Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2804: Fall of women

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"Since it has entered the war, it will be a life and death. This time, whoever dares to stop me getting the first, I will kill."

Xiang Yang’s eyes are cold. No matter who he is, it’s impossible to stop him from getting the first place in this war. This time, he came with the intention of killing. The purpose is to go to the first place in the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny. Who dares to compete with him and kill innocent people.

"Wanzhou's battle for the goddess of life, officially started, everyone, heaven and earth are kind, each has a glimmer of life. If someone can not be selected, it is possible to enter the finals directly. Of course, this chance is very small. ""

Above the ring platform, after the words of the three sacred strong men, they sat high on the throne above, and they also took out two or three pots of wine, and they even laughed and laughed.

"Begin, it's my turn."

"Ha ha ha, the first battle came by me first, who is my opponent? Come up and die."

"Come on, it’s not that you are dead or that I live, it depends on whether you want to die or want to live."


At this moment, no one went back to pay attention to the three old men sitting high above, because the real war started, a hundred small cymbals, a total of two hundred people, their heart inspiration touched when they came to power, no one flinched, flew directly The collapse of the body began a fierce battle.

"Just start this way, the first round did not even have me, it is a bit pity." Xiang Yang haha ​​looked at this scene with a smile.

Mei Ao Xue also looked at Xiang Yang with the same gaze, whispered, "The possibility of the first round is relatively large, but the more it arrives, the less likely the wheel is, Xiang Yang, promise me, no matter what. Be careful not to hurt yourself."

"Okay, don't worry, none of these people are my opponents."

Xiang Yang solemnly nodded.

"Oh, this is a battle against Taiwan. It is a fair battle. After you have fallen into the ring, no one knows that you are the descendant of that pulse."

There was a cold laughter coming from the side, not someone else. It was the middle-aged man around Feng Changxiu. At this moment, this middle-aged man looked at Xiang Yang with a sneer on his face. It seems that Xiang Yang once sinned him.

Xiang Yang looked at this middle-aged man with amazement. "I said, man, are you looking for death or something? I am in trouble if I can't move."

"Xiang Yang, you are just a bit of a profit." The middle-aged man sneered a sigh, and his heart was very uncomfortable to see Xiang Yang.

He was a spoiler who was able to practice to the present level. He relied on his own way. On his practice, he saw too many **** hurricanes, and he would die and die. It’s too bad.

The most annoying thing in his life is the kind of person with a strong background.

In particular, Xiang Yang is the most powerful person in the background of the world. It is the middle-aged man who is the most angry person. He vows to defeat Xiangyang in the ring and to let the saints look at it. Such a distraction can also kill those who have the strongest background in the world.

"I hope that you will be lucky later, don't touch me."

The middle-aged man sneered at Xiang Yang and had already made up his mind. If he had met Xiang Yang, he must use the fastest and most embarrassing method to destroy Xiang Yang.

"I think you may be disappointed."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Don't you be afraid?" The middle-aged man sneered at Xiang Yang.

"No, no, I am not afraid. I just think that your head is black and green. It should be bad luck. Your woman Feng Changxiu betrayed you. You will definitely have a **** disaster, you may not be able to wait. I am showing up." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Kid, what are you talking about? Are you looking for death?" The middle-aged man was very angry when he heard it. Xiang Yang said that his head was green, just to say his heart, yes, he really was green on his head, and it was A large green light, Feng Changxiu is superficially his Dalu, but Feng Changxiu has always liked Xiangyang. Although Xiangyang, who used to like it, is fake, but a heart is not here, how can he be happy.

Because of the things between Feng Changxiu and the fake Xiangyang, this middle-aged man is very angry. It is very uncomfortable to see Xiangyang. Even if he knows that Xiangyang is innocent, he is being counterfeited. He also vowed to destroy. Xiang Yang.

"Wait a minute, if you can stick to the same stage with me, I can let you know that it is the biggest mistake of your life." Xiang Yang was also provoked by the inexplicable target of this guy. He took a look. The smile of evil spirits, if it is shot later, it is necessary to directly destroy this guy.

"I am waiting for you, I hope you don't cry when you really come to power."

The middle-aged man’s eyes were constantly flashing, and he screamed. "Boy, I will ask you to call Dad."

"What are you shouting?" Xiang Yang frowned and looked at each other.

"Dad." The middle-aged man screamed.

"Don't, don't call me like this. If I have a son like you, maybe my family's ancestors will tear me apart."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The middle-aged man was mad and was placed in Xiangyang. Although he only lost to Xiangyang verbally, his heart was very unhappy.

"Don't bicker with him. You are not his opponent. Let's talk about it later."

At this time, Feng Changxiu, who had never spoken, spoke. She stopped the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man actually listened to Feng Changxiu’s words. After nodding his head, he stopped roaring with Xiangyang, but murderously. Xiang Yang.

"Oh... I will not die if I don't die. Since he is looking for death, I will definitely fulfill him later."

Xiang Yanghe said with a smile, holding hands with Mei Aoxue in the air, watching a hundred battles at the same time, this is the collapse between the Xianzun, each shot, the attack power is amazing In particular, one hundred battles at the same time, this picture is absolutely very explosive.

Even after Xiang Yang met, he felt awkward.


However, shortly after the war, some people have actually died. The unlucky one in the big seven heavens has been bombarded by his opponent, a master of the world.

"I won."

The master of the big eight heavens with a happy face, while the figure flew out of the ring, the huge gas stone above the ring was shining.

"No, my air, the imprint of my destiny, how can this be..."

Then, I saw a strange scene. On one of the islands, there was a woman who made a frightening cry. All the power of her body was flying out at this moment, and it was integrated into a fairy island not far away. After the body of a fateful woman absorbed the power of the woman's gas, the power of the woman's body was obviously rich, and her face was happy. "Great, After the victory in the first battle and the power of air transportation, I will have the fate of the future, and then it will be easier to win."

"Ylang, thank you."

The woman of the destiny looked at the man who had returned from the wink, and the man said with a big laugh, "I promise you that to get the first for you will definitely succeed."


For this scene, everyone sees it in the eyes. Everyone knows the treatment of the winner and the loser. The loser loses all the treatment of the daughter of the destiny. From then on, he is beaten into the dust. It is not the daughter of the destiny, the person who won, will take away the other party's airpower, and gather together two air transport, becoming the daughter of the two continents.

In other words, the ultimate winner will be the daughter of Wanzhou, the true destiny.

This war is too cruel. It is not so much a gambling battle, it is better to say that it is a war of strong plunder, and the final winner will be the biggest predator.

Xiang Yang frowned at this scene and couldn't help but ask Mei Aoxue. "Is the gambling battle between the goddess of this destiny really a battle between the fateful women themselves?"

"It should be." Mei Aoxue’s face is uncertain. "I don't know too well. Because I am younger, I haven't had any deep friendship with other goddess of destiny. Only heart." ..."

While talking about it, she remembered Hu Xinyu, and her face showed a faint color.

Xiang Yang clenched the hand of Mei Aoxue and whispered, "The battle of the goddess of this destiny is not an agreement between the goddess of the destiny, but the purpose of those who are sacred, their purpose It is to cultivate the worms by the method of cultivating locusts, and the person who will eventually win will be the daughter of Wanzhou, and certainly has a strong effect on the eastern Tianyu."

"how come..."

Mei Aoxue frowned at this scene. Suddenly, she remembered that when she was going to fight, the family ancestors once told her that she must find a way to win. If she wins, she will not imagine. The benefits, and if lost, although the ancestors can help her save her life, but they will lose a lot of things.

"Isn't it really an agreement between the children of the destiny?" Mei Aoxue whispered, thinking that this was just the same play of some children, and now it seems that it is not that simple. Look like that.

"It should be related to All Saints."

Xiang Yang has his hands on his back and his eyes are faint. Since he saw the elf **** of the Western gods, he has already understood a bit. Many things may not be as simple as they imagined. The fairy world may usher in a turbulent era. .

Not only did the devil world begin to communicate with the fairy world, but even the western gods would begin to invade into the fairy world.

The elf is the seed left by the elf Lord God. Then, among the heavens and the world, there will definitely be other seeds of the Western realm. Maybe some other main gods have grown to a very powerful level. possible.

"Fortunately, I have grown up enough to face some dangers." Xiang Yang took a deep breath.

"However, we must hurry back to get your wife back."

At the same time he thought about it, he looked at Mei Aoxue, whispering, "Mei Xiaoniu, after the end of the war between the women of Wanzhou, you go with me to other Tianyu."

"Are you going to find other women in yours?" Mei Aoxue’s eyes were filled with resentment.

"How do you know this?" Xiang Yang looked at Mei Aoxue strangely.

"When you first arrived in the fairy world, let me help you find them. Have you forgotten?" Mei Ao Xue Bai Xiangyang looked at him.

"Oh, this thing, I really forgot."

Xiang Yangxuan smiled and thought that Mei Aoxue was so superb that he knew a lot of things about himself. What he did not expect was that it was his own reason.


At this time, Xiang Yang felt that a communication jade on his body was brightened. When he took it out, he suddenly showed his excitement on his face. "It was the message that the Emperor Xu Wei gave me. They have to have news."

"I am the Emperor Li Shentong of the Central Tianyu."

When Xiang Yang connected the communication Yufu, he found that the other party did not directly talk to himself, but sent a message to himself and then went offline.

However, when he heard the first sentence, he took a breath of cold air. He did not expect that the Emperor of Heaven in the Central Tianyu personally confessed to himself. It can be seen that Emperor Xu Wei’s help in finding someone is definitely a day. Great strength.

"Xiang Yang, the descendant of that one, has long been famous."

This is the second sentence of the Central Emperor Li Shentong. The voice of the other party is very hearty. Xiang Yang listens to the voice of the other party, as if he saw a bold middle-aged man standing in front of himself.

"Xu Wei asked us to find a few people in the Central Tianyu. Coincidentally, they are all within the Holy Family. Moreover, their talent is very good. They are true disciples of the Holy Family and are deeply influenced by the elders of the Holy Family. If you want to find them, come to the Central Tianyu, and Central Tianyu will wait for you."

Next, the Emperor Li Shentong of the Central Tianyu did not say too much nonsense, but directly told Xiang Yang where the other women were.

"Central Tianyu, Li Shentong, Shengzong." Xiang Yang whispered, his heart was so excited, for a long time, he finally found the women, they will be able to find them right away.

Although the women have not really taken home, but they have already got the place where the women are, this is enough.

Central Tianyu, Shengzong.

Waiting for me, I will be here soon.

Xiang Yang clenched his fists, his face was full of excitement, and Mei Ao Xue around him was whispering. "You can't enjoy them in the central Tianyu. However, Shengzong is said to be in the central Tianyu. It is a very strong sect. This sect is soaring and mysterious. In the legend, it is dedicated to the cultivation of the sacred place. The disciples in the door must have a sacred position to get started. They all entered the holy sage. It’s incredible."

"Mei Xiaoniu, you even know the holy sage, tell me about what kind of sect is the sage." Xiang Yang looked at Mei Aoxue with a curious look.

Mei Aoxue looked at Xiang Yang with a look of eccentricity and said, "The Emperor Li Shentong of the Central Tianyu is said to be a disciple of the Holy Family. The Holy Family seems to be a very powerful sect of the All Saints, or it should be said to be a The school is not an exaggeration. The main purpose of the saints is to cultivate the masters of the holy world as the ultimate goal. The non-holy heavenly talents are not allowed to enter the saints. Moreover, after practicing for 10,000 years, if they have not yet reached the requirements of the saints, they will be The saints were expelled. Therefore, although there are many disciples of the saints, there are not many disciples, but if they can practice more than 10,000 years of true disciples in the saints, most of them will ultimately be extraordinary. When they are born, Those who are the weakest are all strong."

"Oh... what kind of sect is this, how is it so horrible?"

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