Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2781: Wan Jian Umbrella

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"Rely, your turn-around gourd turned out to be fake. Are you so embarrassed?"

Xiang Yang was also very happy to take the legendary 'Turn the Gourd' and was ready to study what kind of baby it was. As a result, Xiao Ling casually said that this is just a copy. At this moment, Xiang Yang Suddenly exploded.

He glared at the Gorefiend ancestor who was sitting high in the air, and screamed with anger. "The blood sorcerer ancestor, you are still the hegemon of the demon world. The hoist you took out turned out to be fake. I rely on you, you look down. Me? Use this guy to fool people, are you so embarrassed?"


The Gorefiend ancestors were irritated because Xiang Yang directly used the 斩仙飞刀 to smash the demon king. Unexpectedly, after Xiang Yang got a turn to gourd, he turned his head and shouted at himself. In an instant, he suddenly stunned.

"Junior, how dare you?"

The Gorefiend ancestors glared at Xiang Yang. I really didn't think why Xiang Yang was so bold. He dared to roar himself so much. This guy is crazy.

"You are a **** ancestor, you are so pitted by your own hands, give yourself a counterfeit turning gourd, are you so embarrassed? I feel embarrassed for you." Let the Gorefiend ancestors feel angry, the item Yang is still uncomfortable squatting, while holding a turn of gourd, while angry.

It is as if Xiang Yang was deceived.

Everyone has a quirky color on his face. This turn-headed gourd is the hand that the Gorefiend ancestors gave him to deal with Xiangyang. Xiangyang just snatched it away, no matter whether the turn-around gourd is good or bad, What is the relationship with Xiangyang?

"Junior, are you looking for death?"

The Gorefiend ancestors sullenly glared at Xiang Yang.

"I want to find death is better than your shameless use of counterfeit products to lie to your own men." Xiang Yang looked at the **** ancestors angry.

"Turning the gourd has been broken since ancient times. Although the ancestor is a counterfeit, it is the magic weapon closest to the original. The power is only a little weaker than the original twisted gourd."哼 channel.

"real or fake?"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but watch the **** ancestors curiously, thinking in his heart, whether he took the **** ancestors and tried it.

"You dare to come, the ancestors will not let you go this time." The Gorefiend ancestors saw Xiang Yang's eyes, remembering the situation when Xiang Yang used himself to test the killer dolls, and suddenly he was shocked. Quickly snorted, his eyes filled with chills and looked at Xiangyang. If Xiangyang dared to take himself as a test article this time, the Gorefiend ancestors vowed that this time they would not let Xiangyang be better.

"Hey, my ancestors don't get excited, how can I dare to mess around?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, with the color of regret, will turn the gourd to close up, my heart is very regrettable, if you can take the **** ancestors to test it again, then it would be better, but unfortunately, the **** devil This time the ancestors were too vigilant.

"This umbrella is called Wan Jian Umbrella. Come to a Kendo demon to pick him up."

The Gorefiend ancestors may have been very embarrassed by Xiang Yangshuo. This time, it is finally throwing out a real treasure. This is an umbrella that looks like an ordinary paper umbrella, but it has become a Wan Jian Umbrella, obviously power is infinite, there must be a million swords or even a million swords are possible.

"Hey, Yang Wanjian, his name has been stolen."

Wherein Yang yang sang, "you are very impatient with the fake phos, and even the names are popular. They are very famous." The name is also used for counterfeiting, which is a bit too much."


The Gorefiend ancestors sneered a sneer, and did not pay attention to Xiang Yang. He had already gotten used to the sly look of Xiang Yang. At this moment, he looked at the remaining devils.

In the eyes of the Gorefiend ancestors, there was a female devil who flew out and grabbed the one-man sword with one hand. He looked solemn and bowed to the **** ancestors. "The disciples obey."

"it is good."

The Gorefiend ancestors looked at each other carefully, and then nodded with satisfaction, apparently recognized the other party, and felt that the other party was qualified to hold this Wan Jian umbrella to deal with Xiang Yang.

The woman devil is holding a handful of swords with one hand, and her body quickly flies toward Xiangyang. In the process, she has several defensive magic weapons around her body. At the same time, her There is a black long sword on the back that is shaking, bursting with a strong sword.

This woman turned out to be a strong kendo.

When Xiang Yang saw the other person’s first sight, he already saw that the woman’s kendo was very strong, and she was definitely not weaker than the martial sword strongman of San Caixian Wang Sun Chunyu. He obviously felt the other person’s back. The power of a scabbard's magic sword is very powerful. If it is sheathed, it will be earth-shattering.

"Interesting, I actually met a peer."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and the eyes loved you. After the other party flew over, he thought about it and his body flew past and greeted the woman.

"Wan Jian umbrella opens, Wan Jian."

This woman's eyes with a dignified chilling gas, seeing Xiang Yang flying over, although she is not nervous, but directly open the umbrella of the sword in her hand.


At this moment, a million swords broke out from the umbrella of Wan Jian, and with the power of unparalleled power to kill Xiangyang.

Each of these swords is equivalent to the power of the powerful all-powerful attacker. The void is instantly collapsed. Even after Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but scare a big jump. "I rely on, the **** ancestors, I know that you will definitely cheat, and sure enough, this time you use your own strength."

While shouting, his figure was retreating toward the rear at a faster speed. However, it was useless, and that a million swords were stalking toward Xiangyang.


Where millions of swords passed, the void exploded instantly, and the horrible energy flowed. The swordsmanship seemed to be a plowing field, and the hollow was plowed out of the cracks of the road, and it could not be dispersed for a long time.

Ever since, everyone has seen a scene that is shocking, and the heart of the strong one on the side of the fairy side has been picked up. It only feels that Xiang Yang is very dangerous under the millions of swords. ’

Even the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei also frowned, but remembering the various performances of Xiang Yang before, he felt that Xiang Yang should have a way to deal with it, and did not say anything.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is almost a swearing man. It is really the power of this million swords. It is too strong. Every sword is equivalent to a sword of a powerful person in the realm of the road. Even Xiang Yang No matter how strong it is, it will not be able to stop the powerful people in the realm of a million.

"The sword of the king."

Xiang Yangfei quickly escaped from the same time, and sacrificed the sword of the king. However, the sword of the king at most made the speed of these swords slower, and it was impossible to stop these speeds.

After all, although his sword of the king has been practiced in the realm of great perfection, his own strength is too weak. No matter what he does, he must match his own strength. With his power, he is obviously unable to play the king. The corresponding power of the sword.

Moreover, the person who can refine this umbrella of Wan Jian is definitely seeing the extent of Juggernaut. Xiang Yang even suspects that this is the treasure of Yang Wanjian.

After all, the swordsmanship is so vast and majestic, it is definitely not the sword of the devil world, and even with a breath that makes Xiangyang feel very familiar. In his view, it is really possible that Yang Wanjian’s treasure falls on the blood. The hands of the devil.

"If it is the treasure of the sword saint Yang Wanjian refining, then I can try to run the "Sword Mystery Code" to see if I can control these swords."

Seeing these swords behind him, they are chasing after them. If they are slack, they may be overwhelmed by millions of swords. Xiang Yang’s mind is moving, although he has not cultivated the "Sword Mystery", but here At one moment, the exercises worked freely, and the breath of a sword mystery broke out, and a sturdy sword rushed.


At this moment, the chasing sword behind him suddenly stagnated, seemingly into a state of confusion, as if it was just the opponent of their Xiangyang, at this moment it became the same as their homolog.

"It turned out to be really effective."

When Xiang Yang met, he suddenly became overjoyed. When he saw that the woman carrying the sword in the distance was also stunned, his eyes were cold. "First take her Wan Jian umbrella and take away these swords. she was."


After making a decision at this moment, Xiang Yang’s figure instantly rushed toward the woman.

"The little thief, just come."

"A thousand years of tempering a sword, just wait for today's scabbard, this sword, yell at you."


However, when she saw Xiang Yang rushing past, the woman didn’t even worry about it, but she showed a sneer, and then there was a horrible smell on her body. No, it was from the back of her. Among the swords of the scabbard, there is a sword that seems to have been suppressed for a long time. It is brewing, and after Xiang Yang saw it, his face changed greatly and he exclaimed, "What is this ghost? Is it a sword to raise a sword?"



At the same time as the woman responded, the sword behind her was squirted, and only a roar of sound came out. The sword of the sword broke out instantly. From a distance, I saw a sword light tearing the void, as if in the dark. The same light, instantly smashing the sky, with the power of invincibility, as if the heavens can be directly smashed, directly down to Xiangyang.


After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but reveal the shocking color. However, seeing the other side’s sword so strong, it aroused his triumph, and he screamed, “You have a sword and a sword. How can I stop my invincible sword?"


Qing Xuanjian appeared in the hand, accompanied by a transparent three-inch sword on the top of the head, an invincible sword broke out. At this moment, Xiang Yang smashed a sword and smothered it. A sword that has been raised in a thousand years has been killed.


When the invincible sword appeared, the millions of swords in the field all flowed, making a humming sound, and then it broke out, not only did not chase Xiangyang, but closely followed Xiangyang, Bai Wandao Jianqi returned to the sect, and the sword light smashed down into the sky.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang didn't have time to think about why this was the case. However, when he saw a million swords and followed him up to the top, he couldn't help but reveal the color of surprise. This invincible sword was even more unrelenting.

The scene at the moment is absolutely the most beautiful, even, even after seeing a group of holy people, they can't help but stare at Xiangyang.

In their gaze, after the sword of Xiang Yang came out, the million swords followed, and they collided with each other.


If only Xiang Yang’s own sword is thrown out, even if this sword contains the sword of the invincible sword, it is not necessarily the opponent of the sword of the other woman’s demon king’s peak, but at the moment Behind him, the swordsmanship of the millions of roads that broke out in the umbrella of Wan Jian followed at the same time, so that after the power of this sword passed, millions of swords followed the battle to kill the past. This makes the woman warm for 10,000 years, and she is confident that she can kill the Xiangyang sword and collapse.

Her sword, originally, has almost reached the level of the treasure, but in this Qingxuan sword, it has almost become a sniper of the gods of the day after tomorrow, the instant collapse At the same time, the millions of swords behind the Xiangyang followed this to kill the past, and instantly killed the woman with the excellence of the Kendo talent.


Xiang Yang sighed, but the speed was not slow. In an instant, this Wan Jian umbrella, which has reached the level of the treasure, was held in his hand. He was so eager to open the Wan Jian umbrella and put the million The sword gas was all in it, and then he wanted to take away all the treasures after the woman was killed. However, she found that after the woman was killed, there was no treasure at all, because she was all mad by this million. It’s broken.

Xiang Yang stayed and stayed with a sword in his hand. He really lamented that if he did not master the power during the attack, he would lose a lot of treasures.

The woman knew that she would not lack the treasures at first glance, but it was all annihilated than the millions of swords that followed her sword. Xiang Yang just thought about it and felt a heartache.


He sighed and felt that the Gorefiend ancestors almost ate their own eyes, fearing that the other party would take back the 10,000 swords, but quickly earned the income of the Promise, and then smiled at the **** ancestors. A gift to the Gorefiend ancestors, "Thank you ancestors, this time the ancestors are quite powerful."

"Kid, you are crazy."

The Gorefiend ancestors sighed and trembled, his heart was bleeding, and the Wanjian Umbrella was made by Yang Wanjian. It can be said that it is a real treasure, which contains the equivalent of Jianqi. Yang Wanjian’s full blow, even when he has not yet become a sub-holy, is even stronger. Even if the real Yasheng master encounters it, he will have to shun it. This is how he was able to get it, even, even Yang Wanjian did not know that this Wan Jian umbrella was in his hands. Now, he was taken away by Xiang Yang when he just took it out. He felt that his distressed heart seemed to be torn.

The Gorefiend ancestors looked at Xiang Yang, and his heart was already a little desperate. He even suspected that no matter what method he used, what kind of treasures would he have to deal with Xiangyang?

"This kid..."

At this moment, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and others were relieved. At the same time, they completely let go of their hearts. They felt that Xiang Yang’s next battle was completely unnecessary for him to worry about. After all, even this million-way The sword of the Tao in the Tao can be saved, so what kind of attack can hurt Xiangyang?

"It's a magical little guy, it's a descendant of that pulse."

Other sacred strongmen also sighed. They saw a different true fairy in Xiangyang, a true immortal who dared to provoke the Gorefiend ancestors and let the Gorefiend ancestors fall from the blood.

"He is my teacher, hahaha, the future master."

Sun Chunyu is with a color of pride on his face.

Sun Yuxiu looked at Xiangyang with a gaze, and his heart was full of curiosity and shock to Xiangyang.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is still highly eye-catching, but he is open-mouthed and said to the Gorefiend ancestors with a smile. "Old ancestors, please continue to give treasures."

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