Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2741: this is mine

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"If these guys have a piece of treasure on everybody, or even the day after tomorrow, what an exciting thing."

Although more than a dozen emperors looked at them with murderous eyes, Xiang Yang did not feel the slightest feeling at all. He looked at the eyes of these emperors as if they were watching a dish.

Xiang Yang admits that his old ill has committed, and he even thought about robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Just got a handle to the treasure sword from the hands of the twelve emperors, Xiang Yang has drifted a bit, and then look at these emperors, only that these emperors are coming to send treasure to themselves.

He almost drooled and stared at the emperors with gaze, and the emperors were more and more angry, especially the seven emperors who spoke to Xiangyang at the beginning, and they screamed with anger. Didn't the prince speak to you?"

"I heard it."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at him. "Is there a treasure in the future?"


Xiang Yang’s topic has changed too fast. The Seventh Emperor’s Highness is a high-lowering lesson, Xiang Yang, telling Xiang Yang that he has offended himself, and certainly will not have any good end, and Xiang Yang even asks if he has the day after tomorrow. To the treasure, this made the seven emperors a little unresponsive, and there was a bit of sorrow.

After listening to the people around, they all looked at Xiangyang with a strange look. I don’t know what kind of medicine Xiangyang sold in the gourd. Only some of the smarter people looked more transparent and noticed the intention of Xiangyang. They looked at the item. Yang’s eyes are even more weird.

Donghuang Yuxi is one of the most thoroughly seen people. As early as in the Wan Yao Tian Chau, Xiang Yang used the emperor’s seat to earn a lot of unknowns, and he has already let the Emperor Yuxi understand the Xiangyang to the fairy. The special 癖 is good.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang’s requirements for treasures have risen to a level. They are no longer the simple teenagers who have been satisfied with the ten best items, but they have set their sights on the treasure.

"This guy is really hard to change." Dong Huangyu looked at it and looked at the seven eyes of the emperor, she felt very funny.

Xu Qing, the fifteen princess around Donghuang Yuxi, also began to feel awkward. He felt that Xiangyang’s brain circuit was a bit beyond the scope of ordinary people. However, when she looked at the smile of Donghuang Yuxi, she When the eyes flashed, I remembered that when Xiang Yang was rude, he took the treasure of the twelve emperors and collected them. She suddenly understood why Xiang Yang would ask.

The 15th Princess Xu Qing couldn't help but ask Donghuang Yuxi. "Sister, has he always been like this?"

"Oh, it should be." Donghuang Yuxi said, "I am not very familiar with this bastard. However, when I was in my adult celebration, I pulled a lot of hatred and made many people confront him with his realm. To this end, a threshold has been set, and everyone who plays with him must hand in ten pieces of the best fairy. For this reason, he earned the best fairy with thousands or even tens of thousands of pieces. ""

At the same time, she told the 15th princess in detail about the things that happened at Wan Yao Tian Chau at the fastest speed. After listening to the latter, she was stunned. "What does he need to do so much?" ”

"No, he is not alone."

At this time, accompanied by a serious voice from the rear, I saw two wretched old men appearing behind them, the two old men who have been with the East Emperor Yuxi.

I haven't seen it for a while, and the repairs of these two old men have already broken through to the situation of Da Luo Jiuzhongtian. They are standing behind Donghuang Yuxi, laughing and laughing. The old man on the right said, "This kid is too deep hidden. He is only a real fairy. It hasn't been seen for a long time. The two of us can break through the situation of Dalu Jiuzhongtian or because of the help of the demon Lord, and he can actually break through to Dalu Jiuzhongtianzhi. And, he jumped from the true fairy to the big Luo Jiuzhong, it is too weird, no wonder that we did not bow to our brothers at the time."


These two old goods are not open, and the opening suddenly makes the fifteen princess Xu Qing’s face with a strange color. The old atmosphere brought by these two old guys is known to be alive from ancient times. To the present characters, they are so embarrassed to say, they once shameless in the Xiangyang is only the real fairyland to worship with Xiangyang, especially, the fairy world is so big, I am afraid that these two old guys do not want to Face it.

Xu Qing looked at the two old men, and I felt very strange in my heart. The Donghuang Yuxi was followed by such a shameless person. How did he endure it? It seems that the ability of my sister who has just been worshipped for a long time is really too strong.

At this time, these two old guys laughed and stood behind the emperor Yuxi, looking at Xiangyang, just at this time, Xiang Yangxin turned his head and touched the two old goods. He had a strange color on his face. "The two old guys have even broken through to the situation of Da Luo Jiu Tian Tian. This speed is too fast, right?"

The last time I was in Wan Yao Tian Chau, these two old guys were just the realm of Da Luo’s eight heavens. Now, I suddenly broke through, which made Xiang Yang deeply realize that it is definitely more than a breakthrough. Others have the same way to break through.

Obviously, the atmosphere of these two old guys is very stable. It is not the kind of temporary breakthrough that has not been firmly established. It has been suppressed for too long. After it is suddenly released, it will naturally break through. All the clouds Light breeze is so simple.

"Xiang Yang, my brother, are you okay? I want to die." The two old guys smiled and said hello to Xiangyang.

"Who is your brother?" After Xiang Yang listened, his face was dark. The two old guys lived for too long, and it was too shameless to be their brother.

He ignored the two guys, but looked at the seven emperors who had already recovered from their sorrows. They asked again, "Imagine that the emperor is the son of the Emperor of Heaven, and there are treasures on his body?"

"What is your business?"

The seven emperors looked at Xiang Yang with an angry color. In fact, Xiang Yang’s sentence just poked his pain point. He has been searching for various relics all the time to explore, just to be able to find for himself. A treasure of a hand, but his luck is not very good, until now he has not found a treasure for himself, and even, he once thought about whether it should be the treasure of the twelve emperors. The sword is robbed, but it is always looking for opportunities. When you think about when you can hit the sap, you will take the twelve princes and knock them away.

However, now he does not have to think about it. The one of the twelve emperors' swords is already in the hands of Xiangyang, and has nothing to do with the twelve emperors.

The thing he has to do now is to destroy Xiangyang and rob all the treasures of Xiangyang. As a result, he will not be able to get the treasure of the twelve emperors. Respect the blade.

These princes, one by one, rushed down to protect the twelve emperors, although the surface was to save their brothers, but in fact they are very clear about each other's goals, nothing more than to get the day after tomorrow. The demon battle blade, and the one that was stolen from the hands of the twelve emperors.

The so-called heavenly family has no affection, especially in the home of the heavenly emperor. These emperors are used to intrigue. How can they really care about the life and death of the twelve emperors?

Everything is for an outsider.

At this moment, the seven emperors looked at Xiang Yang with a sneer on his face. Although he was poked in the pain of Xiang Yang, he did not say that he had no treasure, but he smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. "Boy, Since the reverse is stubborn, let the Emperor teach you what to do."


At the same time, the Seven Emperors stepped out and stepped forward toward Xiangyang. When he shot, the 108 pieces of the best fairy-class beads evolved into a 108-day world. .

Although the Seven Emperors did not have any treasures, he used these 108 pieces to become the world of the world. With this, he suppressed the opponent and broke out with his strength, which could burst out of the strength of the treasure.

This is also the strongest means he can show on the surface. When he comes up, he uses the big move, in order to be able to hold Xiang Yangshuo. At that time, all the treasures of Xiangyang are his, even if it is The twelve emperors also had no way to take him.

"The seven brothers are too anxious. He rushed to deal with Xiangyang like this, and he will suffer, but no, I will help him."

"Hey, my brother is waiting for me, our brothers are united, and their profits are broken. You must not let the seven brothers encounter any danger."

"Yeah, the twelve brothers have been seriously injured and are being healed. The seven brothers must not be injured any more. How can I as a brother look at the brothers who are injured, I am coming."

"You are not his opponent, let me come."


However, the Seven Emperors imagined very beautiful. He thought that he would use the world to suppress the world as soon as he came up. As long as he could take away the suppression of Xiangyang, everything would be fine, but he did not expect that his brothers were more than he imagined. I still have to be shameless, seeing my own shots, for fear that I will benefit from Xiangyang’s suppression, and I will flock to it, and more than a dozen emperors will rush at the same time.

"I rely on you, the princes of yours still have to face, even if there are more than a dozen shots, this is ready to be a group."

After Xiang Yang met, he was shocked. I didn’t expect these princes to be so shameless and at the same time, even though he was not afraid, but this group of people rushed over, it was really full of momentum. If anyone has any sinister tricks, then it is not easy.

"The son of the Emperor of Heaven is like this. It is really sorrow."

"Oh, this is the emperor. It turns out that I said why they are so active in saving people. It is not because of the brotherhood, but to seize the treasures of Xiangyang."

"Sigh, I have missed them."


Seeing this group of princes use such lame words to cover up the way they want to deal with Xiangyang’s robbing of the treasures of Xiangyang. There are some big people in the crowd, all of them shaking their heads and sighing.

They finally realized that the people of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor were like these people. It’s a pity that the Emperor of the East, Xu Wei, has few rivals in the world, and he is a man of the Five Emperors. Powerful and unmatched, majestic suppression of the heavens, but his sons did not have a talent.

"When Xu Wei abdicated, it was the day when the Eastern Tianyu was unstable."

Even the family of the fire family whispered in their hearts and saw that the sons of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor did not grow up. Everyone knows that if the Emperor of the East does not want to be the Emperor of the day, he would abdicate to a truly talented person. Of course, the other side must really be able to suppress the heavens and have the power of terror. However, if the sons who gave him back are abdicated, it is estimated that the Eastern Tianyu will be chaotic.

"Just, a dozen emperors attacked Xiangyang at the same time, can he stop it?" Some people also have the color of worry, it is the emperor of the emperor, and the East Emperor Yuxi at this moment can't help but call the two around. The old man shot.

However, when Dong Huangyu glanced at the two old guys around him, he saw that the two old guys didn’t mean to shoot at all, but smiled and looked at the scene, as if watching a movie, sighing. Said, "It’s so lively. Xiang Yang’s kid is a dozen grandparents. It’s an unprecedented drama. Don’t miss it, don’t miss it.”

"Come on, drink and drink, it’s so exciting. This kid is not our brother. It’s not only shameless, but it’s too irritating. If you don’t see it for a while, you can get into the sons of the Emperor of the East, maybe again. After a while, he is going to beat Xu Wei."

"Cough, don't talk about this, the daughter of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor is still around us..."

For these two old goods, they said that Xu Qing was unhappy, but he did not pay attention to them. Instead, he looked at Xiang Yang and a dozen emperors frowning. She knew the behavior of her brothers and she had long been Do not expect anything from these brothers.

At this moment, I really saw more than a dozen people at the same time dealing with Xiangyang. In Xu Qing’s heart, she was worried that Xiangyang would be dangerous. This made her feel incredible. She knew that she did not even know Xiangyang.

"He is very weird." Xu Qing said to himself.


At this time, the attack of the Seven Emperors was first suppressed against Xiangyang. This hundred and eight beads contained the world of one hundred and eight, and it was not a small world, but a real world. Under the urging of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianzhu Peak Xianzun strong, the power of the explosion is extremely incomparable.

Even before, the power of the twelve emperors holding the sword to the sword is just like this. Even the repression of the seven emperors is stronger than the twelve emperors.

"Interestingly, this hundred and eight big worlds have been suppressed. The general Xianzun has long been unable to bear it. This treasure is suitable for a small bald head." After Xiang Yang saw it, his eyes were shining.

The seven heavenly kings and the ones that have evolved from the seven emperors and the small bald heads can be said to be almost the same. As Xiang Yang thought, the little bald head at the moment is in the emperor. When I saw this scene in the palace, my eyes were almost green, and he was excited to rush out.

"This is mine, it is my enlightenment treasure, Xiao Yan fights, for this treasure, Xiao Yan wants to go out and desperate, no one can stop me, this must be mine."


The little bald head snorted. He knew that Xiang Yang could definitely know what happened in this palace, and he knew that the palace was locked by Xiang Yang, and the people outside could not enter. Can't get out, so he feels that he needs to behave a little bit crazy, and then let Xiang Yang give this treasure to himself.

To this end, he felt that even if he was hit by a **** run, he would not hesitate.

However, what the little bald head did not think was that when he slammed into the door, the layer of energy shield that should have appeared disappeared out of thin air. The whole person rushed out directly and appeared outside the imperial palace.

"This... I am special..."

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