Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2795: The choice of the three talented kings (five more flowers)

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Sun Jiajia’s face looked at Xiang Yang with a shocking color. He did not expect Xiang Yang to be so direct. He even refused to talk nonsense with him and gave him such a choice directly.

This clearly gave him the last night. If the Sun family refused to let it go, it would be necessary to fight with Xiangyang. In the face of Xiang Yang, this person who can kill the sage of the realm of the Tao, even if it is a grandson. The owner of the family does not have the slightest grasp, then, he has only one way, that is, the object Xiangyang bowed his head.

Moreover, it is still the head of the 15th princess of Tiangong, who bowed in front of him, and after the pass, where should the grandfather’s reputation go?

The Sun Jiajia master was caught in a very tangled state. For a while, I didn’t know what to do.

"This guy is actually prepared to deal with Sun's family owner. How is he so bold?" Xu Qing, the fifteenth princess, did not feel angry because Xiang Yang let himself go back to the side, but looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color on his face. I didn't expect Xiang Yang to be so overbearing, even the family owner of the grandfather's family, such a noble family, was not in the eye.

The waiters of the two big Luo’s nine heavens around the fifteen princesses are a little bit whitish. Although their strength is very good, it is impossible to be like the strong hand-held treasure of Sun Jia’s family. Compared with Xiang Yang, the direct statement to Sun Jia’s family is obviously not to put such a strong person in the eye. If they continue to fight with anger, then they may not even choose to give them a choice. Yes, they immediately killed them.

"Why, is this choice difficult?"

Seeing that the Sun family’s owner was in a state of silence, Xiang Yang’s face was with a sinister smile, and whispered, “If that’s the case, let me help the family to make a choice.”


I saw that Xiangyang’s emptiness was caught. Suddenly, the deity of the Sun’s family, who had a big seven heavens, was left in his hands with no resistance. His eyes were cold and cold, and he shouted. If you are a grandson, you don’t have the time to help defend the Imperial Palace. Even if you treat the Imperial Palace as your home, can you be able to drink and kill at the Imperial Palace?"

"is not it..."

With the loud noise of Xiang Yang, the face of the fairy who was caught by him in his hand changed greatly. The white face shivered and said, "No, no... bomb..."

However, he simply did not have the opportunity to finish this sentence, and was smashed by a horrible force. The whole person, even the god, was instantly destroyed, even if others could not sense it. Even his soul was crushed by Xiang Yang.


The face of Sun Jia’s family changed greatly, looking at Xiang Yang with anger, and angered, “Xiang Yang, you don’t have to take a foot.”

"is it?"

Xiang Yang smiled coldly, and his right hand grabbed it again. Suddenly, there was another strongman of the Sun family who was caught in his hands. The other party is still the fairy **** of the big seven heavens.

"Home helper, homeowner, help, I did not participate in this matter, help, the owner."

When the fairy sacred in the seven heavens of the big Luo was caught by Xiangyang as if it were the power of Tianwei, the whole heart was broken and he was eager to ask for the other. Be able to save yourself.

"Save you, huh, he is hard to protect himself. Do you think he can save you?" Xiang Yang said with a cold smile. "You didn't participate in it, but before you did, you really put the scary seal of the Imperial Palace on it. I started to destroy them. All of this was seen in my eyes. Do you think I am blind?"

"No, I am wrong, I am wrong, forgive me... Boom."

Then, in this stalwart of the seven heavens, the master of the screaming pleading for mercy, Xiang Yang also smashed the other side. For Xiangyang’s first demon avatar, Da Luo’s seven heavens It’s really nothing to do with it.

For the Xiangyang who crushed a big Luo seven heavens, for Xiang Yang, there is no difference in following the intention to crush a stone.


At this time, when the other strongmen of the Sun family saw that two people had been pinched by Xiang Yang, they all rushed out of the door. They knew that the Sun family could not save the door. Now If they want to survive, the only way is to escape from the gate. As long as they are far away from the gate, they will be safe and secure.

"Run? Are you running?"

After Xiang Yang met, his eyes were cold and cold, and he screamed coldly. "It didn't take long for my emperor's palace to be established. Some people dare to take the imperial palace as their own. If you let go of you today, then there will be countless in the future. People dare to do this. If one of you escapes, I will not call Xiang Yang."

As the hegemony, Xiang Yang’s right hand is pointed into a sword, and a sword directly goes down the door.


At this time, the grandson of the Sun family finally broke out. His angry screams, "Enough, you have killed the masters of the three grandchildren. Is it really necessary to kill them?"

At the same time, his body shape moved, appearing directly at the door, and his body broke out with powerful and unmatched power, which would block Xiangyang’s attack.

"Just waiting for you to shoot."

Xiang Yang sneered, his hand loosened Mei Aoxue, and the whole person appeared in front of the Sunjia family and immediately slammed out.

At the same time as the fist broke out, the face of the Sun Jia’s family also changed at the same time. Finally, he felt the power of Xiang Yang’s fist positively. He screamed and offered a shield of defensive magic weapon of the best fairy level. To block the boxing of Xiangyang.

He didn't ask for any damage to Xiang Yang, as long as he could block Xiang Yang's punch.

However, is the enchantment magic shield of the best fairy level really able to block Xiangyang?

At this time, Xiang Yang's face with a sneer, the power burst out, the power of this punch skyrocketed, suddenly directly on this shield.


At this moment, this shield was torn apart by the bombardment. Even the grandson of the Sun family had an unbelievable look on his face, and the whole man flew away toward the rear.

At this time, the sword gas that Xiang Yang had come out before broke out completely. Just when the remaining Sun’s ancestors had to rush out, millions of swords slammed into the dozens of cents. Among the respects, in the face of the sword of Xiang Yang, these fairy gods in the seven heavens of the big Luo did not have any resistance at all. In the blink of an eye, they were all killed.

At the gate of the Imperial Palace, it became bloody. This time, the Sun family originally wanted more than a dozen people to help defend the imperial palace. The original intention of the Sun family was good, but the people of Sun’s family were not strong. After seeing the treasures in the imperial palace, I thought that I would take the imperial palace as my own, and all of their final results were killed.

"Do not..."

In the distance, the grandson of the Sun family screamed with anger, and the face with shock and sorrow rushed in from the place where they flew out. All they saw was that the Sun family had all been wiped out.

At this moment, the Sun family’s owner only felt a little dizzy, not the sequelae of Xiang Yang’s flying out, but because Sun’s family lost more than a dozen Xianzun, this is the Xianzun strong, so they were killed. For Sun Jia, it is a real big thing, and it was killed in front of his family. How will his family explain to his grandson in the future?

"Xiang Yang, how are you?

The Sun family leader looked at Xiang Yang with anger, and his body was shaking. He was suppressing his anger and energy. He was really afraid that he could not help but work hard with Xiang Yang.

Xu Qing, the fifteenth princess, also frowned at Xiang Yang. Although she did not know what happened here, she saw that Xiang Yang actually killed more than a dozen grandchildren in the face of the Sun Jia’s family. Xianzun, this kind of practice is equivalent to completely desperately fighting with the Sun family. If the Emperor and the Sun family will not be able to start their hands, they will be in trouble.

Xiang Yang waved a prestige between the waves, and cleared all the blood, and then slowly looked at the Sun family. "This is the end of the matter. The Sun family should understand that I will not pursue your Sun’s fault. It is very kind to look at the faces of Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu's two brothers and sisters. If you think that I have done too much, you can choose to lead the Sun family's strong to deal with me. Of course, I hope that you can go back soon. Shouting people, don't be sneaky, if you dare to sneak, I can't guarantee when the grandfather's ancestral land will be opened by a sword."

"you you..."

Such a threat to the amount of red fruit is really unprecedented for the Sun Jiajia, and his angry body is shaking. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to be so rampant, but also said that he wants to marry the grandson’s ancestral home. This is simply too much.

"Now give you ten breaths to make a decision. If you want to fight with me, you can go back and prepare for the horse. I am waiting for you at the Imperial Palace. If you want to reveal this matter, you can leave."

Xiang Yang said faintly.

Regardless of how Sun’s plan is to deal with this matter, he has taken it.

Now Xiangyang has enough strength to respond positively to the Sun family's strong, even if it is, Sun Jia really dare to dispatch the Yasheng strong, Xiang Yang also has a certain degree of certainty to fight against each other, big deal, enter the core of the fairy battlefield Among them, the release of a Yasheng, although they have not refining the guys, can not really control them completely, but if Sun’s courage to send out the sacred strong, Xiang Yang will dare to use those in the battlefield of the fairy Holy Ghost, when it is time, kill him every day to see who is more embarrassed.

"You, you are very good, Xiang Yang, you are not the descendant of that pulse, it is enough." Sun Jian's family under the pressure of Xiang Yang, finally recovered to normal, he looked at Xiangyang, the whole person They are constantly shaking.

However, while trembling, he said, biting his teeth. "This is the fault of my grandson. They were killed by the Lord of the Imperial Palace. They were taken by themselves, and the Sun family promised compensation to the Imperial Palace. Someone will be sent in the meeting, and after the matter is over, the friendship between the Imperial Palace and the Sun family will not be affected."

It is worthy of being the owner of such a big family of Sun Family. After encountering such a shame, I can still say that I hope that the relationship between the Imperial Palace and the Sun family will not be affected.

At this moment, even if Xiang Yang was shocked by the Sun Jiajia master, his mouth was sneer with a sneer, on the surface, he said, "Good, I am very happy that the Sun family has made a correct choice."

While talking, he sighed and seemed to regret that he could not shoot.

This scene, after Sun Jiajia’s master met, was glad that he eventually resisted and did not do it. If not, I am afraid that I have been completely killed by Xiang Yang.

However, when this time, when the Sun family lost more than a dozen Xianzun strongmen, Rao was the home of the Sun family and felt uncomfortable. However, he could not express any dissatisfaction with Xiang Yang. At this moment, it is the right item. Yang Gong arched his hand and glanced at Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu. They did not talk much and turned and left.

Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu were stunned. What they didn’t expect was that Xiang Yang was so decisive that he fell out with Sun’s family. The one that Sun’s family left before was obviously to let them make choices if they To stay in the Imperial Palace is to stand opposite the Sun family, and if they leave with the Sun family, they may never enter the Imperial Palace again.

"Brother, let's go." Sun Yuxiu took Sun Chunyu's hand and whispered. "In any case, we are grown up by the Sun family. We are the Sun family."

"Yes, but..."

Sun Chunyu frowned and looked at Xiangyang. He suddenly shook his teeth and pushed Sun Yuxiu away. He said softly, "Yu Xiu, go back, you tell your family, you have never been a person like Sun."

"You, how dare you?" Sun Yuxiu stared at Sun Chunyu, but he did not expect his big brother to even want to go to Xiangyang.

Although Xiangyang’s strength is very strong, this is Sun’s family. It’s a family that grew up from the younger generation. What about it, can’t it be for the emperor’s palace, to betray the grandson’s family in order to follow Xiangyang?

Sun Chunyu said softly, "I was a sword idiot. In order to be able to follow in front of that kendo mountain, even if I lost everything? My sister, I always know that you are better than me, your strength. It is also stronger than me. The Sun family has you, and it is enough. I can freely pursue my kendo."

"You, don't do this, brother, let me go back and say, Xiang Yang did not say that we should drive us away. We did not say that we can't enter the Imperial Palace after we return to the Sun family. Is it Xiangyang?" Sun Yuxiu's face band The color of prayer is looking at Xiang Yang.

"Yes, this thing is not wrong with you. I know that your intention is good. No matter where you go now, in the future, the friendship between the emperor and the palace will not change." Xiang Yang nodded, he Did not make Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu difficult.

These two brothers and sisters have always followed themselves and helped themselves to do things. Xiang Yang has always been in the eyes. It is impossible to go to Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu because of this incident.

"Brother, you heard it, Xiang Yang did not bother us. You should go back with me first. After we go back, we will come to the Imperial Palace again." Sun Yuxiu said to Sun Chunyu.

"No, don't you still understand? After returning, we will never have a chance to come to the Imperial Palace."

Sun Chunyu said helplessly and sighed.

While talking, he waved an energy to roll up Sun Yuxiu, let her fly out of the door, and he stood next to Xiangyang with a firm color on his face.

In the distance, the Sun family had not left, and after seeing Sun Yuxiu coming out, his eyes were slightly cold, and he sighed and directly sent out an energy to roll away Sun Yuxiu.

Only Xiang Yang stood by Sun Chunyu and saw the firm color of Sun Chunyu's face. He patted him on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is updated, five chapters more than 20,000 words, ask flowers...

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