Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2789: Melting blood lotus

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In the Western Supreme Gods, a goddess bathed in the light of God suddenly opened her eyes at this moment. She is very beautiful. It can be said that she is an elf born of apocalypse, tall, green hair vertical Sprinkle down to the waist, the face of the white enamel is like a white jade is generally holy and innocent, the five senses match perfect, at first glance, it is a perfect goddess.

She is the elf master of one of the many gods in the Western realm.

At this moment, she frowned and looked at the direction of the oriental fairyland. She couldn't help but whisper. "I sensed that there were two avatars awakened among the seeds that were put down in the past, but why did they disappear? Already?"

Obviously, after the two avatars of the Elven Lord God can wake up, she can sense it. However, before she is completely connected with the deity, she is rectified by Xiang Yang. Even if the elf **** is so powerful, she can’t sense it. To what.

“Are you refining or repressing when you wake up?”

The elf goddess was inextricably colored, and then she tried to deduce her avatar. However, she forgot that the Western gods themselves were not good at all kinds of deductive spells, let alone she was the elf goddess. Even more do not understand these various techniques, plus the Eastern Fairyland is too far away from the West to the high gods, even if she wants to deduct, it is impossible to push.

"It's weird."

Then, the elf goddess once again fell into Chen Jing, her body has countless elves jumping, making her look beautiful and sacred, but she did not know that her two incarnations were actually refining by Xiang Yang. .

A silent line of causality is being formed between Xiangyang and the elf god, and at this moment, no one knows between the two sides.

The West is the highest in the world, in the distant chaos of the West, a pot of oriental fairyland is relatively standing, however, in the chaos, there is a huge gap in the sky, the chaos is opened, so that the East and West are isolated.

All of this was exactly what happened in the ancient times when the Western gods helped the foreign invasion of the Eastern fairyland. Although the Oriental fairy world did not kill the Western gods, it was a sword that broke the chaos and made the East and the West There is no connection anymore.

However, in the past few years, the Western gods have been trying to reshape the channels of the East and the West. Now, what can be seen is that in that gap, there has been a small passage that has been extended. It seems that it is about to Arrived in the middle of the fairy world.

All of this, no one in the Eastern fairy world seems to know the general.

At this moment, among the Promise of Immortality, Xiang Yang is chatting with Xiaoling, and in front of them, it is precisely the Qiankun dynasty that is still burning with flames, which is in the process of non-stop tempering.

At this moment, it is the super-premium baby of the Gorefiend ancestors who are undergoing tempering in the Qiankun dynasty, and the sacred blood of the blood sorcerer and the sacred umbrella, as well as the three gods of the demon **** armor.

"Boss, although the nine blood lotus is the treasure of the day after tomorrow, but it may not be very effective for you, and its various magical powers must rely on the Gorefiend ancestors to display."

Xiaoling smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"What do you want to say?" Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoling, although he had already guessed what the little guy wanted to say, but he still smiled and asked.

"This is still asking the boss, Xiaoling is trying to melt the blood of the nine bloodstains."

With a smile coming over, Lao Wan smiled and appeared on the side.

"This can't be done, the nine blood lotus is also a super treasure of the level of the day after tomorrow, if it melts, it is a pity." Xiang Yang shook his head and said.

"Just, if you temper it to the boss's avatar, you may be discovered by the Gorefiend ancestors after going out. In the future, the boss will die with the Gorefiend." Xiaoling said.

"I will be afraid of a **** demon?" Xiang Yang asked with a smile.

"This, it seems that it is also oh, the order of the guards all broke through the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, as long as the boss's repair is to make a breakthrough, then, as long as it is not a real chaos saint shot, no one is the boss's opponent ". Xiaoling also nodded.

However, while talking, he took the color of regret. "Unfortunately, I originally thought about using the nine blood lotuses to integrate into the demon **** armor. Try to see if the demon armor can be promoted to the innate treasure. The degree, even if it can not be promoted to become a congenital treasure, can also reach a stronger realm in defense, when the devil's armor, unless there are counts of those innate chaos to the treasure, no one can break open."

"What do you mean is that the nine blood lotuses are integrated into the demon **** armor, can the demon **** armor have a strong defense?" After Xiang Yang listened, it was a change of face, and quickly asked.

"Yeah." Xiaoling nodded.

After Xiang Yang listened, he was in a state of contemplation. The demon **** armor was a broken congenital spiritual treasure. The defense power naturally reached the level of unparalleled in the world. At the same time, it was very extraordinary in other aspects.

However, this demon **** armor has been broken after all. If you want to repair it, maybe even if your treasure is exhausted, it will not be able to repair it to perfection. I still want to wait for the emperor to promise. When you choose three treasures in the treasure house of the Temple of Heaven, check to see if there are enough treasures to repair the armor of the demon.

However, if you can incorporate the nine-day blood lotus, you will not only be able to repair the devil's armor, but also let the devil's armor have a certain degree of promotion to become a congenital chaos to the treasure, it does not seem to lose.

"If you integrate it, in the future, if I meet Jiupin Qinglian, Jiuyeye Huohonglian, etc.? Can it be reintegrated into 36 pieces of Chaos Qinglian?" Xiang Yang bit his teeth and looked at Xiao Spirit, with a hesitant color on his face.

"Of course." Xiao Ling’s face was filled with a cheerful smile. "If the boss can also get the other three, no matter what their form, they can be reintegrated into 36 pieces of chaotic Qinglian. However, it is almost impossible to re-convert to the 36th chaotic Qinglian, because the other three nine-pink lotuses are in the hands of the Xeon, and it is absolutely impossible to get it easily."

"Nothing, as long as there is hope for reintegration success, in this case, you will combine the nine blood lotuses with the demon **** armor, so that the demon **** armor has a strong defense, if it can be promoted to become a congenital chaos to the treasure, then That's great."

Xiang Yang no longer hesitated, but nodded and said.


After Xiaoling listened, he smiled happily. This is the refinement of the innate chaos to the treasure. Although he is the instrumental spirit of the Qiankun Ding Ding, he also knows that Qiankun Chenghua Ding has never refined the innate treasure. Super supreme magic weapon, if it can be successfully refining, it will be the opening of an era that changes everything in the chaotic world of Qiankun.

The innate magic weapon can also be made by his rejuvenation.

"Wan Jian Umbrella quickly gave me a better refinement, the power is stronger, I will use it later." Xiang Yang quickly told him.

The power of the Wanjian Umbrella is very powerful, and it is suitable for his current use. As long as he holds the Wanjian Umbrella, even if he encounters a strong person, it is impossible for him to be his opponent. At that time, Wan Jian Umbrella opens, and millions. Swords spurt out, who can block?

Xiang Yangyi remembered that when he participated in the Women’s War of Wanzhou’s destiny, holding the umbrella of Wan Jian, he was very proud of his heart. At that time, the first is not easy to get his own hands.

"There has been a successful refining." Xiaoling said with a smile. He turned his head and went to the Qiankun for a tripod. He shouted with a scream, "Wan Jian Umbrella, come out."


Then, I heard a sound of the sword screaming, and I saw a bright light in the Qiankun Ding Ding. Then, there were millions of swords surrounded by a seemingly ordinary umbrella. Come up, this is the Wanjian umbrella that has been re-refined by Xiaoling. ’

It is not only able to remove all the marks of the Gorefiend ancestors in the Wanjian Umbrella, but also to increase the level of Wanjian Umbrella.

After all, although Yang Wanjian seems to be a master of refining, he can refine the Wanjian umbrella of the treasure level. However, even if he is a powerful master of refining, there is still a big gap compared with Qiankun.

No matter what the magic weapon, as long as it is not a forerunner, there will be some embarrassment when refining it, and after the re-refining of the Qiankun Ding Ding, it will be able to change and solve these defects to a large extent, thus making this piece The magic weapon can become more perfect.

Even, there is a certain degree of certainty that it is possible to return it to the day after tomorrow.


At this moment, among the swords of Wanjian, there is a powerful and unsounding sword gas bursting out. A heavy sword is like to break through the generality of the Promise. If it is not the Promise of the Immortality, it will be placed in the perennial If the government has the characteristics of the meaning of the Qiankun Ding Ding, I am afraid that even the Promise Immortal Palace is also a treasure of the treasure level, and it cannot withstand the swordsmanship that has been erupted by the swords and swords.

"There is a sharp edge, but it lacks the momentum of the king and reduces the power of invincibility."

After Xiang Yang saw it, he shook his head. He smiled softly and screamed. The sword of the sword of the king and the sword of the invincible sword broke out and directly integrated into the umbrella of Wan Jian.


At this moment, Wan Jian’s umbrella trembled, and there was a vast expanse of the king’s breath that spread with invincibility.

Of course, this is mainly the sword meaning of Yang Wanjian. It is the sword meaning contained in the "Sword Mystery Code". The meaning of the king and the meaning of invincibility are only embellishment.

"Yes, it's a bit like it."

Xiang Yang nodded and reached out and waved gently against Wan Jian's umbrella. Suddenly, Wan Jian Umbrella seemed to feel what it was like. All the swords and strong breath all converge back. Then, the figure is In the air, I immediately fell in the hands of Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang grabbed the Wan Jian umbrella with one hand and smiled softly. "Good Wan Jian Umbrella, a good baby, if the power can be used well, it will be infinite."

However, when Xiang Yang was ready to integrate the Wan Jian umbrella into the body, he found that he had encountered a problem. This Wan Jian umbrella could not fit into the body.

"What is going on?" Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoling with a strange look.


After Xiaoling listened, he coughed and cried, and his face was embarrassed and said to Xiang Yang. "Boss, I forgot to tell you that this sword has added a kind of refining process." A material called **** stone, which can release the power of other materials to a large extent, but has a drawback, that is, it can not be in the body."

"That is, I have to hold an umbrella in my hand all the time?" Xiang Yang listened and then widened his eyes.

"Yeah, of course, you can put it in the Promise Immortal." Xiaoling said

"It is no wonder that after Yang Wanjian's refining success, he will lose this Wanjian umbrella. It turned out to be only a defective product." Xiang Yang was speechless.

Originally, he still felt very puzzled. According to the reason, Yang Wanjian’s Juggernaut became a sub-sacred strongman. His combat power is absolutely impossible to be weaker than the blood-devil ancestors. Even Yang Wanjian’s combat power is more powerful than the blood-devil ancestors. Strong is possible, then, how can the treasures of Yang Wanjian refining become the collection of the Gorefiend ancestors?

Naturally, it is impossible for the Gorefiend ancestors to grab the hand. Then, the only possibility is that this is a flawed magic weapon. Although it reached the level of the treasure, it was abandoned by Yang Wanjian without hesitation.

"It seems that the Gorefiend ancestors are not so good, even to collect the treasures that Yang Wanjian abandoned, but also as a treasure."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart and felt that he had really looked at the Gorefiend ancestors before.

However, when I remembered that I had to walk with the umbrella in the outside for a long time, Xiang Yang felt a little bit interesting.

"But it, let's talk about this first battle with the Wanjian Umbrella and the first battle of the Wanzhou Destiny."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, and his eyes are on Xiaoling and Qiankun’s creations. He said to Xiaoling, “Let’s refine the sword and strive to make the devil’s armor into a congenital chaos.”

"The boss is assured that after the integration of the nine blood lotus, the devil's armor has a certain chance to reach the level of innate chaos to treasure." Xiaoling patted his heart.

“How big is the chance?”

Xiang Yang asked.

"Three percent is not enough." Xiaoling answered this time when the enthusiasm was not enough.

"Three percent is not enough, can you still be able to refine it into a congenital chaos to treasure?" Xiang Yang's stunned Xiaoling, he suddenly felt that he was too early to promise.

Incorporating the nine blood lotus into the demon **** armor, if the demon **** armor has no way to reach the degree of innate chaos to treasure, at most it is only to repair the complete state, it is only a congenital Lingbao level of defense to treasure, then, it seems to be in terms of defense. There is no such thing as a strong scorpion.

When Xiao Ling looked at Xiang Yang's appearance, his heart was in a hurry, it was directly controlled by the nine blood lotus and the demon **** armor began to merge.

"What are you doing?" Xiang Yang is the master of the Qiankun Ding Ding, and naturally can sense the movements in the Qiankun Ding Ding. At this moment, his face suddenly darkened.

"I am refining the device according to the requirements of the boss." Xiaoling looked at Xiangyang with innocent eyes.

"you you you..."

Xiang Yangxuan looked at Xiaoling and felt that Jiu Ping Xue Lian was melting in the sacred sacred dynasty, and was absorbed by the demon **** armor. He felt a heartache...

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