Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2780: Gorefiend ancestors, down! (six more flowers)

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The demon king held the life-threatening man, confidently rushed up, and looked at Xiangyang with a sneer on his face. At the same time, the other hand began to write the name of Xiangyang.

"Xiang Yang, you are dead."

This demon king sneered again and again, looking at Xiang Yang's eyes, as if watching the dead.

He really did not expect that the Gorefiend ancestors would be willing to reward him with such treasures. This is the legendary baby. It is also the time when the ancient demon wars in the ancient times were brilliant.

I remembered that in the legendary ancient war of the ancient times, this killer did not know how many superpowers had been killed. Now, in his own hands, he can immediately die of Xiangyang. At this time, this demon king felt very excited.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Yang’s name was already engraved on this killer. The demon’s excited body shivered and bowed to the killer. “Please kill the enemy.”


At this moment, the words "Xiangyang" on the death-seekers burst into the bleeding color, and a strange scent burst out. Xiang Yang was curiously staring at the stunned doll, suddenly I felt a very strange energy invading myself, making myself a little dizzy.

"The legend is that the ancient treasures are killing people, but it really works."

Xiang Yang's figure was shaking, and the whole person couldn't stand sitting directly on the ground. He was amazed in his heart. He knew that he had encountered the troubles of Tianda. When he thought about it, he would take out the cucurbits and gourds to kill each other.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang's bodyless sword was trembling gently, and a glimpse of merit was released, which made Xiang Yang feel that all the feelings of discomfort were all dissipated.

"This is the guardian of the power of merit. So, can I not be afraid of this so-called killer?" Xiang Yang blinked and looked at the excited demon king opposite him. He suddenly felt that the other party was so happy. If you interrupted the other person, it seemed a bit unethical, so he continued to pretend to be very weak. At the same time, he appeared in his hand, and he paled to the devil. "If you dare to worship again." Going on, your death is here."


After the demon saw it, his face changed greatly. He immediately put on a few heavy defensive magic weapons, and then he said to Xiang Yang, "This king does not believe it. It is your defensive magic weapon that smashes the king's defense magic weapon." The speed is fast, or the king is going to die faster."

"Please baby to kill the enemy."

While talking, he went on to worship the killer again.


At this moment, Xiang Yang only felt a stranger power stronger than before to invade his own body, causing his own mind to sway. However, due to the power of virtue on the Promise Sword, it disappeared immediately. It is.

"The Gorefiend ancestors are definitely very happy now."

While Xiang Yang was thinking about it, on the surface, what he showed was more painful. He fell to the ground with his powerlessness, and even the 葫 葫 葫 都 can not grasp.


"I think he is pretending to be."

"But this is a life-threatening man. According to the truth, no one can resist it, unless its own power really reaches the holy place. Otherwise, it will really be dead under the three-person worship."

"Xiang Yang, are you really not going to work, or are you pretending?"


At this moment, when Xiang Yang fell to the ground, the people on the side of the fairyland also worried about Xiangyang, but more of them felt that this was the routine of Xiangyang.

Even, even the Emperor Xu Wei frowned, but did not shoot, but felt that Xiang Yang should not be so simple to have an accident.

"This guy, this time, no one believes, but this is a real life-threatening man. Even if Xu Wei is worshipped by his ancestors, he must be shaking, not to mention the little fairy of Xiangyang. He is dead."

After the Gorefiend ancestors met, they were very proud of their hearts. They said directly to the demon king, "Go directly to death, and then take everything away."

He said that is the case, but, when the demon king will die in the death of Xiang Yang, he will immediately take the corresponding thing away, in order to complete the oath with Xiang Yang.

Of course, Xiang Yang has already been wiped out. As a party to victory, he feels that he can get everything in Xiangyang by then.

"Please baby to kill the enemy."

At this time, the demon king had already fallen to the third. After the worship, he only felt that the killer in his hand was shaking, and a very magical force broke out, which made his heart excited. He knew I am about to complete a very great mission, and I will be immediately seen by the Lord of the Devil.


This time, the strange power of the life-threatening man is really too strong, but it is nothing to Xiang Yang, because the Promise sword is on the body, there is no fear of all the power.

"This is... no, what is this power..."

However, Xiang Yang is screaming, as if he was really invaded by a very strange force, and the whole person is dead.

"Haha, this guy is finally going to be worshipped by me."

"It’s great to have the person who completed the mission of the demon lord. It’s so good.” The demon’s excited body was shaking, and he grabbed the killer with one hand and quickly walked toward Xiangyang. After preparing for the death of Yang, I saw that everything with Xiang Yang was taken away.

"Ah, it hurts, it's so uncomfortable, what a strange power, am I going to die? I don't want to..."

Xiang Yang is still screaming. Under the excitement of this demon, he did not notice that Xiang Yang’s mouth was smiling, but other people felt that they were not quite right, especially the Gorefiend ancestors, he whispered. "Under the three worships of the people, it should be an instant disintegration, not a scream for so long, this is a bit wrong."

"Xiang Yang is really fine, so I am relieved."

Emperor Xu Wei of the Emperor had already already understood the temper of Xiang Yang through the previous things. He had already prepared to do it. However, after hearing the screams of Xiang Yang, he understood that Xiang Yang was definitely fine.

"not good..."

At this time, the Gorefiend ancestors realized that things were not right, and quickly shouted, "Be careful..."


However, the voice of the Gorefiend ancestors has not yet fallen, Xiangyang directly violently spurts a knives in the gourd mouth of the cucurbit gourd that had already landed on the ground, only to see the knife light appear on the neck of the demon, and around After a lap, because of the excitement, the head of the demon king who had collected all the defensive magic weapons fell instantly.

Xiang Yang is in the shadow of the guy, and directly put the killer in his hand. I saw that the word 'Xiangyang' has disappeared and there is a blank place. You can let yourself write your name.

"Interesting and interesting."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled at the same time, all the treasures of this very demon king were taken away, and then found that the other party has already died, this will fly the other side directly.

"The Gorefiend ancestors."

After doing all this, Xiang Yang thought about it and wrote the words "Blood ancestors" directly on the killer, then, then, smiled and worshipped the killer, "Please baby. Kill the enemy, please kill the enemy, please kill the enemy."

Others worshipped the life of the person, after a while, looked up and stopped, and then continued, but Xiang Yang was a bit of a second, and the three worships were completed in the blink of an eye. At the same time, Xiang Yang injected his own power into Within the life-threatening dolls, the life-threatening figures bloom with great brilliance.



At this moment, a fascinating ray of eruption on the killer's face, a strange force instantly invaded the body of the Gorefiend ancestors, making the **** ancestor screaming and screaming, the whole person from Falling down the **** sea.


Just listening to a loud noise, the bloodsucker ancestor has fallen to the ground, he is very painful, but there is indeed a circle of blood-colored energy spread out, apparently to protect people around him.

"It's a pity that I didn't even die. If I don't know how many times I will know, it will be useful."

Xiang Yang sighed and said.


I don’t know when the Emperor Xuan of the East appeared in Xiangyang’s side. He shook his head and said with a smile. “It’s fixed if the three people worship the lives of the people. If the three worships cannot take the lives of others, It’s useless to worship more, and it’s impossible to kill the holy people.

"This is a pity."

When Xiang Yang sighed, he quickly took the killer, and then smiled and stood by the Emperor Xu Wei. He looked at the opposite of the Gorefiend ancestors and saw the **** ancestors screaming. The whole body was wrapped in blood, and it took a while to recover.

"Junior, you are looking for death."


When the Gorefiend ancestors were restored, he stood on the ground and burst into a sigh of relief, and the whole person almost burst into flames.

He really didn't think that Xiang Yang was so bold. After he took away the killer, he dared to write his own name and worship himself. He was caught in the face of this strange force, although he was not worshipped. Dead, but it is also very uncomfortable, lost a big face.

You know, he is a **** ancestor, and it is a shame to drop directly from the blood and sea to the ground.

"The Gorefiend, the killer is your own, and allows your people to deal with Xiangyang with the killer. Isn't it possible for Xiangyang to write your name with the killer?"

Xu Di, the Emperor of Heaven, stood next to Xiang Yang and burst into a strong atmosphere. He was strong against the **** ancestors. "You are the strongest of the Yasheng Peak, but don't forget, Xiang Yang is the pulse. He is a man, his identity is not lower than you."

"You... good, junior, then the ancestors must kill you with a bright and straightforward way." Eyes love you, this Emperor Xu Wei firmly stands by Xiang Yang, the blood demons are very clear, he is It is impossible for Xiang Yang to be like, he is roaring, looking at Xiang Yang with an incomparable look, can not wait to destroy Xiang Yang.

However, the super strong man of the Emperor Xu Wei is standing next to Xiang Yang to protect Xiang Yang, even if the Gorefiend ancestors can not be related to Xiang Yang.

Recalling Xu Xiang’s reminder that Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, it is even more so that the Gorefiend ancestors no longer dare to go to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the **** ancestor. "The ancestors don't get angry. I also know that this killer can't cause any harm to the ancestors, so I just tried it after fun. Sure enough, the strength of the ancestors. Hao Tian, ​​this strange power without fear of killing a human being is really too powerful."

"Oh, boy, are you a satirical ancestor?"

Xiang Yang didn't say it was okay. After he said it, the face of the Gorefiend ancestors showed the color of anger. Xiang Yang was also worshipped three times, but Xiang Yang did not have any problems, even even miserable. The calls were all pretending, but after the Gorefiend ancestors were worshipped three times by Xiang Yang, they fell from the top of the blood sea. Xiang Yang’s words were simply the irony of the red fruit, and he was not as good as Xiang Yang.

"Don't, my ancestors, I didn't mean to ridicule you. You are a **** ancestor. The strength is much stronger than mine. There are so many treasures. You see, I haven't thank you for giving me this killer. How dare I disrespect you?" Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the **** ancestors.


Xiang Yangyi talked about the life-threatening man, and the blood-devil ancestor was upset. This time, not only lost the treasure, but also lost his face. In the contest with Xiang Yang, he lost another time.

"Kid, wait."

The Gorefiend ancestors looked at Xiang Yang angrily, and once again, he appeared in the middle of the sky and sat down. He said coldly, "Then, the ancestors will use some treasures to let you destroy your hands."

"Okay, thank you for your ancestors."

After Xiang Yang listened, not only wasn’t angry, but he was very happy to pray.

"It depends on whether you are qualified to take it."

As soon as I heard Xiang Yang said, the Gorefiend ancestors did not hit a place, and almost did not hold back a slap.

However, he finally resisted the heart of the murder of Xiangyang with his strong will, but directly thrown it to a demon under the hoist, faintly said, "This is a turning gourd, as long as the other party's head is cast. You can twist the other person's head, so that the other party can't move, to squat the other party, and if necessary, you can kill it directly."


When the demon saw the ancestors even gave this legendary treasure to himself, he suddenly became excited. However, remembering that the last demon got the killer, it was not useless to Xiangyang. At that time, he calmed down, and he thought that he must protect himself first, and then he could use Ganhuan for Xiangyang. Even if he turned his head, it would not work. He also used his own power to kill Xiangyang. .

"Yes, directly display the mystery, and cultivate itself to the extent of surpassing the peak. At that time, with its own power, at least it can be rotated with Xiangyang, and then find a solution."

While thinking about this guy, he walked toward the field.


However, what everyone didn't think was that the guy walked and suddenly found that something was wrong. His body seemed to fly up. He didn't want to understand why, he had lost all his life.

"Hey, this Xiongtai is really coming to die, and it is really polite to let the ancest give me a treasure."

And Xiang Yang appeared on the side of this guy, after all the treasures of this guy were searched, the hand holding the turned gourd showed a brilliant smile to the Gorefiend ancestors.

However, when this smile has not completely fallen, Xiang Yang’s face has changed, and he can’t help but anger. “Right, have you made a fake?”

The author said: "The last day of the month, today's six is ​​over. Everyone has a waste of flowers, give it to me, thank you all...

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