Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2772: Old ancestors, please keep up the good work.

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"Oh, don't, I don't mind, the Gorefiend ancestors, you can lend to the people you have, no matter what treasures you have, I don't mind."

Neither Xu Wei nor the Gorefiend ancestors knew that Xiang Yang, who was still smiling, was anxious when he heard that the Gorefiend ancestors said that he would take the blood knife back later.

He thinks that the Emperor Xuan of the East is deliberately making a righteous confrontation with himself. Whatever special, he can't see a road to making a fortune, thinking about whether he can fish from the body of the Gorefiend ancestors. As a result, you can directly or three or two sentences. Let the Gorefiend ancestors never dare to give him his treasures. Is protection equal to the source of his own treasure?

When Xiang Yang shouted at the Gorefiend ancestors, the knife had already come to Xiangyang. However, he did not seem to see the general, but he did not stop, but turned his head to the East. Xu Di, the Emperor of Heaven, said with anger, "The Emperor of Heaven, this is my battle, you don't care, you take back what you just said, and allow the bloodsong ancestors to lend all his treasures to him."


After other people listened, all the faces were shocked and incomprehensible. What is this operation? Everyone knows that Emperor Xu of the Heavenly Emperor is a good protection of Xiangyang, and those who fear that Xiangyang can’t beat the treasures by the Gorefiend. Xiang Yang also showed a life and death with the Emperor Xu Wei.

Emperor Xu of the Emperor also stunned, and he stared at Xiang Yang, and asked inexplicably, "Why?"

"You take back your words, otherwise I won't fight." Xiang Yang screamed at Xu Wei, originally wanted to play, because Xu Wei asked for help to find the women, and later saw the Gorefiend ancestors actually When a treasure knife was given to Adanro, he felt very excited and saw a way to make a fortune. As a result, Xu Wei was so excessive that he cut off his own financial path.

"Be careful, I take back the words just now, no matter how the Gorefiend wants to give him the best, I don't stop. As long as he doesn't take it himself, I don't care about it." Although Xu Wei felt inexplicable in his heart, he saw that one. When the knife was almost on the body of Xiang Yang, he was anxious and quickly agreed.

"That's right." Xiang Yang nodded with satisfaction, and in the strange look of everyone, said to the Gorefiend ancestors, "Old ancestors, you heard it, don't worry about the Emperor, as long as you don't personally It’s okay to do it, you can lend all your treasures to them.”

"Let's say something."

The Gorefiend ancestors also couldn't figure out what Xiangyang meant in the end, but after hearing Xiang Yang's words, he smiled and nodded.

"That's right." Seeing the agreement between the two sides reached an agreement, Xiang Yang showed a smile, only to look at the **** knife that came to him.

"be careful."

At that moment, the knife has already reached the front of Xiangyang. It can be said that even if Xiangyang wants to block it, it is too late. The people on the side of the fairy side have all seen the color of tension. Even the Emperor Xu Wei can’t help but clench. fist.


However, in the next moment, in the stunned eyes of the crowd, I saw that the sacred sword of the sacred sword that Xiang Yang was flying around suddenly burst into a horrible sword, and the swordsmanship had already been rooted in his emptiness. When this knife was about to reach Xiangyang, it all broke out instantly.


Along with a huge roar, these swords continued to flow, making the knife gas as if it was in a quagmire, the speed is getting slower and slower, and then, when it is about to reach Xiangyang, it is directly stuck. Live, can't move anymore.

Then, Qing Xuanjian took the initiative to fly out, directly smashing the sword, and instantly annihilated this sword.

After doing all this, Qing Xuanjian once again danced around Xiangyang, and the sword body shivered gently, making a soft snoring sound, as if pleading for Xiangyang, as if asking Xiangyang, "I am amazing. ".

"This sword has not yet become the treasure of the day after tomorrow. It is really extraordinary to have such power and be able to take the initiative to protect it. If this consciousness is truly derived, what a strong presence will be?"

When everyone saw this scene, it was already deeply shocked, and all of them widened their eyes and revealed an incredible look.

The Gorefiend ancestors at the top also saw the same eyes shining, could not help but look at the sacred color around the Xiangyang surrounded by flying Qingxuan sword, "This sword has not yet formed, if it is obtained by the ancestors, good Under cultivation, the power of killing is absolutely extraordinary."

The Gorefiend ancestors whispered in their own minds, and their heads were running at a high speed. They thought about what they should be able to get from the Xiangyang hand to get this unfinished prospective treasure, and let the Eastern Heavenly Emperor Xu Yi have nothing to say. Say, even if you want to let the one behind Xiang Yang know it, there is no way to deal with himself clearly.

He is very clear that when the sacred spirit of the sacred treasure is not fully generated, it is the best time to **** it. After waiting for it, if you take care of it, take care of it, and take time to wait for it. It will definitely not be much weaker than the **** lotus that is associated with it. Even in the degree of dependence, it is like a whole.

Of course, there are also many people in the fairyland who are also eyeing Xiangyang, but they are very concealed and dare not show them. Even one is very worried that Xiangyang will lose in this contest. At that time, they will be 'involuntary' to help recapture this sacred sword of Xiangyang, absolutely can not let it fall to the devil to win for the Gorefiend ancestors.


At this time, Xiang Yang’s opponent, the guy named Adan Luo, was very surprised that Xiang Yang could block his knife. At the same time, he quickly took out some medicinal herbs and returned his energy to the peak. State, and then directly hold this blood knife to kill Xiangyang.


When Adanro shot, he knew that the strength of this guy was indeed much stronger than that of the previous Aroye. He held a blood knife and volleyed it out. There were thousands of knives bursting out. These knives were condensed and not scattered. Even now, it has not immediately attacked Xiangyang in the past, but in this air has turned into a knife wheel, and the infinite knife has turned and attacked toward Xiangyang, and the power is endless.

At the same time, he held a knife with one hand, and a flashing body was instantly moved to the front of Xiang Yang. A **** knife broke out in the blood knife in his hand, going up from the bottom to the Xiangyang.

In the decisive battle of the people of the fairy world, in general, many people just use the tactical treasure to confront each other. Of course, Xiang Yang and others do not count, because Xiang Yang’s own physical strength is strong, and he even prefers to hold the war between the gods and the opponents.

The devil is also stronger because the flesh is stronger than the immortal, so it is more like a close combat.

At the moment, on the top of Xiangyang’s head, the round of swords was turned, and the blood knife went up from the bottom to the Xiangyang, forming a double attack. At the same time, Adanro seemed to feel insufficient, but Open your mouth and make a loud noise, "Hey..."


This loud snoring can open the sky. After Xiang Yang listened, he only felt that his blood was boiling. It seemed that there was a rush of horses to rush out. However, Xiang Yang’s deity was so powerful that he didn’t even have to be weak. Just a little bit of blood, this rush of blood immediately stopped, without any impact on him.

However, this loud noise, although it is only for Xiangyang, the sound can be transmitted, and Adanro is the secret of the **** demon, which can control the blood explosion in others through this roar. .

On the side of the fairyland, the ten true immortals who were preparing to participate in the war, after seeing Xiangyang killing them and replacing them, they still have dissatisfaction in their hearts, if not because this is the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei’s personal order. They have already expressed dissatisfaction. They feel very excited when they see that Xiang Yang is almost in danger. However, at this time, when the roar came over, there was no sign. They only felt that the blood was boiling and there were countless explosions all over the body.


These ten masters of the real fairyland, there are countless places in each person's body and a group of blood and fog, it seems that they have installed numerous bombs at the same time exploding.


"No, how could this be? I feel that my blood is out of control. My strength, my blood force will in turn explode."

"No, how come..."

These ten people are all screaming, and they have become a **** person in the blink of an eye. Fortunately, they will react immediately after seeing the fire invincible. They will send an energy between the waves to suppress the boiling of these people. The blood makes them have no worries about their lives.

"This loud noise is so terrible, terrible, catastrophe."

"God, Xiang Yang, he heard the other party's loud noise so close, even if there is nothing, how is it possible?"


These ten people are also considered to be small arrogance. They almost all have learned more than four rules of their Dalu rules. After the fire invincible helped them suppress the boiling blood of the body, they suddenly reacted, all face With the color of fear, when I looked at Xiangyang again, there was no dissatisfaction.

They know that if they are on the stage, they will be directed at this loud noise, not what they can stop, and whoever will be completely destroyed.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang heard this loud noise, but he did not have anything, so they had to take it.

"Hey, hit it, what is your name?" At this moment, Xiang Yang didn't feel anything about Adan Luo, but he looked at Adan Luo with dissatisfaction. He had eyes in his eyes. Two flames burned, and then two swords were merged into the eyes, and instantly turned into two flames of swords from his eyes.


"This kid is nothing, how is this possible? Blood explosion is the secret of our veins. In the same realm, no one can survive, and this guy is so strong, but it doesn't matter, my sword is round. With this knife enough to kill him... touch..."

At this moment, when Adan Luo saw that Xiang Yang was not affected by his own loud noise, his face showed a shocking color. However, he was not nervous and felt that he was going from the bottom to the top. Putting the blood knife to the top of the treasure, it is absolutely impossible to turn Xiang Yang into two halves, and then it is not good, and the knife wheel that is made by this knife on the top of the head is enough to wipe out Xiang Yang.

However, his self-speaking voice has not yet fallen, and Xiang Xiang took a look at himself. The two flames of swords spurred directly from Xiang Yang’s eyes, and the volley turned into two flame swords to kneel down.

"How can the two flames of swords hurt the great Adanro?"

After Adanro saw it, it was a sneer that was disdainful. Although he did not have the magic weapon of the treasure level, he had countless magic weapons at the top level, which was enough to block any attack.


Two flames of swords, and immediately went down to Adan Luo, Adan Luo's body flashed, a defensive armor took the initiative to appear on his body, a black radiant light, it is this best magic weapon The level of defense on the armor broke out.

However, when his face was full of self-confidence, with a blood knife slamming toward Xiangyang, when he reached Xiangyang, it was the sword-shaped wheel on the top of the head that was pressed against Xiangyang, and it was also Xiangyang. The two flames of sword fell on his defensive shield.


Very, the sound of the collision of the three attacks came out at the same time, as if the same sound, but the three sounds are different. Adan Luo’s blood knife did not move Xiang Yang from bottom to top. It was split in two, but it was blocked by a sharp blade, and the knife was instantly suppressed, without any temper. It seems that even the blood knife is shaking.

The sword wheel on the top of the head was swept away by a three-inch blood-colored sword that jumped out of Xiang Yang’s head and smashed it in an instant.

These two voices are the sounds that are blocked and smashed.

The two flames of the sword that Xiang Yang’s eyes spurt are the defensive shields of the defensive armor of the best magical level. They directly open the defensive shield and crack the two cracks, and then directly break into the crack. Adanro's body left two deep visible bone wounds on him.

"Ah... no, how is this possible?"

Adanro snorted, although it was very unbelievable, but at this moment, he was decisive, showing the strongest ban and Xiangyang desperately. He knew very well that he had to attack a crime. It's easy to block. Then, if you don't use the strongest attack quickly, you may die.

However, he did not think wrong, but he thought about the power of Xiang Yang.

When Adanro was ready to display the ban, the Qing Xuan sword surrounded by Xiang Yang’s body had already taken the initiative, swept the sword directly, and instantly cut off Adanro’s head. Then, the sword broke out. Between the crashes, Adanro’s body is not exploding, but directly into an invisible blood fog. Even Xiang Yang still suspects that Qing Xuanjian is clean and annihilated as a blood fog. There was another outbreak of swordsmanship, and these blood fogs were instantly turned into nothingness by the sword, and they did not stay at all.

The form change in the field is too fast, and everyone has not reacted from this confrontation. Xiang Yang’s right hand holds the magical battle blade and suppresses the blood knife, so that the blood knife can’t move at all. At the same time, he looked up and said to the Gorefiend ancestors, "Old ancestors, thank you for your treasure, and then continue to work hard."

At the same time, he directly suppressed the blood knife with the sword of the demon, and sent it to the Promise.


"Junior, you dare!"

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