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When the young demon statue of the scimitar smashed toward the top of the family of the fire family, the family of the fire family thought that they would die. Undoubtedly, there was a sword in the void that protruded out of the air and directly blocked it. The front of the machete.

"who is it?"

On the opposite side, the smug smile on the face of the young demon statue instantly solidified. He screamed with anger and stared at the sword light. At this moment, the sword light that blocked his machete was completely The manifestation of the body shape is a black magic sword. The powerful magical power of the sword has burst out. At first glance, it is known that the quality is not inferior to the magic weapon of this machete.


After the youth saw it, the sorrow of the magic road should not be mastered on his side? How did it become a shot to block yourself, but also help the five great people of the fairy world?

"what's going on?"

Not only did the young demon stunned on the opposite side, but also as a rescued fire-family lord, he was a bit dull. He determined that there were no devils among the relatives and friends he knew, but there was a demon for him. The sword helped him to stop this killing?

"The fire family is extraordinary."

The other powerful powers secretly sigh, of course, what kind of real meaning they have in this sentence, only they know.

"Whether it is the strong side of the demon world or the fairy side, you dare to block the knife of the deity, you will die, give me out." The young man is roaring, his hands are pinching the law, the machete The eruption of the incomparable magical force, slashing into the void, is no longer against the fire family, but is intended to force the people hidden in the void.

He is really mad. He is a royal family in the devil world. His status is high. He is the leader of thousands of demon esteems. At this moment, he came to the celestial world to fight. He is the leader of the pioneering team. He, no matter who the other party is, even if the other party is a master of the devil world, he will also find the other side, and then kill the other side.

"Boom..." Under the wrath of the young demon, the emptiness of the void made the void empty. Obviously, the strength of this guy is no weaker than the level of the big prince, even because of the treasure. So that he has reached the level of the strongest of the Kambia holy level.

"Don't do it, you are yourself."

However, when the void was shattered, only one voice was heard. The other party seemed to be very anxious and seemed to be dissatisfied. However, the other side’s magic sword was shot again, accompanied by the sound of the collision. The swords intersected and they still blocked the knife.

Then, there was a figure in the void, a handsome young man. This young man sometimes flashed with magic, sometimes sparkling with fairy tales, the whole person looked very strange, and people could not see whether he was a fairy or a devil. .

"Xiang Yang!"

When the family of the fire family saw the other party, they were exclaimed. They looked at Xiangyang with a shocking color. At the same time, he was relieved. It was actually Xiangyang’s shot to save him. It is.

Not to mention that Xiang Yang can't be the spies of the devil world, even if the practice of Xiang Yang's practice is magic power? Who dares to say that Xiangyang is not?

The original family of the fire family also worried that the person who saved himself was the strongest in the devil world. For fear that this is the means by which the devil should separate the forces of the immortal world. If he was really saved by the strong devil, after this war, he must absolutely It takes a little bit of effort to explain clearly, but fortunately it is Xiangyang.

As long as it is Xiang Yang, nothing will happen.

"Ah, haha, the owner of the family does not come innocent, is it very exciting, is it a surprise?" Xiang Yang haha ​​looked at the family of the fire family.

"Thank you for saving." The fire family owner is really very excited, of course, it is also very pleasant, but the surprise is only a surprise now, he was shocked before.

"who are you?"

Opposite, the young demon face looked at Xiang Yang with a vigilant color. Obviously, the other party also felt that Xiang Yang was very difficult to deal with, and his heart was very shocked. He did not dare to look down on Xiang Yang.

"We are our own people."

Xiang Yang holds the magic spirit sword and inspires the magical spirit in the magic sword. Suddenly, a sigh of swordsmanship is accompanied by a powerful magical explosion. At the same time, the flickering spirit of his body converges and becomes a demon. The temper makes him look like a supreme devil.

"Look, we are all the same, you are black, I am also black, myself."

Xiang Yang showed a friendly smile and said to the young man, "Man, my name is Haguchi, what is your name?"

"Hagucci is my slave." The young demon looked at Xiang Yang with a black face. He was almost mad at him. What a special thing, this guy dared to pretend to be a slave to his own deceit, if not exactly Haguchi is his own slave, and he is really likely to be fooled by this guy.

"How do you swear?" Xiang Yang looked at the young demon with an unhappy color on his face. He couldn’t touch the other side. He was deliberately wanting to marry himself or Hagucci was really the slave of the other party, if Haguqi really If it is the person of the other party, the idea of ​​pretending to be Haguchi seems to have collapsed.

"Hagucci, come here to the deity." The young man sneered at the same time, but directly conveyed the voice in the face of Xiang Yang. At the same time, his hands clasped the law, and the scimitar broke out with a horrible breath. Going down to Xiangyang.

When he said this, Xiang Yang understood that he was sent to the door. He was helpless and sighed. "In fact, I just tried you. I am not Haguchi. I am jealous."


While talking, the Demon Sword broke out with a terrible sword and smashed up with the scimitar.

The two treasures of the martial arts are confronting each other. On the other hand, after hearing the words of the youth, the sorcerer of Huggucci, who was tall and tall, screamed and screamed, causing the ground to tremble.

The family members of the fire family around Xiangyang and others saw that this scene was speechless.

In particular, when they saw that Xiang Yang was uncovered by the other party, he still refused to give up. One by one, he almost couldn’t help but laugh.

"This guy..."

While the family of the fire family smiled, they did not dare to care about it, because the strength of his opponents could not be compared with him, but the number was too much, and the power they broke out became stronger and stronger, making the fire family The pressure is getting bigger and bigger, his mouth is overflowing with blood, and even his skin bursts open.

"Home, I am waiting."


"The devil, An Dao invaded my fairyland, and today you are coming back."


At this time, the army behind it finally caught up. All the troops seemed to be rushing together. The army of Tiangong also followed up. A team of Tiangong Palace entered the Devils, making these in the Devil. The strong have to take back their magic weapon and fight against the mighty powers of the fairy world.


"Almost got killed, it's dangerous."

"There is no more rushing in the future. This time it is too dangerous."

"Fortunately, fortunately, nothing will happen."


These strong people can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and they are very scared in their hearts. If the army comes slower, they will really be crushed to death by the demon of these devils.


Then, after the strong men took the healing remedy and recovered the injury, they re-entered them. This time, they had to take revenge and vent the pain that had been suppressed before, not killing a few devils. give up.

However, although the army of the celestial world has arrived, the strongest of the demon world has also been continuously joined, and there are a steady stream of demon powers rushing out of it, making this battle more and more severe.


Even the Tiangong also flew over, bursting with the horror of the horror, a strong pressure to suppress, the Tiandi Dragon's veins around the Tiangong uttered a scream of the screaming dragon, together with the will of the heavens and the earth to fight against the devil's will .

"All the princesses of the emperor, leading their respective princes and princesses to kill them, killing the devil."

In the Temple of Heaven, accompanied by the order of the 15th Princess, all the emperors and princesses were fully armed, with their respective Emperor Wei and Princess.

Although these emperors and princesses are very unconvinced about the 15th princess, at this time, the opening of the fairy magic channel is absolutely a big thing, and it is related to the fact that the status of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor can be stabilized. They are very clear. If this magical channel is maintained and the Devils are invaded, the status of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor may not be guaranteed, and the Princess of the Emperor will no longer have the status.

They can only kill themselves in a murderous way.

"You are killing the devil with me."

At the same time, the 15th Princess is also fully armed. She wears armor on her body. This armor wraps her whole person from beginning to end, and also reflects her perfect posture, but this No one has noticed anything, because everyone has already killed red eyes.


"Bold devil, you dare to open the fairy magic channel again, is this going to carry out the demon battle?"

At this moment, the entire battlefield is divided into three parts, one part is the battlefield of the Xeon who is headed by the Great Emperor, Jiu Avenue and others. Whether it is the Great Emperor or the Nine Avenues, all of them are the horror of the whole body. The characters, the strength of their shots, the strong strongmen of the Kambia, however, their opponents are also very brave, and the Devils are very prepared this time, even more than a dozen of the strong roads appear, with nine Dao Zun and the Great Emperor and others fought.

On the other side of the celestial world, there are not many that have been cultivated to reach the realm of the chemistry. Outside the Great Emperor and the Nine Avenues, there are only two ancestors of the Fire.

They are not enough in comparison with the masters of the Devil World. The strength of these strategists in the celestial world is too strong, not to mention the avenue of the Nine Avenues, but also the invincible position. More than a dozen devils in the realm of the road.

Into the chaos, can be described as earth-shattering, mad tyrants, if it is in the fairy world war, even the Central Fairy City will be destroyed by them.

"Oh... I said who it is. It turned out that the nine avenues are coming. It’s not easy for you to have nine old guys who haven’t died yet." However, when the nine avenues are brave and fierce, they must bombard these devils. When I was killed, suddenly I heard a haze sounding, and then, in the chaos, nine terrible strongmen stepped out.

"Is it you?"

After seeing the nine avenues, all of them changed their faces, because these nine strong men are also very terrible characters on the demon world. Even, they are the enemy of life and death with the Nine Avenues. The two sides have not closed the ancient magic channel in ancient times. It’s been a big fight and I don’t know how many times.

They didn't expect these nine guys to come too.

"Is it very unexpected? Nine old guys." The nine magical powerhouses all sneered, and then they slammed into it. For a moment, the chaos burst, as if they were open-minded.


The two great powers of the Great Emperor and the Fireman also broke out with the strongest force to fight against each other.


Little people in the chaos know that even Xiang Yang does not have the mood to manage the things in chaos, although he knows that the Great Emperor and the Nine Avenues and other people have already entered the chaos with the Xeon of the Devil, but He can't rush into chaos to watch the excitement. After all, those guys are super old monsters, and he doesn't want to go to death.

However, with Xiang Yang fighting with the young demon, he discovered that this young demon statue is also very tricky. The strength of the eruption of the other party is not shocking. The scimitar is also the treasure in the treasure. Not at all weaker than the Devil's Sword.

Moreover, at this time, Hagucci also rushed over and bowed down to the young demon, "Master."

"Rely, I really got it myself." Xiang Yang saw this scene is a bit of a toothache, he even claimed to be Haguqi in front of this youth, this is simply a shame to throw home.

"Hagucci, this guy said his name is called Haguchi." The young demon statue controlled the scimitar to the treasure while fighting with Xiangyang, but he said to Hagucci.

"Oh... it’s him." Haguchi snorted, his body burst into a very strong atmosphere, and suddenly he rushed toward Xiangyang. He had long wanted to deal with Xiangyang, but Xiangyang ran too fast. So, he could not find where Xiangyang was. Now he heard that his master heard that Xiang Yang had stolen his name, and he was even more angry.

"do not bother me."

Xiang Yang was in the midst of a bad mood. When he saw Hagucci rushing over, it was a blink of an eye. When he opened his mouth, he suddenly burst into a starship.


This sword is like a waterfall in the sky. It falls from the sky and hangs in front of Xiangyang and Haguqi. The horrible sword burst out and rushes toward Haguqi.


Haguchi roared, the original figure of a hundred feet tall suddenly expanded, turned into a million-foot tall devil head into the Star River Jianqi.

"Ha what ha." Xiang Yang snorted and saw the other person turned into a million-foot tall demon head into the sword of the Xinghe Jianqi, he sighed, "yourself If you are looking for death, don't go any further."

"Xinghe Jianyan, a sword flying fairy."

Then, Xiang Yang sneered, and the singer of the singer of the singer is erupting. Just like the general sword of the Tongtian Waterfall, you turn it up and turn it into a screaming sword, carrying the invincible power, directly bringing Hagucci from scratch. The tail squats down.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s fingers flicked, and the horrible swordsmanship and swords were mixed together to kill the past. For a time, millions of swords were shocking, just like a million troops together, the sky is a sword. Gas, power is terrible.

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