Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2761: Blood lotus lend me a play

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"Bastard kid, how dare you stare at the ancestors' blood lotus?"

The Gorefiend ancestors are waiting for Xiangyang in anger, and can’t wait to slap a dead man.

He is really too angry. He always thought that Xiangyang was a good Tianjiao. If he earned his own money and cultivated himself, he would definitely be his own right-hand man. Unexpectedly, he was actually played by the other side.

Xiang Yang’s direct and bright mouth said that he wanted his own blood lotus, which has proved that Xiang Yang is brushing himself.

Rao is the **** ancestor who is the hegemon of the demon world. He can't hold it down as well. He is really angry. This junior is so bold, and he must annihilate each other later, so that he can square the gods. Off, no, let the other party live better than death.

At the same time, the Gorefiend ancestors secretly secreted the secret law, leaving seeds in the body of Xiang Yang.

"Bloody demons, you are over."

However, when the Gorefiend ancestors urged the secret law, they should leave some means in Xiangyang's body so that Xiangyang can become a descendant of Gorefiend, so that when Xiangyangsheng is not as good as death, he will listen to the faint saying of Emperor Xuan of the East. .

Here is the Eastern Tianyu, the realm of the Eastern Emperor. In this place, no matter what the Gorefiend ancestors do, they can't escape Xu Wei's monitoring. Of course, the **** ancestor's means of using sound is only a minimal concealment. The means are still barely able to escape the surveillance of the other side.

However, when the Gorefiend ancestors were working to prepare the magic species in Xiangyang, they were suddenly discovered by Emperor Xu of the East.


After the Gorefiend ancestors saw that their behavior was discovered by the Emperor Xuan of the East, they did not continue to use the secret method. Instead, they snorted and looked at Xiang Yang with a cold look. "Boy, you are very good, you dare to play." Old ancestors."


When the words of the Gorefiend ancestors came out, everyone felt shocked and inexplicable. I didn’t know what Xiangyang had done secretly in the end. Even the Gorefiend ancestors were played by him.

Xiang Yang is with a flawless color on his face, and said to the Gorefiend ancestors, "The **** devil ancestors, I did not play you, I think there is any misunderstanding between us, I always think that we are our own people. It."

While talking, the breath on his body is constantly changing between the fairy and the devil. After a while, it is directly converted into magic. He laughs and looks at the **** ancestor. "You see, my body is full of magic. The representative of the identity of the strong devil."

The strong people on the side of the fairy side already know that Xiang Yang is only a avatar, and the method of practice is eccentric. You can switch between the fairy and the devil at random. Although the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei feels a little surprised, there is nothing else. The idea, however, is that the Gorefiend ancestors are mad after seeing them.

Before, the Gorefiend ancestors tried desperately to let Xiang Yang enter his armpit. As a result, Xiang Yang refused. Now, Xiang Yang actually said that he is his own person, which is obviously deliberately mad at him. .

At this moment, the Gorefiend ancestors finally understood why Xiang Yang had said that his own leaders had said that they were ‘self-person’, and those who were under his own hands completely ignored Xiangyang.

Even if you change to yourself, you can't believe that Xiangyang is your own.

"This bastard, I don't know what it is to practice, can actually switch between the fairy and the devil. However, his practice is essentially a very clever magical method. If Xu and others know it, it will definitely probe. Look at the roots of this kid, so that this kid can drink a pot."

At the same time, the Gorefiend ancestors thought about the curious color on the surface and looked at Xiang Yang. "Primary, although you can freely convert between the fairy, but the root of your practice is the law of the devil, you But my descendants of the devil?"

"This, yeah, my practice is indeed the magic of the law, and it is still the beginning of the demon." Xiang Yang nodded and said.

"The beginning of the Wanmo, is it..." This time it was the turn of the Gorefiend sorcerer who was shocked. He widened his eyes and looked at Xiangyang. "You take the exercises to your ancestors."

"Then you will lend me your blood lily to play with me." Xiang Yang ignored the other party.


Rao is the sorcerer of the Gorefiend. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, he is also angry and beaten. What is special, what is this kid in the end, even dare to play with his ancestors, it is too much.

Of course, not only the blood-devil ancestors were shocked when they heard that Xiang Yang said that his practice was the beginning of the Wan Mo, and even the people of the fairy world around Xiang Yang listened and listened to it. The color of the nine avenues can not help but exclaimed, "Is it the beginning of magic?"

"Hey, do you know the beginning of the magic?"

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the Nine Avenues, and simply no longer concealed it. Instead, he directly dissipated the ‘Xian Mo Ding’ and the breath of his body exploded.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body of the first demon turned, and his whole person instantly became the demon of the demon. Although he still stood with his hands on his back, although his cultivation was still only the scene of Dalu’s nine-day peak. However, at this moment, he has become a high-profile existence. Among a group of great saints, he is so special.

"It is really the law of the beginning of the devil, the beginning of magic!"

Even the Emperor Xu Wei of the East also looked at Xiang Yang with a shocking color on his face.

After the opposite of the Gorefiend ancestors in their own minds, they couldn’t help but watch the Xiangyang Road with a shock. "Small, you have actually practiced the beginning of the magic to such a degree, how is this possible?"

"Hey, there is nothing that is impossible in this world." Xiang Yang smiled at the **** ancestors, "For example, you are the nine blood lotus, I really like it, if you can send it To me, even if I pass the original magic to you, it is not impossible."


"Xiang Yang, think twice."

After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, he heard the nine avenues around him, and Xu Wei and others all looked at themselves with a nervous color.

"What are you nervous about, I just said that I am playing, and, isn't it just a practice? Even if they are given to them, what can they do?"

Xiang Yang looked at a group of powerful people differently. His original magical work was also obtained after refining the demon statue. He did not feel that there was anything strange about this practice. After all, he did not care for the exercises. Which one is the real supreme practice, for example, the various exercises he has practiced now are more powerful than the original magic.

If a **** can be exchanged for a day after tomorrow, Xiang Yang can definitely laugh and bloom.

"Beginning magic is related to the secret of a big world in the devil world. You can't easily spread it out." Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, said quickly, "The detailed reasons, such things, will tell you later, but you have to remember, You can only practice one person and not teach anyone in the Devil World."


After Xiang Yang listened, I was a little embarrassed. I really don’t want to say that the beginning of the magic work was already passed to Alice by him. Over the years, although I have not seen Alice for a long time, Alice should also cultivate It’s not too weak.

"Don't you pass the original magical power to other people?" Seeing Xiangyang's appearance, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, Jiu Dao Zun, and even Mr. Wen and other Ya Shengqiang all have a nervous color on their faces. .

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, there is nothing." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"That's good, then it's good." Oriental Emperor Xu Wei was relieved, which made Xiang Yang's heart more curious. What is it, even the East Heaven and Earth Xu Xu is so nervous, and this first demon Gong, it seems really magical.

However, in his view, although the beginning of the magic is indeed very magical, but he does not feel that there is any special significance.

"Kid, the ancestors are more and more like you now." At this time, the Gorefiend ancestors looked at Xiang Yang with an excited color on his face. He found that Xiang Yang would start the magic work when he It was a little excited.

This is the beginning of the magic, ah, the legend is the beginning of the devil, the origin of all the devil's origins of the magic, and this is a major secret in the devil world, if the legend is the practice of the magic man In the depths of the devil world, if you can get everything from the beginning of the devil, you can control the devil world.

If it is Xiangyang, such a fairyland fairy went to the devil world, there will be no hair left by the saints in the demon world, but the Gorefiend ancestors are different, and the Gorefiend is also a good devil. The very powerful pulse, especially the strength of the Gorefiend ancestors, although not the strongest, but his life-saving means can definitely be said to be the most powerful existence in the devil world, if he got the first magic In the case of merit, the Gorefiend ancestors believed that with his ability, he would absolutely be able to get everything that was left by the Supreme Master. At that time, he was the only master in the devil world, and he could become the new Supreme Master and dominate the Devil. .

At this moment, the excitement of the Gorefiend ancestors was shaking. He looked at Xiangyang, and the more he saw it, the more he liked it. He wanted to catch Xiang Yang right now.

"Bloody ancestors, don't stare at me like this, I don't like you, I just like your blood lotus." Xiang Yang saw the appearance of the Gorefiend ancestors, where can't understand what the other side thinks .

However, there are many strong people around Xiangyang. He is really not afraid of the Gorefiend ancestors. After listening to the words of the Gorefiend ancestors, he is smiling at the other person’s foot. The more you look, the more you love.

This is the defensive magic weapon of the day after tomorrow, and it is also the defensive magic weapon of the devil world. It is most suitable for your own demon avatar.

Ever since, there was a scene in the field that was quite ridiculous. Xiang Yang stared at the blood lotus at the foot of the Gorefiend ancestors. He was very excited. The Gorefiend ancestors looked at Xiangyang and were very excited. Color, both of them are thinking about how to get the other hand.

Whether it is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, or the Nine Avenues, even Mr. Wen and Huo Tian and other sacred masters, all face with a quirky color looking at Xiang Yang and the Gorefiend ancestors.

Before that, they never thought about it. Some people actually let the Gorefiend ancestors stare at each other so excitedly. Of course, Xiang Yang is mainly because the reasons for the beginning of the magic work are made public, so that the Gorefiend ancestors have completely Stared at Xiang Yang.

They don't know whether the Gorefiend ancestors were good or bad after they stared at Xiangyang. However, when they think of Xiangyang as the descendant of that pulse, they let go of their heart, even if it is Xiangyang. Can't be compared to the **** ancestor, who has the existence of that one, who in the world can hurt Xiangyang?

However, Xiang Yang has been staring at the nine bloodsuckers at the foot of the Gorefiend ancestors, and it makes people feel a little weird. A junior, even without concealing his desire for the elders’ treasures, It really makes people feel a bit, um, weird.

"Kid, do you really want the blood lotus of your ancestors?" The blood-soul ancestor also saw Xiang Yang looking at his greedy eyes of his treasure, his heart was first furious, and then he laughed.

"Yeah, I just don't know if my ancestors will not give me a play." Xiang Yang kept his head.

"You can borrow you, but, do you think you can afford the blood of your ancestors?" The Gorefiend ancestors sneered a sigh. "Primary, even if the ancestors will lend you blood to you, you also Don't you dare to take it? Moreover, do you think that Emperor Xuan and others in the East dare to let you personally take over the blood lotus in the hands of your ancestors?"

He originally thought that Xiangyang was just talking about it. How can Xiangyang’s current strength compare with the Gorefiend ancestors? Lending the nine blood lotuses to Xiang Yang to play, is equivalent to handing Xiang Yang’s life to the nine blood lotus, which is a great opportunity for the Gorefiend ancestors, as long as he is willing, it is completely Can easily and completely eliminate Xiangyang, and then use the blood lotus to take away the soul of Xiangyang. At that time, he can refine the soul of Xiangyang and get everything in Xiangyang.

Therefore, the Gorefiend ancestors are also very excited, thinking that Xiang Yang is really a real person, and has always been trying to find a way for himself to let Xiangyang go out.

However, the Gorefiend ancestors did not think that the real person in his heart, Xiang Yang, was very excited at the moment and replied, "I dare, my ancestors don't have to worry about me, as long as you are willing to lend me nine models of blood lotus. When I play, I will definitely take it over, and this is something between you and me. I am not under the command of the Emperor of the East. I am sure that the Emperor of Heaven will not interfere with our affairs."

"It makes sense to say this."

The Gorefiend ancestors laughed and looked at the Emperor Xuan of the East. "Xu Wei, you heard it, this kid said that he wants to see my blood lotus, how do you feel?"

At this moment, Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, frowned. He did not immediately answer the words of the Gorefiend ancestors. Instead, he looked at Xiang Yang and whispered, "Little friends, everything can't be slammed."

Nine Avenues also looked at Xiang Yang with the same nervousness. "Little friends, nine blood lotuses are the associated magic weapon of the Gorefiend ancestors, and the power is endless. If you are close to the blood lotus, everything is controlled by him. At that time, even if you want to resist, you can't do it."

“Is there such a horror?” Xiang Yang looked at them with a doubtful look on his face.

"Yeah, it is such a horror. Although the nine bloodskins are unparalleled in defense, the **** ancestors are only the bottom of the Yasheng, but with the existence of the nine blood lotus, he can compete against the top Yasheng, however Nineteen blood lotuses are not available to anyone." Oriental Emperor Xu Xin sighed and said.

After his words came out, Xiang Yang’s face was shocked and he couldn’t help but exclaimed. “It seems that this blood lotus is really amazing, I have to fix it.”


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