Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2794: Princess visit

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The Sun Jiajia master looked at Xiang Yang with a cold face, and saw Xiang Yang killing Sun Xiuwu in front of his own face. He was so angry that he couldn’t help but want to fight against Xiangyang. However, He was forced to hold back.

The Sun Jiajia master knows that today's Xiangyang has become a climate, and it has already had a powerless force against Xiangyang, who can kill the magical realm of the realm of the road. Even if it is a grandson, it can really suppress Xiangyang. Only the Sun family’s eternal years do not know where to go to play the Sun’s ancestors.

In addition, even the master of the Sun family, the master of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, is absolutely impossible to be Xiangyang's opponent.

Then, among the Sun family, Xiang Yang is no match.

He can only hold back.

"Repairing Wu..."

When Sun Xiu’s other dozens of sages saw that Sun Xiuwu was smashed and exploded, all of them were exposed to anger.

"Homeowner, this thief is ferocious, depending on our grandchildren and nothing, but also ask the owner to suppress the thief."

"Also ask the owner to suppress the bastard."

"He dared to ignore the majesty of my grandson's family and asked the owner to suppress the other side."

"Please ask the owner to take the shot, but also my grandson."


These more than a dozen grandchildren’s sages all asked the Sun family to take the shot. It’s really, they don’t do it. Sun Xiuwu, the strongest of them, has been killed. If the Sun’s family is the master If you don't shoot, then it's their turn. They are really afraid that they will be killed one by one by Xiang Yang.

"Call shut up."

Although the Sun Jiajia’s heart was very angry, he hated not to hand over Xiang Yang. However, he did not have the strength to fight Xiang Yang. He could only look at Xiang Yang with his eyes open, but he did not dare to shoot anyway. Deal with Xiang Yang.

Sun Jiajia’s eyes looked at Xiang Yang, and he said coldly, “You have already killed, and this matter will stop. Those who compensate your emperor’s treasure, I will send it later.”

At the same time, he said directly to the other strongmen of the Sun family. "All of them go back. Everyone is closed for millions of years. No one can appear before the time is up."


Xiang Yang leisurely looked at the Sun Jiajia master. "The family owner has forgotten what I said. These people are trying to destroy my imperial palace. If they let them go, wouldn’t they be bullied on behalf of my imperial palace? Just want to take people away like this, can't you say it?"

"You still want to kill?"

The Sun Jiajiazhu turned his head and glared at Xiangyang. His whole person was shaking, and it was mad. At this moment, the Sunjia family wanted to directly destroy Xiangyang.

However, in front of him, Xiang Yang looked at him with a smile, and he did not fear his eyes full of anger.

Today's Xiangyang is no longer the former Xiangyang. Today, he is already the strength of the real Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and, in the near future, his first group of great and powerful people in the world. It will be born. At that time, even if he did not shoot, with his order, the guard of the order is enough to level the Sun family. What fear is he?

This time, the Sun family would dare to replace the imperial palace. If Xiang Yang still keeps those people, in the future, no matter what family or power can deal with the imperial palace, then his imperial palace will still have to What is it?

Never give up.

Xiang Yang has made up his mind, and his face has a smile, but in this smile, there is endless murder.

When Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu saw this scene, they were a bit dumbfounded. They didn’t think of it anyway. It’s only a day’s work, and things will evolve into what they are.

Originally, Sun Chunyu was thinking, this time must complete the task of Xiang Yang well. As a result, maybe Xiang Yang is happy, he will accept him as a disciple. At that time, he will no longer have to worry about other problems. .

Instead, what he didn't think of in any way was that this thing turned out to be a complete reversal of the Emperor's Palace and the Sun family.

The strength of Xiangyang, hegemony has penetrated into the hearts of Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu, especially Sun Yuxiu, and even more shocked to see Xiangyang, she knows Xiangyang, has always been smiling, there will not be too overbearing to move As for the murderous move, however, today's Xiang Yang has shown such a hegemonic side, making Sun Yuxiu's heart tremble.

"Hey, what is the situation?"

At this time, there was an incomprehensible voice at the door. I saw a small pile of hands holding a bunch of things to eat. I stared at the incomparable scene and said, "I just went out and bought some delicious food. How did it become like this?"

"Boss, you are out, haha, is this awkward?" Xiaoguangtou said, looking at Xiangyang and Sunjia’s family, seeing Xiangyang’s confrontation with Sun’s family, he naturally could not I don't understand that there is absolutely nothing good to happen at the moment.

"It's not you, Laozi will hand over the Imperial Palace to you. You even handed it to the Sun family. You are so good." Xiang Yang said with a cold smile and looked at the little bald head.


After listening to the little bald head, I was embarrassed. "I didn't give it to my grandchildren. I rely on it. I said that the dozens of fairy tales of Sun's family are definitely not good, especially Sun Xiuwu, the bastard, all day. The eyes of the treasures that stare at our imperial palace shine, the bastard, I want to blow him up."

While talking, his gaze looked around and finally looked at the place where the explosion became a **** fog. Haha said with a smile, "This **** is dead, very good, good death, special, if If he does not die, Xiaoye will find a way to kill him."

After the Sun Jiajia listened to it, his face turned black, and his face was not good. He didn’t dare to work on Xiangyang. It was because he was not Xiangyang’s opponent, but the little bald head was untied. The seal is only the cultivation of the big seven heavens. For the supreme power of the Sun Jiajia, the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, the small bald head is really not a strong one.

"Old man, what do you want to see, do you want to fight with a small donkey? When you look at your thief's eyes, it's not a good thing. Come, Xiaoye will play with you."

Xiaoguangtou knows that there is absolutely something happening during the time he ran out, and Xiang Yang just appeared. It seems that things are still very big. He is obviously derelict. So, in order to make up for it, look at it. The grandson of the Sun family shouted at himself. He directly collected the food from his hand, then rolled up his sleeves and sneered at the Sun family, preparing to shoot a big fight with the Sun family.

"Junior, you are not self-reliant."

The grandson of the Sun family shouted.

"Oh, who is not self-sufficient, it is hard to say." After the small bald head untied the seal, his cultivation has been continuously growing. He is full of confidence in his own strength, even if it is standing. In front of him is the owner of the fire family, and at this moment he is also fearless, and he is ready to shoot when he rolls up his sleeves.

"Junior, do you really want to fight?"

The owner of the fire family looked at the little bald head with a blue face. Although he didn't want to start, he saw that a junior of the big seven heavens dared to shoot himself. His majesty as the owner of the fire family made him intolerable. .

"Come here, let Xiaoye blow you up." The little bald head sneered, and his heart was screaming at the fire. What's special, he went out to play for a little while, and he went out of such a big thing. This is to play the face of Xiaoye. Now Sun Xiuwu has been destroyed by Xiangyang. The little bald head can't find someone to take revenge. He has to target the Sun family.

The grandson of the Sun family is also very angry. He roars with a small bald head and screams with anger. "Primary, you want to find death, this family will fulfill you."

"Okay, okay, come." The little bald head roared.

The two of you said a word, my words are squatting, the body is more and more powerful, but no one has done anything to the other side, so let alone the Xiangyang and Sun Chunyu brothers and sisters look at the two The eyes are weird, even the other sages of the Sun family are equally eccentric looking at the Sun family and the little bald head.

"The owner is a bit wrong this time."

These fairy tales of the Sun family felt very weird one by one. Before that, they were very worried in their hearts. They were afraid that the Sun family would abandon them. At that time, Xiang Yang could easily kill Sun Xiuwu’s strength. Even if they have more than a dozen Xianzun strong, it is impossible to be Xiang Yang’s opponent.

Now, seeing that the Sun family owner has not continued to talk to Xiang Yang about the conditions, but with the small bald head, these fairy deities are very strange in their hearts, and they are afraid that Xiang Yang will suddenly start to them.

"I can't think of the palace, it is so lively, it seems that the princess is right." At this time, only heard a laughter from the outside world, and then, see the fifteen princess Xu Qing with two Under the hands of the gods of Da Luo’s nine heavens, he stepped in from the outside.

"Five Princesses!"

"I have seen fifteen princesses."

"I have seen His Royal Highness."

Seeing Xu Qing appearing, the Sun Jiajia master can no longer care about confronting Xiaoguangtou, but is busy with the ceremony, and the other descendants of the Sun family are also busy with the 15th Princess Xu Qing.

If it is the former fifteenth princess Xu Qing, although her strength is also the realm of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, at the same time, it is the fifteen princess, but it is still impossible to sit down and let the grandson’s family owner treat it so well, but now The fifteen princess got the real recognition of the Emperor, and began to deal with the things of the Heavenly Palace. It can be said that the future successor recognized by the Emperor of Heaven, even if it is the owner of the Sun family, would never dare to have any rudeness to the 15th Princess.

"How did Princess Royal have fun to play in my palace?" Xiang Yang was lazy looking at the fifteen princesses, and did not show great enthusiasm and salute to each other.

"Let's go, see the 15th Princess, still not ritual?" The 15th princess Xu Qing's two big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng's men saw Xiang Yang's look is furious, directly open and shout.

"Oh, even in the face of the Emperor of Heaven, I have not done a gift. Do you think your princess is bigger than the Emperor?" Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said.

He was still a little bit sympathetic to the 15th princess Xu Qing, but now he finds that when the other party holds the power, he is surrounded by two people, and his heart has already produced dissatisfaction with the fifteen princess Xu Qing. A woman, if she does not know how to converge like her men, is no different from other princes.

"you dare..."


When the nine princesses Xu Qing were just preparing for the attack, they heard the 15th princess Xu Qingyi screaming. Although the two were strong in the realm of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they did not dare to speak. After he took a look at Xiang Yang, he continued to retreat behind him.

"Xiang Yang, I didn't have any malice. I didn't have any malice. I just got used to this attitude. Don't go to the heart."

After the people around me were restrained, the fifteen princesses looked at Xiang Yang with a calm color and said.

"Oh, I didn't go to my heart, as long as the princess did not blame me for not having a salute." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

After the fifteenth princess listened, her eyes were condensed. She knew that Xiang Yang expressed her dissatisfaction in her heart, because she had not stopped her men’s men in the first place and expressed her discomfort in the heart. However, she did not say much. Instead, he said to Xiang Yang, "This time I came to see you, mainly because there are some things left by my father and my wife."

At the same time, he handed Xiang Yang a jade, faintly said, "My father is squatting because he is going to go to chaos to deal with some things, there is no way to inform you to promise you, so his old man let me This communication jade is handed to you. At that time, someone will contact you through jade and tell you the news you want to know."

"it is good."

After Xiang Yang listened, his face showed excitement. I didn’t expect Xu Tian, ​​the Emperor of the East, to be so heart-warming about his own affairs. He had already had to worry about it and quickly left. He also specifically explained the 15th Princess Xu Qing’s He told Jade to give himself a message. He took the news and conveyed the jade, and he was very moved. He said to the 15th Princess Xu Qing, "Thank you for the Emperor."

"No, the father said, if you want to thank him, you don't have to. Compared with what you did for the Eastern Tianyu, what the father did is nothing." Xu Qing said.

The Emperor Xu Wei actually calculated everything, even if Xiang Yang would say that he was grateful to him.

"Well, this person, I remember." Xiang Yang nodded, although the Emperor of the East said that he did not need to thank each other, but the other side helped them find the words of the women, it is definitely a big man, Xiang Yang is a It is absolutely impossible for people with clear grievances to remember this person.

"The other thing is that the father-in-law promised you to enter the treasure house of Tiangong and pick three treasures that you like. I have moved all the treasures in the treasure house, depending on whether you want to pick it now?"

The 15th Princess Xu Qing continued.

"Hey, have you moved the entire treasure house of Tiangong?" Xiang Yang was shocked after listening. He looked at Xu Qing with a sigh of relief. "You really moved all over?"

"No, the treasure house of Tiangong itself is in a secret. When I come, I can open the secret to the treasure house of Tiangong at any time."

Xu Qing, the fifteenth princess, also found the wrong place in her own words and said quickly.

"This is almost the same."

Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved to the fifteenth princess Xu Qing, "You wait a minute, I will deal with the traitor."

At the same time, he turned his head to face the Sun family and other people, sneer and said, "Sun master, you let go, or die, pick yourself."


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