Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2787: Change, elf god

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Among the sky, the golden lotus is everywhere, the brilliance is radiant, and the sound of the avenue is filled. Among the women, Mei Aoxue begins the process of the physical body breaking through the situation of Da Luo, especially Mei Aoxue, she is a big man The top of the world, and she is still the daughter of the destiny of the Taoist way of life, even if there is no breakthrough, free to travel, a smile is also the power of creation, Jinlian is open, not to mention that she broke through at this moment The body of the body is Da Luo, it is simply a million feet of Jinlian, stretching the entire Promise.

After the first breakthrough of Mei Aoxue, it was the same as that of the fire. She was burning in the flames. As a little princess of the fire family, she was able to achieve a very fine flame under the quenching of this body. The pure degree, the flame power is stronger, and the flesh also breaks through to the state of Da Luo.

Then it is the silver enamel, the silver enamel itself is the little princess of the silver scorpion, the strength of the flesh is very powerful, just like the small blood, although it does not really reach the Da Luo situation, it is not far from the Da Luo situation. However, in the process of this breakthrough, her blood seems to have changed, making her look different.

Then there is the same breakthrough in Xiaoyin and Xiaohong. They are all demon repairs, and the blood of the body is very extraordinary. This time, the breakthrough of the Da Luo situation is not only the breakthrough of their physical strength, but also Their blood power was further purified. When they completely broke through, the scent of the sacred beast that erupted from the body made it feel shocked even after Mei Ao Xue met.

As for the last two sisters, Yulia and Yuliqin, because their cultivation is too weak, although refining a hundred drops of quenching liquid, but this evolutionary process is impossible, but A little breakthrough.

Xiang Yang and others patiently waited for the breakthrough of the two women. In the process, the breath of the two women also became very dusty. Even the blood of the elves in their bodies was purified, so that they had a whole body. Surrounded by the prestige, it looks very extraordinary, which makes Xiang Yang also surprised after seeing it.

"The blood of this elf is so extraordinary. Have you heard of this kind of blood force?" Xiang Yang curiously turned to look at other women.

Of course, he mainly asked Mei Aoxue, Jubilee and Fire, and Xiaoxue and Xiaoyin and Xiaohong didn't have to ask. These three little guys were so fierce that they didn't know what the elf blood was.

"The blood of the elves should be a kind of blood in the Western world. It is said that there are twelve main gods in the West. Among them, there is a **** who is the ancestor of the blood of the elves. I don't know the specifics. After all, the East and West gods have been from ancient times. The road has been isolated. If you really want to explore the roots, you must enter the Western realm." Mei Aoxue said in a deep voice.

“Do you really exist in the Western realm?”

Xiang Yang’s face is full of strange colors. Although in the lower bounds, there are Western 36-winged angels who want to invade the source stars. It is also the time that Xiang Yangcai merges with the heavens and the earth and refines the Promise God. The sword, in deep chaos, killed the thirty-six-winged angel.

However, when Xiang Yang came to the fairyland later, he never heard about the Western gods. He thought that the Western gods were fake, but he did not expect it to exist.

Xiang Yang looked at Mei Aoxue modestly. "What kind of world is the Western goddom? Is it a realm among the heavens and the world? How about the two worlds?"

"I am not very clear about it. I just heard my ancestors say that the Western realm is a scourge. Although it is a world among the heavens, it is independent of the heavens. It is said that in ancient times, it has completely broken with our oriental spiritual civilization. Nowadays, the road between the two worlds is completely cut off. To reach the western gods, we must go through infinite obstacles and want to go from the Western gods. It is also dangerous to reach the two circles of the Eastern Fairy, and the fairy **** itself is incompatible with those of the Western gods."

Mei Aoxue said.

"I know, it turned out to be them."

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly remembered the news he got when he got the battlefield of the fairy. He realized that the foreign invasion in ancient times, the Western gods appeared at that time, it is the strong support of the foreign world. A world that comes up to specialize in countering the existence of the heavens and the world.

"Xiang Yang, what do you know?" Fired and curiously looked at Xiang Yang.

"Oh, this is the case. When I was young, when I was young, in the Western world, there was a 36-winged angel crossing the chaos in the Western realm. To destroy the source star, I would merge with the source and the will of the source. Entering Chaos will completely kill the 36-winged angel." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"There is still such a thing." Huo Mei with a strange color, "What kind of cultivation did you do at the time?"

"I have forgotten it, but I haven't become a fairy yet." Xiang Yang said.

"It turned out that you used to be so powerful." Huo Mei is sighing, looking at Xiang Yang's eyes are weird.

"That is of course, I grew up from an early age to an invincible presence."

Xiang Yang looked up and brag, but he didn’t need any money to brag.

After listening to other women, they couldn’t help but laugh. Only the little ones of Little Blood, Little Silver and Xiaohong were staring at him, and the color of worship on their faces made Xiang Yang get a big deal. Satisfy.


At this time, Yulia and Yuliqin two sisters in the process of breaking through, there was an accident, accompanied by a roaring sound, their body, there is a huge atmosphere filled, making Xiang Yang and other people face change.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang looked at the two women, only to see a pair of thin wings like wings on the back of the two women. Of course, this is unique to the elves themselves, and there is nothing strange, the most important. Yes, at this moment, all the energy of the two women gathered together and condensed into an elf with thirty-six wings, suspended in the top of their heads.

This elf with thirty-six wings is very powerful, and it is actually a sacred place. Of course, it is only the majesty of the sacred world. This is manifested by the power of the two women. The woman’s cultivation is not high, and the 36-winged elf is just empty.

However, what both Xiang Yang and others were shocked was that they saw the two elves open their eyes at the same time, and they looked around and whispered. "This is the fairy world. There are two avatars that can be awakened."


After Xiang Yang and others listened, they realized what they were doing. They looked at the two 36-winged elves with a grim color. Obviously, these two avatars are the same person, and the other is the Western supreme god. The avatar projected by the strongman of the main **** level in the world.

No, or, the blood of the entire elf family is the 'seed' of the Lord God. If someone's blood can be purified to a certain extent, it can trigger a certain point in the depths of the body's blood, making you the thirty-six. The Western Lord God of the wings is coming, even if he can borrow weight.

"A big courage, I dare to act on my two little sisters. I don't think you want to live?" Xiang Yang sneered at the two projections.

"Oriental monk?"

The two 36-winged elves turned their heads and looked at Xiangyang and others. They laughed softly. "It turns out that this is in the oriental fairy world. It is also normal to meet the monks in the East. You came exactly, the strength of the two avatars of the Lord is too weak, just need some nutrients to grow, and you are the nutrients of the Lord."

At the same time, the virtual shadows of the two 36-winged elves were directly in the body of Yulia and Yuliqin. Then, at this moment, Yulia and Yuliqin opened their eyes at the same time. His eyes were cold and ruthless, and he looked at Xiang Yang and others without any expression. At the same time, he said, "The humble oriental monk, I am the main **** of the Western gods, and I still don't want to go down?"

"Yulia and Yuriqin?" Xiang Yang frowned at the two guys. I didn't expect that this kind of accident would suddenly be triggered at this time, helping the two women to ascend to the body of the body, and the result was instead The seeds in their bodies made the Western Lord God come.

"The souls of Yulia and Yuliqin's two sisters should be suppressed in the flesh, and now their flesh has been controlled by this Western god." Mei Aoxue said in a deep voice.

At this moment, although everyone's face is very serious, but there is no tension, because this is their territory, if the deity of the Western Lord God comes, they may have to be nervous, after all, the Western Lord God knows at a glance The sacred place is strong, but this is only the other two avatars. There is no strong power at all, and it has not reached the level that makes everyone scared.

"How to deal with these two guys? Do you want to grab their so-called avatars to get out of the barbecue?" Huo Mei is very excited to say, "I learned a Soul from the Seven Seven Sisters, that is In case you are taken over by the strong, you can also grab the soul of the other party and let me try it."

While talking, she eagerly looked at the two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin who had been taken away. Of course, the two sisters at the moment are already the supreme gods of the highest in the West.

"Well, is your sorcerer's secret surgery really reaching the level that can directly capture the main god's avatar projection?" Xiang Yang said with a slight frown.

"Xiang Yang, don't you look down on people, isn't it the soul of the other person? Don't say that they are just a glimpse of the world's highest gods, even if he is the strongest **** in the Western realm?" Detain their souls."

Huo Mei snorted, no longer paying attention to Xiang Yang, but with his hands and seals, began to display the spirit of the seven seven to teach her exercises, ready to face the opposite of the two Western gods in Yulia and Yuliqin Grab it out.


"You, you..."

At this moment, the two so-called Western gods who have completely occupied Yulia and Yuliqin are forced. They are one, only two different seeds have played a role, and both women have awakened at the same time. It’s just a avatar.

In the eyes of this Lord God, he is the supreme main **** of the West, and the so-called saint in the Oriental fairy world, even if it is only a split projection, even if the current strength of this split projection is not good, but by virtue of His gods, anyone who sees him should be frightened, cautiously begging for mercy.

Who ever thought that Xiang Yang and others were not only not scared by the gods of the Lord God who had been released by themselves, but instead discussed how to deal with themselves, and that the woman who was burning with flames also directly applied the law to What is the situation?

At this moment, among the Western gods, the prestige and powerful elf master is really awkward. This time, although it was a seed he had prepared in ancient times, nowadays it is also connected with God. The consciousness of the deity of the world, he never thought about it, when he came, it would be like this.


At this time, Huo Mei has already displayed the secret of the demon, and she has a powerful and unparalleled energy around her, and a smoldering breath spreads out, making her whole person look different from the usual lively. .

However, this is only the atmosphere embodied in the Soul Gong practice.

"Give this girl out."

Then, I saw two black and black rays bursting into the body of Yulia and Yuliqin. She was very excited and shouted, and both hands were smashed, and the two gods were separated. The projection is grabbed.

"There is nothing more than a secret sorcerer, and you want to take the **** out. You are crazy."

Yulia and Yuliqin’s colleagues spoke up. They were unmoved by the practice of the soul seventy-seven. They looked coldly at the soul seventy-seven, and sighed coldly. “I am the Lord God, who is born with the fate of God. It is the avenue. The spokesperson, Er and so on dare not respect the destiny, then, everything of you will become the nourishment of the two incarnations of the Lord, let me come."

At the same time, she not only did not grasp the two split projection consciousness by the soul seventy-seven, but directly grasped the soul seventy-seven.

"There is no effect, what is the situation?"

The soul of the seven seven is a bit awkward, she stared at 'Yulia' and 'Yuliqin' at the same time grabbed her, and did not have the slightest tension, but stared at her head and wondered if she was There is a problem with casting spells.

Xiang Yang and others looked at each other with a dumbfounding look. Seeing that 'Yulia' and 'Yuliqin' not only did not have the slightest influence, but when they shot on the squirt, he couldn’t help but stand alone in the fire. In front of Mei, he whispered, "The elf Lord God, are you coming out on your own or let me ask you to come out?"

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