Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2797: Seeing mentoring

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"Mei Xiaoniu, quickly refining." Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Mei Aoxue. The latter had a strange color on his face. He did not expect that Xiangyang would actually hand himself a war of the highest level at this time. A.

Since ancient times, the magic weapon is the most easy to refine the magic weapon of the attack class, especially the long sword and long knife. It is very simple, and in the treasure, the same is true. Various sword weapons are very simple to get. However, those defensive magic weapons are not so good for refining, especially for the armor-level armor, and the value is beyond the fortune of those attacking classes.

This armor is worth at least two magic weapons of the attacking class.

When others got the defensive magic weapon, they all hurry to wear it. Xiang Yang even gave Mei Ao Xue so that not only Mei Aoxue was stunned, but even the fifteen princess Xu Qing on the other side was also stunned.

She never thought that someone would be so generous and would not hesitate to give the defensive magic of the hand to the sweetheart.

Among the people contacted by Xu Qing, those who are selfish and self-interested, even if someone gets such a treasure, can't be willing to send it to a Taoist, and Xiang Yang, from the treasure house of Tiangong Such a defensive class of magic armor, so hehe did not hesitate to give Mei Aoxue, it really made her feel shocked.

At this moment, even Xu Qing’s heart gave birth to the feeling of envy of Mei Aoxue.

Mei Aoxue only felt confused, and she looked at Xiang Yang. Although she reached out to pick up the armor, she was still stunned and looked at Xiang Yang motionless.

"Don't lie, and refining."

Xiang Yang rushed to remind him that he did not feel that he had given me a special place for Mei Baoxue's defensive magic weapon.

"it is good."

Mei Ao Xue was deeply watching Xiang Yang. Although he did not say anything moving, he began to refine this armor.

After Xiang Yang met, he smiled with satisfaction. Then he looked at Xu Qing, the fifteen princess who also had the same eccentric color. He said with a smile, "Is there anything else in the princess?"

Xu Qing, the fifteenth princess, knew that Xiang Yang was ready to catch up. She frowned and looked at Xiang Yang, screaming. "Don't you want to see me? Just then I am ready to leave me." ”


Xiang Yang stunned, I didn’t expect the 15th princess to show such a scene to himself. He felt weird about it all, but the surface immediately replied immediately, “The princess is laughing, how can I not want to see you? Well, you are a fifteenth princess. I am so happy to see you."

"Oh, it’s not true."

The fifteen princess snorted and gave a look at Xiangyang. In that glance, the things contained in it made Xiang Yang a bit inexplicable. In the heart, this little girl would not look at me, and would like to find me into a Hummer. ?

Of course, this problem does not have to be thought of at all, it is impossible.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the fifteen princess, the latter was looking at the little bald head, cold voice, "You better be careful, you grabbed the seven hundred and eight heavens magic weapon of the seven emperors, that is him The strongest treasure, he will not be willing to give up."

"Ah, then, can I still give him?" After listening to the little bald head, his face was flustered and whispered.

"What do you think?" the fifteen princess said with a sneer.

In fact, the 15th Princess did not really want to remind the little bald head, because after she presided over the overall situation of the Temple, she had a little understanding of the identity of Xiaoguangtou, knowing that this little bald head is very extraordinary, even if she did not remind her, she It is also very clear that the little bald head is absolutely impossible to be like the Seven Emperors, but she just wants to sell her personal feelings to Xiang Yang, so that Xiang Yang owes her something.

"Oh, then I can only block the water from the soldiers. Anyway, there is something that my boss is holding, I am afraid of what." The little bald head that was scared to death, after listening to the words of the fifteen princesses, it is huh Said with a smile.

"Oh, it’s a disciple of the Western Buddhism... Your courage is very good." At the same time, the fifteenth princess said that he took a deep look at the little bald head and then looked at Xiang Yang again. go away.

Xiang Yang has nothing to say about the 15th princess. Since the other party has already left, he has nothing to keep, but looks at Mei Aoxue and finds that Mei Ao Xue is refining the treasure level. The armor, while the little bald head looked at Mei Aoxue with envious eyes, and saw Xiang Yang look at him. He even said quickly, "Boss, I think you have two other pieces from the treasure house of Tiangong." The treasure is definitely what I want to give to me?"

"What do you think?"

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the little bald head and said with a sneer, "Don't dream, not good."

"Is it bad?"

The little bald head stared at Xiang Yang, and he wanted to cry without tears. He knew that the treasures that Xiang Yang had obtained from the treasure house of Tiangong must not have his own share.

He couldn't help but sigh. "It really is a light-hearted friend."

"As much as you have to talk nonsense, you should prepare for it and set the seven emperors to the level and return to the Imperial Palace." Xiang Yang gave him a glance.

"Oh..." After listening to the little bald head, it was dumbfounded. The Seven Emperors were the seventh son of the Emperor of Heaven. They had the cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and the Emperor Wei of the 5,000 people, but he was only big. The repair of Luo Qizhongtian’s realm has only let him go to settle the seven emperors who have 5,000 princes. Is this not to let him die?

"If you don't solve it yourself, don't you want me to solve it yourself?" Xiang Yang looked coldly at the little bald head. "If you don't flatten this thing yourself, then you can go back." Look for your master."


After listening to the little bald head, he took a breath and he understood it. This time, if he didn’t do things well, he would definitely die. At that time, Xiang Yang would definitely turn his face completely and chase him. Go, no longer let him stay with me.

At the same time as his heart trembled, on the surface, he showed a sense of righteousness. He yelled at his own heart and said, "The boss is relieved, I will definitely get the seven emperors, although the goods are strong, but if He can surrender some of his baby's redemption, but I can spare him a life. If he doesn't know how to be funny, then don't blame me for killing him."

While speaking, he is showing a fierce color, as if the seven emperors were in front of him.

Xiang Yang is very curious. What kind of qi in the little bald head can fight against the Seven Emperors and the Five Thousand Emperors? You must know that there are no shortage of Xianzun in the five thousand emperors. The law is condensed together, even if the strongest person in the realm of the road is estimated to be retreating, and the small bald head is so confident, it is obviously sure to be able to deal with the emperor, which makes people feel a little unbelievable.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Xiangyang. He is too lazy to ask, but his eyes are on Sun Chunyu, who has a sly color on his face and whispers. "Master respects... Boss, I am wrong. ”

"This thing is not wrong for you. Since you have chosen the Imperial Palace, you will follow me in the future. However, remember, don't call any teacher again. I don't accept the apprentice. You can follow They called me the boss." Xiang Yang said with a faint smile.

"Really? Thank you boss, thank you boss." After listening to Sun Chunyu, suddenly excited, I did not expect Xiang Yang to recognize him, and since then, he and the small bald head, can officially follow Xiangyang The side, though not a disciple of Xiangyang, can be a brother of Xiangyang.

He is very clear, can let Xiang Yang tell him personally, let him call Xiang Yang the boss, it is a big surprise for him.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and quietly watched the armor of Mei Ao Xue refining. With this armor, at least for Mei Aoxue, it was much safer.

This is the treasure of the collection of the Emperor of the East. Is it a simple thing?

Even if it does not reach the level of the day after tomorrow, but it is also the peak of the treasure.

"After you refining this armor, it is when we fight together to fight for the fate of Wanzhou, when it is time to kill him, and see who can stop us?"

"The first person in Wanzhou is destined to be the one who belongs to you. When you are, you will be glory and you will be all right. I am smiling."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, with a strong domineering and murderousness in his eyes.

On the day he promised Mei Aoxue to play, he was ready to kill him for Mei Ao Xue. No matter how harsh the battle of Wan Tian’s fate, he must go into it. All the people who participated in the battle defeated.

For this battle, he waited for a long time.


Just as the things happening in the fairy world, in the universe of comprehension, in the vast land of exploration, the white feather is shaped like a sword, and the breath of the whole person is shocking, smashing all obstacles, and getting his adventure. The treasure that is obtained is a million-year-old Zhu Guo, which can enhance the foundation of others' practice, and is the treasure that many practitioners dream of.

"With these Zhuguo, after the foundation of Yiyi has been better stabilized, it is not difficult to break through to the fit period this time. At that time, I can fly up to the fairy world with Yiyi to find the boss." Bai Yu has a wounded body, but it is not very serious. He has a sword, which makes him look like a sword-sword, with an invincible, unrelenting momentum.

Today's white feather cultivation has already reached the stage of the robbery, and it is still a sword repair in the robbery period. It is a sword fairy, and the strength of his practice has made him a real combat force in the realm of comprehension. Comparable to the mid-level scattered fairy.

His face is fortitude and bears the sword. He is known as the sword **** of the new generation of comprehension. The female monks in countless practitioners are crazy for him. But this new generation of swordsman has only one woman in his heart, that is, for him. Regardless of their own safety, Yiyi.

Bai Yu has repeatedly penetrated the Jedi, in order to help Yiyi to improve the foundation, so that the two can practice to achieve the degree of synchronization, so that Yiyi can follow him to the fairy world.

This Zhunian Zhuguo is exactly what Bai Yu gave to Yiyi.

"You are white feather?"

Just as Bai Yu smiled and prepared to go back, suddenly, in front of him, there was a silent old man with a sword. The other side did not have the slightest breath, standing there as if it were a stone. If it is not the eyes of Bai Yu who see each other's appearance, it is not really possible to find that the other party appears here.

"you are..."

Bai Yu sucked a house of breath, and the other party was able to practice the method of hiding the whereabouts. It is absolutely extraordinary. He recalled in his mind that there are countless hidden strong ways, but he found that none of them can follow. This old man is right on the front.

"A super-powerful person who is not famous, and the breath of the other party can not be seen, but I can sense that the other party is definitely a real sword. If it is sheathed, the heavens and the earth can be opened, that is, the other side It may be a sword repair, and it is still a real sword fairy. Is it the immortal?"

Bai Yu’s heart sucked a sigh of relief, looking at the old man, unconsciously reaching out to the sword behind him.

This Excalibur itself is the best level of the spirit, although not very advanced, but it is just a good fit for the use of white feathers, able to play his 12-point power.

If he is a sword, even a middle-class singer can also fight.

This is the practice of the "Sword Mystery Code", the supreme power of the supreme **** to bring white feathers, coupled with the help of Xiang Yu, Bai Yu has been a supreme sword, and now his sword body has Achieving a very extraordinary degree, the physical strength is not weaker than the general master of the body robbery period.

Bai Yu looked nervous, looking at the old swordsman who stood in front of himself, Shen Sheng, "The younger white feather, have seen the predecessors, I do not know how the seniors know the life of the younger generation?"

"Haha, well, finally found you." After Yang Wanjian heard Bai Yu's words, it was a happy laugh.

When he got the introduction of Xiang Yang and introduced him to his disciple, he came directly to the realm of comprehension. For others, the lower bound is very difficult, but for the sanctuary, it is very simple, Yang Wanjian directly Tearing the void, the arrogant gods swept the entire universe of comprehension, and instantly found the white feather.

However, he did not immediately go to the white feathers, but walked in the practice circle to inquire about the reputation of Bai Yu. In his opinion, the person who practiced the kendo must first pass the character, the character is like a sword, if it is a character No, even if the Kendo talent is so powerful, it is useless.

Although Bai Yu is the brother of Xiang Yang, after all, Yang Wanjian himself is a disciple. Naturally, I have to study it again. Fortunately, Bai Yu did not let him down. He heard the saying about the new sword **** in the practice circle. Very good evaluation, what is so thin, handsome, and all kinds of vocabulary are good for describing white feathers.

Seeing Bai Yu at the moment, Yang Wanjian’s face is full of excitement, haha ​​smiled and said, “Gangster, go with the master.”

"Nervous disease."


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