Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2748: remuneration

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"Let all the emperors, except the great emperor, return to the Heavenly Palace to listen to the order."

When all the emperors had to admit the identity of the fifteen princesses under the coercion of the great emperor, the orders of the fifteen princesses were passed directly.


Although these emperors are unhappy, but on the one hand, since the 15th princess can directly convey the order to them, it proves that the fifteen princess has refining the token and thoroughly mastered all the formations in the Heavenly Palace, even if it is It is impossible for them to have any resistance.

Moreover, there is a big prince here, if they dare to act in the face of the big prince, they are definitely tired.

Then, a group of emperors all left, and the great emperor once again took a deep look at the imperial palace, and then walked toward Xiangyang with a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is being entangled by two old men. The two old men around Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang one by one, and he smiled and said with a smile. "It’s our brother, it’s amazing, it’s so easy. Blocked the self-destructive power of the little magic scorpion."

"Yeah, if it is us, it will not be able to block it, or you young people are good, strong and strong, and endless."


The two old men said that I am constantly praised Xiang Yang. However, Xiang Yang’s face is very unsightly. His magical sword is still on his shoulders. Yes, he will directly follow the magic sword. Kneeling, then squinting at the two old men, sneered and said, "Let's say, how much to pay, otherwise, you will know the next game."

These two dead old men, obviously with their strength can easily block the attack, but, even shamelessly hiding behind their own, if only the East Emperor chick is gone, after all, the repair of the East Emperor chick has not reached the Da Luo Jiuzhong The peak of the sky, but these two old men are so shameless.

Since helping them block the power of self-destruction, then Xiangyang’s job is to find the two old men to calculate the account.


The two old men did not expect Xiang Yang to find them to pay. For a moment, they suddenly stayed, and then looked at Xiangyang with a pleasing color. "Brother, you are our brother, how can you If you want us to pay, I don’t think so."

"Brothers meet, you are in the heart, you can't do anything in it." The other one also said quickly.

"Oh, then I have to ask my magic deity blade to disagree." Xiang Yang sneered a sigh, directly to the magic of the battle blade, a powerful magic and murderous outbreak.

Anyway, everyone has already recognized that this is the battle of the demon, and the strength of Xiang Yang is now enough to protect such a treasure. The moment he does not have to worry about the magic sword will be known.

He sneered at the two old men. "I count dozens."


"Oh, my Royal Highness has been gone for a long time. I remember that when you wanted to see it last time, you were still a little bit. When you didn't expect to see you again, you were even stronger than us."

"Yeah, it's really impermanent."

However, when Xiang Yang had just counted one by one, it was just that the great emperor came over here, and the two old men rushed over with excitement.

"It turned out to be the second old man. Xu Mu met two predecessors." After seeing the two old men, the great emperor smiled with a smile on his face. As a prince, he even gave a gift to the two old men.

"Hey, don't you, hurry up, don't salute, we don't dare to be, you are stronger now than we are." The two old men sighed, but their eyes turned to Xiangyang, with pride. As if to say to Xiang Yang, "Look, even the great emperor is so powerful, people who thoroughly reform the Tao must salute us, do you dare to threaten us?"

"Two, three... seven eight..."

However, Xiang Yang was expressionless and continued to count. The magical blade that he had on his shoulders was still shaking, and it seemed that the spirit had to recover and he was always turning to the two old men.

"I rely on, kid, how do you like this, and continue to count." The two old men felt that Xiang Yang seemed to be the same when they came, they suddenly trembled and screamed.

"Ha ha..."

Xiang Yang just sneered a few times, but continued to count, "nine..."

"You are shameless, you don't want to face, you don't make sense, don't talk about brotherhood, we are brothers."

"Rely, you are too much."

"Isn't it just sheltering us for a while? It's time to pay, you see the money open."

The two old men were shocked and hurriedly, hiding behind the big emperor. At the same time, they extended their heads and shouted at Xiangyang.

The great emperor blinked, although he had long known that these two old people were very unreliable, but as a basis for knowing the basics of these two people, he was very clear about how powerful these two old guys are. However, since these two old men are hiding behind themselves, they naturally cannot give face.

At the moment, the great emperor coughed a little and said to Xiang Yang, "Xiangyang brothers, Xu Mu has long been famous, this time to get a brother, it is a blessing for me, why not go for a drink?"

"You let go, I will chat with you later." Xiang Yang did not buy it, but answered with no expression, and continued to shout the last word, "Ten!"


The next moment, the demon warrior trembled, bursting out of a magical atmosphere, as if forming a huge tornado storm to destroy the entire Central Fairy.


After the two old men met, they were shocked, but they seized the big life, the life-saving straw, and refused to let the great emperor leave. At this moment, the big emperor’s face with a helpless smile, his eyes Looking at Xiangyang, I found that Xiangyang’s face was expressionless, and I’ve been holding a magical battle with a stunned force. The next moment I’m going to kneel down on my side.

Although the strength of the Great Emperor is so terrifying, it is infinitely close to the Holy Land. Even to a certain extent, after the completion of the complete Taoism, he can already be said to be a sub-strong man, but he has not entered this field. However, at this moment, he did not want to go up with Xiang Yang, but bit his teeth and look at Xiang Yang. When the next Xiang Yang shot and slammed the knife, he quickly shouted, "Wait a minute, I will give you."


Just at this time, the demon battle blade in Xiang Yang’s hand disappeared. He smiled and looked at the big prince. “Haha, it’s a big prince, and it’s more powerful than other emperors.”


The great emperor felt that this was the most praised and sincere praise of himself. As a great emperor, he would force other emperors to do the same. Moreover, among the immortals, no one knows the great emperor of the Eastern Emperor. Talented, straight to the Eastern Emperor, is definitely not comparable to other princes.

Xiang Yang’s compliment seems to be a compliment, but it makes the great emperor feel uncomfortable, but he is very well rested, but on the surface he said to Xiang Yang, “The brothers, I don’t know how much it will pay to let go of the two seniors. What?"

"One person has a hundred pieces of the best fairy, this is what I said before the 15th princess." Xiang Yang said happily, "Although these two dead old men are shameless, but I will not treat them differently. But they will treat them equally."

"One hundred unique pieces of one person..."

The big prince finally understood why the two old men would run into their own bodies and hide behind them. This one hundred people are absolutely a lot of fairy wares. How can ordinary people carry so many fairy wares with them? ?

Even if he is a great prince, there is no such thing as a fairy.

However, he has promised that Xiang Yang will help the two old men to give Xiang Yang. At this moment, he can’t repent. He can only say with indulgence. “I don’t have two hundred pieces of the best, but there are So, the brothers and I went to the palace, we can drink a few cups, and I will give the fairy to the brothers?"

"Let me go to your palace?"

After Xiang Yang listened, his face was full of vigilance. He looked at the big prince carefully and groaned in his heart. "This guy seems to be a modest gentleman on the surface. In fact, he might be fooling me into his palace. Among them, then come to deal with me."

Although the strength of Xiangyang at this moment has reached the level of fearlessness, with the idea of ​​being careful, Xiang Yang said with a smile, "If this is the case..."

After listening to the big prince, the heart sighed with relief and laughed.

"Then I still can't go." However, Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The big prince was staring at Xiang Yang, feeling that he was wrong. According to Xiang Yang’s thoughts, he should not say ‘If that is the case, then will I go with you? ’

How did it become so that I would not go?

What kind of brain circuit should this be said? If you don't go, don't go, but also come to a sentence, "If you do," so that I am excited...

The big prince was very impressed, and his eyes looked at Xiang Yang. He only met Xiang Yang in less than two minutes, and he felt that Xiang Yang was a little different.

"Xiang Yang, this is my reward for you."

At this time, standing behind Xiang Yang and quietly watching Xiangyang and the two old man noisy Donghuang Yuxi finally could not help, she stood up and threw a storage ring in Xiangyang in her hand, not angry. I took a look at Xiang Yang.

"Hey, it’s still a generous Donghuang chick."

When Xiang Yang took the storage ring and looked at it, he smiled and smiled. Although it is not 300 pieces of the best, it has a chaotic original stone, and some other materials are top materials. The refiner is enough to refine half of the treasure, and the value is almost equivalent to three hundred pieces of the best.

However, what makes Xiangyang feel a bit strange is that Donghuang Yuxi did something with these refining materials. He looked up and looked at Donghuang Yuxi. "Do you know how to refine?"

"I don't understand."

Donghuang Yuxi shook his head and said.

"Then you still carry these things with you." Xiang Yang was speechless.

"Because these things are originally intended to be given to you." At the same time as Donghuang Yuxi said, his face showed a smile. "Since you have lived next to my palace, it is equal to my Wan Yao Group. One part, naturally, you can get it. This is your next hundred years of embarrassment, but since you said you want to pay, it is just for you."


After Xiang Yang listened, he was stunned. "I was prepared to give it to you. You, think it is a reward for me. It doesn't count."

"If you have already taken it, you can't forget it." Donghuang Yuxi said with a smile.

"You, you... you are so embarrassed, oh, my heart hurts."

Xiang Yang screamed and smothered his heart. He only felt that his whole person was too uncomfortable. At this moment, he never felt the smug feeling in his heart because he got these rewards.

"Ha ha ha..."

The two old men smiled happily. This time, they finally dared to go out from behind the big emperor. Their eyes looked at Xiangyang and said with a smile. "Xiang Yang, our brother, I feel that you are shameless." More than we can, we can completely worship."

These two old men now think about going to worship brothers with Xiang Yang.

However, after Xiang Yang listened, his face was very ugly. He stared at the two and screamed. "Don't talk, let me calm down."

The two old men were happy when they heard it. They knew that Xiangyang was definitely uncomfortable in their hearts, but they were very happy. They always felt that the East Emperor Yuxi was really too big, and they could put Xiangyang together.

The big prince also smiled with his face on his face. He looked at Xiangyang and said with amazement. "The brothers are true temperament. It is no wonder that you are young and you are already at the top of the world."

Xiang Yang is too lazy to pay attention to the big prince. This guy looks like Sven's reliable look. In fact, it is not a good guy.

However, he himself was forced to show the bleeding of the twelve emperors, and even indirectly caused the twelve emperors to blew himself. Xiang Yang did not believe that the great emperor as the brother of the twelve emperors did not feel anything at all.

His eyes looked at the big prince and found that this guy was not sad at all. He suddenly trembled in his heart. The dark road, it turned out that the emperor’s family had no affection. According to the truth, even if the feelings between their brothers were ordinary, see My brother blew himself up, and he should be sad if he is, but this guy is not sad at all.

From the very beginning, when Xiang Yang saw the big prince, he felt a little bit wrong. He just didn't figure out what was wrong. At this moment, he finally understood, because the big prince was too ruthless.

As a brother, I saw my brother blew himself up. I can even say that to a certain extent, his brother’s self-destruction is inseparable from him, but he can be so indifferent, even talking and laughing. This kind of person is really It is a bit scary.

Xiang Yang originally thought that the Great Emperor was very good. At this moment, he changed his mind. He knows very well that the greatest advantage of mankind lies in his feelings. Many congenital gods are cold and ruthless, without any feelings. The congenital demon family can only be able to cross the ancient times for a short period of time. Later, people will unite together and rise strongly, becoming the masters of the heavens and the world. Although not based on human feelings, this is not If you don't unite, if you don't know how to give up and take care of each other, how can humans rise in the time when the innate gods dominate the heavens and the earth?

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