Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2771: I do not mind

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Xiang Yang’s hand grasped the Qingxuan sword and sensed the disgusting emotion sent from the Qingxuan sword. He couldn’t help but laugh out and whispered, “Well, don’t hate it, though that The posture is ugly, but it is all the same."


At this time, Qing Xuanjian was constantly shaking and leaping in his palm, just like a child with a dissatisfied emotion.

"You really have produced the wisdom of the self. It seems that it is time to be promoted to become the treasure of the day after tomorrow." Xiang Yang was really shocked this time. He did not expect that the time when Qing Xuanjian produced self-consciousness turned out to be So fast, you must know that the Devil's Blade is warmed up by the ancient demon, and even after the Suzaku woman has grown into a supreme power, the Devil's Blade becomes The day after tomorrow is the treasure.

However, Qing Xuanjian actually did not take long to refine it. Even so soon, it has produced intelligence. Although it is related to Xiangyang’s own soul injecting his own blank soul into this Qingxuan sword, It can be seen that the level of Qing Xuanjian is absolutely higher than the magic sword.

If Qingxuan Sword becomes the true treasure of the day after tomorrow, it will be stronger than the Devil's Blade. Even if it is not the Promise Excalibur has become the meritorious treasure, Xiang Yang is still guessing, the quality of Qingxuan Sword Not necessarily stronger than the Promise Excalibur.

Although I don’t want to admit it, when Xiang Yang refining the Promise Excalibur, the strength is too weak, and the refining materials of the Promise Excalibur are only a single piece of chaotic fine gold. How can it compare with the Qingxuan sword? ?

Qing Xuanjian's refining materials are various, and it is the refinement of Qiankun Zhihua Ding, which is controlled by the spirit of Xiao Ling, after being truly restored to the peak state. It is absolutely more perfect than the Promise Excalibur of Xiangyang Refining System. .

However, after the Promise Excalibur has gained a great amount of merit, it has undergone a real change in nature, and it has become a treasure of the future, and it can be ruined. This is the most terrible and special.

"Well, I promise you, I don't need that kind of posture in the future." Xiang Yanghehe smiled and comforted, and finally the consciousness that was just generated in the Qingxuan sword was not in the splash.

The little guy seems to be more like a child because he just has a sense of embarrassment. Although it is just very uncomfortable, but now it is restored, it is flying around Xiangyang, as if to please Xiangyang.

"A brand new after-the-day treasure is about to be built."

All the people who saw this scene showed their envious color on their faces. They saw the various kinds of Qingxuan swords. They already understood that Qingxuan sword can already be called the sacred treasure. This kind of **** soldier, who does not want to Want?

Even if it is a Gorefiend, even if it is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei, if they have the chance to get it, they also want to get such a **** soldier.

Seeing that Qing Xuanjian had a tendency to be promoted to become the treasure of the day after tomorrow, Xiang Yang also looked very happy. He smiled and looked at Qing Xuanjian. Even if he danced around him, he looked at it. The guys in the real world of the nine true devils on the Gorefiend side, said, "Let's come up together."


After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, one of the group of strong people couldn’t help but scream and yelled at Xiang Yangjun. “With a post-day treasure to bully people, what kind of strength, do not use you. A day after tomorrow."

"What do you say? I didn't hear it clearly. You came closer and talked to me." Xiang Yang's hand was next to his ear and shouted at his head.


After the young man saw it, he was angry and said, "There is a kind of you who don't use your sacred sword of the day after tomorrow, and I will fight with my bare hands."


After the voice of this guy fell, someone on the side of the fairyland shouted loudly. "The **** demon is really shameless. Seeing the other side has a more powerful god, I am so embarrassed to say this, haha, I am the first. I see such a person one day."

"Yeah, the people of the Gorefiend are all inherited from the Gorefiend of the Gorefiend, and you don't mind. After all, the Gorefiend is itself shameless."

The fire is also happy to say.

"Oh..." After the blood demon sitting on the top of the **** sea saw it, he also made a cold cry. His face was very ugly and looked at the celestial ancestors, cold voice. "Fire, you don't want to Have you ever had a fight with your ancestors?"

"Oh, **** devil, don't say that your nine blood lotus has been lost, even if your nine blood lotus is in your hands, I am not afraid of you, I burned your blood, you Is it still thinking about confronting me now?" The fire ancestor looked at the **** ancestors happily.

His words are obviously a little deceptive. If he has real earth-shattering strength, even if the Gorefiend ancestors have nine blood lotuses, they should not be afraid, but in fact, if the Gorefiend ancestors have nine When the blood lotus is in the body, the fire ancestor absolutely does not dare to face the **** ancestors alone. After all, the **** ancestors are the congenital creatures of ancient times, and the fire days are the acquired creatures. The Gorefiend ancestors didn't know how many years later, and his combat power was not really strong enough to deal with Gorefiend.

Of course, the advantage of this ancestor is that it is shameless. He knows that the Gorefiend ancestors are very upset after losing the nine blood lotuses. They deliberately take this to say things, making the **** ancestors tremble with anger. With even the blood of the whole body, he glared at him with anger. "If you really want to die, your ancestors will fulfill you."

"Don't stop, you don't want to grab the scenery of Xiangyang. You are too shameless. If you know that your people are going to lose, you are ready to follow me and attract everyone's attention. It won’t be as shameless as you are."

The fire ancestor said it in a serious way, and then said to Xiang Yang, "Xiao Xiaozi, regardless of the guy, you directly use the one of the gods to kill these guys, his grandmother’s bear, Laozi has long been It’s very uncomfortable to watch these little magic scorpions of the Gorefiend. This time, you represent my fire family, you must kill all the little scorpions of the Gorefiend, if the Gorefiend is old. If you dare to have any dissatisfaction, don't be afraid, there is Xu Wei here, he can help you block the **** devil."

While talking, he looked cheerfully at Xu Xu, who said, "Is it right?"

Xu Di, the Emperor of Heaven, did not want to pay attention to the ancestors of the fire, but when he saw the **** ancestors look at his eyes, he had to show his attitude, but he nodded and said to Xiang Yang, "You are despite Let go of the kill, who dares to stop you and kill the other directly."

"You have too much confidence in him." The Gorefiend ancestors sneered a sneer, and saw the guy who stood up and yelled at the slap in the face of Xiangyang’s bare-handed cock, who seemed to be ready to continue to speak. He was indulging. After a moment, he said to the guy, "Adanro, this knife is loaned to you, and he will return it to his ancestors after he married him."


At the same time, a **** magic knife appeared in the hands of the Gorefiend ancestors. It was a sacred soldier who reached the level of the treasure. When the knives came out, there was a terrible magical temper, and it seemed to be a knife. Out, can be accompanied by thousands of devils to shoot together, even if an ordinary person is in the hands, a knife out, it is estimated that you can kill the big Luo strong.

The real demon named Adanro caught the magic knife in his hand, and suddenly felt a horrible atmosphere bursting out, and a powerful and unmatched breath was flowing, making him feel that he was holding a magic knife in his hand. As if to kill the saints, I couldn’t help but shouted loudly. "Follow the fate, thank you to the Lord of the Devil, and Adanro must kill him."

At the moment, Adanro only felt that his whole body was full of strength. The whole person took an earth-shattering breath. He responded at the same time, stepping out in one step and instantly appearing in front of Xiangyang.

"Kid, you are dead, this knife is in hand, I can kill you millions of times."


Along with his roar, a burst of violent outburst came out and directly hit Xiangyang. Even on the ground, a layer of powerful energy was directly launched, and the ground was directly smashed. It was like a tsunami. The ground on the first floor was raised high and it was pressed against Xiangyang.

This scene, if it happens in the eyes of ordinary people, is absolutely terrifying, just like ordinary people standing in front of the tsunami, watching the huge waves rising high and rushing toward their own desperate feelings.

However, after Xiang Yang met, he blinked and looked at the **** magic knife in the hand of Adan Luo with a smile. He said with a smile, "This magic knife is a treasure, but it looks Generally, the Gorefiend ancestors, can you give him a stronger treasure, this magic knife is not enough to see."

While talking, he looked up at the Gorefiend and shouted, "You old as the ancestors of these guys, you can't even get a strong treasure. Can you come to him? After the day, I will be able to smash it, or else, this knife, even if I stand and don’t know how to cut it, he can’t do anything to hurt me.”

"Junior, it’s crazy."

After the Gorefiend ancestors heard it, it was mad. This blood knife is already at the level of the treasure. Although it is not the treasure of the day after tomorrow, but the power is endless, it is already a good thing that he is willing to take out.

Of course, it is not that the Gorefiend ancestors have no other acquired treasures after losing the nine blood lotuses. As a congenital creature, he is a blood demon created by the blood of congenital filth since ancient times. Naturally, there is a treasure in addition to the nine blood lotus, but the nine blood lotus is the most powerful in his body, and after losing the nine blood lotus, he is very vigilant, afraid to come up with other acquired treasures. I was afraid that after he was taken out, he would be robbed like his nine blood lotus, and he would really cry.

Although this blood knife is also a treasure, it is that he deliberately took it out and used it for Adanro. On the one hand, he can fight against the sacred sword of Xiang Yang’s hand, and on the other hand, if he robbed him of nine If the person of the blood lotus is shooting again, this is his most happy thing. He has already left some means in this blood knife. If the other party does not take the shot, it is okay. If the other party grabs it, he will It is entirely possible to figure out who the other party is.

With the **** ancestor, this ancient devil, if it is the real chaos sage, then it will be. If it is only a sub-Sacred and dare to grab his nine blood lotus, he must not let the other party better, even Yasheng There is rarely a situation in the battle between the two because of the war. However, the Gorefiend ancestors, as one of the oldest sacred devils, have 70% or 80% of their grasp to be able to kill the square. It is the other party is too strong, he can not annihilate the other party, but also find ways to kill all the people who have a relationship with the other party, so that the other party regrets to dare to **** their own nine blood lotus.

"Adanro, kill him." The Gorefiend ancestors knew that he could not deal with Xiangyang in front of the Emperor Xuan of the East, even because Xiang Yang had a sacred soldier in his hands. He had this reason to lend this blood knife to Adanro. Therefore, at this moment, although he was angry, he only told Adanro to deal with Xiangyang.


With a blood knife in hand, Adanro felt that he was full of confidence. He looked at Xiangyang and said coldly. "Kids, let's come."


He did not give Xiang Yang any room for reaction. He directly took this blood knife and slashed it out. He only felt that his infinite power was drained by this blood knife, which made his heart more exciting. He knew that this knife The power is endless, even if he faces himself, he will be killed in an instant, let alone Xiang Yang.

"Aroya, you can't kill the other side, but it is forcing the other soldier, so that the ancestor lends this knife to me. I really want to thank you." Adanro said to himself. The whole person was very uplifted, only to see a **** knife swaying toward the Xiangyang dynasty. Wherever he passed, the void was instantly smashed, as if there was a knife mark on the void. In general.

Although there is no big explosion in the void, it seems that there is no very terrible shock, but everyone knows that this is the most terrible, because this knife is branded with the knife of the Gorefiend ancestors. The void is frozen.

At the same time as a knife cuts open the void, it directly freezes the void completely, and even stamps this knife mark in the void, showing how terrible the power of this knife is.

"Bloody, you are too much."

On the side of the fairy world, even the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei couldn’t help but sigh. "This is a test between the juniors. You will lend the blood knife of your strength to the other party. You want to break the rules and force Can we wait?"

"There are also treasures in his hands, and it is still a sword that is comparable to the level of the day after tomorrow. Who knows if you lent him." The Gorefiend ancestors said very shamelessly.

"In this case, can the Emperor directly lend the Emperor Zhong to Xiangyang?" said Emperor Xu Wei with a sneer.

"But, anyway, this knife has already been given to him, and the ancestors will take it back later." The Gorefiend ancestors know that although the two sides seem to be equal, they are actually in the devil's side. The position of the weak, after all, this time is the magic world wants to squeeze into the fairyland of the millions of continents, so he can lend his hand to the next magic weapon, but can not lend to the second time.

After Emperor Xuan met, he did not continue to speak. The **** ancestors could say this as if they had already admit their mistakes. He could not force the other side to be too embarrassed.

Although this time, the side of the fairy side belongs to the main party, but the participation of the demon world is also the trend of the times, because the other four sides of the Tianyu demon world and the fairy world have reached an agreement, and then the Eastern Tianyu and the blood devils, It is the key to seeing whether the Eastern Tianyu can suppress the **** demon.

"Oh, don't, I don't mind, the Gorefiend ancestors, you can lend to the people you have, no matter what treasures you have, I don't mind."

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