Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2742: Gorefiend?

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"Isn't the emperor's palace blocked from coming out? Why did I suddenly rush out?" The little bald head stood outside the imperial palace door. He turned his head to look at the gate of the imperial palace and tried to enter the emperor. The palace, however, found that the protective cover appeared again, blocking him out of the door.

At the same time, he also saw that someone in the palace had wanted to come out and was also blocked.

"I... I was abandoned by the boss."

The little bald head took a deep breath and his face was full of horror.

"Come on, get what you want and fight for it yourself."

At this time, the voice of Xiang Yang came from the ear of Xiaoguangtou. Then, he only felt that his body shape was wrapped up by a powerful force and appeared directly in Xiangyang.

On the top of Xiangyang’s head, it was the one hundred and eighty days that had been suppressed against Xiangyang. However, it was blocked by an invisible force, which made the one hundred and eighty days fight for the old and wanted to suppress. Down, but it was impossible to suppress because of the blockage.

Not far away, there are dozens of other emperors rushing over at the same time, and they are showing a variety of powerful and unmatched laws. They want to suppress Xiangyang Town. Of course, in the process, these emperors will inevitably have some Friction is to be able to deal with Xiangyang alone, and want to take Xiangyang crack down.

"Three brothers, if you are older, don't rush in front, let the younger brother come, I am young and vigorous, can work hard for the brothers, but also enough to suppress the kid and save the face of our emperor."

"Five younger brothers, you can't do it. Your cultivation is too weak. It is definitely not his opponent. Didn't you see that the seven younger brothers have displayed the one hundred and eighty-day arrays? But they can't help each other. Let me take it."

"Oh, don't bother, let me come. How strong are you stronger than me? My treasure is the best at killing the enemy. It is enough to break through the hundred and eight of the seven brothers." Heaven World, let alone Xiang Yang, he will be killed by me."

"He is mine, you don't bother."


In fact, the repairs have reached the level of them. If you want to rush to Xiangyang, you don’t have to think about it. You can move in an instant. However, these princes are intriguing, in order to rush in front of others, in the dark, They are all using a variety of exercises to delay the person who runs ahead of him, and then let him rush to the front.

So, as a result, this short distance of overwhelming, they have not used it for a long time, and can even be said to be almost in the same place.

The twelve emperors who were guarded by them before were so lonely that they stood in the back to heal.

Of course, the twelve emperors have been watching the movements of these brothers. His face is getting colder and colder, and his body is getting colder and colder. Suddenly, he only hears a burst of 'bang' and his body erupts. A horrible black scent, a fascinating scorpion burst out.

Even at this moment, there was a pair of blood-colored wings growing behind the twelve emperors, and his face began to change. His forehead was raised, his face grew a layer of scales, and there was a pair of devil horns on his head. His eyes were scarlet. With a horrible breath, the nose is raised, the mouth is stretched, two long teeth grow in the corner of the mouth, and the rune is full of strange **** runes, and the incarnation becomes a demon.

"I rely on it and become a vampire. How is this possible?"

When Xiang Yang saw this scene, it was the unbelievable color of the eyes, the blood family, what a strange and familiar name, the reason why the blood ancestor of the year can have the immortal resilience, The reason why I was able to regenerate after being crushed by people was because of the contact with a little bit of incompleteness.

However, in any case, the ancestor of the blood family must have been killed by Xiangyang, and even the bloodline of the lower bounds was controlled by Xiangyang. However, the twelve emperors are the biological sons of the Eastern Emperor, how can they suddenly change? Become such a vampire?

"The law of the **** devil."

"How can this be possible if the twelve emperors practiced such vicious exercises?"

"Ha ha ha, the fairy magic has not been established since ancient times. Now the channel of the magic road and the fairy world is closed, and the twelve emperors, as the sons of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor, actually practiced these magical powers. This is really ironic."

"Interestingly, this twelve emperor is really awesome, and he knows how to use such magical powers in the eyes of the public."


The twelve emperors turned directly into such a gorefiend under the eyes of the public. It was so explosive that the onlookers all raised their eyes to reveal an incredible color.

The twelve emperors, but the twelfth son of the Eastern Emperor, have now turned into a legendary Gorefiend, and in the presence of so many people, openly transforming the law, how does the Eastern Heavenly Emperor explain?

At this moment, even the princes who had been intriguing to deal with Xiangyang stopped, and looked at the twelve emperors in the back with incredible colors.

"Twelve brothers, how dare you?"

All the emperors were shocked. They are the sons of the Eastern Emperor of the Immortal World. They represent the supreme beings of the immortal world. In this fairy world, they are not too immortal.

They are the presence of high in the eyes of the infinite immortals in the fairy world, but now one of them, the twelve emperors turned into a Gorefiend.


At this moment, the twelve emperors burst into a terrible horror, as if a peerless demon was born, the sky is his magical airflow, and even his breath is stronger and stronger. Among them.

He closed his eyes and was twitching all over. He didn't know why it was because of pain. He was still very comfortable. However, his transformation continued, and his **** runes were flowing.

Xiang Yang is too familiar with these runes. These runes are the runes that are unique to the blood family. However, the **** runes on this guy seem to be the runes that the most junior members of the blood family will have. Let Xiang Yang feel a bit puzzled.

According to the truth, even the first ancestor of the blood family is only the realm of the demon, only the blood ancestor created the blood family, but the twelve emperors, the Xianzun blood family is a bit strange.

"It is a Gorefiend, not a blood race. Gorefiend is a branch of the magic road that emerged when the earth was opened in ancient times. Especially the blood ancestors are even more powerful, and they are the giants of the magic road."

At this time, Xiang Yang’s ear came with a small bald head. The little bald head looked at the twelve emperors in the distance with a stun and shocking color. He said, “Boss, the sky of this fairy world. To change, the era of the five-party Heavenly Emperor’s power is over.”

"The twelve emperors have become Gorefiends. I am afraid that it is a plan of the Devil World. It may also be the first step in the demon world to open the fairy world. There may be other things happening next."

"There will be big things happening now."

The little bald head knows a lot of things. When he analyzes it, he quickly said to Xiang Yang’s voice. "Boss, the Emperor of the East will definitely be alarmed. Now, I’m rushing to grab this guy’s magic weapon. How much is it to grab, or else, when the Eastern Emperor comes, we will have no chance."


Xiang Yang thought that this guy would also care about the big things in the two circles of the fairy and the devil. It turned out that he was wrong. There was no big event in the eyes of the fairy and the devil in this kid’s eyes. At this moment, the little bald head is more worried that the seven emperors cannot be One hundred and eight heavens in the hands of the world robbed.

"Since you want it, just find him and pick it up."

Xiang Yang said with a small bald head.

"Boss, are you not wanting my life? I am just a fairy king. How can I deal with a strong man who is a big man?" Even if my master is the old bald head, it is just a big day. The strength of the peak."

Little bald head bitterly looked at Xiang Yang.

"If this is the case, then forget it. Anyway, there are big things happening. These princes can't take care of me anymore. It doesn't matter to me. We can easily go back to dinner and play." Xiang Yang smiled. Said.

"Don't, don't."

The little bald head suddenly rushed, and then his eyes looked at the one hundred and eight heavenly world projections that had to be suppressed on the top of Xiangyang’s head. He bit his teeth. “I can sense it. This is definitely my way. The treasures must not be missed so much. I can't make a big deal. Boss, this time you must help me."

While talking, Xiang Yang actually heard a cry from the words of the little bald head.

"Go ahead, grab the guy's treasure and say it."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and patted the shoulders of Xiaoguangtou. At the same time, there was a majestic scent that did not enter the small bald body. Suddenly, the little bald head felt only inspiring and couldn’t help but screamed. "Ha ha ha, yes, It’s this feeling, this feeling of strength, I am back.”

"Glutinous rice?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he snorted and listened to the sound of 'Boom'. The small bald head seemed to be released. Generally, a force far beyond the fairy king broke out. At the same time, the golden light of the small bald head flourished. The eruption of the momentum is comparable to the situation of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

No, not only the golden light, when the little bald head rushed out, there was a black magical airflow on his body. At the same time, there was a ghost of gloom, and the pride of Confucianism and the power of Taoism. The Soul's soul volatility also flows through him.

At this moment, all the powers of the various systems of the small bald heads have all reached the realm of the Great Luo Xianzun, and they are very extraordinary. Each one is comparable to the Da Luo Eight Heavens. After all the integration, it broke out. The power of heaven.

"Wait, you give me back and say clearly, what is your strength?"

Seeing a small bald head rushing out, Xiang Yang's face became very ugly. Is it that he injected some power into the little bald head and turned into an introduction, which caused the power of the small bald head to suddenly erupt?

He felt that he had been used by the little bald head. When the little bald head rushed up and rushed to the seventh emperor, he saw Xiang Yang grab him against the air, and then there was an unmatched power. It broke out and directly acted on oneself, causing his body shape to fly toward Xiangyang involuntarily. At this moment, he was dumbfounded.

"Boss... you, do you catch me?"

Xiaoguangtou looked at Xiangyang with a stern look, although his body still has a strong and unmatched breath that is flashing, but compared with Xiangyang, he is still far from good.

What's more, he just made up his mind and made up his mind. He finally got the courage to confront the Seventh Emperor, but he was caught by Xiang Yang. The momentum was directly leaked.

"You tell me what is your strength?"

Xiang Yang’s face is not so good-looking, and he snorted. “Are you originally a fairy, and then sealed by your master, just wait for me to lose to the power of a fairy, you activate the body. All the power has become so powerful at once?"


Xiaoguangtou quickly explained, "This, cough, the boss is wise, but this is the idea of ​​my master's old guy. At the time, although I practiced in the Daluo Eight Heavens, I wanted to practice to the nine heavens. The extent of this, if there is no way to solve the problem of conflicting energy in my body, the day when I became the strongman of the Da Luo Jiu Tiantian level, when I was in the body, my master said, temporarily sealed me, When you have completed the situation of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, you can definitely help me solve my physical problems, and I can help me unlock the seal."

"Have he told you a word?" Xiang Yang looked calmly at the little bald head.

"What?" The little bald head looked at Xiang Yang.

"I broke through to the situation of Da Luo Jiuzhongtian, but there is no way to help you solve your physical problems." Xiang Yangqi said with a grin.


After listening to the little bald head, he suddenly became dumbfounded, and then he cried and looked at Xiang Yang. "That, what should I do? If you don't want to re-seal me?"

"Take me a **** thing." Xiang Yangxi looked at the little bald head, with a pity on his face. "You are pitiful. Your master has been lying to you all the time. From childhood to age, he has been cheating you. Actually, He doesn't know if I have a way to help you. He just wants to get rid of you, because I am afraid that you will affect him when he breaks into the danger of being unable to control the power of the body.

"Really, is this really the case?"

The little bald head only felt that he had been hit hard. He looked at Xiang Yang with a sad face and looked pitiful. "Boss, you must not abandon me, no matter me, boss..."

"Don't play here." Xiang Yang did not eat his set, but looked at the twelve emperors who had already turned into a dying, sighed and said, "After this guy turned, he really did with the blood. The ancestor is very similar, the Gorefiend, as it is, the blood ancestor is not what he invented a race, it is a Gorefiend family."


When Xiangyang’s voice just fell, he felt that the world’s 108 days of the world’s world broke out with great brilliance. The Seventh Emperor took the opportunity to suppress himself with the strongest force.

When he saw it, he suddenly became angry. "When the young master thought, the most hated someone interrupted, little bald head, to knock him down, I will help you solve your problems."

"Well." The little bald head suddenly heard the eyes glow, the whole person burst out of the strongest breath, and the roaring rushed to the sky, and this guy's various systems were released with the strongest force, and even had very The power of terror directly rushed to the front of the seventh emperor and confronted each other.

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