Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2729: Are good brothers.

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"You, then it's time to talk about the issue of compensation between us."

Seeing the desperate colors of the seven sacred sacred sacred peaks of the sacred sacred sacred sacred face, standing in the chaotic void, Xiang Yang’s face showed a faint smile.

"What? Compensation?"

These seven great Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peaks are in despair. Suddenly they heard that Xiang Yang said that they would discuss the issue of compensation with them. They still felt a bit puzzled.

At the same time, they are very upset, and Xiang Yang has smashed all their defensive magic weapons. Although the magic weapon of the best fairy level is precious, but for the homeowners of these central fairy tales, there are still a few rare celestial beings. But, Xiang Yang is also smashing the only treasure in their family. At this moment, he even said that he would compensate them?

There are no doors, no, don't say it's the door, even if there are no windows.

What's special.

The seven deities of the Nine-Dragon Jue Tianfeng Peak decided that no matter how good Xiangyang said, they could not forgive Xiangyang.

At this moment, they thought that Xiangyang’s claim for compensation was to compensate for the smashing of their treasures, but I don’t know that Xiang Yang never compensated others’ habits. When he said that he had to pay compensation, it must be Others compensate him.

And the seven lords of the Nine Heavens, the celestial beings, all look at Xiangyang with a look of disappointment, as if Xiangyang would compensate them, they could not forgive Xiangyang.

"The seven homeowners are not stupid."

At this moment, after seeing the expressions of these seven homeowners, let alone the face of Xiang Yang with a shocking color, the people onlookers all have strange colors on their faces.

They were blocked by the chaos, and they didn’t see what happened in the end. When they saw it, they just saw Xiangyang’s smashing the treasures of everyone, making the seven people all seem to be barely exposed. In front of Xiang Yang, there is no such thing as a defensive magic weapon.

This way, no matter who you are, you know what has just happened.

However, when the seven masters heard that Xiang Yang said that he would talk about compensation, they even revealed that it was impossible to forgive the color of Xiang Yang anyway.

"It's no wonder that other families have not come to the emperor's palace to trouble, and the homeowners of these seven families have taken the initiative to come to the door." Sun Yuxiu's strong man of the Sun family could not help but sigh.

"Old ancestor, how can Xiangyang's strength be so strong?" Sun Yuxiu is shocked to see his ancestors.

"I don't know." The strongman of Sun's family grinned. If he could know why Xiangyang was so powerful, he would have become stronger than Xiangyang.

"So, how is the ancestor compared with him?" Sun Yuxiu asked again.

"Cough, how can it compare?" Sun’s ancestors sighed. "We are not enemies. It is not a good match. It is not good."

"Oh, but, I always think that Xiangyang's knife is too horrible, the strongest knife I have ever seen." Sun Yuxiu said.

"It is really terrible." Sun Jiaqiang nodded. Although he was very confident about himself, he also understood that even if he was on the move of Xiangyang, it is estimated that the end will not be better than the seven great owners. .

"It seems that even the ancestors are not the opponents of Xiangyang." Sun Yuxiu suddenly realized that the heart was shocked. The more he looked at Xiangyang, the more he felt that his heart was a little uncomfortable.

Yes, Xiang Yang is too strong.

In the past, Sun Yuxiu was the top king, thinking that he was stronger than Xiangyang, and his big brother even wanted to worship a true immortal like Xiang Yang. He felt very disdainful in his heart and felt that his big brother was very Unbelievable.

At this moment, she really understood how good her own big brother's eyes were. No matter whether Xiangyang was really a fairy or a pretending true fairy, it was enough for Xiangyang to have such strength at the moment. When Sun Chunyu’s master was honored.

"Don't talk about it, it's not necessarily who is more powerful. However, he has the best of luck. It is really strong." Although this strong man of Sun's family is unhappy, he has to admit that he must be Not as good as Xiangyang.

Sun Yuxiu did not continue to talk to Sun’s ancestors, but looked at Xiangyang with a look of infinite curiosity and whispered to himself, “Is this your deity, is it yours?” You are not old enough, why do you have such a strong strength?"

This problem must have existed for many people. Everyone feels very puzzled. With the famous name of Xiangyang, everyone knows that Xiangyang is actually just a person of no age, if he said before. It is a true immortal, but it is only a hundred years old. Although it can be said to be a genius, it is acceptable. Today, Xiangyang is also of the same age, but it has reached the peak of Xianzun, and even can be smashed. These seven fairy goddess are already incredible.

"Some people's growth must not be viewed by the eyes of normal people."

A strong man among the fire people sighed and said that his voice was not small, even Xiang Yang heard it.

Xiang Yang turned his head and smiled at the fire family. Then he looked at the fairy goddess of the seven great Luo Jiuzhongtian. He said with a smile, "You, I have no content in the world, only I want to play a shopping mall, but you actually come to me for trouble. Just in the process of confronting you, not only lost my time, but also caused me to be seriously injured, and my emperor The palace has also been greatly damaged by you. This compensation, each family has a magic weapon of the highest level, or the same level of treasure, such compensation should not be much?"

While talking, the magical battle blade in his hand is trembling gently, bursting out of a murderous and arrogant gas, seems to have been brewing to the peak, always ready to follow the seven big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng The Xianzun war is a general one.

However, if it is only the Devil's Blade, it is not enough to really make someone feel shocked at the place. At the same time, Xiang Yang's left hand is shaking, and another is a cucurbit gourd in his hand. This time, it is not the best fairy level. The 斩 葫 葫 , , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。


The lid on the 斩 葫 葫 揭 , , , , , , , , 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 盖子 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上 上People all face a big change.

"this is..."

“The sacred gourd at the level of the treasure.”

"Oh my God, isn't this kid saying that there is still a hatred with the sacred knives? The celestial squash in his hand is from the hands of Xianzun Luqing, who is a vein of the celestial flying knife. However, Why did he have a sinister flying knife at the level of the treasure? What is the situation?"


At this moment, everyone looked at Xiangyang all the time, and their faces were infinitely shocking. They only felt that Xiangyang was full of fans.

It’s not a descendant of the 斩仙飞刀, it’s the only one that can have the 斩仙飞刀, but Xiang Yang not only has the best fairy knives, but also the celestial flying knives at the level of the treasure. normal now.

Of course, these people on the crowd were shocked by Xiangyang’s knives flying beyond the best of the best, and the seven lords of the Nine-Dragon’s sacred peaks were stunned after seeing them.

"This.. this is..."

“The sacred flying knife at the level of the treasure?”


The seven masters all have a bitter color on their faces. They are very clear. If Xiang Yang has only one demon in his hands, then if they are all running away, they will be chased by Xiang Yang and killed. However, there are also people who have the opportunity to escape.

Now, when Xiang Yang has this one, he represents that when they face Xiangyang, they have no possibility of running away.

Who dares to run the first, the dead person is him.

"How do you think my proposal is?"

Xiang Yang holds the knives and flying knives in one hand, with a smile on his face, and his heart is sighing. Powerfulness is one thing, and there are enough treasures to be crushing strength.

Before, because of the lack of strength of Xiangyang, it was impossible to add enough energy to the 斩 葫 葫 , , , , , , , 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充 补充After the repair of Tianzhufeng, you can use this magic weapon without any restrictions, and you can also use the power of the Zhuxian Flying Knife to the extreme, let alone the master of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, even if it meets the Asian Holy Power. It can also pose a threat to the other party.

"You, what do you want?" Chen Jiajia’s face looked at Xiangyang with bitterness, although he was reluctant to jump out as the first bird, but from the beginning he was negotiating with Xiangyang. This makes him even more uncomfortable in his heart. If he avoids talking, it is useless. He even fears that Xiangyang will misunderstand him. If he thinks he wants to make any small moves, he will use the knives directly. Or the one blade smashed him, and he even cried without crying.

You must know that before the Seven Dynasties, the sacred sacred celestial sacred ancestors of the ancestors of the family, the treasures of the townsmen and Xiangyang were not rivals. All the magic weapons on the body were smashed. At this moment, their bodies are empty, how is Xiangyang Opponent?

"I said, you have to give me compensation. As for compensation, I have said it. Now I see you disagree. Of course, you can choose to disagree. I am also very good at speaking, but my embarrassment. The fairy knife and the blade are not necessarily agreed."

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile.


The person next to him is speechless after listening to it. If you say this is nonsense, it is equal to the threat of red fruit. If the seven emperors present in the scene do not agree to pay compensation, the next moment, the knives and the sword will be Direct shot, isn't you doing it?

"There are too many things you ask for, even if it is a treasure in our family." Chen Jiajia listened to the air and trembled, thinking that he was a big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng The strong, the home of Chen’s family, is famous in the Eastern Tianyu, and everyone’s smell and respect exists. Now it is threatened by Xiang Yang, and even if it threatens, if he wants him to compensate him, he can If he can afford something, he doesn't mind giving Xiangyang, but the key point is that Xiangyang's request is too harsh. If he can just take out a piece of treasure to give Xiangyang compensation, how can he come to the palace? ?

The other six strong men also had grief and anger on their faces, but they did not speak, but let the Chen family’s family negotiate with Xiang Yang.

"Since there is a treasure in your family, it is simple, just hand it over, losing a treasure, it is better than losing your homeowners." Xiang Yang said happily.

"But, that piece of treasure has been smashed by you." Chen Jiajia's face looked at Xiangyang with helplessness.

"Hey, this is a very sad topic." After Xiang Yang listened, he felt a burst of egg pain. He suddenly felt a bit puzzled. How was he so brave at the time, directly giving the other seven pieces of treasure to him, if you stayed How good it is to be down.

Although I don't need the seven pieces of treasure, but I can use it for the people around me. Mei Xiaoniu is not a treasure for the world of Da Luo and the world.

"Oh, that's a pity."

Xiang Yang felt so distressed that he couldn't help but lick his own heart, and almost no screams came out.

He felt that he was really stupid. He was comfortable at the moment. He did not even think that he should be merciful to the other party's magic weapon. No, at the moment of hands-on, those magic weapons should be their own magic weapon.

At this time, Xiang Yang’s distressed look made all the seven masters feel uncomfortable. It was their treasure. Even if they were uncomfortable, Xiang Yang’s original singer was clearly Xiangyang’s seven pieces of treasure. Their family has never had any treasures since then. At this moment, Xiang Yang still feels distressed. Isn’t this an insult?

"You just didn't remind me, I even let my magic weapon be damaged. I was thinking about giving you a friendship compensation price. Now it seems that I can't discount it. So, I want these things to deduct a treasure loss. , as compensation to me."

Xiang Yang looked at the seven masters present, sneer at the same time, directly listed a long bill, the above things are some materials for refining alchemy, and even the refining raw materials of Taishang Jindan are among them. However, they have all been mixed up, and no one knows that it is the raw material of Jindan.

"This... this is too much, how can we get it out?"

After seeing these seven great immortals, they were scared and their faces were pale. The materials that Xiang Yang gave them were too many. They were all kinds of refining treasures and holy medicines. Treasures, if you give Xiang Yang this way, I am afraid that all the treasures of the treasure house in their family will be hollowed out.

You must know that the treasures in their family treasures have accumulated from ancient times to the present treasures. They even suspect that Xiangyang had once sneaked into their family, otherwise it would be listed. Those treasures are almost exactly what they have in their family treasures?


In response to these seven masters, Xiang Yang’s hand in the hands of Xiang Yang’s knives will sneak into the void. At the same time, the demon battle blade in Xiangyang’s hands also burst into an earth-shattering murderousness. Individuals are locked.

Moreover, what shocked the seven people was that they thought that the 斩 葫 葫 can only deal with one of them, but at this moment, they sensed that the 斩仙飞刀 locked them all at the same time, it seems that Xiang Yang’s hands Among the 斩仙葫芦, there are seven 斩仙飞刀.

"What do you say? I didn't hear it clearly." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the seven owners.

"I, I agree. In order to express Chen's apology to you, I am willing to give you all the above materials as compensation. Even if there is no material, it will be replaced by the same grade of materials." Xiang Yang's voice After the fall, the Chen family’s family answered bitterly.

"Good brother, I believe we will become good friends." His voice fell, and he listened to Xiang Yang's sarcasm.

"..." Chen Jiajia swears that if his cultivation is able to beat Xiangyang, he will definitely rush out and fight with Xiangyang, but now he is not Xiangyang’s opponent. Can only helplessly sigh.

“How do you have opinions?” Xiang Yang smiled and looked at several other owners.

"I have agreed."

These homeowners are helpless, and the sacred knives and the sacred swords can take their lives at any time, and they can only promise.

"It's all good brothers." After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn't help but be moved.

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