Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2774: Who is who? (Five more flowers)

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"I don't think that Aoki Guxian is actually a brother of Xiangyang. Who would dare to go to Xiangyang in the future?"

"He really is a step in the sky this time."

"No, you are wrong. Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse. His status is that no one can compare with the high."

"However, the things that Qingmu Ancient Immortal gave to Xiangyang were supreme treasures, especially the baby in the jade bottle. I don't know what a good thing, I really want to take a look."

"Oh, if you dare to give birth to something different, be careful of your life."

"I am just curious..."

Aoki Guxian and Xiangyang recognized the pro, and gave Xiangyang some treasures, which caused the shock of countless powerful people in the fairyland. Many people are full of admiration for Xiangyang, and even some have seen the items before. There are so many treasures in Yang, and the treasures in the jade bottle given by Aoki Guxian make their hearts tremble. Some people who are not afraid of death have already become active.

Not enough, all this, Xiang Yang at the moment did not know, Aoki Gu Xian gave things, and after talking to Xiang Yang for a while, he did not continue to stand next to Xiang Yang, but with several other Ya Shengqiang enter In the void.

At the same time, in addition to the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei still carrying his hands in front of the **** ancestors, Mr. Wen and other holy people such as Huo Tian also returned to their original positions.

On the other side of the demon world, the nine-headed bird and the magical saint who burned the magic flame also retreated toward the rear. Obviously, it is impossible for both sides to fight.

The Gorefiend ancestors stared at Xu Wei, "Let the kid hand over the ancestors' blood knife."

"Bloody Devil, do you want a face?" Xu Wei said with a smile. "The treasure you lost yourself, do you mean to be handed over to you? If you want to come back, let your people do it." The person snatched back from Xiang Yang’s hand. If it doesn’t work, you can only recognize it.”


The Gorefiend ancestors almost burst into flames after listening, but he also knows that this is the only way. If you want to return your own blood knife, or even want to take away other treasures on Xiangyang, no, this is Impossible, there are Aoki ancient fairy and other saints hidden in the void, he can not destroy Xiang Yang to take away other treasures of Xiang Yang in any case, at most only the bright win, all Those who can rely on him.

The Gorefiend ancestors looked at the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei with a sullen look. His heart was too awkward. As a demon saint, the former Jiu Ping Xue Lian didn’t know who was snatched away. Now even a blood knife is also He was taken away by the junior of Xiangyang, which made him very angry.

Of course, when he saw the appearance of the saints such as Aoki Guxian, it was not without doubt that the saints took his nine blood lotuses, but when he used the method of causality, he found It has nothing to do with those few. It is obvious that there are other people who have taken away his nine blood lotuses silently.

The Gorefiend ancestors were very upset, but they had no choice but to look at Xiangyang and shout. "Kids, can you dare to gamble with your ancestors?"

"What is it?" Xiang Yang listened to the **** ancestors, and suddenly he came to the spirit. His favorite is this kind of gambling, especially the gambling of various treasures. He is simply a gambling savage. Invincible skills.

"In the next battle, the ancestors will lend their treasures to their ancestors. If you can kill the ancestors, those treasures will naturally be yours. If you lose, you will get any from your ancestors. Those treasures are all back, can you dare?" Gorefiend ancestors sneered at Xiang Yang.

"Heroes, you are too shameless. Your magic weapon contains your strength. You have to use it to deal with a true fairy. Are you so embarrassed?" After the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei listened, he frowned. Watching the **** ancestors.

"If he doesn't dare, he can't say it as an ancestor, and his ancestors don't object." The Gorefiend ancestors sneered.

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang with a faint smile. "How do you feel?"

Xiang Yang is simply very happy. Naturally, there is no reason for not agreeing. However, on the surface, he is holding a color of sorrow. He looks embarrassed. "So, I feel like I am not quite right, ancestors. Just injecting your strength into your treasure is enough to kill me easily, so I am too disadvantaged."

"The ancestors promised that they will only lend the magic weapon to the people who use it. They will never inject any power. So, can you rest assured?" Gorefiend ancestors said with a smile.

"Well, the Gorefiend ancestors are your predecessors. Since you have said that you want to gamble, I can't refuse to agree as a younger generation, then let's fix it."

Xiang Yang’s face showed a strong color, as if it was really reluctant, but it was finally agreed.

"Good, courageous, it’s a disciple of that pulse. However, I think if it’s just like this, it’s a small look at you. It’s better to do this. Let’s play a big one, your sword is also Take out the bet, we will gamble normal battle, if you lose, your sword is the ancestor." Gorefiend ancestors smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

This is the real goal of the Gorefiend ancestors, he is to be able to take away the Qingxuan sword from the Xiangyang hand, and to take away the sword, and still have to take it away, let people have nothing to say. .

"Are you stupid?"

Originally, the Gorefiend ancestors felt that Xiang Yang was so confident in himself that he would be very happy to agree directly. Unexpectedly, after his words were finished, Xiang Yang actually burst into anger and yelled, "The Gorefiend ancestors Do you really think that when you are young, you can deceive yourself? You are an empty gloved white wolf. If I lose the sword, I will give it to you. If you lose, what do you bring out?"

"You are too shameful. I originally thought that you are an old predecessor who has existed since the ancient times. It will definitely not deceive people. It is so respectful to you. I did not expect that you are such a shameless person. You It is better to tell me directly, asking me to give you my sword."

"Rely, what is it, don't open your mouth without gambling, and dare to talk, I really don't know what to do."


Xiang Yang’s sly squatting, did not regard the Gorefiend ancestors as a supreme demon, which made the Gorefiend ancestors suddenly a bit dumbfounded.

He is full of anger, the original red face, at this moment is become iron blue, but, however, knows that Xiang Yang is telling the truth, he said directly to the introduction of Xiang Yang, "if old The ancestors lost, and naturally give you the same treasure."

"Oh, can a treasure be compared to my sword?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the **** ancestors. "Since you have taken a fancy to my sword, you should be very clear that my sword is already a treasure, and its value is infinite. It is definitely not the ordinary treasure." If you want to gamble, you will take out your bet. We will discover the swearing vows together and complete the gambling promise under the witness of Chaos Heaven. No one can repent. If not, even if you can’t do it, Xiaoye I am too lazy to play with you."

"My God, this kid is so bold, even dare to swear by the **** ancestors, really not afraid of the Gorefiend ancestors turned his face on the spot, will he kill him?"

Seeing that Xiang Yang’s opening was a smashing look at the Gorefiend’s ancestors, the strong people in the fairy world all had amazement on their faces. They only thought that Xiangyang was too bully, a true fairy, even the Gorefiend. The old ancestors dared to swear, and they rushed to Xiangyang's courage, not to mention that it was in the real fairyland. Even in the holy world, he was the first person.

Of course, the fact that Xiang Yang’s avatar is the realm of Da Luo’s Jiuzhong Tianfeng is temporarily forgotten by everyone. In the eyes of everyone, when facing the sacred strong, the immortality of Zhenxian and Dalu’s nine heavens is actually There is no difference between them, they are all ants.

Others are art daring people, that is because there is enough strength to have enough courage, but Xiang Yang does not have enough strength, but it is also very courageous.

At the same time, after the Gorefiend ancestors listened, they also had an angry look on their faces. However, after all, the Gorefiend ancestors were old antiques that had already appeared in the days of opening up, and all aspects of their mentality were not ordinary people. In contrast, in order to be able to get Xiang Yang's Qing Xuan sword, although he was so angry that he wanted to kill on the spot, but he was forced to hold back, but took out a black armor, full of decaying breath, and you will know at a glance. It is a very long-lasting treasure.

However, this armor seems to be a bit broken.

The Gorefiend ancestors didn't care about these, but they screamed. "This armor, called the devil's armor, was the ancestor of the ancestors who killed the aliens when the wars and the foreign wars were in the past. The strength of the Holy Strong, although the opponent is not very powerful, but with this armor defense is unparalleled, even if the ancestors are almost not the opponent of the opponent, the ancestors will bet on this bet with you."

"It's just a defective product. Do you want to compare it with my quasi-posterior treasures?"

Xiang Yang looked at the Gorefiend ancest with a sneer in his face, and sighed and said, "The Gorefiend ancestors, the Gorefiend ancestors, I am more and more disappointed with you, and you are still born with the innate spirits. Even the eyes are so short, even the fair bet is not dare to come out, you are really a senior."

"If this demon **** armor is in perfect condition, it is definitely a treasure to the day after tomorrow. Although it is broken, but it is also powerful and unparalleled, the defensive power is comparable to any treasure, can it not compare with your one sword? ? Juniors, you are too much." Gorefiend ancestors are angry and shouting.

"Then why don't you use it yourself?" Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the **** ancestors.

His words suddenly smothered the Gorefiend ancestors, and for a while, the Gorefiend ancestors said, "The ancestor's defense is unparalleled in the world, and there is no need for such a armor to defend."

"When you said this sentence, do you believe it yourself?" Xiang Yang glanced at him and said with a smile.

"In this case, the ancestors added one more thing."

The Gorefiend ancestors didn't have any problems. If they were other people, they were stunned by his anger. They had already compromised everything, but Xiang Yang was really different. He didn't know what the compromise was. In desperation, he did. Can get the Xiangyang's Qingxuan sword, can only take out a **** long sword again, is the blood sword of the level of the treasure, the quality is general, can reach the level of the treasure.

"A garbage sword is nothing more than nothing. If you are a senior of your predecessors, you will be forced to give you a face. Just like this, come and swear together."

Xiang Yang’s face looked at the Gorefiend ancestors with a disdainful color, and he reluctantly agreed to come down.

After the Gorefiend ancestors heard it, it was really blasting. However, since Xiang Yang had already promised it, he did not say much, but said directly, "Swear."

No one can trust the other side, and the Gorefiend ancestors are very clear. Even if his man holds his magic weapon and defeats Xiang Yang, he can't really kill Xiang Yang. Otherwise, I am afraid that one. I will really hold him with a sword.

The key point is that there is also an ancient ancient sage of Aoki Guxian who is staring at this side in the chaotic void. If you really dare to do something about Xiangyang, the brother of Qingyang Guxian, Xiangyang, absolutely does not I will be happy with myself, and I will be in trouble.

Therefore, what he can think of can not only get Xiangyang’s post-mortem to the gods, but also prevent Aoki’s ancient madman from dealing with himself, and he is betting with Xiangyang.

Moreover, in order to be able to get Xiangyang's quasi-posterior treasure to the sword, he is even more ironic. At the very least, he must use his own treasure to let his hand go against Xiangyang, and he must defeat Xiangyang.

Between the two sides, only the swearing can successfully complete this gambling contract, so, under the witness of a strong sanctuary, a true fairy actually swears against Tiandao with an ancient top Yasheng.

"My Xiangyang, my **** ancestor, swears to the chaotic heaven, willing to make a gamble, Xiangyang takes the Excalibur to the treasure Qingxuan sword as a bet, the Gorefiend ancestors take the devil's armor and blood sword as a bet, in the pick In the battle that comes down, whoever wins will get the other party’s bet. If there is a violation of this oath, the chaos will be awkward...."


"Oath to success."

This time, the two did not move any hands and feet, but directly swear to complete, accompanied by the chaos of heaven, witnessed the vows between the two, the faces of both sides showed a happy smile.

"Old ancestors, thank you, you have to send me a magic weapon, you can talk about it, how many treasures can you use to lend to your disciples?" Xiang Yanghe smiled and asked the **** ancestors.

"As long as a treasure can defeat you." Gorefiend ancestors have no expression on their faces.

"Yes, then I have to see what kind of eternal ancestors have, and there is such a confidence that a treasure can easily defeat me."

Xiang Yang’s heart was awkward, knowing that what the other party said could never be an empty talk. He said with a smile on his face, but his heart was very vigilant.

The existence of the horror that the Gorefiend ancestors had existed since the ancient times opened up the earth, even if it has not become a true chaos saint, its treasures are absolutely very many, maybe there are really strange treasures that can cause one for themselves. It is also possible to kill and kill.

However, Xiang Yang is not afraid of it. The treasures on his body are too many. All kinds of congenital chaos are treasures. No one can compare.

"After a while, you lose, but don't cry to your ancestors." The Gorefiend ancestors sneered at Xiang Yang, and then waved to one of the remaining eight true immortals. "You come over, take this lantern and defeat him."

While speaking, there was a lantern in his hand.


When this embarrassing lantern appeared, there was a burst of chilling trepidation. This breath took a strange breath, even after the Emperor of the East, such as the Emperor of Heaven, met. Also the face was surprised.

"this is..."

The author said: The last two days, this month to yesterday has been updated a total of 600,000 words, more than 20,000 words per day, the number of words is absolutely not allowed, do not look at only four or five chapters per day, but can not hold the word length, if If I am willing to divide the short chapter, I can have ten chapters every day, but I feel that it is too short to be meaningless, so each chapter is more than 4,000 words, or even more than 5,000 words. This month is really hard, there is no social activity. Even if you don't go out of the house in three steps, even if you buy food, you can buy it directly from the Internet. It is to save time. It feels like you have been sitting for a few months, and you have a few pounds of fat.... Keke, said so much, actually I am here to come to the flowers, the younger brothers and sisters, this month is about to pass, oh, there are flowers to remember to give a diligent little dream, thank you....

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