Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2747: Princess of the 15th

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When the Great Emperor reacted, he saw the loss of the Central Fairy City. He was so angry that he was shaking and couldn’t help but sip. At the same time, there was a vast and boundless force. This force has already appeared. It spread out in all directions, neutralized the power of this explosion, and suppressed the aftermath of the explosion.

Of course, the strongest self-destructive aftermath has passed. At this moment, it is no longer necessary to spend a lot of effort on the big emperor. After he easily suppressed everything, he looked at the central fairy city and suddenly took a breath and couldn’t stand it. Staying low, "This is a bit of a big deal."

However, when he saw that it was not far away, like the imperial palace of the Golden Rooster, he couldn't help but reveal the strange colors and watched the Emperor's Palace.

From this point of view, he suddenly changed his face, and saw that there is a real dragon in his left and right eyes, which is the eye of the real dragon. However, this is not the case of the small dragon. The eye of the real dragon, but the eye of the ancestors, is a supreme power, and the power is terrifying.

At the moment, in the eyes of the great emperor, I saw that the imperial palace was able to stand up. It turned out that there was a huge treasure clock that formed an energy passport to protect the imperial palace, so that the emperor palace did not have any impact of energy. anything.

"What is this treasure? It seems to be a bit like the Emperor's bell. Is it because someone is counterfeiting the treasure of the Emperor's reign?" The big prince whispered in the heart, only this clock must have been imitated by the regent of the Emperor's bell. I don't know, let alone the Emperor's bell, even if the five-party Tiandi clock merges into the East Emperor's bell, if compared with the tens of thousands of robbers, it may not be comparable to the tens of thousands of robs.

"Interesting, the successor of that vein is really extraordinary."

The great prince laughed softly and did not continue to study the situation of the Imperial Palace. Other princes did not know what the words of the Descendant of that vein represented, but as the most important of the Eastern Emperor, and still the most The son of achievement, he has seen more than other emperors, and he is very clear about the identity of Xiang Yang.

Even the great prince also wants to get all kinds of treasures, but he knows more clearly that anything that is passed down from the pulse is definitely not what he can touch. The ancestors of that vein are not even accessible to him.

"Big brother, meet big brother."

"I have seen my eldest brother."

"Big brother..."

At this time, with the power of the explosion being suppressed by the great emperor, the remaining emperors all blinked at the same time, but they flew quickly and bowed respectfully to the great emperor. They could Intrigue, but in front of the big prince, no one dares to have any performance.

Everyone knows that these people are intriguing and want to compete for the position of the Emperor. It is because they know very well that the Great Emperor is a chaotic saint and will not compete for this throne, so they may have this opportunity.

However, in any case, before they become the Emperor, there must be no change in respect for this older brother. Even from small to large, the big princes appear more often than their fathers, bringing them The sense of majesty and fear make them more memorable.

The great emperor looked at these emperors, and shook his head helplessly, especially when he looked at the arm that the seventh emperor had just grown up, and even sighed helplessly. "Old seven, you haven’t grown up in these years."

"Big brother, it is the little vulture that is too sinister. He is responsible for the various methods of the Buddha and the Confucianism. Although it is only a great place, but the power is extremely strong, and there are some knives. Absolutely a treasure, if I don't have a treasure, I will definitely win him." The seven emperors said with a dissatisfied color on their faces.

"I am not saying that you are not his opponent."

The great prince sighed and had a helpless color on his face. He did not explain more with the Seven Emperors and others. Instead, he looked at Xu Qing, the fifteen princess who had just flown from Xiangyang, and his face became soft. Get up, "Fiveteen sisters, how is your injury?"

"Thank you, Big Brother cares, I am fine."

The face of the fifteenth princess Xu Qing was a little pale. It was because of the power of resisting the explosion that she was injured, but in the face of the great emperor, her eyes were filled with the color of worship.

Among all the sons of the Emperor of Heaven, the only one who can really see the 15th princess is the great prince. Moreover, the great prince has always been the target he pursued, and she is the object of her most admiration.

At this moment, the fifteen princess looked at the big prince and whispered, "Big Brother, this thing has shocked you, can you bother to retreat?"

"I can't help. It's very difficult to get into the current level. It's just that I didn't think that the 12th brother didn't even blew himself up. The entire Central Fairy was ruined. This time it was mine. Comfortable."

The great prince sighed and said.

While talking, his eyes softly looked at the fifteen princess and said, "How do the fifteen sisters think about how to deal with the situation today?"

The 15th princess did not think about it and said directly, "Tune the Tiangong soldiers and re-establish the damaged buildings. Then, let all the emperors come forward, lower their sins, and explain the reasons for this, in order to get everyone’s losses. People's understanding, at the same time, people who have suffered damage, the compensation must be compensated, and it must be compensated ten times."


When the words of the fifteen princess had just finished, they heard a prince standing up and shouting. "Five sisters, are you kidding? You know who we are? We are your brother, and the most noble of the entire Eastern Tianyu. The emperor, you let us down to sin. You are so guilty. Do you want to let the Heavenly Emperor of the Eastern Tianyu be ruined?"

"That is, these words spoken by the 15th sister are too outrageous. It is simply ignorant."

"Fiveteen sisters, how can you not sin yourself?"

"You must deliberately retaliate against us, Big Brother, you should not listen to her chaos, the 15th sister does not understand anything, only knows nonsense."


The other emperors also all looked very unsightly. They looked at the fifteen princesses, and they all wanted to beat the fifteen princesses.

The fifteen princesses looked indifferently. They didn't look at these emperors, but they looked at the big prince with a look of hope.

After listening to the big emperor, there was no expression on his face. Instead, he looked at a dozen emperors and looked at the fifteen princesses. He didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

All the emperors said to the great emperor one by one, "Big brother, you are also a prince. If you follow the fifteen sisters, it is absolutely inappropriate for you to drop any sin."

"Yes, big brother, the advice of the fifteen sisters is too much."

"Big Brother, as long as the Heavenly Palace is fine, the loss of the Central Fairy City is actually nothing. Everyone knows that the Central Fairy City is a good place to do business. Damaged buildings can be quickly established in a short time. As for those who cannot afford the explosion. The power of death and death, this is their destiny, no one can change, what is it about us?"

"Yeah, we shouldn't care about these things. Right, this imperial palace is really daring, so dare to build it so high. Isn't this going to smash our heavenly palace? This thing is absolutely intolerable, but unfortunately, there is no Destroyed under the explosion, I think I should send a guard to come and dismantle the palace."


The other emperors looked at the big princes, and they all persuaded them. At the same time, they did not worry about the advice of the 15th princess, because the words of the fifteen princesses, all the emperors, including the big prince, the great prince It has been impossible to retreat and practice foreign affairs and let him down on what he has sinned.

The 15th princess Xu Qing looked at the expression of the great emperor. The more she looked at her face, the more helpless she looked. She sighed and understood that even the great emperor was a prince. Although the great prince was better, After all, I don't want to pay attention to many common things, and I can't promise myself.

"But it, after that, I also learned to find a place to retreat after the elder brother. After the martial arts, I will say that if I can break through to the chaos of saints, then no one can compare with the high, the drama is not the father. Sage."

The fifteen princess sighed and decided that she would never participate in anything in the future. It is true that these emperors did not agree with her opinions. Moreover, these emperors were selfish and only wanted to fight for fame and fortune. Regardless of the people's livelihood, there is no temperament as a prince. Although the great emperor is very admired by her, the great prince only knows the practice, and it does not care, but it also makes her a bit disappointed.

"Well, you should stop talking."

At this time, the great emperor waved his hand to the princes and stopped them directly.

These emperors all showed satisfaction in their faces. They felt that they had said enough. The great emperor must have understood their thoughts and could no longer listen to the words of the fifteen princesses.

The fifteen princess was frowning and was very disappointed.

"Fiveteen sisters."

At this time, the great emperor looked at the fifteen princess, his face with a serious color.

"What's wrong?" The fifteenth princess Xu Qing looked at the great emperor with a weak look, and his eyes were no longer as full of admiration as before.

"This matter is done according to what you said. This is the Emperor's Emperor's Order. Seeing this order is like seeing the Father. You will be handed over to you from today. You can mobilize any power of the Heavenly Palace. If anyone dares If you disobey, you will know that you have taken out the Emperor’s Order and see who will stand against you."

There is a token in the hands of the great emperor, full of the vast and boundless emperor, which is the Emperor of the Eastern Emperor.


When the Great Emperor took out the Emperor's Order, not to mention that all the emperors were shocked, even the fifteen princesses had an incredible look on their faces. She stared at the great emperor and watched the emperor get it. The Emperor in front of himself is in a dream.

"Big Brother, the Emperor of Heaven can't easily give other people."

"Yeah, big brother, think twice."

"The Emperor's Order represents the majesty of the Father. The Father is only giving you the Emperor's order because he trusts you. How can you give the Emperor to the 15th Girl?"

"If you want to shut down, the Emperor will give other brothers instead of the fifteen girls."


These emperors are all anxious, this is the colossal token of the Emperor, which represents the identity of the Emperor of the East. It used to be the Emperor of the East to give the Grand Emperor himself. Because of the power of the Great Emperor, no one dares to be ashamed. However, nowadays, the Great Emperor actually gave the Emperor's Order to the 15th Princess. How can they accept it?

They all have a shocking color on their faces, and they are very anxious, and some understand that since the Great King has made a decision, it is impossible to change. Only the Princess of the 15th can change the decision of the Great King. As a result, some people looked at the fifteen princesses with threatening eyes and tried to let the fifteen princess change it.

"What are the concerns of the fifteen sisters?" The great emperor did not pay attention to the discouragement of the emperors, but looked at the fifteen princesses.

Xu Qing, a fifteenth princess, took a deep breath. "There is no concern. The token is in hand. Who would dare not listen to the princess?"

At the same time, she had a strong domineering out of her body. She grabbed the Emperor of the Great Emperor’s hand and took it in her hands. She held it high.


Suddenly, at this moment, a sound of the horror of the dragon was erupted in the Heavenly Palace above the Central Fairy. There was a 90 million-foot true dragon shadow on the Temple of Heaven.

This true dragon virtual shadow actually left the Heavenly Palace and rushed to the 15th Princess.

"this is..."

"Tiandi Longwei, this is the guardian dragon of our eastern Tianyu, and even recognized the fifteen sisters at once, how is this possible?"

"No, impossible, fifteen sisters are just a woman, how can we get the recognition of the Emperor Dragon?"


Seeing this Tiandi dragon vein also explored the head to the fifteen princesses, not to mention that other emperors were deeply shocked, even the big prince also had a faceless shock.

"Well, it seems that I have not chosen the wrong person, great, hahaha."

After the great emperor smashed it, he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

At this moment, a fiercely overbearing emperor broke out in the fifteen princesses. She stepped on the head of the dragon's pulse and stood directly in the center of the two dragons. She held the token high in her hand and broke out with a smashing weather. .

Then this dragon vein flew directly to the Heavenly Palace with her, and disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

These emperors have incredible faces on their faces, and they all lose their souls. They know very well that the fifteen princesses can be recognized by the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, which is equivalent to the heirs of the future Emperor, who are vying to fight. How many years ago, what I didn’t expect was that the woman’s fifteen girls were finally cheap.

The great emperor is very happy. The talents who can be recognized by the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor are the most correct. When he laughs, he looks at other emperors and faintly said, "Don't think that I don't know your years. What have you done? From today, you have given me back my heart, what kind of ability naturally corresponds to what kind of status, you have missed too many years in order to win fame and fortune, and fifteen sisters, these years have been Beyond you too much."

"Big brother, but the fifteen sister is a woman, since the ancient Emperor of Heaven has had a woman's experience?" A prince's face ugly said.

"Yu Huang is a saint, what do you dare to say?" The great prince said with a sneer. "Hugh and say, if you don't help the fifteen sisters, don't blame me for being a ruthless brother."

While talking about it, there was a murderous outburst in his body, which made all the emperors face a big change. However, when they saw that the big prince did not seem to laugh, they never dared to have any performance, but all Respectfully bowed his head and responded, "Yes."

Having said that, however, they are all very dissatisfied in their hearts. They all think about how to deal with the fifteen princess Xu Qing in the future. As for now, because of the suppression of the great emperor, they are afraid to speak even one sentence. I can only agree with the low eyebrows.

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