Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2730: Sensational world (five more flowers)

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When the people around him heard that Xiang Yang was very moved and looked at the seven masters, and they couldn't wait to marry the seven brothers, everyone looked at Xiangyang with a strange look.

They have lived for hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years, thousands of years, and even longer, and shameless people have seen a lot. However, when they see such a shameless newcomer as Xiangyang, they really don’t see much. .

At this moment, Xiang Yang said to the seven masters, "Since all the family members have agreed to the reconciliation between us, then we will swear, I believe, under the testimony of the avenue, our friendship will be more and more strong."

Go to your special friendship.

These seven people are angry in the heart. If they regret it, they will definitely not provoke Xiangyang. However, there is no regret in the world. Even if they are the sacred gods of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they cannot make time back, since it is not Yang’s opponent can only be planted.

"I am waiting to swear at Chaos Avenue..."

Everything in the following is very easy to handle. Anyway, the seven people can't repent. After all, there are so many people watching it. If they go out, if they still regret it, it would be too shameful.

After they made the oath in accordance with Xiang Yang’s request, they were relieved one by one because they knew that their lives were saved.

They are able to practice the fairy goddess of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. They have lived for too long, and they are the owners of the wealthy people. They usually enjoy themselves and are more reluctant to die.

At this moment, when Xiang Yang put away the sacred gourd and the demon battle blade, they were relieved, and they felt the feeling of rest for the rest of their lives. They couldn’t help but give birth to a gratitude to Xiangyang. Thank you. Xiang Yang’s grace is not to kill.

Even if they think that their hearts are very weird, it is obvious that they were almost killed by Xiang Yang, and even the family's Zhenzu Zhibao was destroyed by Xiangyang. They also signed a series of unequal treaties with Xiangyang, but They even want to thank Xiang Yang.

After seeing that the seven people had already issued a poisonous oath, Xiang Yang was relieved, and his heart was very refreshing, but when he thought of the seven pieces of the treasure he had lost by himself, he was distressed.

"Okay, everyone is gone, then you go back, give me things in three days. If it is overtime, I will take the initiative to come to the door. At that time, our brothers will be It may need to be consolidated." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the seven people.

"Reassured, within an hour, will be sent to you." Chen Jiajia and other owners replied with a cold face, they know that Xiang Yang is still threatening them, but they even made a poison oath, naturally impossible Repaying the account, but preparing to go back, ready to give all the treasures to Xiangyang, the provincial night dreams.

"You, thank you for your support. If you have something to do in the Imperial Palace in the future, please ask for your help. Haha, I have time to drink at the Imperial Palace. There are various entertainment venues in the Imperial Palace. Many of you have never seen it. I believe that you will love the Palace of God."

Xiang Yang is laughing and talking to the onlookers, selling the Emperor Palace and then breaking the void.

"This guy is really shameless, and he said something he hasn't seen before. Does he really think that his imperial palace is the real residence of the Emperor?"

Gong Sun Yuxiu muttered and said.

"If the Imperial Palace really has what he said is so fun, it seems that I should also find a time to look at it." However, after Sun Yuxiu’s words were finished, the Sun’s ancestors around her were laughing and said.

"Old ancestors, you should not listen to him blowing, I have not seen anything strange in the Imperial Palace." Sun Yuxiu felt that he was beaten, could not help but scream.

"Showing the girl, don't be excited, this emperor is also related to your brother. My ancestors, I am going to see it, it is normal." Sun family ancestors laughed and looked at Sun Yuxiu, always felt that Sun Yuxiu seemed to be a bit of Xiangyang. Little excited, but did not go deeper, but took Sun Yuxiu to leave.

In the same way, other onlookers are all gone, and the battle that took place in this chaos is destined to spread throughout the Central Fairy, and Xiang Yang is a person who will never see again. Clear what kind of cultivation he is.

Before this, everyone only thought that Xiangyang was only a true fairy, but from then on, everyone will know that the true strength of Xiangyang has become the supreme existence of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

Since then, Xiang Yang has been destined to name the entire Eastern Tianyu.

Not enough, all these items are not taken care of. Anyway, he was already very famous in this Eastern Tianyu. It is the best thing at the moment, and it is the best thing. If you can let other women know his reputation, then It is the best.

At this moment, Xiang Yang has returned to the outside of the Imperial Palace. He saw that a group of young people who are in trouble and their men’s faces all fell on the outside of the Imperial Palace with their grievances on their faces. Countless people are watching around, and some even come out. The photographic stone directly records the look of these guys, ready to keep these people in the future.

Mei Aoxue and others are sitting leisurely outside the imperial palace. With the presence of Mei Ao Xue, the singer of the sacred heaven and earth, the presence of Xianzun is here, and no one dares to come to the imperial palace to make trouble.

Because, after Xiangyang entered the Imperial Palace, it was indeed someone who came to make trouble. It was these family members of the youth who wanted to sneak in the water and want to rob people.

Of course, the strongest people they send are just a master of the world.

However, Mei Aoxue, the strongest person in the world of Da Luo, is here to block the other side. Even, he almost wiped out the other side, causing the other party to retreat.

As a result, everyone will never dare to shoot.

Even, even the families behind these young people are waiting, waiting for their respective homeowners to give them a result.

In their hearts, out of trust in their homeowners, they don’t think that the seven masters and Xiangyang will go into chaos. They even have a strong group, just waiting for their homeowners to come back, they will Directly demolished the Imperial Palace.


When Xiang Yang walked out of the chaotic void, everyone was shocked.

"I actually came out first? Seven of them? Has it been killed by him?"

"Impossible, the owners of the seven masters are all the existence of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and we all know that the owners of the major families have the existence of the family's treasures of all major families. How is it possible? Will you lose?"

"Maybe let him come out and tell the last words."


The crowds on the crowd have all kinds of speculations. They don’t think that Xiangyang’s first come out will win the seven owners. Even they think that they are the benevolent of the seven masters, giving Xiangyang the opportunity to let Xiangyang come out. After explaining the last words, I will work on Xiang Yang.

Even the people who came to the ground who had fallen to the ground, now have a face full of excitement, they must stand up.

"Your Majesty."

However, Mei Ao Xue, who was sitting in front of them, just said faintly, there was a burst of pressure that made them feel trembled and no longer dared to move.

"You don't want to be proud, our family owner will come out. By then, you will know what is desperate." A young man looked at Mei Aoxue with a look of disgust.

"I really want your family to tell me what is desperate." However, responding to them is the faint smile on Xiang Yang's face.

"The homeowner must have let you say the last words, you don't want to install it."

One of the young people looked at Xiang Yang with a sneer on his face.

"Yeah, the seven masters will take the shot together, even if it is the holy place, you have to stand by, let alone you, you don't have to install it. Anyway, the truth will be white, everyone will know that you are dead. "Another young man also looked at Xiang Yang with a proud color on his face.

"That is, you have let us go now, maybe we will ask you for help in front of the homeowner later." The other one said the same.

"I am so scared."

Xiang Yang sighed, but his face did not have the slightest fear. He was too lazy to pay attention to these guys. Instead, he frowned and looked at Mei Aoxue, whispering, "Mei Xiaoniu, you are injured, who is it?"

Although Mei Ao Xue was sitting here very calmly at the moment, Xiang Yang clearly felt that the breath of Mei Ao Xue was not very stable. It was obviously injured. Although it was only a minor injury, it made Xiang Yang angry.

"There are some strong people who are going to save people, and I am blocked by them. I am a little hurt and don't get in the way." Mei Aoxue said in an understatement.

At the same time, Mei Aoxue looked at Xiang Yang with a worried color on his face and asked softly, "How are you, are you okay?"

"I am very good, just because of the seven guys, how could it be my opponent?" Xiang Yang whispered while holding the hand of Mei Aoxue, carefully checking her injury and found that Mei Aoxue did It was only a minor injury, and it was almost relieved when it was almost restored.

However, although not worried, it does not mean that Xiang Yang will let go of each other.

His eyes looked at the young people who fell to the ground and their men, with a sneer on his face. "Which family wants to save people?"

"What happened to my soup house?"

One of the youths looked at Xiang Yang with a proud color. "The kid, my souphouse is like a cloud. I just sent a fairyland with a big heaven and eight heavens and a few big Luo seven heavens." The next time I came over, I was a group of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng’s fairy goddess, afraid of it? If I was afraid, I quickly put the young master, and then kneel down and ask for mercy."

While talking, his face looked at Xiang Yang with a triumphant color. He believed that Xiang Yang had already understood the power of these nobles after being "learned" by the seven masters in the chaotic void. After knowing the horror of the soup family, I will be even more obsessed with myself. As a result, compared with other people who dare not speak, I am much more powerful, so I don't have to worry about being forced to lie here.


However, what the soup did not think was that when his voice fell, he heard a scream and heard it, and then there was a figure that made him fearless in the weekdays. Come out, appear in front of him, and slap directly toward him.


At this moment, Tang Dashao was stunned.

He stared at the owner of the soup house, although the owner was also a high-spirited presence on the weekdays, but in the face of the family's younger generation, his face was filled with a faint smile. The ratio is completely different. At this moment, the owner of the house has an angry color on his face, as if a fierce lion has swallowed himself.

"Home, homeowner..."

Tang Daxiao was staring at the owner of the raging Tang family, and the whole person was stunned.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The Tang family’s anger waited for Tang Da Shao, and he wished that the boy would be killed. In the chaotic void, he always pretended that his grandson would not speak to Xiang Yang. Xiang Xiang targeted, however, what he did not expect was that he had just come out of the chaotic void, and he heard that his descendants were so proud to talk to Xiang Yang, he was almost mad.

Even if he is facing him, he must be cautious when he is facing Xiang Yang. If he dares not say anything more, how dare this kid be so crazy?


Tang Dao was staring at the owner. Suddenly, there was a very incredible thought in his heart. The owner was not angry because he was forced to kneel on the ground, but was angry because he ridiculed Xiang Yang’s words.

But why, the homeowner will think about Xiangyang?

"Daoyou, I..."

However, the next scene suddenly made everyone understand why.

I saw the head of the Tang family’s face turned to look at Xiangyang with a sly color. He said with a helpless sigh. "In the squat, there are such descendants in the family. It is really the negligence of my usual discipline. Also please thank the Taoist."


Everyone heard the words of the Tang family and they were all shocked. They stared at the Tang family. It is very obvious that the words of the Tang family have shown that the seven masters entered the chaotic void and Xiang Yangyi The result of the war.

Seven hit ones actually lost.

This is really shocking.

"I can ignore this kid's words, but after I left, your soup family had a strong person to the emperor's palace to make trouble, how to deal with this matter?" Xiang Yang said with a cold smile.


After the Tang family’s owner heard it, his face suddenly changed. He knew that this thing could not be done.

At this moment, other homeowners also came out, and they looked at the scene calmly. Even if they saw that their family were being forced to kneel on the ground, they did not have any indications. As a result, everyone understood. Seven homeowners entered the chaotic void and battled with Xiangyang, and they actually lost.

"He is so strong, it will be a day."

The people around me only felt that their breathing stopped, and they looked at Xiangyang with shock and awe.

"I am willing to add another 10% of the treasures to make up for the loss of the Imperial Palace." The Tang family said, biting his teeth.

"Three percent." Xiang Yang looked calm and said faintly, "I don't want to kill more, but everyone who participates in this war, I don't want to see them anymore. Of course, if one day, I want to make a calculation." Their whereabouts, if I can still figure it out, what the soup family will be is not what I can know."

"Yes, I will dispose of them."

The heart of the Tang family was bleeding, but he had to agree to it. Because Xiang Yang was talking, he had already used the power of the soul to break out the pressure of a strong sanctuary to suppress it. His heart trembled, even more incredible.

The power of this soul makes the strong man of this great Luo Jiu Tian Tianfeng really understand, even if Xiang Yang has nothing to be born, it is enough to really suppress them with this power.

They are not losing.

"These people, each brought back to deal with it." Xiang Yang took a look at the seven masters, and then greeted Mei Aoxue and others into the palace.

All of the seven masters were expressionless, and when the people of their respective families spoke, they broke out with a burst of energy and they disappeared. However, those who watched were all blasted.

Today's scene is destined to be written into the history books. The names of Xiangyang and Emperor Palace will be famous.

The author Meng Yu said: Today, more than 20,000 words are coming, and I am asking for flowers.... It’s on the 20th again. Every day, I close the code, and the time flies....

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