Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2790: In the **** sea, the enemy (five more flowers)

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When the nine blood lotuses began to melt and were absorbed by the demon **** armor, Xiang Yang felt heartache, but the more heartache was in the devil world, sitting in the blood of his nest. Devil ancestors.

At this moment, the Gorefiend ancestors spit out a blood in his mouth, and his face was shocked. "Who is it, even the nine blood lotuses can be destroyed? Who is the magic weapon of the ancestors?" And dare to ruin the day after tomorrow?"

“Is it one of the sacred ones?”

"My Gorefiend ancestors asked themselves that they have never sinned any saints. Why do some people have to deal with me? Is it because of this invasion of the Eastern Tianyu, in order to give me a fairness in the devil? Was it targeted by the saint?"


The more the Gorefiend ancestors think, the more uncomfortable they feel. He knows very well that the person who can destroy the blood of the day after tomorrow is absolutely a saint. No one has the same strength except the saint.

Although the brand of the Gorefiend ancestors and the nine blood lotuses have long been refining the little spirits, but the nine blood lotus is after all the associated magic weapon of the Gorefiend ancestors, the branding with him is deep into the bone marrow. Only after the true melting of the nine blood lotuses can we break the thorough connection between the two.

Nowadays, the Gorefiend ancestors know that when their companion to the treasure nine blood lotus has been completely destroyed, he only feels distressed and almost called out, the whole person is sitting in the **** sea, and staring at the front. Know what to do.

"The Gorefiend ancestors, I heard that you are not going well in the Eastern Tianyu."

At this time, the communication jade of the Gorefiend ancestors was brightened, and the figure of a demon powerhouse appeared. He smiled and looked at the **** ancestors.


The Gorefiend ancestors snorted, "Aguchi, if you come to laugh at your ancestors, you can roll."

"Don't worry, I don't want to ask you. This time I went to the fairyland. I have somewhere to work for me. Oh, my old bones haven't moved for a long time. It's time to go to the fairyland activities. Eat a few immortals to run the throat." The devil said at the same time, the body shape changed, turned directly into a white beard old man, looks like a smile, as if it is a very caring little The old man is average.

"What is the purpose of going to the fairy world?"

The Gorefiend ancestors are very clear, although the other side can't compare with their own strength, but the ancient chaotic demon **** that has appeared as a chaotic period, although seriously injured by the robbery, but today's Arguchi's strength is still very strong In particular, various means are not comparable to what they can.

The other party wants to go to the fairyland. It is absolutely impossible to just want to eat a few immortals. It is definitely something else.

The face of the Gorefiend ancestors looked at the old man with white hair and white beard with a grim look, and his heart guessed what the real purpose of the other party was.

At the same time, the white-haired white-bearded old man said with a smile. "My purpose is, huh, I heard that the legendary one of the legendary person appeared. The old man is just curious and wants to see it. Look at the strange place of that person."

"You want to deal with the descendants of that pulse, how dare you?" After the Gorefiend ancestors listened, they changed their faces and exclaimed. "Don't you be afraid that the one will start with you?"

"Who said that I want to start with the descendant of that one?"

The white-haired old man smiled and looked at the Gorefiend ancestors.

Although the old man in white hair does not want to admit that the Gorefiend ancestors said, but the Gorefiend ancestors know that this guy is definitely trying to deal with Xiangyang.

At this moment, the **** ancestors showed a shocking color on their surface, and the heartbeat was speeded up. When they thought that they were the hegemons of the demon world, when they were coerced by Xiangyang, he was so angry that he could not help but open his mouth. Said, "I can put your true spirit in the blood, if you have an accident, you can reborn with blood."

"You want to help me?" The white-haired old man's face looked at the **** ancestors with a strange color. "What are the conditions, let's talk."

Although the main reason for him to come to the Gorefiend ancestors this time is to let the Gorefiend ancestors help him, let him have the possibility of rebirth, in case he will go out in the future, but he has not yet opened his mouth, the Gorefiend ancestors It was so unbelievable that he agreed to it.

"There is no condition, just want to help you." Gorefiend ancestors smiled and said.


After the white-haired old man met, he thought about it and couldn’t help but smile. "It turns out that your intention is to deal with the kid, just because your courage is too small, so use my strength to deal with that. Boy."

"Don't talk about it, the ancestors have no innocence with him, how can he deal with him? The ancestors just saw your friendship for many years, so I have to help you." The Gorefiend ancestors said faintly.

"Well, no matter what, you are willing to let my spirits be born again in the blood, that's enough, but first, well, you can't do anything to my true spirit."

The old man said.

"Do not worry."

"Ha ha ha..."

Both of them laughed, although the Gorefiend ancestors didn't know why this guy was going to deal with Xiangyang, but it didn't matter all. What's important is that his nine blood lotus is because of Xiangyang. Nowadays, it has been completely smelted out, and it is no longer possible to appear in the world. As the culprit of all these things, Xiang Yang, first of all, is very unhappy by the Gorefiend ancestors, and some people want to deal with Xiang Yang. That is really great.

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not know that he had been eye-catching by the great sanctuary. He was in the Promise of the Promise, and he stunned the little spirit. "You have a good refining, if you have not upgraded the demon armor into an innate chaos." If you are a treasure, you will wait."

"Boss, I..."

After Xiaoling listened, his face suddenly changed. He was to be explained with a crying face. However, Xiang Yang did not give him the opportunity to explain, but the body shape flowed, and the whole person disappeared directly in front of Xiao Ling.


When Xiao Ling saw that Xiang Yang had left, he sighed heavily and looked at Lao Wan. He said with helpless sighs, "Is this a self-death?"

"Of course it is."

Lao Wanhe said with a smile, "However, if you can upgrade the demon armor to a treasure of innate chaos to treasure level, it is also crucial for him. After he breaks through the holy world, he has the defense of chaos to treasure level. Magic weapon, in the future, it is difficult to make him fall."

"In this case, you have to help me, or else it is too difficult to make a successful refining."

Xiaoling squats and holds Lao Wan together. As a result, even if there is no refining success, he feels that it is a good thing to help him share the anger of Xiangyang.

"Reassured, I will help you, this is a matter of life and death that is related to our masters." Lao Wan solemnly said.

"Well, this way, my grasp will increase the number of five." Xiaoling said with a smile.

At this time, Xiang Yang was already in the place where the women were. His eyes looked at the women and said softly, "I am back, are you ready?"

"what to prepare?"

Looking at Xiang Yang with a flamboyant look, before Xiang Yang left, he did not let them do what they were prepared.

"I am going to enter the tower of physical rehabilitation soon. Do you not have to prepare for it and adjust all aspects to the peak?"

Xiang Yang was white and charming.

"This is a good preparation, you can go in at any time." Xiaoxue said with a smile.

"Well, I am going to see if Mei Xiaoniu is ready. If I am ready, I can almost really enter the tower of the body repair. You are the future of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak bodybuilders, I hope you don't want too Too proud."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled at the same time, the figure is straight to the place where Mei Ao Xue and Yulia and Yu Liqin are located.

When Xiang Yang appeared, he was shocked to discover that within such a short period of time, the two women were able to use the energy of the body freely. In such a short period of time, they could easily pick up any little things. Even, even a bubble made by Mayo Snow waved in front of the two women, they can still do not crush the bubbles after picking them up by hand.

It can be seen that the two women have already consolidated your strength to control their body.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but laugh.

"Xiangyang brother, we can do the perfect control of the strength of the body, Mei sister is really powerful, she taught us how to use it really well."

When Yulia and Yuliqin saw the arrival of Xiangyang, they were very happy to rush to hold Xiangyang. This time, Xiangyang still felt soft and no longer. The powerful force that the woman rushed over.

"This is the feeling of enjoying the beauty of the woman."

Xiang Yang laughed and couldn't help but sigh.

Mei Ao Xue came over and had a smile on her face. After hearing the emotion of Xiang Yang, she directly whitened Xiangyang and couldn’t say anything to her mouth. Instead, she snorted and turned away. It is.


After Xiang Yang met, he quickly took two little girls to catch up with Mei Aoxue and said to her, "Mei Xiaoniu, then, my deity will take them into the tower of physical repair, and my avatar Then you will go out with you to participate in the Wanzhou Destiny Women's War. After we get the first place together, you can also enter the Tower of Physical Education."

"I don't need to go into the tower of the body repair."

Mei Ao Xue looked at Xiang Yang with an unhappy color on his face. "If you want to bring them into practice, you can do it without even participating in the Wanzhou Destiny Women's War."


After Xiang Yang met, his face looked at Mei Aoxue with an incomprehensible color. He reached out and touched the head of Mei Aoxue’s forehead and couldn’t help but say, “I won’t be hot, how suddenly I’m stupid? ”

"Get out of the way."

After listening to Mei Ao Xue, he couldn't help but laugh and screamed, and knocked Xiang Yang's hand off. He said, "What do you want to do? It is your business. It doesn't matter to the girl. Don't bother me."

"Cough, Mei Xiaoniu, are you angry?" Xiang Yang's face looked at Mei Aoxue with a quirky color, and did not understand how Mei Aoxue would be angry for no reason.


Mei Ao Xue snorted and did not answer, but walked straight ahead.

"Cous brother, because you just said ‘this is the feeling of enjoying the beauty of the woman’. That sentence offended Mei’s sister.”

Yulia is in the side of Xiangyang, whispering, "May Sister has been hard to teach us, because of your reasons, but you did not say anything good, but also enjoy our hug, so, Mei My sister is of course angry."

"It turned out to be the case."

After listening to Yulia’s words, Xiang Yang was stunned. He looked at Mei Aoxue in front with a strange color on his face. He sighed in his heart. After all, a woman is a woman, even if it is a plum, she can’t get rid of a woman. The little temper, actually angry because of a sentence.

However, such a Mei Xiao Niu seems to be more interesting, isn't it?

"My brother, are we doing something wrong?" Yulia and Yuliqin, two sisters, held Xiangyang and said cautiously.

"No, you are not wrong." Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Next, after you enter the tower of physical repair, you must insist on it. No matter how much pain, you must persist in practice. When you come out, it is big. Luo Jiuzhong Tianzhufeng’s top-ranking strongman, by that time, among the heavens and the world, there are very few people who can hurt you, do you know?”

Although he also knows that he should practice in the tower of physical repair, there should be no pain, but he does not trust a few women, especially Yulia and Yuliqin. These two elves have always been the simplest, true. I am afraid that they will not be able to stand the pain. If it is collapsed at that time, then there will be big problems.

"Do not worry, we will definitely stick to it."

The two women's faces looked at Xiang Yang with a firm color.


Xiang Yang nodded softly and smiled, his eyes with a warm color, although he was reluctant to let the women around him encounter any pain during the practice, but the practice of the tower of the body repair is already able to use the fastest speed. Let their cultivation be promoted without any danger.

Even if it is possible to suffer some pain, he must also squat down and let the women enter it.

Even if he is so strong, he can't protect anyone around him all the time. Moreover, the people around him are free, have their own rights, can go wherever they want to go, then, repair Powerful nature is indispensable. Only when they are repaired has truly reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. At that time, Xiangyang can rest assured that the women will go everywhere to play.

"After I found the principals and their wives, let them enter the tower of physical training and practice for a while. At that time, no matter what they want to do, I don't have to worry about it."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, remembering that he might not be able to find Lu Xinran and Chen Mengqing and other women in a long time, his heart could not help but get excited.

Of course, at this moment, it should be said that the first few women in the eyes will enter the tower of physical repair.

At the same time, Xiang Yang and others have come to the place where Huo Mei and Yin Jue are in a few women. He looks at a few women and whispers and says, "Let's go, I will wait for you to come out of the tower of physical repair. At that moment, by then, each of you can make a request to me, any, unconditional request."


After listening to a few women, the eyes glowed and looked at Xiang Yang with excitement.

"Of course, as long as I can finish it, I will definitely promise it." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Ouye, I can't wait to enter the tower of physical repair. After I get out, I can ask you for a request."

"Go, let's go."

"Haha, even if it is for the request you promised, we must quickly pass the practice of the tower."


A few women have a firm color on their faces. For the promise of Xiangyang, even if they encounter great difficulties and pains in the tower of physical training, they must persist.

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at a few women. He knew that with his own words, the women would definitely be able to walk out of the tower of physical repair.

"let's go..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is updated, five more flowers....

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