Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2762: Look again...

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Whether it is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei or other immortal powerhouses, at this moment, I want to open the head of Xiangyang to see if Xiangyang is a fool. Everyone has already said it very clearly. Although the nine blood dragons are unparalleled in defense, But it is the same as the blood-devil ancestor's mind. It is definitely not anyone who can get the hand. You must still get it. Are you not looking for a dead end?

The Gorefiend ancestor thinks that the more he looks at Xiangyang, the more he appreciates it. He likes this dead person. When the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and others are silent, the Gorefiend ancestors can’t help but say, “Xu Hey, he is not a child who is not sensible, and it is not yours. You are not qualified to manage him. Since he wants to see his **** lotus, let him see it."

"Bloody Devil, do you dare to come?" Xu Wei sneered, his eyes watching the **** ancestors with a cold color.

Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, is definitely the most peak in the realm of Yasheng. His eyes are swaying, and a horrible killing is erupting. At the same time, Rao is a little scared when he sees the blood ancestors. I am afraid that the other party is really trying to fight with myself.

"Bloody Devil, do you think that I don't want to deal with you?" The sacred powerhouse carrying the peerless sword also said leisurely. While speaking, he heard the sword behind him tremble, accompanied by a At the same time as the humming sounds, there is still a ray of incomparable light, and a horrible breath erupts.

The other party is a sword samurai who has become a saint, and the fighting power is unparalleled. Even if it is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, if it does not occupy the right place, I am afraid that it is not necessarily comparable to the other side in terms of combat effectiveness.

Xiang Yang looked at this holy power strong, and his heart was a bit strange, because he was no stranger to the mainstream practice of the other side, which is the practice in the "Sword Mystery Code".

The practice of this "Sword Mystery Code" is the law of Xiang Yang's master to Bai Yu, and the various kendo gods are definitely the most profound exercises.

"Is he the founder? It is not very likely. The practice collected by Shizun should not be created by the other party. Then, in other words, it is very likely that the other party is only a successor, a Yashengqiang. However, it can be a small white master."

Xiang Yang said to himself in his heart, and made up his mind to find a way for Xiao Bai to see this saint. Even if the other party did not think about accepting the apprentice, let the other party give pointers to the white.

At the same time, Xiang Yang smiled and smiled at the holy power. "Several predecessors don't have to worry, as long as the Gorefiend ancestors dared to pick up his blood lotus to play with me, I dare to get in the bag."


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the martyrdom sage or the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei’s face all showed strange colors. At this time, they also felt strange and secret in their hearts. Is there really any way for this kid to guarantee that he is not being sorcerer? Do you plant a secret method?

However, at this moment, they are very hesitant in their hearts. After all, they are very aware of the horror of the blood-deviled nine-blooded blood lotus. Even if they get the nine-blooded blood lotus, they have no certainty that they can not be invaded by the blood lotus. Not to mention that Xiang Yang’s cultivation is only a junior who has reached the peak of Da Luo’s nine-day peak.

Moreover, it is very clear to everyone that although Xiangyang’s avatar has reached the peak of Dalu’s nine-day peak, his time from birth to now is only a few decades, for an age. Less than 50 years old, they really can't believe how Xiangyang has the ability to crack the **** ancestors, the innate gods that existed when they opened up.

Yes, although the Gorefiend ancestors are the Yasheng strong, but he is also an innate god, or he is a congenital devil.

The Gorefiend is a creature born from the filth of blood when the heavens were first opened. It is said that the blood that was smothered is the blood left by the sage of the heavens when it was opened, but it was later polluted. .

In any case, the means of Gorefiend is definitely the top name among the many devils in the Devil World, and Xiangyang is a junior. Is there really any way to deal with the Gorefiend of the Gorefiend?

The reason why everyone believes in Xiangyang is mainly because there is a ‘that pulse’ behind the Xiangyang, because everyone’s fear of ‘that pulse’ makes them feel that Xiangyang is very powerful.

However, at this moment they did not dare to gamble. If you let go of Xiangyang to contact the nine blood dragons and have a problem, then someone at the place is not good enough to explain in front of ‘that one’.

"Hey, what do you do with Xiangyang?"

However, just as everyone was still hesitating, they saw that Xiang Yang had come out of the protection of a strong group of people. After a group of people met, they suddenly became anxious.

"I am not in a hurry, I believe that the Gorefiend ancestors certainly did not dare to do anything to me in this fairy world. I just want to see what the blood lotus looks like. The Gorefiend ancestors as seniors, sure Will let the blood lotus give me a look, touch it is enough." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and looked at the crowd.

"You are too bold."

Xiangyang has already rushed out, what can everyone say? There seems to be no way to do anything. They can only helplessly sigh, and feel that Xiangyang is not a general bold.

However, although they will not pull Xiangyang back, but both the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and the Jiansheng Power have taken a step at the same time, the breath of their bodies broke out. If the Gorefiend ancestors had any move, they You can always do it.

After Xiang Yang met, he felt a little moved. He turned his head and looked at the **** ancestor. He said with a smile, "Once, what is your promise?"

"Give you something."

The Gorefiend ancestors saw Xiang Yang like this. He only felt that his heart was very happy. He felt that Xiang Yang was really a good person. He definitely wanted to send the beginning of the magic work to the door. Hey, forget it. Since this kid is so admired, his ancestors will not kill him, just grab him all over.

At the same time, in the eyes of the public, the one-million-foot tall blood lotus at the foot of the Gorefiend ancestors swung toward Xiangyang, and it was already in front of Xiangyang.

Not enough, the Gorefiend ancestors did not immediately start, but let the nine blood lotuses suspend in front of Xiangyang, what he has to do silently leaves the means in Xiang Yang's body, in the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and others If there is no way to perceive it, let Xiang Yang become his person. In the future, he can easily bring Xiang Yang to the devil world. After all, the purpose of his trip has not been successful, and he has not officially signed a contract with Xu Wei. .

"This is the nine blood lotus, the day after tomorrow, it is a treasure of the United States."

At this time, whether it is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei or other sacred strongmen, all of them are exposed to the color of tension, fearing that the blood lotus will suddenly erupt and Xiangyang will be destroyed.

Even the sacrificial samurai is extremely nervous, and the sword of the body has reached its peak state. The sword behind it is directly floating on the top of his head. As long as the nine blood lotuses are slightly different, he will directly Shooting, a sword kills the past.

Behind the crowd, the great emperor was neglected. He looked at Xiangyang with a sigh of relief. He felt that this guy in Xiangyang was really terrible. He was so daring and not afraid of death.

He really didn't want to understand that in the Xiangyang District, there was a junior in the world of Daluo, and even the Huadao did not do it. He even went so crazy, what is it?

However, he is very admired for the courage of Xiang Yang, not afraid of the courage of death, let him feel self-deprecating.

The Gorefiend ancestors are very excited. The blood lotus is connected with his heart, just like his hands and feet. He doesn't have to use any law to make a decision. He has already prepared a hundred and eighty kinds of techniques, and he is ready to touch it in Xiangyang's hand. When the blood lotus is in, it is necessary to put various techniques into the body of Xiang Yang, so that Xiang Yang becomes his person.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang was excited and his face was red, and his hands were constantly rubbing his hands. He wanted to stretch out and touch the nine blood lotuses, and he seemed to be a bit afraid.

"It’s just a treasure, it’s just right for me to use it. It’s great.”

Xiang Yang excitedly whispered, his deity is in the Promise of Immortality, calling Xiaoling and Laojiao, Qiankun Ding Ding, Wuji Shenjian and Xianmo battlefield, even the demon battle blade is all Take it out, all are waiting.

"How, can you get it?" Xiang Yang’s deity looked nervously at Xiao Ling.

"The boss can rest assured that you will delay for a while, and the tower of the body repair will be completed immediately. As long as the refining of the tower is completed, you can use the Qiankun to make the tripod. When it is time, let alone it is only the blood of the nine. Even if it is 18 products, it can't resist the refining and transformation of Qiankun's creations." Xiaoling said with a confident color on his face.

"Boss, this is the blood of the day after the treasure to the nine treasures, you can get it, it is really amazing." The old man patted Xiang Yang's flattering.

"Well, don't be flattered, hurry, help Xiaoling to complete the final refining of the tower of the body repair, and wait for the blood lotus to come in, completely suppress it." Xiang Yang's deity told him.


Both the old man and the little spirit are very excited.

At this time, Xiang Yang’s first demon clerk knew that he needed to delay a little bit of time. His face had a look of hope, while he squatted and thought about it, his hand extended, but he took it back in the middle. Sighing and saying, "No, the Gorefiend ancestors just promised me to let me touch. I can't touch the blood lotus so quickly. If I touch it, he will take it back."

"I will take another look, let's take a look."

At the same time, Xiang Yang said, still very excited to see the nine blood lotus in front of him.

When the Gorefiend ancestors saw that Xiang Yang had reached out, his face had already shown excitement. However, he immediately saw that Xiang Yang would retract him. He only felt that his heart was hollow and he heard the item. When Yang said that he could only touch it, he smiled in his heart. "Kid, you are excited now. You will understand later, when you really touch the blood of the nine blood, you are dead. It is."

He is not in a hurry. It is really not anxious. Since Xiang Yang has already come out of Xu Wei’s protection, Xiang Yang is already in his bag.

The Gorefiend ancestors really didn’t worry that Xiangyang would be caught by him. Anyway, what he had to do was that when Xiang Yang’s hand really touched his treasure, Xiang Yang was taken by him. It’s time to take complete control.

"This kid, really like nine blood lotus, or what to do?"

On the other side of the fairy world, whether it was the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei or other people, all of them looked helpless at Xiangyang. They wanted Xiangyang to quickly look at the nine blood lotus, and then turned and left, but Xiang Yang was Not willing to do this.

They looked at the excitement of Xiangyang’s face and it was not like a fake time. Don’t be too tired in his heart. This kid is really looking for his own death.

Of course, it can't be said how Xiangyang is looking for death. After all, they seem to have too short a time for Xiangyang to practice. He has never seen any treasures. He suddenly saw a legendary aftermath, and his heart was too excited. Still understandable.

The great prince did not want to talk. He felt that Xiang Yang was either a madman or a brain-dead. However, he really admired Xiang Yang’s courage.

Ever since, in the minds of the different people, Xiang Yang’s face with an excited smile, while studying this nine blood lotus, sighed in his heart, his luck is really good, even immediately You can get a nine-piece blood lotus.

At the same time, his deity is always staring at the Qiankun for the establishment of the tripod, everything is ready, only after the refining of the tower of the body repair in the Qiankun Chengding trip, he will be able to put this nine blood lotus in the bag.

Ever since, everyone, this is a quarter of an hour, Xiang Yang's face is very rich, has been staring at the study of nine blood lotus, while still around the circle, he thought about it, and even almost Take out a handful of swords and try to squat a few times. If you don’t feel the Gorefiend ancestors look at yourself with red eyes, if you dare to squat, the Gorefiend ancestors will directly use the blood lotus to deal with their own words, Xiang Yang also I really want to try to see what kind of power these nine blood lotuses have.

"Kid, have you seen enough?"

Later, the Gorefiend ancestors themselves did not have the patience to wait for Xiang Yang to study. He made up his mind. If Xiang Yang had not seen enough, he would have to do it directly.

"Cough... It's fast, it's fast, it's going to be enough soon."

Xiang Yang still studied the blood lotus, and did not raise his head.

"You touched it quickly, and then the ancestors would take back the blood lotus." The bloodsucker ancestors said coldly.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, touch it right away, and touch it right away."

Xiang Yang continued to answer, but his hand did not move, but still swirled around the nine blood lotus, want to continue to study the magic of the nine blood lotus.

"What the **** is this guy waiting for?"

Everyone feels that Xiang Yang is a bit wrong. Look at what he has been studying seriously. Although it looks very serious, but how serious it is, you just look at the surface, the real mysterious place of the nine blood lotus. It is the rhyme rule contained in it. What do you think of the surface?

"Is this kid wanting to grab the blood of the blood-devil ancestors, but the nine-blooded blood lotus and the blood-devil ancestors can be said to be one of them is not an exaggeration. How can he grab the blood lotus? This is simply It’s noisy.”

After everyone had such an idea in their hearts, they all looked at Xiang Yang with helplessness on their faces.

At this time, the Gorefiend ancestors couldn't help it, and they screamed with anger. "Boy, if you don't do it again, the ancestors will take back the blood lotus."

This time, he really did not have any patience. He planned to take back the nine blood dragons directly.

"Wait a minute, you can do it right away." Xiang Yang still answered.

"What are you waiting for?" The Gorefiend ancestors couldn't help but ask.

"Wait for me to see again." Xiang Yang.

"Then you don't want to watch it." The Gorefiend ancestors snorted and planned to let the nine blood lotuses volley to Xiangyang, so that he could leave all kinds of techniques in Xiangyang, and then he would Jiu Ping Xue Lian recovered.

Although Jiu Ping Xue Lian is connected with his heart, but in this way, the nine blood lotus is placed in front of the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and others. He really feels a little panic, for fear when Xu Wei will use his Emperor Zhong to his nine. The blood lotus was taken away. At that time, he was really worth the loss.

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