Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2734: Stupid prince

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"The speed of the seven masters is still very fast. It took less than a quarter of an hour to actually deliver all the compensation they promised."

In the Imperial Palace, Xiang Yangzheng and the people looked at the seven storage rings in front of them. Each of the storage rings contained the treasures that the seven masters had just sent.

Xiang Yang carefully checked that the seven masters were obviously frightened by themselves. This time, not only did they not move their hands and feet, but the treasures they sent were more than the scheduled ones, although not many, but not many, but However, it is obvious that they can show the attitude of these owners.

Xiang Yang put all the storage rings together, and sighed in his heart. This is enough for the little spirit to squander. After the refining of the tower is completed, it is time for Xiaoling to help Mei Xiaoniu to refine a treasure, otherwise Mei Xiaoniu has already reached the level of Da Luo’s eight heavens, but she has no magic weapon for her hands. It is really too shabby.


"The owner of the Imperial Palace, roll out the Emperor."

"get out..."

At this time, I heard a roaring sound, and the breath of a big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng broke out. At the same time, a roar sound spread throughout the central Xiancheng. After Xiangyang listened, his face suddenly changed.

"It is also a master of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak to find trouble."

Xiang Yang took a deep breath and had an angry color on his face. "I don't kill people. Is it really a soft persimmon?"

"Is it a prince? Is it true that the Emperor of Heaven is a scorpion?" Mei Aoxue and others are equally disfigured, and even the soul of the seven-seventh who sits on the side has the same look with amazement.

The soul seventy-seven is the seven princess of the soul family. She knows very well what the son of the emperor represents in the central fairy city. But it is supreme authority, whoever has to listen to the other party’s words, and, on the contrary, is a big Luo Jiuzhong The strongest of Tianzhufeng is even more incredible.

"There is trouble here." The face of the soul seven or seven looks at Xiangyang with a worried color. She originally contacted the soul family. He also thought of using the Imperial Palace to make the soul family re-enter the fairy world, but At this moment, when I saw the troubles of the Imperial Palace, she suddenly felt that it was better not to let the Souls be related to the Earth Palace. Otherwise, when the Souls were destroyed with the Emperor Palace.

"He really is too irritating." The soul sighs seventy-seven, although she has already believed that Xiangyang is the reincarnation of the soul of the soul of the soul, knowing that the soul of the saint is a soul saint before his death. At the time, it was very troublesome. I didn't expect it to be so troublesome after reincarnation.

"It seems that I should also find a time to leave Xiangyang. Otherwise, if I don't get any benefit, I am afraid that it will be destroyed. After all, Xiangyang is not only the strongest of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. It is still the soul of the soul saint. Unless the sage of the immortal is shot, no one is his opponent. However, it is too dangerous for me to be with me. Others can’t deal with him, but they can deal with the people around him. what."

In the heart of the seventy-seven hearts, the heart of leaving is born. Of course, it is impossible to show it now.

At this time, Xiang Yang said with angry anger on his face, and said to everyone, "You stay here to rest, I will use this treasure to guard this layer, no one can hurt you."

While talking, throwing a magic weapon directly, it looks very inconspicuous, just a small clock. Everyone present does not think that this little bell has any special place. However, only Xiang Yang knows that this is a catastrophe. The clock is a true innate chaos to the treasure, and, with the control of Lao Wan, even if the chaos sage is coming, it is impossible to hurt everyone.

"I care what he is. If you come, don't think about leaving."

The tens of thousands of robbed clocks are hidden in the void, guarding the imperial palace, can guarantee that the women do not have any danger, and Xiang Yang is with a color of face, step by step, disappeared directly.


The little tiger's eyeball that is inseparable from Xiangyang is going to keep up, but it is bounced back by an invisible force. It can only be screamed a few times, and it seems to be stunned. Like a tiger inside a cage.

"Xiang Yang does not let us keep up, has sealed it here."

Mei Ao Xue sensed the situation here and whispered, "We can only wait for Xiangyang, I only hope that he will not have something."

"There will be no mistakes. Something is his enemy." The soul said seven and seven lazily.

She is most aware of Xiangyang's strength. Even if Xiangyang is just an ordinary person, with the identity of the Soul Saint, it is impossible to have any danger. Even if the Emperor of the East comes, it will not hurt Xiangyang.

"Do not worry."

The girls comforted each other, but although they could not go out, but Mei Aoxue could use the magical power to pass in the image of the outside world, so that everyone can see what happened to the outside world.


Xiang Yang stepped out and appeared directly outside the Imperial Palace. He saw a young man burning a horrible atmosphere. A thick emperor broke out and interacted with the Tiangong in the sky, making Xiangyang not to use it. I want to know the identity of the other party.

"It’s really a prince. The emperor is so strong, I’m afraid it’s the son of the Emperor of the East.”

Xiang Yang sneered a little and took another step, directly to the front of the twelve emperors.

"You are the master of the imperial palace Xiangyang?" After the drunk of the twelve emperors fell, he saw Xiangyang appear. When he saw Xiangyang, he suddenly raised his head and put himself in the position of a prince, sneering. "Don't you know that you are guilty?"

"I know guilty?"

When Xiang Yang saw the beginning of the other party, he couldn’t help but smile. "I said that you are the first emperor, is it a biological one, or is he born? How can the Eastern Heavenly Emperor have such a stupid son?"


"I don't want to be the Lord of the Emperor's Palace. I dare to take it as the Emperor's Palace. His courage is really not so big. I dare to talk to the twelve emperors."

"God, he doesn't know what it means to speak to the twelve emperors in this central fairy city. Even dare to say this, not only angered the twelve emperors, but also offended the Emperor."

"He is finished, the twelve emperors are not the seven masters, and it is impossible to let him go."


Those who watched the lively people heard the words of Xiang Yang and were all shocked.

Especially the owners of the seven big families, watching this scene far away, when they heard Xiang Yang talking to the twelve emperors in such a tone, they couldn’t help but laugh. "This guy thinks that the twelve emperors are also very Is it bully? He is dead."

"Even if he is the descendant of that pulse, this matter cannot be so unveiled."

"Here is the Tiantian of the East. This is the realm of the Emperor. The twelve emperors are the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. He dared to say this. This time the imperial palace is definitely going to be finished. Unfortunately, we have to put things so early. Send it to him, knowing that it should be delayed for a while, then we may not have to give it."

"I really want to see how he was beaten or even destroyed by the twelve emperors."

All of the seven lords sighed, and one could not wait to see the twelve princes under the wrath of the prince and Xiangyang, regardless of whether the twelve princes are not the opponents of Xiangyang. What is important is that this is in the Eastern Tianyu. If Xiang Yang is confronted with the twelve emperors, it is equivalent to the civilians and the official, it is impossible to have any way to live.

Even if Xiangyang is strong in strength, before he can break through the holy land, how can he compare with the people of Tiangong, the strong in the heavenly palace, the strong ones like the clouds, the holy sages need not say, the master of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng is absolutely Quite a lot, when Xiangyang can play ten, how many people will appear, see if you can play it.

Seven people are very sorry in their hearts. They feel that they are too honest. They have promised to give Xiangyang the treasures of Xiangyang very early. If they are a little late, they may not have to give them. However, Now I don't think it's useful anymore. They can only watch Xiang Yang's end. I only hope that Xiangyang will have a very happy result.

"You... you bastard."

The twelve emperors were high on weekdays. In addition to his brothers and sisters, he might have a little bit of attitude to him. Others saw that he was not a respectful salute and shouted a prince. He thought this time to deal with Xiangyang. Very relaxed, as long as he is the identity of the emperor, Xiang Yang will definitely respect the ceremony immediately.

Even, as long as he said that he wants to play Xiangyang, Xiang Yang will be very happy to bring his face over and let himself fight. After he slaps himself, Xiang Yang still asks with a look, "The prince, your Is it a pain? Sorry, my skin is too thick, it hurts your hand, I beat myself."

Then ‘啪啪啪’ himself fanned his own slap.

However, no matter what the Twelve Emperor thought on the way, he did not think that Xiang Yangyi said that he was a stupid person and dared to suspect that he was not the biological son of the Emperor of the East. This is simply too much.

"Kid, do you commit the following, do you want to rebel?"

The twelve emperors bite their teeth and look at Xiang Yang. He has realized that this time it must be hard to deal with Xiang Yang. Although he is not afraid, he feels that he must first use words to suppress the crime. Yang, if you can 'take people with morality' and let Xiang Yang realize his own mistakes and beg for mercy, that is the best.

In fact, the idea of ​​the twelve emperors is very good. There is nothing wrong with serving people. However, he will rush out to be a bird at this time. It is not a smart person. His head is indeed a few fewer. Reinforcement, even if he wants to serve people with morality, he will suppress Xiangyang with words, and he must have that eloquence.

One of his mouths is to ask Xiang Yang to rebel?

This hat was buckled down, which made Xiang Yang a little helpless. He looked directly at the people on the crowd and asked directly, "Who is this stupid? Is it really the son of the great Oriental Emperor?"

"Xiang Yang, this is the twelve emperors, the twelfth son of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor." At this time, a voice came from afar, it was the family of the fire family who brought people.

The head of the family of the fire family has a faint smile on their faces, and they look at Xiangyang. They find that Xiangyang’s momentum is like a rainbow, and the horrible flames are burning. The source of the glory is even more than his own practice. When the old predecessors of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak were still horrible, he could not help but sigh. "If you are young and promising, you can have such strength when you are so young. It is a descendant of that pulse. ”

"The head of the family, we met again." Xiang Yang looked with a smile on his face, looking at the family of the fire family, and the two strong men who followed the family of the fire family, the heart was a little shocked, the fire family is not the top five The Tianzu, freely dispatched, is the master of the three big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and even one of them has the meaning of the great Luo, which is about to enter the Asian holy realm, this is a The real half step of the holy power.

"Oh, my daughter has been abducted, do you still call my family master?" If there is no one next to the family of the fire family, they will turn a blind eye to the eyes of the twelve emperors, and smile at Xiangyang.

"Oh... I think, there may be some misunderstandings in this, I and the fire chick are innocent." Xiang Yang said with helpless sigh.

"I know, you know, you are a very pure relationship between men and women." The fire family owner smiled and smiled, with a look on the face, "I understand what you mean, we all understand people."

“The owner is really funny.”

Xiang Yang helpless, this fire family is no wonder that the old tree blossoms, in a young age can still give birth to such a little daughter, this is also a wonderful person.

"Ha ha ha."

The owner of the fire family laughed happily and looked at the twelve emperors. "These twelve emperors are not innocent."

"The family of the fire family, are you going to participate in the matter between the prince and the thief of the Imperial Palace?"

The twelve emperors looked coldly at the family of the fire family and sneered and said, "Xiang Yang, who founded the Imperial Palace, called the 'Emperor', this is the practice of not respecting the Emperor, and even more, the height of the Imperial Palace is just right. Touching the Tiangong, is this going to turn the Tiangong top? He does not respect the Emperor, he does not respect the face of the Temple of Heaven. Today is the matter between Tiangong and Xiangyang. Please ask the owner not to participate, otherwise, even if The owner is the owner of the fire family, I am afraid it is not easy to explain to the father."

At this time, this guy seems to suddenly become smart. He even knows how to say this. If he wants to let the family of the fire family retreat, he can face Xiang Yang alone.

It is a pity that the twelve emperors did not know that the family of the fire family appeared here, and it has already indicated that the fire family is coming to support Xiangyang. Not to mention that he said these words and buckled a large hat. On the top of Yang’s head, even if he really said that Xiang Yang was a rebellion, the fire family could not just retreat.

"What kind of pride is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, there will be such a son."

After listening to the fire family, the family shook their heads slightly and felt a little sad about the Eastern Heavenly Emperor. Although the Eastern Heavenly Emperor himself was in a high position, he had the strength of horror, and there were many people behind the blood, and even many of them had already The cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak looks very powerful. In fact, it can be seen from the twelve emperors. The quality of these sons of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor is really not good.

The owner of his fire family, although not many children, but each is an elite, is the arrogance of the arrogance of heaven, and even more excellent and forward-looking little niece.

Thinking of this, the fire family owner only felt very proud, his face could not help but reveal a proud color.

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