Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2740: Demon wind power (five more flowers)

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At the beginning of the 12th Emperor, he did not agree. He thought that Xiang Yang was only pretending to be a pretending gesture. He was just free to sacrifice a genre of magical weapons that wanted to block this **** hurricane. However, when the **** hurricane When he really boasted to him, he suddenly realized that the disaster was coming.


As if the bubble was punctured, the defensive magic weapon of the twelve emperors was instantly broken, and the **** hurricane fell directly on him. The next moment, the flesh and blood on his body disappeared with the **** hurricane, accompanied by At the same time as his screams came out, this **** hurricane swirled around him, and every breath of his work, his flesh and blood was one layer less.

"Not good, the twelve brothers are dangerous."

"problem occurs."


At this moment, just after the screams of the twelve emperors came out, the princes who had been peeping in the Temple of Heaven had changed their faces at the same time, and they could no longer afford to hide their bodies.


"You dare to hurt the twelve emperors, that is to find death."

"Hurry up and stop, don't be afraid of the twelve brothers, let's save you."


Among the temples, more than a dozen of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peaks are thinking about flying, all of them burst out of the most powerful atmosphere, rushing toward the twelve emperors at the fastest speed.

Fortunately, the Temple of Heaven is not very far from them. They just went around the twelve emperors with a blink of an eye. They saw that the **** demon wind revolved around the twelve emperors. When they appeared, the twelve emperors had only one left. The secondary skeleton is gone.



"Work together to suppress this wind."

All of these emperors screamed and sacrificed their strongest magic weapon to settle the **** demon wind. However, they did not need their magic weapon and law, and Xiang Yang had already collected the **** demon wind.

At this moment, Xiang Yang's gaze looked at the tragic look of the twelve emperors with only one skeleton left. The whole person's heart ‘噗通’ and ‘噗通’’s jumping, only felt too irritating.

"My God, the power of this **** hurricane is too horrible. I just used it a little bit, and I was able to scrape away the flesh and blood of the master of the 12th Emperor. Persevere for a while, it is estimated that this guy can really be destroyed."

Xiang Yang was stunned, and the whole person was really scared. Even if he did not expect this **** hurricane to be so powerful, you must know that this is the difference that occurred when he practiced the law of nine births and nine deaths. Like, he personally experienced it, although he also knows it is very horrible, but at that time, he was only thinking about breaking through, no matter what kind of danger, even if he exploded into a blood fog, he did not feel these differences. It is so horrible after being used to attack people.

"I have experienced eight kinds of monster attacks. This is the external force, the **** flame, the **** demon wind, the **** thunder, the **** water flow, the **** sky knife, the **** sand, the dark green curse. The power, and the mysterious power of destruction from the inside out, to extinguish the fire of life from the inside out, to destroy all the power of my vitality, and the other is the power of the soul, needless to say, That kind of inability to display, but these eight forces have been mastered by my first demon, what a terrible power if all are displayed?"

Xiang Yang remembered the crisis he encountered when he practiced the law of nine births and nine evils. Now that he has all been integrated into his own demon avatar and becomes a force he can mobilize, he feels that his heart is beating. .

These eight kinds of power are a bit scary.

"Oh... what power is this, too demon, even a blink of an eye, all the flesh and blood of the twelve emperors will be scraped away and become a skeleton. If the emperors are one step late, I am afraid that twelve The emperor really wants to die."

"Is this a demon or a magic trick?"

"Xiang Yang, he is a magic man!"

"Fart, people's exercises are mysterious, and you say that they are the people in the magic. Then, the people in the dark world that exist in the fairy world, and how can those magic scorpions not get out and kill them?"


The attack of Xiang Yang’s **** demon wind was so terrifying that after the onlookers around him saw it, it was still shocking.

In the distance, all of the seven masters had a layer of goose bumps. They were so cold and sweaty that they only felt that they could stand safely and safely.

"At the time we were fighting with him, if he also used such a demon wind, we might have been completely ruined." One of the owners whispered in a low voice.

"Maybe his **** demon wind can't be used at will." The other one said that, but the sound is very small, no one dares to test the fairy wind that can not be used at any time.

At this moment, a group of emperors around the twelve emperors, using various means, even the water of life is also watered on the skeleton of the twelve emperors, and a variety of congenital spirits are also refining like a skeleton, finally making this A skeleton is proud of long bleeding, and it is restored to the appearance of twelve emperors.


After the restoration of the twelve emperors, his eyes were scarlet, and the whole person was in a crazy color, and his voice was loud and angry. "Xiang Yang, this prince is not dead with you."

"Twelve brothers, how are you feeling?"

Among the princes, one cares about the twelve emperors, but asks them on the side.

"I am fine, thank you for your help." Although the twelve emperors knew that these emperors came out to help themselves, they were not really sincere, only to see the people in the Central Fairy City, but he was really grateful to these brothers. Because in his opinion, if there are not these brothers, he will really be wiped out by the **** demon wind.

At this moment, the twelve emperors burst into a terrible murderous murderousness, as if to smash the Tiangong on the top of the head. His black hair fluttered like a return to Xiangyang.

The Shenjian was taken away by Xiangyang, and he was almost completely destroyed by Xiangyang. He was the twelve princes and the twelfth son of the Emperor of Heaven. As the son of the Emperor, he was forced to such a degree. How can he bear it.

"I must kill him."

The twelve emperors bit their teeth and groaned, and his heart’s killing of Xiang Yang has reached an unparalleled level.

However, at this moment, because the twelve emperors have not recovered to the peak state, he did not immediately start, but took advantage of the surrounding emperors being around him, can help him block Xiang Yang, he wants to return to the peak, and then cast a taboo Destroyed Xiang Yang.

This time, he is ironic, even if it is a loss of life, even if it is to display the prohibition, it must be destroyed.

"Cough, that's embarrassing, I'm sorry, I just tried a new attack. This is what I just had to bear before. I think the power of this demon is just like it. I just used it for the cold. Conquered, I thought that the 12th Emperor's Highness must be very hot, I want to blow you a hair, who ever thought, accidentally blown your flesh and blood, but I will immediately put the demon wind up. ""

At this moment, Xiang Yang finally recovered from the surprise, and felt the time when the twelve emperors burst into their own killings. He did not have the slightest tension, but he said with a smile.

"Xiangyang is right, do you know that the twelve brothers are the twelve sons of the Emperor?"

The twelve emperors did not speak, but the emperors around him were open. There was a prince who stood up coldly and looked at Xiang Yang with infinite anger. He shouted, "Hello, bold. Even dare to start with the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and almost let my twelve brothers die, you know what is this sin?"

"Who are you?"

Xiang Yang turned his eyes and looked at each other. He saw a dozen of the princes of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng standing in front of him. He didn’t make any mistakes at all. If he was only a real fairy, he could not be the opponent of these people. However, at this moment, he is the strongest of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. As long as he does not come to a group of Yasheng, he is not afraid of anyone.

"I am the seventh emperor Xu Wei." The open prince looked at Xiang Yang with a proud color. "No matter who you are, you must know that today's fairyland is the fairyland of the Five Emperors." This is the Eastern Tianyu. Everything is respected by the Emperor of the East. Under the heavens, it is not the emperor. How powerful are you just a fairy, and dare to be rude to me and other emperors? If you are interested, you will be able to If you don't, you will definitely die."


After Xiang Yang listened, it was a strange color, and he said to other emperors, "Do you have the same idea as the seven emperors?"

The emperors are too lazy to care about Xiang Yang. In their view, they are high above, and talking to Xiang Yang is simply insulting the blood status of their princes.

They didn't talk, Xiang Yang was the default. They made a positive answer. He sighed and had a sly color on his face. He turned his head and looked at the 15th Princess Xu Qing. "His Royal Highness, these are you. Brother and brother, why don’t you go back and tell you, you should take a doctor to help them see the disease."


Xu Qingzheng and Donghuang Yuxi watched the excitement on the side, and they all took the attitude of not participating in all of this. Even if there were so many emperors, she would not bother to pay attention to them.

Suddenly I saw Xiang Yang talking to myself at the moment, and she suddenly felt a little blank. "You said, hey, are they sick?"

Although she knows that Xiangyang is for disgusting princes, Xu Qing, a fifteenth princess, couldn’t help but laugh. She didn’t have to look at it and knew that her brothers and younger brothers had already been mad. Yang’s sentence is equivalent to offending all the emperors present. I really don’t know how courage Xiangyang is. With one person, I dare to confront so many emperors.

However, Xu Qing’s heart was a bit annoyed, and Xiang Yang actually put his mind on himself. This is the rhythm that wants to drag himself down. If he relies on the words of the emperor, he estimates the goods of this group of emperors. I have to follow the bad luck of myself. If I rely on Xiangyang, then in the children of the Emperor of Heaven, I will become a food and drink.

She simply ignored Xiangyang, but turned her head and said to Donghuang Yuxi. "Sister, this **** is really too bad. I even thought about plotting me at this time."

Donghuang Yuxi couldn’t help but smile and said, "He is such a person. However, if he can get his approval, he will have different treatment. In the middle of the emperor’s palace, his friends can All of them are not there, and I can sense that the Imperial Palace is protected by a horrible force. Even if the outside world is so powerful, it will not be possible to reach the Imperial Palace."

"He has other means that have not been displayed. It is no wonder that he dares to face so many emperors." The fifteenth princess Xu Qing said at the same time, his face was curious.

Although everyone knows that Xiangyang is a descendant of 'that pulse', it has never been a world. It has always been a legend. Only those who have truly lived from ancient times can understand the horror of that pulse. However, many of those ancient people have become sacred powers. They really know the horror of that pulse, but they all follow the sacred covenant and will not easily appear in the fairy world.

At this moment, many of these fairy goddesses are new. They know the legend of that vein, but they are curious as to what kind of existence is that. When they see that Xiangyang is also a normal person like everyone, everyone I don't think that magic is really a magical place.

In particular, these emperors of the Eastern Emperor of Heaven have felt that their blood is high, and that Xiang Yang is not in the heart. I don’t think there is anything terrible about the descendant of Xiangyang, the legendary pulse that has never been seen before. ‘

"This kid is really a newborn calf. He is not afraid of the tiger. If it is only for the twelve princes, it is only a small emperor who is not very good. As long as he has not killed the other, everything is easy to handle. But now there are ten. There are several emperors, and they are all the existence of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng. They have several emperors who have the power in the Tiangong. They are definitely not comparable to the twelve emperors. They have offended these emperors, not to mention the imperial palace. Can't survive, even the lives of Xiang Yang and his people are not necessarily preserved."

"Young people, I don't know who is fearless, I don't know, young and frivolous, a little bit of achievement is everything. I don't know, these princes standing in front of him are the real nine-day truth, and in a word, they can decide many princes who live and die."

"Although in the fairy world, the emperor can't dominate everything, but he has offended so many emperors, even if it is Aya, it will not be better, let alone his sacred celestial being." He died. ""

"Ha ha ha, who made him so arrogant, bullied the owners of our seven families, even now, I don't know how to live with the Heavenly Palace, he is really dead."


The people onlookers saw that Xiangyang had said that the emperors were sick, and all the emperors had their faces changed. When they looked at him murderously, they all showed ridicule.

In their view, how strong Xiangyang is, he is just a person himself, and these emperors are the sons of the Emperor of Heaven. They are all very extraordinary. Needless to say, these emperors represent the entire Tiangong, which represents It is the infinite power. Xiang Yang will not be able to invite the strong one of the 'that pulse'. Otherwise, it will definitely be dead.

At this time, the onlookers looked at Xiang Yang with the color of gloating, and the emperors looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes as if they were looking at the dead. Xiang Yang did not feel the same, and his face looked with a light smile. This group of princes.

"If these guys have a piece of treasure on everybody, or even the day after tomorrow, what an exciting thing."

Author Meng Yu said: Today more than 20,000 words are completed, thank you, ask for flowers...

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