Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2775: All kinds of treasures, I broke it

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"This is the secluded light of the underworld in ancient times. It has very strange and incredible energy. The lights are extinguished, and all creatures are extinct."

"The Gorefiend ancestors are not the supreme powerhouses that have existed since the beginning of the world. He has such a strange secret treasure. This is a big trouble."

"Xiang Yang, be careful to be invaded into your body by strange forces. This is the power to directly cut off all vitality in your body."


When the Gorefiend ancestors took out the shape of the lantern, the face of the strong side of the fairy world changed all over, even if the fire ancestor could not help but open the door to remind Xiang Yang.

And the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei couldn't help but scream and yell, "Heroes, you have passed."

"Is the ancestor over? The ancestors didn't think there was anything wrong with this little friend's appointment." The bloodsucker ancestors smiled and looked at Xu Wei, then asked Xiang Yang, "Little friends, you think Did the ancestors violate the agreement between us?"

Xiang Yang looked at the Gorefiend ancestors seriously. "Old ancestors, I will ask a question first."

"Excuse me." Gorefiend ancestors looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on his face. When he looked at Xiang Yang's appearance, he knew that Xiang Yang would not object to giving him this solitude.

“Is this, can it be reused?” Xiang Yang asked.

"This, ah, it can be, but after every use, the power will be weaker. If the wick is burned out, it will have no effect." The Gorefiend replied with an answer.

"My ancestors don't tell me so much useless nonsense, just tell me how many times this lamp can be reused." Xiang Yang said with a smile on his face.

"This is a brand-new Necrotic light. It should be able to use more than one hundred times. Of course, it is necessary to turn off the lights and extinguish the lights according to the secret law." The Gorefiend ancestors are very polite to tell Xiang Yang all this. He smiled and asked Xiang Yang, "Isn't you afraid of Xiaoyou, dare not confront the ancestors?"

"I can use it more than a hundred times, then I will be relieved."

After Xiang Yang listened, he breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled and said to the Gorefiend ancestors, "If that's the case, then let's get started."

"Well, Xiaoyou is really brave and unparalleled, and my ancestors did not misread you." After listening to the bloodsucking ancestors, suddenly his face showed a strange color, haha ​​laughed and praised.

Although it is praise, but everyone knows that his praise is a bit insincere, and can even be said to be a mockery of Xiang Yang’s self-reliance.

Obviously, Xiang Yang knows that the Nether Light is very horrible, but he still has a good intention to say that he must harden the Nether Light, which makes the Gorefiend ancestors feel very proud, and he looks at the Emperor Xu Wei. "Xu Wei, you still have What do you want to say?"

The Emperor of the East, Xu Wei, had a helpless color on his face. He still has something to say. All the things he has to say are useless. Xiang Yang has already promised the other party. What is the use of himself?

"But it, let's get started." Then Xu Wei shook his head helplessly.

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s face looked at the **** ancestors with a serious color, and saw the other’s face with a very inspiring look toward Xiangyang, very excited to say, “Xiang Yang is I didn't expect you to die in my hands. I really want to thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the chance to hold you in the Nether Light."

"You are already dead, do you know?" Xiang Yang looked at the guy with no expression.


The guy had a stunned color on his face, and then he sneered and said, "Do you think that you can scare me by talking like this? I know how to live well, how could I die... oh..."

However, his words have not been finished yet. Even before he even had time to extinguish the lights, he saw a knife flashing through his head. His head fell silently from his neck, and all his breath disappeared. Then, the light also fell down on the ground.

However, that glimpse of the Nether Light did not fall to the ground, because at this time, Xiang Yang has appeared silently, Xiang Yang with a faint smile on his face, his body is flowing, one The hand grabbed the Nether Light, and the other hand held a great fairy-class gourd.

Then, he collected the 斩 葫 葫 , , , , , , , 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收 收The devil replied with a smile. "My ancestors, thank you for sending me such a light, I will laugh."


After the Gorefiend ancestors met, they were angry and angry. Originally, he realized that he was not right when he took out the cucurbit gourd in Xiangyang. However, he had to obey the vows and could not do anything about Xiangyang. Nor can he remind his men of his voice. The final result is that his Nether Light was taken away by Xiang Yang.

"This kid has turned out to be the other way."

On the side of the fairy world, all the strong players in the battle have a strange face.

They finally understood why Xiangyang was so confident. It turned out that Xiangyang had a lot of treasures, even the best of the fairy level.

Even the face of Emperor Xu Wei’s face also showed a faint smile. "This kid is really different. He broke the eclipse with a knives flying knives and took it away before the eclipse was extinguished. It is a very good way."

In the excitement and excitement of everyone, Xiang Yang resigned to his position with a smile, he looked at the Nether Light is curious to ask the Gorefiend ancestors, "grandfather, since this lamp has been sent Give it to me, let me tell you how to use it."

"You think too much." Gorefiend ancestors almost vomited blood, I think Xiangyang really thinks too much, this 盏 盏 灯 的 的 的 的 的 的 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏 盏If something goes wrong, if you tell Xiang Yang how to use it in this battlefield, isn’t it equal to adding a powerful and unmatched weapon to Xiangyang?

He is not that stupid.

However, the Gorefiend ancestors did not tell Xiang Yang, does not mean that the Emperor of the East and other people do not tell Xiang Yang, at this moment Xu Wei directly transmitted to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, the use of this phantom lamp is very simple, only need to Your own life energy can ignite or extinguish the lights, but be careful, there are special ways when you go out, otherwise you will be indifferent to you if you are not careful, even you are covered by that strange power, you According to what I said, the energy is turning nine times, and you can control the attack ahead as you like. The energy is reversed for nine laps. You can deal with the people behind you. If the energy is scattered, the power of turning off the lights will also spread, and even you will be attacked. ”

"Oh, this is really a good thing."

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but reveal the color of praise.

While talking, his gaze looked at the masters of the seven true devils left by the Gorefiend ancestors, and said with a smile, "Brothers, come on stage, let me try this 盏 幽The function of the light."


After listening to these seven strong people, they all turned their eyes and refused to go on stage. They were not fools. They had to go to the Xiangyang confrontation when they knew that there was a phantom lamp in Xiangyang’s hands. This is not a dead end. ?

This group of young Tianjiao people were very confident when they faced Xiangyang. However, at this moment, three companions had been killed by Xiangyang, and Xiangyang’s hands were still supposed to be the Gorefiend ancestors. When they gave their own people the gloom of the lights, they panicked.

They can have the knives and knives without Xiangyang, and there is not enough defensive security to block the attack of the sacred lights. As a result, whoever rushes up is who sent him to death.

"These pieces of plaque are attached to the body, enough to block the invasion of the Nether Light." The Gorefiend ancestors are the faces of these real fairy gods with a smile on their faces, and fluttering from his hands. Seven characters were attached to the seven people, making the seven people feel that there is only a mysterious force to hold themselves, no longer have to worry about being attacked by the Nether Light.

"Yes, thank you ancestors."

After the seven masters met, they all had excitement on their faces. Their eyes re-ignited their self-confidence, and then they looked pitifully to the Gorefiend ancestors.

Obviously, these seven people want to get the secret treasure from the hands of the Gorefiend ancestors to deal with Xiangyang.

"After the battle of the real world, there is another chance to be rewarded by the ancestors. If this time, you can't win, the ancestors can't give you a secret." After the **** ancestors met, they looked cold and waved. Between them, throw a **** blood in front of these seven people.


When this **** blood appeared, everyone heard the crying sound coming out of the blood, the **** light around the blood, and the dark green energy burst out. Corrupted the void, and most importantly, at the top of the bloody, there is a woman's ghost that emerges from time to time to make a cry, and around her, there are countless babies around, as if it were her children. .

"This is the blood of the mother, but also a mysterious treasure, killing him enough."

The Gorefiend ancestors sneered and said.

And this time, in order not to let Xiangyang have the opportunity to take away the blood of this pole, the **** ancestors even left some strength directly on the blood of the mother, if the **** person holding the child died The blood of the mother will return to the original position.

In this way, you don't have to worry about Xiang Yang who will use his secret treasure to deal with him.

"Old ancestors, he has a knives flying knife, what should we do?" However, these seven young people still have hesitant colors, did not immediately shoot, they are very clear, the knives flying swords are endless, especially already arrived The best fairy-class 斩仙飞刀 is able to easily kill them unless they have the best protection.

"Waste." After the Gorefiend ancestors listened, it was so angry that they almost killed the hands of these real devils. What are the special things? These guys really need a little protection from the ancestors on the battlefield. The ancestors did these things today, but they have to lose their face.

"But it."

However, when I saw that these guys were a little afraid of Xiangyang’s 斩仙飞刀, the Gorefiend ancestors were very helpless, and they could only throw a defensive armor in one of them. “This Although the armor did not reach the level of the treasure, it is about to become a treasure, enough to block the attack of the 斩仙飞刀."

"Yes, thank you ancestors."

The guy wearing the armor with a look of excitement and shouted, "I must give the boy's head to his ancestors."

While talking, he was wearing a black lacquered heavy armor, holding his mother's blood in one hand and striding toward Xiangyang.

"Kid, come to a battle."

The woman on the **** side of the mother is still crying, every crying is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, as if to tear apart their souls. At the same time, there is a blood mist that spreads in all directions, if it is touched by blood fog. When it is, it is obviously not possible to have any good results.

The young man looked at Xiang Yang with a proud color, and his heart was full of infinite self-confidence. In terms of defense, there was such a armor that it was enough to block the attack of the 斩仙飞刀. In terms of attack, he had a child. The existence of the mother blood is enough to make him invincible and unbreakable. He believes that this time it will definitely kill Xiangyang.

"This blood of the mother should be made using the soul of life."

Xiang Yang came forward and his face was indifferent.

At first glance, he saw that the mysterious place contained in the blood of this pole is the soul of it. It must have hunted countless mother and child, refining their souls into the blood of their mothers. In order to get such an evil magic weapon.

The female ghost above screamed enough to make most of the practitioners have a split heart and burst into tears.

However, because of this, from the beginning of the war to the present, Xiang Yang was full of angry killing for the first time. His eyes looked at the young man and waited for the other party to answer. He stepped out of his body and said with sneer, "Today I To kill you alive."

At the same time, he had already collected all other treasures such as the Nether Light, but looked at each other with bare hands.


Then, Xiang Yang stepped on the ground and listened to a roaring sound. The ground exploded in an instant, and numerous cracks spread out in all directions with him as the center.

At the same time, Xiang Yang's body shape rushed out like a cannonball, and instantly came to the guy.

"The mother is bloody, I have it in the world."

This young man is not afraid at all. He does not know that he is facing a real anger of Xiangyang, and he is never clear about how terrible Xiangyang is.

He still said very loudly, and he held his mother's blood in his hand. After inputting power, the crying of the female ghost above it was even louder. A horrible force spread out in all directions. At the same time, The blood mist spread out and instantly went to Xiangyang.


However, when these blood mists hit Xiangyang, they heard a roaring sound. Xiang Yang’s body actually burned the flame at this moment. These blood mists did not have the slightest resistance, and they were instantly ignited.


The sound of the blood mist was heard, and the crying sound seemed to have no effect on Xiangyang, and it could not affect any action of Xiangyang.

In an instant, Xiang Yang’s figure had already arrived in front of him, and Xiang Yang’s right hand made a fist and suddenly slammed into the guy’s head.

"Hey, what if you can temporarily block your mother's blood? How can the ancestor reward me with this armor to block the attack of Xianzun? Your attack is just an active clown in my eyes." After seeing it, he was not afraid. He smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. He let Xiangyang’s fist go to the blast, and he just ignited his own energy into the armor, and it was the defense power of the armor. The rush was reached to the extreme.

At the same time, his hand directly took the mother's blood and squatted toward Xiangyang.

On the defensive side, he has already ensured that he can block any attack by Xiang Yang. Then naturally he has to smash the problem of Xiang Yang. The blood of the child has a very strong attack power. He is confident that he can Xiang Yang is in two halves.


In the blink of an eye, Xiang Yang’s fist directly bombarded his defensive passport on his body. However, when the guy’s confident look had not yet dispersed, he suddenly felt that something was wrong, and there was a horrible anger. On his body, he couldn't help but stunned at first glance.

"How can this be..."

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