Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2721: Raising the tiger, using the tiger for a time

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The little tiger stopped running the nine whirlpools, but this time it was running next to the deity of Xiangyang, his eyes were devoid of his eyes, as if he had exhausted his energy.

"Little guy, it’s hard for you, these are the rewards for you."

At this moment, Xiang Yang looked at the little tiger's gaze as if he was watching a peerless treasure. His face was mild, and he took out some of the best medicines and handed them to the little tiger to restore the little things.

At this time, the beginning of the demon avatar has completely recovered, and even the horrible life of the fire is burning, which is the embodiment of his life has reached the peak of incomparable peaks.

"Start the fifth time."

Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar only felt that he was full of endless power and began the fifth practice. The method of nine births and nine annihilation was displayed. The **** flame, the **** demon wind, the **** thunder and the **** water flow were four special. The horrible power broke out in his body, but he could not destroy his body. At the same time, the **** knives of the outside world smashed toward him and slashed directly into his body, disappearing instantly.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang’s true spirit trembled and found that the 90 million-foot-high soul ritual in his own body also received an attack. This blood-colored knives went along with him and the deity. Contact, directly attacked his deity.


Xiang Yang smiled faintly. The soul of the deity is just a flick of his fingers. He directly smashes the **** knives, and then, after a little indulgence, the **** knives are broken. The light merges into a ball and directly into the body of the original demon.


At the same time, Xiang Yang's first demon faintly shivered, it seems that all the breath of life will disappear, but after the integration and a **** radiance, the soul trembles in the body, as if there are two **** The knives are fighting each other in the body of the first demon.

This process has not lasted for a long time, and it has already disappeared in the blink of an eye. Xiangyang’s first demon avatar has not only nothing but a stronger atmosphere. It is clear that this life and death crisis of the soul has passed. After that, his momentum has increased.

"Okay, the fifth time passed."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of excitement, and the next four times are left. As long as he has spent these four times, he will be able to truly cultivate this door and even be shocked by Lao Wan. The law of extinction refines itself into an immortal body.

"I don't know what surprises the sixth time."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, this is the supreme refinement of the Devil, and it is also a quick way to make up for the lack of physical body. It is not a rehearsal practice corresponding to the beginning of the magic, but A very cruel, but able to cultivate the flesh to a very horrible one in a very short time. If this cultivation is successful, it will have the body of nine births and nine evils, although I dare not say It is an immortal body in the true sense, but it is definitely not weak.

"Start the sixth time."

When Xiang Yang whispered to himself, Xuan Gong worked, and the sixth method of the nine births and nine annihilation began. Suddenly, the sky was cracked. On the ground, the Promise was turned into a **** sand. In the sky, there seemed to be a void. The crack appeared, and the infinite blood-colored sand fell down toward Xiangyang. The first demon avatar of Xiangyang was instantly suppressed, as if buried in it, and could no longer move.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s deity can obviously sense the pain that his avatar passed. In fact, his deity is integrated with the soul of the flesh. Although he briefly controls the beginning of the demon avatar, the pain of the demon avatar It is also the same for the deity, which makes Xiang Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

The first demon was in the sand of the blood, and the sand actually broke through the skin of his body, and squeezed directly into his body, as if he wanted to occupy the nest, and to have all the flesh and blood cells in his body. Squeeze out and replace with the same sand.


Xiang Yang’s first demon was squatting low, and the body burned with a **** flame, and he screamed with anger. “Whoever refining does not know.”

While squatting, his first demon avatar seemed to be turned into a huge oven at this moment, and began to counterattack, refining the **** sand that invaded him.

This is itself a tug-of-war. Xiangyang’s first demon avatar is a very simple practice of the beginning of the magic, naturally there is no such means as the deity, but the means of the beginning of the magic is just the same as this door to the nine Cooperate, at this moment, he really broke out, powerless, while refining this **** sand, his body is also constantly strengthening.

However, the process itself is very painful. The **** sand wants to squeeze out all his flesh and blood cells and replace his flesh with sand. This feeling is not much different from Ling Chi, which makes Xiang Yang’s heart tremble. Biting your teeth has been persistent.

In the end, I only heard the sound of 'Boom', and the **** sand that covered the first demon of Xiangyang was instantly absorbed and refining by Xiangyang’s first demon body, while the first demon body was surrounded by blood. The breath, this breath, with immortality, makes Xiangyang's first demon avatar look stronger and does not know how many times.

"The sixth time passed."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of excitement. Next, there are still three lasts. As long as you pass the last three life and death crises, you can cultivate this practice.

"It's a wicked door. In ancient times, there were many arrogances. Even the saints have practiced it. They can't cultivate this skill. You must know that the madman of the first demon is the most crazy guy in chaos. He There are many strong people who want to try to practice. However, many people who practice are unable to pass the first three levels. There is almost no sixth life and death, even if there are people. Can cultivate to the extent of six births and deaths, that is, the whole person almost died and did not dare to continue, and how the boss is the more powerful the cultivation?"

Wan Wanzhong has a faint radiance. Lao Wan’s figure is sitting on the top of the tens of thousands of clocks. Looking at the results of Xiang Yang’s first demon practice, even if he can’t help but take a breath, he only feels Xiang Yang at the moment is really too evil.

"You don't understand this."

Xiaoling smiled and appeared in Laowan’s side, with a deep smile and said, “Other people can’t practice this door without mystery. It’s because they are not the first demon, and the boss’s beginning of the devil is the beginning. It is the beginning of the magic work, it can be said that the first demon second, he practiced the magic of the beginning of the magic will not have too much problem, the beginning of the devil is not so stupid, he developed the exercises, at least you can practice it. The method of the beginning of the magic and the nine births and nine deaths is definitely a mutual complement and complement each other."

"It seems quite reasonable."

The old man nodded, and then he shook his head again. "No, in ancient times, there were saints who did not believe in evil and condensed their incarnations. They were also very pure, but they could not be successful."

"That is because the realm of the boss is too low."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Ling said, clapping his hands. "But any practice is simpler when you start from a low level. When you practice at a high level, it will become more and more difficult, especially in Jiusheng. The practice of the body of the Nine Destruction itself must bear nine life and death. The higher your realm, the stronger the power of the strange, the lower the realm, the weaker the power of the strange, the easier it is to cultivate, and the mystery. The existence of the little tiger, the original power of the original place that was mobilized before it to the boss, so that the body of the beginning of the devil's body has already possessed the original atmosphere of the original place, the leader of the boss is naturally more popular. different."

"What you said makes sense."

After thinking about it, Lao Wan could only nod and agree with Xiao Ling’s statement. After all, Xiao Ling’s statement is not unreasonable.

And if Xiaoling said it really makes sense, it is really because of the reason why the Xiangyang realm is too low, then I am afraid that those who tried to practice the magic of the beginning and the law of the nine births will be hard to suffer in ancient times. .

"Seventh time."

At this time, Xiang Yang's first demon avatar was after the rest of the break, it was the seventh practice, although he succeeded six times, but he was still careful and prepared.


The seventh surprise came. This time, it was not an external force, but a horrible force that emerged from the depths of Xiangyang. Xiang Yang did not know what power it was, but this force In the flow, you must directly extinguish the fire of your own life, and you must destroy all of your own origins.

"What is this ghost thing?"

All the consciousness of Xiang Yang’s avatar is in the confrontation with this strange force, and his deity is frowning and whispering. “This strange force does not know where it came from. I don’t know what kind of horrible power I have, but it’s also very bad. I can only persist. It wants to destroy the fire of my life. I want to destroy my source. I can only Persevere, if it is other time, I may have some difficulties, but this time, with the little tiger, I don't have to worry about it."

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked at the almost small tiger who had recovered his spirit, with a gentle smile on his face. "Little black, are you enough to rest? Then take some medicine to make up for it."

While talking, take out some of the best Xiandan handed to the little tiger.


The little tiger quickly swallowed Xiandan, and at the same time, he looked at Xiangyang with a vigilant color. It was a little flustered in his heart. In the past, Xiangyang never made it so good, and this time, suddenly it was so good to him, let It has a feeling that it seems that its owner is going to fatten himself and immediately kill it.


The little guy wants to run and doesn't know where to go. He can only stay staring at Xiangyang, howling, cautiously squatting on Xiangyang's leg with his head, wanting to please Xiangyang, hope for his own The owner should not kill himself.

"Come on, eat more, and then you will have strength."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and took all the medicinal herbs and all the foods he had taken to feed the little tigers, which made the little tigers more vigilant. However, it really couldn’t resist the aroma of these medicinal herbs and ate. stand up.

Eat and eat, the little tiger thought, he may really be sold by Xiangyang or to be slaughtered, it suddenly came from the heart, could not help but see his eyes red, tears fell down.

Ever since, Xiang Yang saw the little tiger eating something while tears, and he felt in his heart, "Little black, you are really a good tiger, know that the boss is giving you food, so you are moved by tears. Nothing, eat more, wait for you to return me later."


After listening to the little black tiger, he even shook his body and shivered. He looked at Xiang Yang with tears and prayed pitifully. The big eyes shivered with tears. It was simply that I saw pity, even if it was After Yang saw it, he gave birth to a kind of compassion.

However, as soon as he thinks that the Devils have to win in this long-term battle, they must use the power of the little tiger's so-called original place. He will continue to come up with some elixir to the tiger.

The little tiger was flustered and trembled, but he could only continue to eat. If he could cry, I am afraid that it had already been crying.


At this time, only a loud roar sounded, and the life of Xiang Yang’s first demon body gradually weakened. Obviously, in this tug-of-war, the demon avatar has begun to fall.

Xiang Yang’s deity immediately patted the little tiger. “Hold the tiger, use the tiger for a while, go, it’s time for you to shoot, and quickly transfer the origin of the original land to my avatar, let me be separated. I can win in three times."


After the little tiger listened, he suddenly stopped. After he didn’t expect Xiangyang to fatten it, he didn’t want to kill it, but just let it help to mobilize the origin of the original land to help Xiangyang’s beginning. The devil is only a avatar.

For others, it is very difficult to use the power of the original land, but for the little tiger, it is really not difficult.

It immediately screamed with excitement, his body flickering, and slammed directly onto the head of Xiangyang’s first demon avatar. With a roaring sound, nine black vortexes emerged from his body, a source of power. It was absorbed by it, and it was inexhaustible.

"This is really too extravagant. What is this little tiger really? Can you use the power of the original place so casually?"

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling face each other. I really don't know what to say. Xiang Yang has a little tiger to help the cheating guy. He has such a rich source of power in the beginning. To a certain extent, his condition has been It is better than those of the ancient sacred places in ancient times. It seems that there is nothing strange about being able to survive the annihilation of nine lives.

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