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"Old ancestors..."

After the demon kings saw them, they were all shocked. They knew that they were completely abandoned. If the Gorefiend ancestors gave them treasures, they still had some hope to survive, but the Gorefiend ancestors. If they don't give them treasure, they are really dead.

The Gorefiend ancestors snorted coldly. "If anyone can defeat Xiang Yang, the ancestors will be accepted as pro-disciples."

After that, after the old God was sitting on the top of the blood sea, the movement did not move. Obviously, this time he completely gave up these men.

"Old ancestors..."

The rest of the demon eyes saw this scene, all of them were insane and anger. They did not have any confidence in the face of Xiangyang to fight Xiangyang. This time, they were going to give life to Xiangyang.

"Oh... I will come first."

Then, after a demon king rushed up, he roared and rushed toward Xiangyang, and there was an insult and anger in his body. However, there was no effect. When this breath just broke out, it had not yet erupted to the peak. In the hands of the Wan Jian umbrella gently trembled, a sword of the realm of the road to spurt out, and instantly killed him.

"Let's go together."

Xiang Yang looked indifferent, since the Gorefiend ancestors wanted these devils to die, then he was not polite.

Although he is kind, he will not let go of these demon kings. He knows very well that these demon kings are the arrogance of the devil world. Which one can grow up and become a peerless demon level in the future. Now kill these guys. After that, it is equivalent to reducing some enemies for yourself. Although I am not afraid of having a strong enemy, the people around me are not high-level, and they must not be careful.



The rest of the devils all rushed up. At this time, they have no pride, because they are very clear, they are dead, and absolutely impossible to be Xiangyang’s opponents, they can only pour Do your best.

However, there is no effect. All of these demon kings have fallen down one by one. Every sword of Wan Jian Umbrella is a powerful attack of the sword. Even if the nine avenues encounter the Wan Jian Umbrella, I am afraid to be careful. Needless to say, these devils, no one can stop.

In the end, the battle of the demon king ended with the defeat of ten demon kings.

"The fairy world has already won, will you continue to fight?"

In the realm and the devil's realm, Xiang Yang has already won, it represents two wins in three games, and the fairy side has completely won the demon world. As a result, in fact, the third level does not matter.

The strong people on the side of the fairy world looked at Xiang Yang with a smile on their faces. They were filled with satisfaction with Xiang Yang. Although they were a little bit bleak in the whole process, they trembled several times and thought that Xiang Yang was dead. In the end, Xiang Yang did not have anything, but the result was the best.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the powerful people in the fairy world. He said with a heavy face. "You, you can't live up to expectations, and you have finally completed the task of the fairy side."

"Haha, not bad, we really did not misread you." The fifth contender haha ​​smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"I don't think it's the descendant of that pulse. It's really brave. I really fight against the demon king. I also gave the Gorefiend ancestors a pit. I made so many magic weapons. Do you want to divide me?" Dao Zun directly rushed to Xiang Yang, a face of laughter.


Xiang Yang glanced at him and didn't want to talk to the fifth priest. Instead, he turned his head to look at the Emperor Xuan and the Gorefiend ancestors. He wanted to see if the Gorefiend ancestors would let his men continue to follow. Fight yourself.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar also walked out from the void, while Xiang Yang was in front of everyone, putting Wan Jian’s umbrella on the body of the first demon, and his deity was emptied into the void. In the middle, it is clearly within the Wuji Xianfu.


After everyone saw this scene, all the mouths twitched slightly, especially the top ten demon statues of the Gorefiend ancestors. When they saw the Wanjian umbrella held in the hands of the first demon, their hearts were drawn.

What's special, this is Wan Jian Umbrella, a million swords in the air, each Jianqi is comparable to the time when Yang Wanjian is full of the power of a sword, let alone they are not in the magic deity The strongest person in the realm of the Tao, even if it is a strong person with a temperament, can not stop Yang Wanjian, the Juggernaut in the realm of the road of martial arts.

"The ancestors are cheering, don't give up, these demon statues all look very powerful. As long as the ancestors give them some treasures, they will definitely win me." The Gorefiend ancestors gloomy face, When there was no opening, Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"I surrender."

However, Xiang Yang did not expect that he did not say okay, the Gorefiend ancestors will hesitate to admit defeat, he said, so that the Gorefiend ancestors did not hesitate to directly admit defeat.

"Don't, my ancestors, you are the **** ancestor, the hegemon of the devil world, how can you admit defeat?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was shocked. He said quickly, "Although I also really want the devil's armor, I have never liked to bully people. I feel that you can struggle with your ancestors, no, you are completely If you have the chance to win me, how can you admit defeat?"

"Give you." The Gorefiend ancestors did not hesitate, and directly promised to the Xiangyang's demon **** armor and the **** sword of the level of the treasure to Xiangyang, and then said to Xu Wei, "Since this war ancestor lost The ancestors naturally obey your platoon, starting from the initial game, but Xu Wei, you as the Emperor of the East, you should understand a basic fairness, the ancestors do not allow the real demon of the **** demon to have any accidents. Otherwise, my billionaire army will be in the East."

"Reassure, as long as they don't make trouble, I won't let people deal with them." Xu Wei said faintly.

"it is good."

Next, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei and the Gorefiend ancestors went to discuss the next battle of the Real World Wars in the Million Island, and Xiang Yang took over the Devil's Armor and the Blood Sword. The blood sword of the Supreme level did not even look at it and directly throw it into the Promise Immortal to Xiaoling. However, this demon **** armor made him feel very interesting. He took it in his hands for a long time.

"Boss, this devil's armor is very extraordinary, it should be a congenital Lingbao-level defensive armor, although broken, but with some materials to re-melt it again, you can restore the state of the heyday." Xiaoling in the project In the dan of the yang, when feeling the armor of this demon god, there is an excited voice passed to Xiang Yang.

"Congenital Lingbao, haha, not bad." Xiang Yang listened after the sudden overjoyed, although the innate Lingbao can not be compared with the innate treasure, but this is at least beyond the acquired treasures of the innate treasure.

Perhaps the power of the day after tomorrow can be comparable to the innate spiritual treasure, but the congenital spirit treasure is born innate, contains the innate rhyme, its own mysterious, is not comparable to the treasure of the day after tomorrow.

Xiangyang took the initiative and directly sent the demon **** armor into the Promise Immortal. The heart sighed, the Gorefiend ancestors were really generous, and even gave them a congenital Lingbao-level defensive armor, which just made up for their own defense. defect.

"This is over, let's disperse."

At this time, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei had already talked with the Gorefiend ancestors, and the Gorefiend ancestors left with the army of the Devil World. However, this fairy magic channel did not close, but was temporarily retained.

After Emperor Xuan ordered Mr. Wen to do something, let other people disperse, but also summoned some of the major family forces of the entire Central Fairy City to go to the Tiangong meeting, and said to Xiang Yang, "Xiang Yang, you go too?" ”

"I, I won't go."

After Xiang Yang listened, he quickly shook his head and said, "What am I going to do? I am not alone, but I am not as comfortable as I am."

"That's yours." Xu Wei naturally did not reluctantly Xiangyang. Although he held a meeting, it was mainly to cope with the next devil's participation in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million. This thing is cocoa, the people of the Devil. Entering the fairy world, there are many things that need to be dealt with. These are the major forces that need to participate. Of course, there is no relationship with Xiangyang. The reason why he is called Xiangyang is mainly because Xiangyang is the hero of this time. Yang feels that he is left out.

"Xiang Yang, this is the token of the treasure house in the Temple of Heaven. You can choose three treasures that you like. Anything can be used as a reward for defeating the Devil World. In addition, I have already invited others. The Emperor of Heaven helps me find the whereabouts of the few people you are looking for, and I will not be able to use it for a long time."

Then, Emperor Xu Wei said directly to Xiang Yang.

"Thank you for the Emperor." After Xiang Yang listened, his face was full of excitement. He thought that it would take a long time to get the whereabouts of the women. His heart was very excited.

"The next step should be to quickly solve Mei Xiaoniu's Wanzhou Destiny's Women's War, and then I can go to find the ladies, my wife, I am coming, waiting for me."

Xiang Yang’s heart was very exciting. After thanking the Emperor Xu Wei again, the figure was flying toward the Imperial Palace. Today’s Imperial Palace can be said to be the most dazzling building in the Central Fairy, because other buildings, In addition to the families that have opened up the family to maintain the family architecture, all commercial buildings have been destroyed.

However, on these ruins, the construction of new buildings has begun, and the speed is still very fast. Now it is only less than a day in the past, and it has already begun to take shape.

"I am afraid that in two days, the entire Central Fairy City will be restored to its original state. This speed is too fast." After Xiang Yang saw it, he couldn't help but reveal the shocking color. It was a fairy in the fairy world, and the speed was too fast. It is possible to build the building of the Central Fairy City in such a short time.

"Master respects me."

In the rear of Xiangyang, Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu's brothers and sisters are catching up quickly. The speed of the two is very fast. After the blink of an eye, they have already reached the back of Xiangyang. Sun Chunyu’s face has a flattering smile, hehe said with a smile. "Master respect..."

"Call the Master again, I will fly you." Xiang Yang sang.

"Yes." After Sun Chunyu listened, he was shocked and quickly closed his mouth and did not dare to speak.

At this time, Sun Yuxiu looked at Xiangyang with a gaze, and there was a deep curiosity in the beauty. "Xiang Yang, you are so powerful, one person’s power has blocked the army of the devil world, and it will not take long. You will become a legend in the fairy world."

"Are you seeing me very much, I liked me?" Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Sun Yuxiu.

"What do you think?" Sun Yuxiu sneered at the white Xiangyang. When she saw the invincible strength of Xiangyang this time, she made her heart tremble. At this moment, she calmed down and felt that she was truly blind. I’m so surprised, I think this guy is very good.

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and entered the imperial palace directly. The energy cover that could have withstood the imperial palaces of countless people inside and outside. When he saw the arrival of Xiang Yang, he directly dispersed. Then when Xiang Yang stepped into the Imperial Palace, The catastrophe was silently integrated into his body.

"It’s finally back."

Seeing that Xiangyang has come back, the little bald head that was eager to refine the world of one hundred and eight days has greeted him very much, and he said very happily, "Boss."

And Mei Aoxue and others also came together, one by one curiously watching Xiang Yang.

"All settled, just the invasion of the devil world, opened the channel of the two circles of the demon, the demon of the demon world, the **** ancestors personally brought people into the fairy world, just to participate in the million-day real fairy war, and then I was repulsed. ”

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and said everything at the same time, with a very proud look on his face, even if he has become a super hero to help the Eastern Tianyu defeat the Gorefiend ancestors, in the face of outsiders, he has always been Nothing is smug, but when faced with these true self, he will reveal this smug look like a child.

"Wow, Xiangyang’s brother is really powerful.” Yulia and Yuliqin’s two sisters are looking at Xiangyang with their little eyes. In their view, the things of the two realms in the world are absolutely unimaginable. Even if it is now entering the fairyland and becoming a member of the immortal world, their cultivation is still very common, even the heavens are not reached.

Xiaoxue, Xiaohong and Xiaoyin also looked at Xiangyang with excitement, especially the small blood, but also with the color of regret. "Boss, if you take me, how can I give it to one side?" You cheered."

"Ha ha ha, I will bring you next time. I am not afraid of major events. I am afraid that the saints of the Devil will invade. When the Imperial Palace is not protected, I will not let you leave."

Xiang Yang said quickly.

The soul seventy-seven looked at Xiangyang on the other side, snorted, and the heart was a dark road. "This guy is really shameless. As a saint of the soul family, he is bullying some of the realities of the real devil and the demon king. He is so proud of it. However, the devil world has actually entered the fairy world. This is not a small matter. I am also time to return to the family."

At the same time, the soul seventy-seven said to Xiang Yang, "Sacred, I want to go back to the soul, and ask the Holy One to allow."

Although she was very uncomfortable to see Xiang Yang in her heart, in her opinion, Xiang Yang was a saint of the soul family after all, and she could not be rude to Xiang Yang any more, and, to a certain extent, she was Xiang Yang. Captive, can't be more about Xiangyang.

"You are leaving?"

When Xiang Yang heard the soul seventy-seven to leave, his face showed a strange and disappointing color. Although this time, the soul seventy-seven was idle and there was nothing to go around, but after all, he followed himself. Time, Xiang Yang took this **** as his own person. Now, this gimmick has to leave, he actually feels a little reluctant.

"I have been away from the soul family for too long, and it is time to go home." The soul said seventy-seven whispers, although she always thought about going back, but when she really wanted to leave, she felt very reluctant.

"Then be careful on the road."

Xiang Yang sighed and did not stop the soul from leaving. After thinking about it, it was a slap in the face, and the three swords did not enter the body of the seventy-seven, saying to her, "The three swords, each Equivalent to my attack with a full-fledged attack, you can block the attack of the powerful people, you are careful on the road."

"Well, I am leaving."

After seeing the soul seventy-seven, he looked at Xiang Yang's eyes brightened and looked at Xiang Yang deeply. The whole person seemed to be more happy, and then he turned and left.

"The little princess of this soul is also a little dangerous."

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