Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2784: Please enter the tower

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"The little princess of this soul is also a bit dangerous."

Seeing the soul when he left, his eyes looked brightly at Xiangyang. The look of the eye made the fiery and silver enamel frown at the same time. They suddenly realized that as time passed, they wanted to guard the item. Yang, the task of insulating Xiang Yang to contact some women around him, and letting other women go to Xiangyang seems a bit heavy.

However, it is still good that the soul seventy-seven has left, and a few women do not have to worry about what kind of sparks will be produced by the next soul seven and seven.

"I have asked the Emperor of the East to help me find my wife. I can't use it for a long time to go to other big days to find them. However, before that, I have to help Mei Xiaoniu solve the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming. Things."

Xiang Yang did not conceal the fact that several women wanted to find their own wife. When they said that they found that the faces of several women were slightly changed, he did not pay attention to it, but looked at Mei Aoxue. Has the continent of the goddess of war started?"

"It has already started, but because of the change of the Central Fairy, it will stop. If there is no accident, it will continue tomorrow."

Mei Aoxue nodded and said nod.

"So it will be easy, I will directly enter it tomorrow, kill all the participants, see who dares to fight with me, help you get the first, when you are the only fate of the Eastern Tianyu The daughter." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Xiang Yang, although your strength is very strong, but remember not to care, these fatal women are originally strong in ancient times, although it is unlikely that there will be a strong sacred place to participate in the war, but there are It is also possible to find a strong person in the realm of the road beyond the Daluo nine heavens." Mei Aoxue whispered.

"The realm of the road, I have not killed."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Not long ago, when the Devils invaded, I personally killed a demon of the realm of the Tao. Therefore, the realm of the Tao is not invincible, don't worry, I said to help you get the first First, it is absolutely impossible to disappoint you."

"Are you even killing the powerful people in the realm of the Tao?" After everyone listened to Xiang Yang's words, they all trembled. They were very clear about the terribleness of the realm of the realm. It was absolutely earth-shattering, no one can stop it. In addition to the strong people of the Holy Land, who can rival the powerful realm of the realm?

Even the legendary Zhongmeng Avenue is the supreme power of the realm of the Taoist Tao. However, although the nine of them have not become the sacred strongs, they are able to counter the sacred strongs and even kill the sacred strongs. It can be seen how terrible the real powerhouse is.

However, Xiang Yang was able to kill the strong strategists, and perhaps the other is the weakest chemistry. However, even the weakest strategist has surpassed the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianzhu Peak too much.

Seeing the shocking color on the faces of the women, Xiang Yang was very proud, and could not help but reveal the color of pride.

Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu of Xiangyang’s rear are equally shocked, but when they saw the proud color on Xiangyang’s face, Sun Chunyu’s feelings were not felt. Sun Yuxiu’s disdain was in the heart, “No. Is that the descendant of that pulse? It’s just because of luck, you can have such an achievement. If this girl can also become a descendant of that pulse, this girl can have such strength, even stronger than you, already has become The holy people are all possible."

"Miss Sun Jia, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you coming to me specifically?"

When Sun Yuxiu was still thinking about it, suddenly she saw a person sticking it up and saw a little bald face with an excited color. When she was very happy to look at her, she suddenly felt a headache and forgot her Among the palaces, there is a little bald guy, an annoying guy.

At this time, the little bald head was haha ​​laughing and said, "Miss Sun Jia, I want to die, let's go there and talk about my heart."

While talking, she grabbed Sun Yuxiu’s little hand, and did not break up and took her to the other side. Sun Yuxiu was in a bad mood, and she was caught by a small bald head in the confusion, waiting for When she reacted, she sat face to face with a small bald head.

Sun Chunyu saw this, for fear that his sister was eaten with tofu by Xiaoguangtou. Under the nervousness, he quickly said to Xiangyang, "Master, cough, big brother, I will talk to the bald brother..."

While talking, he quickly followed up.

Sun Chunyu is very aware of the strong fighting power of the small bald head, even surpassing himself. Especially, not long ago, when the small bald head warned the seventh emperor, the strength demonstrated has reached the level of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and It is the heart of Sun Chunyu’s shock.

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head and found that the little bald head was entangled in Sun Yuxiu’s words. Sun Yuxiu’s face was impatient, but there was no way to get rid of the small bald head. He couldn’t help but laugh. Come out, "This little bald seems to really look at Sun Yuxiu. It seems that I should find a way to help him."

"Xiang Yang, I have recently discovered some delicious food. Anyway, I will start the battle of the fateful woman tomorrow. Otherwise, let's go eat it now." Huo Mei is a smile and walks over to Xiang Yang.

"Yeah, that was what I found with Meier. It was delicious. Let's go together." Jubilee quickly followed.

"I know, I know." Then he said with a smile.

Among the three women, Huo Mei originally wanted to spend time with Xiang Yang alone. As a result, Yin Hao did not want to insert it. Only the small blood really felt that he wanted to eat delicious food.

After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly felt a headache. The feeling that several women were jealous and jealous was not very comfortable.

"Sometimes, excellence is also a pain."

He sighed in his heart, watching Mei Aoxue standing there with a cold face. It seemed that when he was very upset about this, he felt funny and secretly said, "Isn't Mei Xiaoniu jealous?"


By his side, the black little tiger was licking his trouser legs, a pitiful look.

"Haha, little guy, is it too boring? Don't worry, I will let you go and practice with my deity." Xiang Yang laughed and sent the tiger directly into the Promise.

Then he looked at the women and said, "Well, I will take you to a place to help you improve your cultivation in the shortest time. After you have improved, no matter where you are going, It’s okay to do anything.”

“Can you improve quickly?” After a few women listened, they all groaned.

Even if Mei Aoxue looked at Xiangyang with an incomprehensible color, Mei Aoxue has cultivated into the realm of Da Luo Ba Zhongtian. Her strength is the most powerful among the women, and the fighting power is even more peak. On the other hand, as a descendant of the nine-tailed fox, she consolidated the cultivation, even if it is the strongest of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, although not necessarily an opponent, but at least able to resist one or two.

At this moment, she heard that Xiang Yang also wanted to help her improve her cultivation, which made her feel shocked.

Xiang Yang said softly and softly, "Fire chick sent a message to the fire family, telling him that you have to practice with me for a while, so that he does not have to worry, then we can go."

"it is good."

Although Huo Mei was very curious about what Xiangyang had to take with him, but he listened very much to Xiang Yang’s words and immediately sent a message to the fire family.

"Little bald head, Sun Chunyu, you remember, this time the emperor's palace will be handed over to you, if there is any problem, use this token to kill them."

Xiang Yang laughed and threw the Emperor’s order directly to Xiaoguangtou and Sun Chunyu. Then, a few women disappeared directly between the waves.

"What is this?"

The little bald head grabbed the Emperor's Order in one hand, and his face was inextricably colored. He was kept in this imperial palace. He did not know that the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei gave the Xiangyang Emperor's order, but Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu were His face changed greatly and he trembled and said, "This is the Emperor's Order. It is the piece that the Emperor of Heaven gave himself to the boss. Is he throwing it at us?"


Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu only felt that their minds were dizzy. So important, the Emperor of Heaven, Xiang Yang even threw himself to himself three people. You know, this is the Emperor’s order. Even if the Sun’s family saw it, he would have to tremble. If you are holding the Heavenly Emperor and the Dao Sunjia, I am afraid that among the Sun family, except for the ancestors of the Holy Land, everyone else must respect the ceremony.

"Isn't that a broken token? What's so exciting."

The little bald head didn't feel anything. He groaned vaguely and threw the Emperor's order to Sun Chunyu. "Since you are so surprised, the token will be handed over to you. Remember to protect the palace."

Then, he turned his head and said to Sun Yuxiu, "Miss Sun Jia, I found that there is something delicious in a place, let's go together."

This is a trick he has just learned from Huo Mei. In fact, he knows where there is a good place. He knows a lot about gambling. Of course, the gambling house he often enters and exits is at his feet. Has become an imperial palace...

Xiaoguangtou knows that Sun Yuxiu will definitely not promise to eat anything delicious, but he has to rack his brains to talk to Sun Yuxiu.

"Okay, let's go now."

However, what Xiaoguangtou did not think was that Sun Yuxiu had agreed to laugh.

"What?" The little bald head was dumbfounded after listening. He felt that he had got it wrong. Miss Sun Jia actually agreed to himself. How is this possible?

"You are not saying that you want to take me to eat delicious? How do you now lie to me with this expression?" Sun Yuxiu frowned at Sun Chunyu, with a dissatisfied color on his face.

When she heard that the little bald head used the flamboyant routine to change her way to be alone with herself, the instinct would be rejected. However, when she saw that her brother was holding the Emperor’s excitement, she felt that she should look for opportunities. His own brother has the Emperor's Order, so that his brother can have the Heavenly Emperor's order to do something, so he agreed to let the little bald head deceive.

"No, I didn't lie to you, walked away, let's go out and find something delicious."

Under the excitement of the little bald head, he directly absorbed the world of the hundred and eight heavens, and he was very excited to take Sun Yuxiu to leave the palace.

Sun Chunyu is still in the middle of shock and excitement. He holds the Emperor's Order in his hand. He only feels that he is doing the right thing with Xiangyang. So he is afraid that he can't protect the imperial palace alone, and he will quickly make the things of the Emperor and the Sun. Said, and then in the excitement of the Sun family, quickly transferred some Xianzun guardian palace.

All of this was in the expectation of Xiang Yang. After he gave the Emperor of Heaven a few people, he did not want to think about the palace, but with a few women all entered the Promise.

"Well, this is the Promise of Immortal. The time here is 10,000 times longer than the outside world. That is to say, the time of the outside world is 10,000 days here. Although it is not long, it is enough Let's take a good look at it. Of course, the women's battle to participate in Wanzhou's destiny is just a matter of me and Mei Xiaoniu. All of you have to cultivate here."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Ah, Xiang Yang, are you bothered by us, intending to shut us down here and practice, no longer paying attention to us?" Huo Mei looked at the Promise Xianfu, although the power of the immortal Xianfu was strong. The ultimate, even in the fire family, there are few places to compare.

However, the flamboyant itself does not like the practice of retreat. Otherwise, the status of her daughter, who is the owner of the fire family, and her own talent, it is impossible to become a strong man until now.

She just wants to play with Xiangyang.

Even the silver enamel frowned and looked at Xiang Yang, with a dissatisfied color on his face.

"Reassuring, it is not forcing you to retreat, but you really want to train you to improve, and I will practice with you."

Xiang Yang whispered at the same time, his deity was carrying his hands from a distance, showing a smile to the girls.

"You are the deity, you are a avatar, are you two one?"

When the girls saw that two Xiangyang appeared here, they felt particularly awkward. They feared that Xiangyang’s avatar had an independent consciousness and continued to ask, “Is the consciousness of the avatar the same as the deity?”


This time, the answer is Xiang Yang’s deity. At this moment, all the consciousness of Xiang Yang has been converted. All his consciousness of the avatar has entered the body of the deity. He has a little smile and said, “I have only one Consciousness is just a consciousness that constantly divides between the deity and the avatar."

The girls looked at the past, and sure enough, seeing the spirituality of Xiang Yang’s body disappeared, it was like a living dead, and this was a relief.

Xiang Yang’s avatar disappeared, and the deity walked with the girls in the depths. He said with a smile, “I have a treasure, called the tower of physical repair, and the body is repaired to reach the Da Luo situation. After Tasho walks out, he can become the realm of the sacred peak of the sacred body. This time, your mission is the environment of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

At the same time, when pointing to the front, the ladies looked at it and saw that there was a towering sky in the place surrounded by the clouds, as if the pagoda running through the whole world of the Promise of the Immortality was standing there.

This pagoda is boundless, thick and indescribable. It seems to be a supreme mountain that suppresses the heavens and the earth. It seems that there has never been a general, so that when everyone sees it, the heart trembles, and the heart rises with a sense of admiration.

"This is the tower of physical training."

Xiang Yang sighed, and his face rose up with a proud color. This is the root of his own order to defend himself and the world.

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