Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2752: What is despair?

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"I have a sword, I can smash a thousand magic, open my mouth, and the sword gasifies the river, killing Haguchi between the backhands."

In the midst of the war, the demon sword and the young magician's machete are facing each other. Xiangyang's finger is screaming with millions of swords and screaming at the millions of tall Hagucci. At the same time, the one that hangs the star river is Turned into a star river sword, head down to Haguchi.

"Hey, Haguchi, unbeaten, not extinguished... bang..."

Haguchi roared, and he became a million-foot tall, but he was not bad in the King Kong. He had a very strong self-confidence in himself, roaring, holding a huge stick to the top of the Galaxy Excalibur, as for That million swords, he does not care, he believes that his physical strength is enough to block these swords of attack.


However, the next scene is beyond the expectation of Hage and the young demon. I saw that the Xinghe sword, which was spit out by Xiangyang’s mouth, was invincible and invincible. Haguqi smashed into two halves, and a million swords were bombarded on the meat of Haguchi. Under the smashing, the height of the body of the tens of thousands of feet was instantly turned into countless flesh and blood.


After the young demon saw it, he roared. He flew a **** long scorpion on his body and directly copied the pile of flesh and blood. Afterwards, he was not distressed. Haguqi was annihilated by Xiang Yang. It is ready to incorporate Hagucci's flesh fragments into the **** long scorpion to enhance the power of his magical treasure.

"Even if you want to swallow your own hands, it’s a devil." After Xiang Yang saw it, he sneered a sneer, and then he thought about it, suddenly, with a roar, the **** 'world' oven 'Like a **** light from his head.

"Hage, although you are destroyed, your flesh and soul will be integrated with the blood of the deity, this is the last thing you have done for your master."

At this moment, the face of Xiang Yang’s young demon statue has a cold color. His scimitar is still against the magic sword. At the same time, the **** moment is swept in the past, and the blood of Hagucci will be broken. The blocks are all absorbed.

This is a **** scorpion, it is a magic weapon in the devil world. In the refining process, it must be refined with the flesh and soul of 10,000 devils, and then it can continue to absorb the increase of the devil's head. The flesh and blood soul becomes stronger, and the more flesh and blood absorbed by the soul, the more horrible the power of this **** man.

The young devil is proud of his heart and secretly said, "This time the war with the fairy world is only a tentative attack. However, after the war is unfolded, it is definitely a great opportunity for me to warm up the blood of the gods. After the end, my **** sorcerer may be able to swallow enough flesh and soul of the immortal, and thus promoted to the existence of the level of the day after tomorrow."


The more the young people think about it, the more excited they are. However, when they see the blood of the gods, they will take away the flesh and soul of Hagucci. Suddenly, a **** light flashes past, one The **** stove ding appeared in an instant, grabbing the pile of flesh and blood fragments that had been smashed by Haguchi directly before the **** bloody scorpion blood, and then disappeared into the void again.

"Oh, you dare to grab the **** food of the deity, look for death, ah."

This is the flesh and blood of the demon statue of Da Luo’s nine heavens. Even in the blood of the young devil’s demon, it has only swallowed up three powerful demon-level powers into it. How rare is the flesh and blood of the devil's level in the context of Luo Jiuzhong.

Nowadays, the things that should have been nailed to the iron plate have been robbed by Xiang Yang. At this moment, the young demon sage is mad, and the blood of the sorcerer is not taken back, but the blood of the lord is directly driven toward Xiangyang. Roll over.

"Hey, you are actually going to give me this treasure. How can it be so good?" Xiang Yang has not yet collected the 'Heavenly Oven'. After all, this is the deity. If you use it, you will earn the deity. In the body, it is too much trouble, it is better to control first, and then say after the war.

At this moment, seeing the youth directly sweeping over the sky with his blood and blood, his face was smiling with a smile, and the heart of the oven was once again disappearing on top of his head.


Then, when the ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ reappeared, it appeared in front of the blood of the Wande, and the mouth of the furnace was infinitely magnified, and a burst of force burst directly toward the blood of the Wanmo.

"Even the deity of the devil's blood is dare to swallow? I don't know who swallowed it." After the young demon saw it, he was furious, and the blood of the devil did not retreat, even the bigger and bigger, it seems It is necessary to cover the entire battlefield.

"The deity of the devil's blood has not yet broken through to become a treasure, but only a little bit can break through. At that time, even the sanctuary can be swallowed up, what kind of **** furnace you are destined to become Wanmo blood Part of the cockroach."

The young man sneered, he is very confident in the blood of the Wan Mo, the blood of the Wan can grow up to devour all things, although he can not see what the **** giant Ding of Xiangyang is, but he is confident that the blood of the devil can be The blood of the other party was swallowed up.

However, the next scene is to change the face of the young demon.


I saw that at this time, accompanied by a roaring sound, the suction on the 'Heavenly Oven' became more powerful, and instantly swallowed the whole face of the **** scorpion, leaving only the **** pole of the magic. Still struggling to resist the suction of the 'Heavenly Oven', but the suction of 'Tiandi Oven' is too strong, and still swallow the pole a little bit.

"No, how could this be?"

Although it seems that the 'Heavenly Oven' has swallowed a lot of time, but it is only a moment, the blood of the Wande has been swallowed up by the 'Heavenly Oven', when the youth demon reacts When I came over, I was shocked.

His face was incredibly colored, and his voice snarled. "Impossible, what kind of treasure is your stove, you can swallow the blood of the demon, this is impossible..."

"Hey, thank you for your blood, I heard my baby telling me that it tastes good, is there still? Give me another swallow?" Xiang Yang said to the young man.

At the same time, his fingers flicked, and the sword of a killing sword was incorporated into the magic sword. Suddenly, with the sound of 'Boom', the Demon Sword broke out with a sword full of killing spirit. Qi, this is the sword meaning of the Sword of Killing, and it is also the rule of killing Da Luo.


The demon sword trembles, it seems to be extremely exciting, even if its opponent is also a magic road to the treasure scimitar, it is also impossible to suppress the magic sword.

The magic spirit sword was originally the sword of the magic road, and the rule of killing the Da Luo is also the most suitable method for killing the magic road. After the real explosion, the two are absolutely perfect.


Xiang Yang sipped a low voice, and the Devil's Sword took the initiative to recover. He broke out as the most powerful force in the treasure. In the crash, the horror of the sword rushed to the ground and directly flew the scimitar. The demon sword is turned into a long rainbow to kill the past.

However, Xiang Yang is also not idle, his body shape rushes out in a moment, one step at a time, the whole person has already arrived at the place where two pieces of the treasure are confronted in an instant, and then, once again, it has already appeared in that one He flew out of the machete, and then he decisively reached out and grabbed the machete directly.

"you wanna die."

When the young demon statue saw that the demon sword broke out and turned his smashing knife out, he was shocked and wanted to take back his magic weapon. However, at this time, he saw Xiang Yang and went with his hand. When he caught the scimitar, he was excited. He squeezed his hands and shouted, "Oh."


That scimitar is also a magical road to the treasure. At the moment, under the real explosion, it has the same very terrifying power. Although it is not comparable to the magic sword that incorporates the rules of killing the Dalu, it is equally important not to be underestimated. After Yang saw it, he couldn’t help but tremble.

"It has always been the use of kendo, but I forgot, my knife has reached a very strong degree."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and there was a knife in his right hand. This knife is very mysterious, not a knife or a knife, but it is a rule of Dadao.

As soon as the rule of the Dadao had appeared, a force of repression broke out and the scimitar was suppressed, which reduced the power of the scimitar by 30%.

"The rule of the Dadao?" After the young demon saw it, his face turned cold and he snorted. "Even if it is weakened by the power of 30%, it is enough to kill you."

"Give me kill."

At this moment, he did not care about the devil's sword toward him, but his hands and the law to control the scimitar toward Xiangyang.

Of course, it is not that he is not afraid of death, not worried that the Devil Sword will kill him, but because he feels that Xiang Yang is too close to the scimitar, he can completely before the Devil Sword kills him. Control the scimitar to kill Xiang Yang, and then fight against the magic sword that came over.

"If you marry you, you will be able to get more of this treasure." The youth devil has an excitement in his heart. He only feels that this time he can definitely kill Xiang Yang, and then take away the Xiangyang god. Soldier.

Although he lost the blood of the demon, but he has mastered the method of refining the blood of the demon, and he is not only a **** man, he was refining when he was bloody. Two of them were made, one of which was spare, that is, after being afraid of going to the battlefield, there were countless strong people’s flesh and blood fragments, and his treasures had accidents, so that they could absorb those with the spare Wanmo blood. The flesh and blood fragments have grown up.

He has made up his mind, and after killing Xiangyang later, he can take the spare Wanmo blood and swallow the demon statue of Xiangyang, the big lord of the world, and then take Xiangyang. This sacred sword and his sorcerer's blood are swimming in the battlefield. At that time, he has two pieces of sacred soldiers and **** scorpions. He is absolutely unstoppable and can kill all the demons. He can definitely promote his blood to the extent of the treasure.

At that time, if you are lucky, all the demons are swallowed up, even if it is a breakthrough to become the level of the day after tomorrow is possible.

As long as his **** blood can become the treasure of the day after tomorrow, it will definitely be invincible, even if the Yasheng strong man comes, don't be afraid.

"Ha ha ha..."

While the young man was smirking and laughing, he did not forget the one of the scimitars that motivated him to go to Xiangyang and to break the Xiangyang.

"It’s too early to laugh."

However, just as the scimitar was raised and moved toward Xiangyang, he heard Xiang Yang’s face open with a sneer.

Then, in the incredible eyes of this young demon, Xiang Yang’s right hand suddenly appeared a blade of war, bursting out with an unmatched breath.


This battle blade is the magical battle blade of the level of the day after tomorrow.

The day after tomorrow, the treasure is only a high level, but the two are not the same. When the demon battle blade appears, a horrible road is suppressed and suppressed. It is like a fairy suppressing ordinary people. In the same way, there is no need for any power. Even the Devil's Blade does not need to be used. It just sits on the machete. Suddenly, the attack that originally erupted from the machete disappeared and remained motionless. In the midair, I dare not have the slightest resistance.

"Do not..."

The youth's face changed, and he yelled. "How can you have this battle blade? No, it is impossible. This battle blade is the magic weapon of that year. He does not say that he has become sanctified." Is chaos deep? How can his magic weapon be in your hands, no no no..."

He obviously knows the magical blade and knows the horror of this blade. He never thought of it anyway. Xiangyang, who was originally only empty-handed to catch the machete, used it directly at the last minute. The treasure of the demon statue in the legend of the devil is pressing his machete to treasure.

He knows that his treasure is over, and he must be taken away by Xiang Yang. In the face of a real day after tomorrow, even if his machete is beyond the treasure of the best magical level, it has no effect.



Under the shock of the young demon, it is forgotten that the demon sword is still rushing toward him, and forgetting the defense. The next moment, the demon sword descends from the sky, with an unparalleled killing atmosphere, instantly killing the youth into two halves. .


However, when the Devil's Sword is ready to take the victory and chase the other half of the body and completely destroy the other's gods, the youth's reaction is very fast, and his body shape explodes at the same time and turns into two. Blood light disappeared into the void and disappeared.

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