Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2785: Daluo quenching spirit liquid (five more flowers)

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"they are?"

As Xiangyang took the women to the tower of the body repair, they saw countless people marching into the tower of the body repairs one by one, making the women suddenly shocked after seeing them.

Because they found that this person is something they don’t know, but each one’s cultivation is not weak. It’s actually the strength that has reached the status of Da Luo, and, most importantly, the number of these people is real. It’s too much, and even if they don’t see the margins.

"So many people, how many people should there be?" The women watched this long team shockedly, and everyone was lined up one by one, stepping into the tower of physical training one by one.

The team’s long dragons have grown to the point where they can’t see the margins.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "This is my men. I have been practicing in the Promise of the Promise. Now, as long as the physical strength reaches the Daluo, you can enter the tower of the body repair and wait for them to go. After coming out, it is the strongest of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s voice is filled with joyful colors. This is the guardian of hundreds of thousands of people. The hundreds of thousands of Dalu’s strongest people, together with the strongest of the peaks, will surely It is endless power.

Of course, if you can, it is best to have hundreds of thousands of sub-strong men, that is the most terrible.

"You have such a strong man around you." After all the girls listened, they all had a shocking color, and they felt shocked by the fact that Xiangyang had such a strong and numerous number of people.

"These are some of the strengths I have accumulated since I was very early, but they have been practicing."

Xiang Yang sighed, thinking that when these guards of order were originally Tuoweiwei and Xuediwei, they integrated them a little bit and let them practice, so that they reached the level of today, and they felt very emotional.

Of course, the most advanced ones have actually begun to practice. It is the tens of thousands of individual self-cultivators who have been smashed into the magical species by Xiangyang. They are all loyal to Xiangyang, and they have all broken through to the flesh. The environment of Da Luo is the most suitable for people who enter the tower of physical repair.

Nowadays, those body repairers have been tempered in the tower of the body repair, and the moment they come out, it is the supreme power of the real Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, and it is still the body of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng The situation.

"In among you, if you have reached the state of Dalu, you can enter the tower of the body to be tempered. However, it may be painful in the process, but in order to be able to have the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak In the flesh, even if it is painful, you must stick to it."

Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the girls. Under this circumstance, it was discovered that even the physical strength of Mei Aoxue did not reach the realm of Da Luo. Although they were one of the most powerful, the strength of the flesh was flat. Odd look.

"How is your body so weak?" Xiang Yang could not help but ask.

"Do you think that each of us is like this metamorphosis like you?" Silver can not help but look at Xiangyang, although she is a silver scorpion, the natural flesh is very strong, but her body is still stuck At this level of the true fairy peak, it has not really broken through to reach the Da Luo situation.

"Nothing, since it is impossible to enter the practice now, then you come with me, I can help you quickly break through the power of the body to the state of Da Luo."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

At the same time, it is to take the women to the other side, the other side is the place of practice, the places where the practice is isolated are isolated, the energy of the extreme is rolling, these energies, some are Xianqi, some are magic, and some places are even an energy that the women have never seen before.

"What kind of energy is Xiangyang? Why I have never seen it before, but it can be sensed that this energy is very powerful, even if it is chaotic, it is slightly inferior. "Mei Xuexue has a shocking color on his face, watching the energy flowing out of the void, only that Xiang Yang has become so mysterious."

"This is the cave fairy power."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "The ancient cave fairy king, who has a hole in the world, can draw strength from the hole world to use for himself. His energy is derived from a very magical source. In the world, after I found the world according to the method of the king of the cave, I opened the passage of the world and introduced energy here, making this small space full of that kind of energy."

"Hey...The ancient fairy king of Heaven, the fairy king, that is the legendary ancient king of the first time, you have also received his inheritance?" Among the girls, in addition to Yulia and Yu Liqin The little sisters, as well as the little blood, the little silver and the little red, don’t know what is the king of the cave, whether it’s the sisters or the silver plaques, or even the arrogant snow knows the teaching of the cave gods, their faces The shocking color looked at the little secret of the practice.

Even, even Mei Aoxue is eager to try and want to enter it.

"Can I practice here? I feel that these energies have a great effect on me. Even, it is possible to make my blood force stronger and stronger." Mei Ao Xue could not help. Asked.

"Of course." Xiang Yang said with a smile, "In this fairy temple, no matter where you are, as long as you want to practice, you can enter the practice at any time, and the small secrets of the construction of the place I constructed Quite a lot, you see, these are the places of practice, all kinds of energy."

While talking, the girls looked at him with his gaze, and they saw that the densely-covered ones were all small secrets of practice. It was obviously the secret practice that Xiang Yang specially created.

Among these secrets, there are all kinds of energy, there are sacred spiritual customs, and there are also spiritual auras of magic, and there are also magical powers.

All of them add up to tens of thousands.

"Xiang Yang, are you going to make this a strong culture base?" Even the sultry and stunned look at Xiangyang, she is a little princess of the fire family, not a talented person who has not been to the fire. The base of the fire family is also composed of small spiritual secrets. Each secret environment is full of various energies, and even depicts various rhymes. However, compared with Xiangyang, the realm of the fire family’s practice is It seems a bit lacking, because the mystery of the fire family is only the fire energy and various rhymes, and the secrets of Xiang Yang's portrayal are too many kinds, and the number is too much, and the energy filled in each one is It is the most pure peak, and after the people see it, the heart is shaking.

“Yes, these are the places we will practice in the future.”

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Since I brought you here, I have already regarded you as my own people. I don't share each other with you. This is one of my many secrets. I cultivated hundreds of thousands of people. The place where the ranks of the troops are guarded, at the same time, is also the place where we practice."

While talking, he took the women into one of the 'holes and secrets', and the ladies walked into them, and they felt that the air was full of thick and almost substantial holes, so that their hearts were It is shaking.

Moreover, they also found that the energy here is too rich, and even the ground has formed a thick crystal, which is the crystallization of the cave.


The girls were originally told that they were the secrets of Xiang Yang, and they told them all the secrets. When their hearts were still excited, they felt this rich energy, even if they stood still. These holes can also be continually drilled into their bodies along the pores of their bodies, so that their cultivation is being promoted all the time. Even because of the special nature of the caves, they only need to play here. Even the running exercises are not used, and these energies will be completely integrated with their original strength.

"This is the cave Tianli force. This kind of energy is amazing. It is no wonder that the ancient king of the heavenly king can be the first fairy king. It is terrible to have this kind of energy."

The women who know the king of the cave are shocked.

They are very clear that the fame of the cave king in ancient times can be said to be a mystery. Many forces and powerful people are studying the secret of the rise of Dong Tianxian Wang. No one has thought that the reason why Dong Tianxian Wang is so powerful is that It is because of the creation of such a hole in the body, and this kind of energy is constantly emerging in the cave.

Moreover, the women are obviously able to sense that their physical body is immersed in this energy, and the strength of the flesh is also progressing a little bit.

"It’s so strong, it’s really too strong. This kind of energy is really amazing.” Huo Mei couldn’t help but say, “If this girl is practicing here later, after I become a fairy king, little invincible I will be beaten on the ground."

"Cough, this may be a bit difficult." Xiang Yang couldn't help but cough and said, "When I helped the fire invincible in the retreat, I helped him get through the world of Dongtian and got him. Such a hole in the energy, now he broke through the fairyland, and cultivated as a fairy who should not be more than the world."

"Ah..." After listening to the fire, the heart was moved, but on the surface it was muttering. "You help him like this. Will the girl not beat him later?"

"I am his aunt, yeah, even though he is weaker than him, what should I do?"

At the same time, the fascinating pair of watery and powerful eyes looked at Xiang Yang. "No, you must be responsible for Xiangyang. This matter is inseparable from you. Anyway, you are responsible."

"Cough...this is not good."

Xiang Yang said as a difficult one.

"I don't care, I don't care, you are responsible for me anyway, you will be responsible for me in the rest of your life."

Huo Mei is the opportunity to rely on Xiang Yang, the whole person seems to be hanging on Xiang Yang, constantly spoiled and said.

"Good, I am responsible, I am responsible for letting you become the strength of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, when you can be beaten or invincible." Xiang Yang helpless, can only compromise.


"Hey, who made you responsible for this."

After the fire was heard, it was a snoring. The little face was not only happy because Xiang Yang wanted to help her to upgrade to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Instead, she felt very unhappy. She knew that Xiang Yang It’s just stupid.

However, when she thought of Xiang Yang, when she was a person of Xiang Yang, she felt a little sweet in her heart.


At this time, Yuliqin’s face showed a curious color and exclaimed, “I can absorb this energy and cultivate it. This is a fairy, and I can absorb it without a person who has not yet become a fairy. It’s incredible to practice.”

“Really?” Yulia’s face also showed a shocking color.

In this fairy world, the two women’s every move actually needs to be cautious, because they are not immortals, and they must not absorb the immortality. Otherwise, they will explode if they are not careful. Even, Xiang Yang is also special. Give them treasures, you can seal their bodies, do not worry about too much contact with the fairy.

It was because of the mysteriousness that Xiang Yang said that he couldn’t help but secretly absorb it and found that there was no danger to them. She was excited.

After listening to her sister's words, Yulia quickly absorbed a little bit and suddenly felt that this energy was absorbed into the body, which made her cultivation also grow a lot, but did not hurt her body. She suddenly brightened her eyes. "Really, and I feel that I just absorbed it. It is so powerful. It is really good."

"I forgot to tell you that these energies can be called the energy of the beginning of the source. It is the energy of 'no' and the energy of 'having', because they can be practiced regardless of rank, even ordinary people. If you absorb it, you don't have to worry about exploding, so you can practice in this secret."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Too good, this way, maybe we will not be able to break through to the immortal world in a long time, no longer need to be careful, do not dare to breathe, can not absorb the energy of the outside world."

The two women are very excited, and they want to be caught in the state of practice on the spot.

"Don't be too happy, and let you really be happy later."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Don't practice here, come with me, I will take you to the place that really makes you excited, let you understand what I am giving you this time, but I will tell you first. The one is that this time, I can let you quickly practice the power of the body to the treasures of the Da Luo, you can not be too excited."

"Real and fake, the treasure that can quickly practice the body to the state of Da Luo? Is there such a thing?" The little blood frowned and looked at the scene.

Her physical strength can be said to be the strongest among the women, but she has not officially stepped into the Da Luo situation. However, if the physical masters of the Da Luo situation are compared with the blood of the blood, they are absolutely Not a small blood opponent.

Of course, Xiang Yang wants to break through the realm of their physical body to the state of Da Luo. Therefore, the physical strength of the small blood has not yet reached the level of qualified to enter the tower of physical repair, she also has to enter the same Yang's training and practice, when the real physical strength breaks through the Da Luo situation, can enter the tower of physical repair.

Author Meng Yu said: The last month of 2018 was opened, and the time passed too fast. Think about it, this book is like when you just published a book, you have already written thousands of words at once, and more than two years. In the past, the feelings of the moment are inexplicable, this book can have today's achievements and everyone is inseparable, thank you for your support, thanks. In addition, the basic flowers of this month... The consumption of 400 yuan per month last month, there will be a basic flower this month...

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