiaoling and Laowan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Their face was shocked. Xiaoling quickly joined the fire of the vicissitudes of life, especially the fire of creation, but also the money. Burning up, the last bit of vitality contained in this sacred pus in Xiangyang will not be destroyed.

The Promise Excalibur and the Devil's Blade are also flowing, and the integration of energy, as well as the tens of thousands of robbery, is making a ring of bells, and at the same time, it is a **** river. Rush into the pus and blood.

However, this time, this beach pus blood is only a faint glow, but it is very weak, swaying with the wind, seems to be extinguished at any time.

"Don't go out, this time is very crucial, you must stick to it."

Xiang Yang’s deity is also watching this scene nervously.

At this moment, he looks at his own avatar. In fact, it can be said that the first demon avatar with himself is turned into a pus and blood. He has a kind of soul to see the feeling that he is dead. Although his heart is weird, but his heart is strange, but What is even more tense is that I am afraid that my first demon will not practice the practice of nine births and nine deaths.

"Life and death, give me a drive."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but roar, and his deity once again exerted his life-giving magical powers, and once again increased the degree of the original life and death fire lotus, and the life-and-death fire lotus with a full height of one million feet was constantly rotating. A thick vitality is injected into the pus in the pool.

“Do you need the flesh and blood of my deity?”

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, almost want to use the power of the deity's blood, to help the recovery of the avatar with the immortal force of the invincible body.

"Boss, your avatar is not the same as the deity. If you integrate into your blood, you will become another one. For you, the cause and effect are too strong, which is not good for you in the future."

The voice of Lao Wan came from the robbery of the clock, which made Xiang Yang finally hold back, and did not use the energy of the invincible body to restore the demon avatar.

"Isn't that really not going to work?"

Xiang Yang’s heart was nervously watching the pus in his own body. Although the devil’s affair had an accident, the influence of the deity was not great, but this was the root of his participation in the battle of Wan Tian’s fate. I really don't want to have an accident.

However, what makes Xiang Yang feel uncomfortable is that although the blood of his life is still burning, but the fire of life is still burning, but he may be extinguished at any time, which makes him feel that It is a bit uncomfortable.

"It's a bit difficult now."

Xiang Yang sighs, even has made the worst plan, big deal, no more, no more, no avatar, with the power of the deity, can also kill the existence of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, want to get the destiny The first place in the women's war is not a difficult thing.


However, at this time, the little tiger who was escaping from the side of Xiang Yangshuo suddenly called a few times, and then his body jumped directly to the top of Xiangyang's first demon avatar.


When the little tiger appeared, nine black vortexes exploded on the top of his head. This time, the nine vortexes did not absorb the beginning of the magic, but did not know where to devour the energy. Nine-thousand-thousand-thousands of energy are directly integrated into the **** blood of Xiangyang’s first demon avatar.

"this is..."

Both Xiang Yang’s deity and Lao Wan and Xiao Ling were shocked after seeing this scene.

"Is it the power of the source, is it the origin of Raleigh after being swallowed up by the little tiger? No, these powers do not belong to anyone, and they are powerful and unmatched. It seems that there is a world source in a certain space. Is this? Can the little tiger communicate with the world?"

Xiang Yang has a shocking color.

"Not the origin of the world, but the origin of the beginning."

Lao Wan’s figure emerged from the tens of thousands of robbers. He looked at this little tiger shockedly and said to Xiang Yang. “Boss, this time I’m looking away. I thought this little tiger was only half-waste. The congenital beast, I did not expect it to be a strange beast, able to communicate the power of the original place, the origin of this little tiger is even stronger than we think."

"The land of the beginning? Is it the early ancient mine?" Xiang Yang asked strangely.


Lao Wan shook his head and said, "The land of the beginning is a mysterious place in the middle of Chaos. As far as I know, the so-called Taishi ancient mine in the fairy world was only revealed from the beginning of the year. A small mine."

"In this chaos, how can there be so many mysterious places, and the place of the beginning, have you been there?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Wan Zou Zun has been there, but I didn't have consciousness at the time." Lao Wan shook his head and said with regret.


This so-called place of the beginning is really mysterious. Even Lao Wan’s 'Wan Shi Tong' does not know that Xiang Yang’s face has a shocking color, but he looks at the little tiger, but sees it small. The tiger's eyes are innocent, as if they couldn't understand what it was like in the beginning. However, they still inject nine energy into the pus in the blood of Xiangyang's first demon.


At this moment, after getting the power of the nine original places, the pus of blood was instantly reborn and turned into a full-fledged person. Moreover, Xiangyang’s first demon avatar felt unprecedentedly powerful. In his sense, his own power of the beginning of the devil is so powerful that it has surpassed the deity.

You must know that although his deity is only a real fairy, but the strength of his source is beyond the fairy tales of the great world of Da Luo, and now, the demon avatar has reached such a degree. It can be seen how powerful the power of this little tiger passed to Xiangyang’s original demon avatar.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask for flowers...

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