Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2798: Depressed Juggernaut

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"Gangster, let's go as a teacher."

"Nervous disease."

When Yang Wanjian was very excited, he shouted Bai Yu as a gangster. When he took him away, Bai Yu sneered and turned and left.

For this kind of neuropathy, he is not the first time to see it. After all, in the practice world, there are all kinds of people, and there are people with a little strength. They want to be casually arbitrarily arrogant, and when they meet, they call themselves Children, such a flamboyant person, knows that there is no skill at first glance.

Bai Yu sneered, just thinking that this old man is a peerless sword fairy, the idea of ​​disappearing instantly disappeared, especially what, he really stunned, and would feel that such a neuropathy would be a peerless sword fairy.

"Hey, how are you leaving?"

Yang Wanjian didn't think that he had a mouth. Bai Yu directly called his own neuropathy. He looked at him with a stunned look at Bai Yu's body and turned away. His unrespected appearance made his old face a little red.

"Coughing... This child must not know the strength of my old Yang. Otherwise, how can I really turn and leave, even if it is Xiangyang, the kid is estimated to be reluctant to leave."

While Yang Wanjian was squatting, he followed the white feathers without hesitation.

However, he did not let Bai Yu find him to follow, but he smiled and looked at Bai Yu, while walking and yelling, "Xiang Yang that kid did not lie to me, this kid actually practiced the immortal sword body, but also practiced To the extent of the three turns of the sword body, hey, no wonder it can be called the sword god. In this lower bound of the real world, it is indeed the name of the sword god. Of course, it is because Laozi is not born. If Laozi is born, who dares to call the sword god, cough, those few should have no time to pay attention to it? I blew the bull, blew the bull, you don't take it seriously..."

While the goods were squatting, they followed the white feathers and leapt into countless distances. Then they transferred directly to a galaxy. Bai Yu walked into a farmer’s house. I saw here, and a white woman was quietly standing. Waiting for the white feather in the yard.

"Father brother."

Yiyi saw the appearance of white feathers, and suddenly he rushed up and held the white feather tightly. "Yu brother, you are coming back, Iyi miss you."

"Okay, okay, I am not coming back right away? This time, I brought you some Zhuguo, you can change your physique, so that you can practice after the robbery period, we can fly together to Fairyland is going to find the boss."

Bai Yu’s eyes are filled with the color of love and pity, while at the same time he is proud to take out the Zhu Guo that he got.

"I do not want."

Yiyi is throwing Zhu Guo aside and screaming. "Yu brother, you don't want to go into all kinds of Jedi for me. I am afraid that you will have an accident. If you don't have it, what should I do?" what."

While talking, Yiyi’s eyes have already had tears dripping down. She knows that Bai Yu’s doing so much is that she hopes that she can also fly up to the fairy world. She naturally thinks that she can fly with the white feathers. However, she knows that her talent is definitely not Compared with Bai Yu, it is necessary for Bai Yu to go to various Jedi to find various treasures to change her talent. For her, her heart is both very excited and very fearful, for fear that Bai Yu will have an accident in the Jedi.

"Don't say stupid things, your family brother is a sword **** in the practice world, and no Jedi can stop me."

Bai Yu quickly picked up Zhu Guo and said with a smile on his face.

"I don't care, I don't care, anyway, you can't go anymore." Yiyi kept shaking his head and said.

"Good, I won't go in the future, I will stay with you wherever I go."

"Well, you promised others, no regrets."

"Of course, when did the feather brother promise you to repent?"


Bai Yu said that he would be able to laugh directly after Yiyi, and then Bai Yu said with a smile, "Walk, we go to retreat, I will help you refine Zhu Guo."


"I have a better fairy fruit here, what is the use of Zhuguo?"

Just as Yiyi promised, when he was about to leave with Bai Yu, he heard a laugh coming over and saw Yang Wanjian coming in from the door with a moving color on his face. He sighed and said, "It’s really a small couple, I I feel admired when I meet, it’s good, and I’m serious, and this is what my disciples should have.”

"who are you?"

Yiyi looked at the old man with a shocking color. Although she didn't know what the old man's cultivation was like, she could sense that the old man was very mysterious, even if the other person appeared there and gave her the feeling. There is no one at all. If it is not the other party who deliberately let her see it, she can't see the other person's existence even with her eyes.

White feathers frowned, and a sword broke out. He stood in front of Yiyi, with a murderous face on his face. "Old man, what do you mean by following me back?"


At this moment, Bai Yu has determined that the other party must follow him all the way, and, to his horror, he has never noticed that someone is behind him.

He was full of trepidation in his heart. At the same time, he was full of killings. He only heard a squeaking sound, and the sword behind him was instantly unsheathed.

A powerful and pure sword and a mixture of swords and spirits broke out, making the white feathers at the moment finally show the power of his new generation of swordsman as a spiritual world.

"Good familiar feeling."

Yang Wanjian looked at Bai Yu and couldn't help but smile. This is the inheritor of the "Sword Mystery Code", and it is still the one who passed down, just to find a disciple for himself.

If it is not Xiangyang who is the true disciple of that one, even if he knows that Bai Yu, who practiced the "Sword Mystery Code", Yang Wanjian did not dare to run.

But Xiang Yang let him come to the apprentice, he does not have to worry.

"Gangster, don't be excited, I am your master, look."

Yang Wanjian laughed softly, and the "Sword Mystery Code" also worked. Suddenly, there was a shocking sword that broke out. It was essentially the same as Bai Yu. It was the same force of the "Sword Mystery Code", which made it already prepared. After feeling the white feathers of the other side, I felt a little bit stunned.

"This...this is..."

Bai Yu’s face looked at the white-haired old man with a shocking color. He thought that the other party must be his own enemy. He wanted to destroy himself. What he did not expect was that the practice of the other side’s practice turned out to be practiced since childhood. The "Sword Mystery Code", and the other side will practice this sword to the extent of the peak of the top, is definitely not comparable to what you can.

However, this method is taught by the boss of the boss.

Bai Yu’s gaze looked at the other side. Although his heart was shocked, he did not let go of his vigilance. Instead, he asked coldly, “Who are you?”

"Gangster, I told you, I am your master. You have already sensed our homologous exercises. Why don't you have any self-knowledge?" Yang Wanjian looked at Bai Yu with a smile.

Although Bai Yu has always been very vigilant against him, but he is not angry, but feels very fun, this is his future disciple, is to inherit all his own inheritance.

In the process, Yang Wanjian has carefully studied Bai Yu, and all of Bai Yu’s body has been fully understood. He saw the mighty atmosphere of Bai Yu, and saw that Bai Yu’s physique also contains the power of kendo, and his heart is even more It’s a surprise.

"This kid is a godsend, hahaha, but it still contains the source of kendo. Although I don't know how he got it, it is definitely a sword-soul that can become the originator of the ancestor level. It's great, hahaha. ""

Yang Wanjian was very excited to look at Bai Yu, although he also had the means to let his apprentice get the power of Kendo, but the master who brought him to his own is not the same as Bai Yu’s original possession. This kind of thing, the sooner you get, the better.

Bai Yu’s talents and all aspects are beyond the imagination of Yang Wanjian, which makes Yang Wanjian’s heart very excited. He said with a smile, “You don’t want to be guarded, your master is Yang Wanjian, the Juggernaut in the fairy world. Of course, although it is only Yasheng, it is the only swordsman who is unique in heaven and earth. It is your boss Xiangyang who introduced me to you, and you will hurry to apprentice."

"What, do you know the boss?"

When Bai Yu listened to Yang Wanjian, the color of the alert on his face instantly dissipated. His face showed a surprise color and looked at Yang Wanjian. "Predecessors, have you really seen my boss Xiangyang? How is he? In the fairy world Okay?"

"That kid is very good, no one is better than him, not right, I am telling you that I am not a bad person, that kid is letting you apprentice, you are not going to apprentice, you are related to him." what?"

Yang Wanjian looked at Bai Yu with his eyes open. He felt that Bai Yu’s reaction was a bit unnormal. This kid couldn’t find the North when he heard the name of Xiang Yang. But, don’t you know that the focus of our conversation is that we should hurry to apprentice. ?

Bai Yu is excited to look at Yang Wanjian, "Predecessors, please forgive the kid rude, the original senior is my boss's friend, why don't you say it earlier, I thought you are coming to deal with me."

At the same time, he also put away the sword that had already been caught in his hands. Since the other party is a friend of his own boss, there is nothing to be nervous about.

"Yes, I am the friend of that kid, then, can we start to apprentice?"

Yang Wanjian looked at Bai Yu and saw that the kid was very excited. However, he did not think about apprentice, which made him feel very painful.

What's special, it seems that this kid is not really. When he hears that he has a relationship with Xiangyang, he puts down all the guards on his own, just changing the way to warn himself.

Yang Wanjian is very tired in his heart. He feels that Bai Yu is not the younger brother of Xiang Yang. It is not simple.

For Bai Yu, he did not have to put down all the guards because he said the name of Xiang Yang. Yang Wanjian was very satisfied. He smiled and looked at Bai Yu. He sighed in his heart. This kid is definitely the most disciple of Lao Tzu. The best choice, even if let Xiang Yang come to exchange with this kid, I will not.

Of course, he just talked about it. He knows how Xiangyang, the disciple of that pulse, could become his own disciple?

Moreover, even if he wants to accept the Yang Dang disciple, even if the one does not say anything, Xiang Yang can't promise. With the speed of the practice of Xiang Yang, it is estimated that it will take a long time to surpass himself. At that time, if this master is much weaker than his disciple, going out is too faceless.

"Be content, just be content."

Yang Wanjian laughed and looked at Bai Yu, made up his mind, and must cultivate white feathers in the future, so that Bai Yu became the supreme power. If it can become a true chaos sword saint, then it is the most powerful.

In other words, although Yang Wanjian is also known as the Juggernaut, he is only a strong person of the Yasheng Peak. Although it is only a short distance from the chaos of the saints, it is a difference. Compared with the real chaos saint, his strength is not comparable at all.

When Yang Wanjian was entertaining himself, Bai Yu frowned and looked at Yang Wanjian. In his heart, "Boss, this old boy is a friend or an enemy. How did you find such a big problem for me? If it is a friend, how does this old boy look a little mentally abnormal? If it is an enemy, then this time I really died for you. I hope that after you become stronger, you can take my soul. Pulling out from the nine secluded circles, let me be born again."

It is naturally impossible for Bai Yu to believe in the other side because he knows Xiangyang.

There are more people who know Xiangyang, but they are divided into two kinds of people, one is a friend and the other is an enemy.

If you realize Xiangyang’s friend, naturally, the other party may really be the boss of his own, let him bring something to him. If it is an enemy, Bai Yu also wants to understand, the other party is definitely a strong person of the immortal level. With his own ability, although he can be called the king in the realm of comprehension, if he is confronted with the immortal, it is nothing, or he will die.

At the same time, he couldn't help but clench his hand, looking at Yiyi with a look of apology.

"Yu brother, regardless of life and death, we are all together, eternal life is not separated forever." Yiyi eyes firmly looked at Bai Yu, and even with a happy color.

In the past, every time Bai Yu went to the Jedi expedition, she did not dare to let her follow, for fear that she would be in danger, so that she could only wait and be scared, and this time, I can finally face it with Bai Yu. No matter how dangerous the road ahead, she must follow the white feathers, live and die together, and never give up.

"Well, I will never leave." Bai Yu was so moved that he held the hand of Yiyi tightly and did not let go.

"Hey, you are awkward, a pair of students are dead, and they have to go to die together. Am I the kind of bad guy?" The expressions of the two made Yang Wanjian, who was indulging in his excitement, come back to God. stunned.

What's special, an invincible Juggernaut who wants to be a good apprentice, when the other party understands that he knows Xiangyang, the other party still does not believe in himself, which is too much.

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