Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2786: Secretified body

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"It’s here, it’s here."

Xiang Yang took the women through the secret zone and came to the place where he wanted to give the women the cultivation of the flesh. After the girls saw it, they found that this is the real holy land, only to see the various flowers here. The grass exudes a fragrant aroma, with waterfalls falling from the sky, silvery white water slaps on the boulders, picking up countless waves and mists. After these mists and waves are stirred up, they are not directly dissipated, but directly turned into various energies.

This huge waterfall is not a stream of water, but a water of spirits.

Moreover, in this flowery and fragrant land, there are some butterflies that are flying, and it is fascinating.

Of course, the most important thing is that in front of them, there is a small pale gold pool standing there, absorbing all kinds of energy, so that the water in the pool seems to grow a little bit. Although the growth rate is very slow, everyone as a practitioner can obviously feel the water in this pool is slowly increasing.

Moreover, they glanced at the currents and felt that this pale golden water seemed to have something strange and attracted them in an instant.

They don't know what is special about this river, but they are attracted and can't open their eyes.

A few women were shocked and could not remove their eyes. The little blood even whispered. "These waters must be very good."

"Haha, this is not ordinary water, but the quenching liquid that I specially made."

Xiang Yang said with a smile on his side, "These quenching body fluids are the three kinds of supreme body quenching treasures of the Daojin Jindan, the Buddha's King Kong Bodhi, and the Yuanmo stone, plus the additional quenching body of the Daomen. The formula, as well as my own addition of a variety of panacea, in which many times the experimentally formulated quenching spirit liquid, taking the quenching spirit liquid practice, can allow the physical strength to quickly cultivate to the state of Da Luo, and It’s not the slightest flaw, as if it’s a little bit of self-cultivation.”


"With these liquids, our body can break through to the state of Da Luo? How is this possible?" Several women trembled with incredible colors.

Although Xiang Yang explained that this pool of water contains the raw materials of the three mainstream refining bodies in the world today, they are really unimaginable, but only by these quenching body fluids. They can make their physical body break through to the state of Da Luo, and they noticed that Xiang Yang is all of them, which means that including Yulia and Yuliqin, these two even The immortality is not the comprehension.

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile, "Reassured, I can never lie to you, I said that you can let your body break through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, you can definitely do it, I have made countless quenching body fluids. People have tried it and they have broken through."

As Xiangyang said, during this time, he and Xiaoling have been studying this quenching body fluid. With the ability of Xiaoling alchemy, they have undergone numerous experiments and finally succeeded. Moreover, after success, they still succeeded. Looking for more than 10,000 of the remaining physical exercises, those who did not break through to the state of Da Luo, let them all test it again. As a result, all of them were easily broken. Xiang Yang was relieved to understand that he and Xiao Ling came out. The quenching spirit liquid was finally completely successful.

“Everyone needs only a hundred drops of hardened body fluid, which will strengthen your body indefinitely and promote it to the state of Da Luo.”

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Of course, the physical strength of a small blood, such as a small blood, is already comparable to that of Da Luo or even the Daluo. It does not require a hundred drops. It is estimated that only ten drops of body fluid are needed. For the introduction, you can break through to the state of Da Luo."


After listening to the little blood, his face showed a eager expression.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can try it now."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Well, huh."

The little blood has long been unable to bear it. When Xiang Yang promised to come down, he directly reached out and made a move. Suddenly, a stream of water rushed up and was swallowed by her.

"Don't stop..."

After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly got a big jump and quickly blocked the small blood. He put the water back into the pool and gave a small white blood. "You are a common spring, you can endlessly let you Have a full meal?"

"It’s only a little bit." The little blood said, "Boss, you are too stingy."

"I am stingy?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but smile. "Shantou, you don’t know the scarcity of these quenching spirits. Even if I have exhausted all my net worth, I just refining such a pool. Look at it a lot, but if you let it come, you know, just the water arrow, but at least hundreds of people can break through to the state of Da Luo."


The little blood was indeed given a big jump by Xiang Yang’s words. He said quickly, “Well, you have given me a good job. After I refining on the spot, I can see if I can break through to the body of the body.”

She saw that hundreds of thousands of people were waiting under Xiang Yang’s hand. If one person wasted hundreds of people at once, it seemed like a really bad look.

"You sit down on your knees."

Xiang Yang whispered a smile and let the little blood sit down. At the same time, he was very careful to take ten drops from the quenching spirit of this pool. There was not a drop of a drop, so that the girls couldn’t stand it after seeing it. I laughed and came out, which shows that this precious place of quenching body fluid.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be so cautious for these few drops of liquidity.

At this moment, Xiang Yang took ten drops of quenching spirit liquid, while the small blood plate sat, while he smiled softly, flexing his fingers, suddenly, ten drops of spiritual liquid were all in the small blood.

"Well, it's time to prepare to witness the miracle."

Xiang Yang waved his hand to the girls and let them retreat. At the same time, they protected the weakest Yulia and Yuriqin, and then they stepped back a few steps, so they looked at the small blood.

However, in order not to let himself lose face, he added, "If there is no way for the blood to break through, it may take a little more."

'boom! ’

However, after his words were finished, he heard a roar of a small blood, followed by a burst of blood.

"It seems that there is no need to quench the body fluid and blood can break through. It seems that the effect of my quenching body fluid is really very good." Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.


As his voice just fell, he heard a continuous roaring out of the body of small blood, and the roar of one after another continued to spread, as if someone was holding a hammer in his hand and constantly bombarding the body of the little blood. general.


The small blood snorted and there was a blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth. However, this blood was indeed black, apparently not the blood in her body, but the waste blood.

After the inclusion of the quenching spirit, the waste blood and the magazine in her body were excluded a little, and even an energy vortex on her head was flowing into her body.

"Ah... it hurts."

The little blood suddenly screamed, her eyes wide open, and looked at Xiang Yang with pity. "Boss, I feel as if someone is holding a grinding disc in my body and constantly crushing me, as if to I am a little bit crushed, it hurts."

"Small blood, to resist this pain, you have to understand that this is the day after tomorrow magazine that is crushing your body. It is all useless waste that hinders your body from being promoted to the state of Da Luo. You must strengthen yourself. The Taoist heart must break through the obstacles of all this."

Xiang Yang quickly comforted him. While he was talking, he directly helped his little blood to overcome this difficulty. At the beginning, he felt very surprised in his heart. He didn’t know why the small blood felt so painful, but When his energy entered the small blood body, he suddenly understood why this was all. Originally, because the small blood itself is a combination of **** unicorn and holy unicorn, when the two merge, the body naturally produces some impurities. Of course, these impurities are also caused by the constant purification of the body, but the body is continuously purified, but there is no place to deposit in the same place. Nowadays, the quenching of the quenching spirit liquid is encountered, and those impurities are The reason for the sudden discharge.

However, he also discovered the terrible place of the fairy of the little blood. The power of the fairy magic contained in the body is constantly colliding, constantly making the body stronger and stronger, so that even small blood I have never practiced, and I am able to make my physical strength to a very terrible level as time goes by.

With the help of Xiang Yang, the little blood naturally no longer has much pain. The quenching spirit works completely, and all the impurities in her body that hinder her body from being promoted to the state of Da Luo are all ruled out. In the end, there was already a small pool of black blood under her body that was emitting a stench, but at this moment, there was an earth-shattering breath on the little blood.


With a roaring sound, the purple blood of the small blood flickered, and even her body's breath shone, one is the sacred sacred unicorn, and the other is a new band. The evil **** atmosphere is the breath of the **** unicorn, and the third is the kind of breath with the boundless blood, it is the power of the flesh.

At this moment, even in the sky of the Promise Immortal, there is also a avenue of avenue coming. This is the avenue of the avenue that appears when the little blood is promoted to the Daluo. In her whole body, the fairy sounds burst into bursts. Jinlian is open.

"It finally became."

Xiang Yangchang sighed and smiled on his face. The little blood only used ten drops of quenching spirit liquid and was promoted to the body of the body. Although this matter is also in his expectation, it also makes He was very surprised.

"There is really a breakthrough, and the effect of this quenching spirit is too strong?"

Other women who saw this scene were equally astonished. The body is in the realm of the body. This is a realm and does not represent the true strength of the flesh. However, it is the desire of the practitioner to be unquestionable. For example, if you want to break through to a stronger realm, even if you can break through the limits again and again, even if the physical strength reaches the realm of normal physical training, as long as you have not officially reached the body At this level, it is impossible to reach a higher level.

Only when we truly reach the realm of Da Luo and get the recognition of the avenue can we continue to march into a stronger physical state.

The physical strength before the small blood has already surpassed the ordinary physical fitness of the great Luo, but she is not the body of the body, so she can not enter the tower of physical repair, and now, her physical body finally It is truly a breakthrough in the realm of Da Luo, and truly become a strong body of the body.

"The next step is you, you each take a hundred drops of spiritual liquid, and then practice the practice, I will help you on the side." Xiang Yang said with a smile on the face of a few women said.

"it is good."

Hu Mei is most excited. She said with a smile. "That's great. I didn't expect this girl to have the physical strength to reach the strongest level. After the girl broke through the physical strength of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. I will be able to go back home and beat the old man."

While talking, it seems to remind her of her father's slap on the ground, with a smile on his face.

After Xiang Yang met, his heart was silent for a while, and he felt sad for the family of the fire family. He always had a daughter who wanted to surpass him to beat him. If it is not a fierce opponent in the future, I am afraid that the family of the fire family Can't you manage it anymore?

Of course, he also knows that flaming is just a joke. Fiery is not as ruthless as the other children of the big family. She is very concerned about the fire family and the family of the fire family.

"Emperor brother, can we also?" At this time, Yulia and Yuliqin two sisters looked at Xiangyang cautiously, and they were uneasy in their hearts, fearing that Xiangyang told them that their repair was too weak to use the quenching body. Spirit liquid.

"Of course, the weaker your repair, the better the effect of quenching the body fluid." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Wow, then I must try it."

After the two women listened, they burst into excitement and quickly ran over, carefully smashing a hundred drops of spiritual fluid into the body with spiritual power, and then began to refine these quenching spirits.

A few other women, including Mei Ao Xue, also took the quenching spirit liquid refining. At one time, several women were caught in the practice state. Instead, Xiang Yang himself looked at them with a boring color.

"Small spirits, among the towers of physical repair, how are the first masters who entered the practice?"

Under boring, Xiang Yang directly sent a voice to Xiao Ling.

"Boss, I am here." Xiaoling smiled and showed his body shape from the side. He smiled and looked at Xiangyang. "The first batch of towers that entered the body repairs were those who were physically strong, and their bodies. Liben has already reached the status of Da Luo, and now it has been very smooth and has entered the third floor."

“How long does it take for normal practice to be able to practice in the tower of this body repair?” Xiang Yang asked.

"This is not necessarily the case. It depends on the person. The practice principle of the tower of the body repair is mainly to enhance the strength of the body. At the same time, it is the power of the brand. If the talent is better, it is suitable for physical training. It is possible to use very fast speed. It is possible to practice and get out. If the talent is poor, it will be normal for thousands of years."

Xiaoling said.

"So that's the case."

Xiang Yang nodded. Although it was a long time, it was a long time. However, in the Promise of Immortality, there is a tens of times of time to open. The outside world is only a millennium. The millennium can reach the Da Luo Jiu Tian. In the peak of the flesh, everyone is willing, and if the talent is better, it will soon become the realm of Da Luo Jiu Tian, ​​this is the most crucial.

"Well, after all the treasures that have been given to you are smelted, wait for them to be kept." Xiang Yang thought for a moment, the magic weapons that were obtained from the Gorefiend ancestors and others, all of which allowed the little spirit to smelt, just right. Keep it for the ladies, but it is also a good self-defense treasure.

"The boss is at ease, everything is in control." Xiaoling's face with a confident color.


At this time, the females broke out in a roar, which made Xiang Yang no longer dare to chat, but watched the women carefully.

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