Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2735: The royal family of the tragedy (five more flowers)

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"Hey, the family of the fire family is also a bit interesting. Just telling the twelve emperors a word, how do you feel that he suddenly feels very proud?"

Seeing the face of the family of the fire family with a proud color, it seems very proud of what it looks like, Xiang Yang suddenly felt a bit puzzled, how confident this fire family is, even with a few words to reveal the twelve emperors Such a proud look.

"Fire Lord, what do you mean?" The twelve emperors are also a bit stunned. He thinks that the owner of the fire family seems to be a little different from the legendary male. Is it true that the legends are fake?

Yes, the so-called legendary firefighter’s master is definitely because of the fact that the other is the owner of the fire family, one of the five great celestial beings. Otherwise, this guy is just an ordinary person at first glance. Even the Emperor is not as good as it is, and it is a joke to say what the talent is.

At the same time, the twelve emperors suddenly felt that they were really good, as if they had already surpassed among the emperors, becoming the highest IQ, the strongest, and the most outstanding one.

When he sighed in his heart, he almost forgot that he was looking for Xiangyang trouble, and he was caught in self-indulgence.


Xiang Yang feels that this is a bit too bad. The fire family’s face is proud of it. How can the twelve emperors be so enchanted, can they say that the two are here to compare Who can quickly get into the state of self?

"Cough, I said two, you have to be immersed in self-indulgence, please return to your home, don't waste time here, my time is precious, right, the seven homeowners have a deep understanding, you If you don't believe it, you can ask how much they have lost my time before, and how much it cost."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he looked at the seven owners who were watching from afar.


The seven masters were looking forward to Xiangyang, hoping that Xiangyang could be killed by the twelve emperors. Later, after discovering that the family of the fire family came, they felt that something was wrong. Then, it happened. Let them all have a little bit of laughter and laughter. They are still guessing what the family of the fire family is doing, and they will hear Xiang Yang align their voices to them, so that all the onlookers will look at them with Xiang Yang’s gaze. Their faces suddenly turned green.

It’s already too much to beat people, but after you’ve finished playing, you’ve even caught a handful of salt and sprinkled it on the other’s wound. This is unbearable.

"Oh..." The seven masters snorted and didn't want to answer Xiang Yang's topic. If they didn't want to see Xiangyang being beaten up by the twelve emperors, they felt that they had a glance at Xiangyang. Uncomfortable.

"Xiang Yang, are you guilty of sin, don't you plead guilty?" The twelve emperors squinted at Xiangyang, with the supreme majesty in their eyes, and with the practice of the Emperor of Heaven, he still had Some emperors broke out in a majestic manner and seemed to be modeled.

If it is a general practitioner, even if Da Luo Xianzun sees the appearance of the twelve emperors, I am afraid that it will be really scared by the other party. However, at this moment, Xiang Yang is with a stunned color on his face. "I said twelve. The emperor is right, if you have lost your heart, you suddenly ran over the gibberish."

At the same time, he sighed, "His Royal Highness, there is a disease, it is necessary to cure, although your illness is hidden, but you can not cure it, it is also you who suffer, or else, I am a little doctor Why don't you let me treat you?"

"I'm sick?"

The twelve emperors pointed at themselves, he was going to be mad, this shameless person, dare to say that this temple is sick?

"Yes, you are really sick, and you are not very ill." Xiang Yang said, "Congratulations, you realize your illness, you just give me a treasure to do medical expenses, I can help you disease."

"How, I am not very good, even the medical expenses are so cheap, I am very touched."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, some people in the distance couldn’t help but laugh out. Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at it. He found that he was his old acquaintance, Donghuang Yuxi, and there was a woman who watched it. It is very beautiful, but the breath of the body is the dignity of the Emperor with the pen twelve emperors. Obviously the other party must be related to the Emperor of the East.

"Donghuang chick, so good, we met again." Xiang Yang smiled and said hello to Donghuang Yuxi, and then glanced at the woman next to the emperor Yuxi, it is obvious that the other is the Eastern Emperor Daughter.

However, for the first time, Xiang Yang had dealt with the Emperor of the Eastern Emperor, and he saw a stupid hat like the twelve emperors. At this moment, he saw a princess again. He also had no good feelings for the other party. He even looked lazy and looked at each other.

"Qiao?" After listening to Xiangyang's words, Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang with a strange look on his face. "Do you think it is very clever?"

"Of course, it’s a coincidence. I just met in Wanxu Tianzhou not long ago. I think we have a special relationship between the two. Now, goodbye is still the case. It really means that there are millions of people coming to meet."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Donghuang Yuxi didn't want to talk to Xiangyang a bit, especially when she saw Xiangyang, which was obviously idle and boring, and couldn't help but look at Xiangyang. "You think it's a coincidence. Let's go."

Although she was already aware of the difference with Xiang Yang, the difference between this time and Xiang Yang was only short-lived. The two will meet again sooner or later. However, when I really saw Xiang Yang, I found that Xiang Yang was already Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianzhufeng's super strong, and he is only a fairy king, she is a bit depressed, I think the Xiangyang this monster practice speed is too fast.

"Donghuang sister, why don't you introduce it to your sister?" On the one hand, the 15th princess Xu Qingmei swayed, and her smiling eyes looked at Xiang Yang, her eyes with strange colors.

As a fifteenth princess, although she is a daughter, she is definitely the most outstanding among the children of Emperor Xuan of the East. Otherwise, she will not be so valued by the Emperor Yuxi and her sisters.

At this moment, her eyes looked at Xiang Yang and found that the power of Xiang Yang’s origin was boundless. Even if she could not compare with Xiang Yang, she could not help but reveal the shocking color. “He is not the one. The ancestors of the pulse, even the source is so magnificent, even those who have already stepped into the realm of the sacred world may not be able to compare with him, and, not long ago, it is said that he is only a true immortal, no Maybe, he can't suddenly become such a master in such a short period of time. Even if he has already understood the rules of the nine Dalu in the realm of real fairyland, he will not be able to break through the situation of becoming a big man. The fairy statue is either a legend or a mistake. Or, this is not his deity."

The 15th princess Xu Qing analyzed these problems at once. Her beauty flowed at the same time. Donghuang Yuxi also thought of these problems. Her heart was very strange, but she did not ask, but said to Xu Qing. "Sister, this is Xiang Yang, the master of the Imperial Palace, which is the descendant of that pulse."

"Xiang Yang, this is my worship sister, fifteen princess Xu Qing."

At the same time, Donghuang Yuxi turned his head and introduced Xu Qing’s identity to Xiang Yang.

"It turned out to be a fifteen princess. I heard it for a long time. Fortunately, I will be lucky." Xiang Yang’s face had a false smile. Although he said that he was lucky, he actually did not look at the fifteen princess Xu Qing. Staying on the body, but glanced at the twelve emperors, his heart groaned, this twelve emperor is really a waste, repaired even worse than his sister, I am afraid that this fifteenth princess Xu Qing will be able to put twelve The emperor beats a meal.

"However, what is this about me?"

When Xiang Yang thought about it, he smiled and turned his head to look at the twelve emperors.

At this moment, the twelve emperors have already been mad, and this time it is clearly the trouble of his coming to the emperor's palace. He wants to teach Xiang Yang a meal. However, the family of the fire family came, and Xiang Xianghan slammed. Even if he does not put his prince in his eyes, even if the fire family is big, it is definitely not comparable to the average person. Even if the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei came to the fire family, he is very proud of his prince. I still don't feel that I can override the fire family.

However, after Xiang Yang and the family of the fire family chilled, the twelve emperors were thinking about having to deal with Xiangyang well, and when Xiang Yang surrendered, they found that the 15th Princess and the Donghuang Yuxi came.

What's special, Donghuang Yuxi and Xiangyang are a little innocent in the legend. Everyone thinks that Xiangyang is the object of Donghuang Yuxi's recruitment. This is the most unpleasant thing for the twelve emperors. This is this time. He came to find the direct factor of Xiangyang's troubles. As a result, at this moment, he saw the hippie smile between Xiangyang and Donghuang Yuxi. The two people were in a flirtatious manner, and he was even more angry.

Seeing that Xiang Yang looked at his eyes, the twelve emperors directly yelled loudly. "Xiang Yang, you commit the following, but you still don't plead guilty. Do you want the emperor to take you down?"

"Cough, then, your Royal Highness, you should wait and talk."

He originally thought that he was so embarrassed, even if Xiang Yang did not cooperate, at least should he ask why?

Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang just waved his hand, and then looked at the fifteen princess Xu Qing, only to see Xiang Yang a serious question to the 15th Princess Xu Qing, "I said Princess, you are here Did this mental patient take it back for treatment?"

"What patient?"

After the fifteenth princess listened, she stopped. Although she did not know what the mental illness was, she could know the words of the patient from Xiang Yang’s words. Obviously, Xiang Yang regarded the twelve emperors as sick. People.

Thinking of this, Rao is the 15th princess who is the half-sister of the twelve princes. At the moment, she can’t help but grin and smile. She has a white eye and feels that Xiang Yang’s person is too much. Even the son of Emperor Tiandi was sick, but it was the first person in the past.

"Hey, it seems that it is really sick. Look, the princess has already become so sad." Xiang Yang sighed and looked at the twelve emperors with a pity of mercy on his face. I said, Your Royal Highness, you are still going to go back with your sister or sister. Although the Emperor of Heaven can't cure your illness, you will go back to health and it will be better and better. Of course, if you have enough medical expenses. If you can tell me, I will help you with treatment. I call it a medical sage, and the world of medicine is the best in the world. There is absolutely no problem in treating your head."

While talking, he patted his own heart and made a ticket. "If there is no way to cure your illness, am I not licking my signature?"


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the twelve emperors had already been mad, and yelled loudly. “Boy, you completely angered the prince. This is the central fairy city of the Eastern Tianyu. The prince is the twelve of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor. The emperor, on behalf of the face of the emperor, you dare not respect the emperor, but also dare to believe in the mouth, today, the emperor wants you to understand how your rebellious person should be like the end..."

"Your son of the emperor is talking about the evidence. You said that the emperor's palace is rebellious. Can you have evidence? You said that Xiangyang does not respect you. This is not a problem, but you said that you represent the face of the emperor, don't you say that? You are the Emperor? I don't think it is necessary. The Emperor can not only have at least one of your princes, but also the Emperor of Heaven is a great man. It is impossible to give up so quickly. Do you have any disagreements?"

At this time, when the words of the twelve emperors had just fallen, they heard a distant word and passed on. I saw three or four figures smashing through the void and heading straight to the Imperial Palace. The person who spoke was Sun Chunyu. .

Although Sun Chunyu is only a fairy king, but when he spoke, the momentum was like a rainbow, and he was not afraid of the twelve emperors, the prince of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

"Master, I am late."

Sun Chun was led by the three elders of the Sun family to Xiang Yang, with a respectful color on his face.

"Don't, don't call me Master, I am not your master." Xiang Yang originally listened to Sun Chunyu's words and couldn't help but cheer him in his heart. As soon as he heard Sun Chunyu calling himself a teacher, he The face suddenly darkened, this kid is really not dead, every time I meet, I have to try to shout a shout, if not enough vigilance, then accidentally will be recruited.

"Master, the disciple really wants to worship, only to be able to serve before and after the Master." Sun Chunyu looked at Xiang Yang with a respectful color on his face.

At this moment, the three strongmen of the Sun family also smiled and gave a gift to Xiang Yang. "I have seen a friend."

They are the elders of the Sun family. At the same time, they are also the superpowers of the Da Luo Jiu Tian Tian. They represent the face of the Sun family. At this moment, Xiang Yang’s acquaintance with the Taoist friend is equivalent to identifying Xiang Yang as They exist at the same level.

"I have seen a friend."

Although Xiang Yang is not happy, Sun Chunyu will call his master to hang himself when he meets. However, the three strongmen of Sun’s family are saluting themselves. Naturally, he can’t help but return, but he also called the other person. For 'Daoyou'.

The Sun family came here, and there were three strong people who followed Sun Chunyu. Although there was no fire family, the family owner came in, but it also showed the attitude of the Sun family. After seeing the people on the side, all of them were surprised. Color, I just think that today, this thing seems to have an accident, let alone the strength of Xiangyang, at least the support of the two ally of the fire and the Sun family, it seems that the twelve emperors themselves look impetuous However, now, there seems to be a bit of a tragedy.

As everyone thought, the twelve emperors were really mad at the moment. He stared at Sun Chunyu and his group, and they were all trembled with anger. For a while, they were so angry that they were big. Luo Jiuzhong Tian Yufeng's Xianzun, even a direct "噗" spurt a big mouthful of blood.

"You, how are you..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers

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