Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2805: Solving happy knots (five more flowers)

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When Mei Aoxue told Xiang Yang what she knew about the holy sage, Xiang Yang was wide-eyed with an incredible color. Only those who had a sacred position could get started, and after the entry, In the 10,000-year investigation period, if it is unable to meet the requirements of the Holy Family for 10,000 years, it will not be a true disciple and will be expelled from the sect.

The true disciple who came out of the Zongmen, the weakest is the strongest in the realm of the Taoist. What is the strongest? Is it a true chaos saint?

Rao is Xiangyang, after listening to it, he can't help but take a breath. This is where the sect is. It is clearly a sage culture base. He really did not expect that there is such a holy place in the fairy world.

Moreover, he heard very clearly that the Central Emperor Li Shentong also specifically told himself that several women have become true disciples in the Holy Family.

Although he also knows that a few women's talents are very good, but it is so easy to become a true disciple, this is a bit incredible.

"After others have passed the 10,000-year evaluation period, can they become true disciples?" Xiang Yang asked Mei Aoxue.

"According to what the ancestors said, the 10,000-year period is a standard for assessment. Of course, this is for most people. This is not fixed. There are also some talented people who don’t have time. It is also possible to be a true disciple through assessment. However, this is almost impossible. Since the day of the appearance of the Holy Family, there have been few such examples." Mei Ao Xue shook his head and said.

"Who is this saint, who founded it?" Xiang Yang was inexplicable.

Shengzong, it sounds too sinister, even Xiang Yang has an impulse to enter the Holy Family to practice for a while.

Where the saints are cultivated, who does not want to enter this sect.

"It is said to be the saints of the heavens." Mei Aoxue said.

While she was talking, she did not continue to talk about it. Don’t say that she didn’t know anything at that level. Even if she knew the news, she couldn’t tell Xiang Yang too much, because this level of things has exceeded her. Imagine, definitely not what she can talk about.

"Zhu Sheng founded this holy sect, is it to deal with the aliens?" Xiang Yang whispered to himself.


At this time, in the upper part of the ring, there was a huge roaring sound coming over, only to see a master of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak was bombarded by the opponent, the winner was bathed in the blood and rain, issued A loud roar, "This time the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming, the first deity is fixed, who dares to rob with the deity, the deity shattered him, hehe..."

"This guy is full of wildness, killing and rushing, it doesn't seem to be a good deal." Xiang Yang couldn't help but frowned.

"I hope not to be with him." Mei Aoxue's face showed a worried color.

"It doesn't matter, even if he is strong, it can't be my opponent. None of these people is my opponent. Even if they are all together, I have no fear." Xiang Yang said with a smile. With a light smile on his face.

For him, this battle is without any suspense, he has enough confidence to deal with any crisis.

The other battles in the ring did not end immediately, but they continued. Almost every moment there was a fairy depreciation, and the scene was very bloody.

The winner’s smug smile is intertwined with the screams of the loser, and the huge gas movement stone blooms with a strong radiance, extracting the power of the loser’s qi, and gathering it in the desperate woman of the winner. in vivo.

All of this seems to be very chaotic, even if Xiang Yang is frowning, I don’t understand the significance of the battle of Wan Tian’s destiny.

Later, Xiang Yang was bored and bored. He directly released the broken moon boat and let it zoom in and out of the air. He and Mei Aoxue were sitting in the broken moon boat and drinking monkey wine. While watching the battle of Fujian and Taiwan.

In the end, three days later, the first round of the battle against Taiwan was finally over. Two hundred of the top performers, one hundred were killed by the opponents, and the one hundred that won were proud to return to their camp. Among them.

"The second round is about to begin, Xiang Yang, I hope this round will make the deity meet you." The middle-aged man around Feng Changxiu looked at Xiang Yang with an indifferent and cruel smile on his face. He really hopes Yang can go to the battle against him, and by then, he will be able to kill Xiang Yang with his own skills.

"I also hope to meet you." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Wait, then."

The middle-aged man snorted, and he was able to practice the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. He relied on himself to kill a little. His hands were covered with blood. His every progress was made with the enemy. Blood is paved.

He believes that although Xiang Yang is a descendant of the legendary vein, it is definitely a flower in the greenhouse, and it is impossible to compare with himself.

He wants to use his flesh and blood and life to create his brilliant life.

Moreover, it is said that the ultimate winner, the daughter of the destiny will get the fate of Wanzhou, and the people who fight the Taiwanese can also get the gathering of the weather. At that time, he has great hopes to step into the sky and step directly into the realm of the Holy Land. .

Under the sage, they are all ants. As long as he can enter the realm of sacredness, even if it is only the realm of sacredness, he can stand on top of nine days and be able to transcend the heavens.

Many people have the same ideas as this middle-aged man, especially those who are in the realm of the big Luo Jiu Jiu Tianfeng. The biggest goal of their participation in the war is to be able to use the huge air transport of the destiny after the final victory. The force hits the Asian holy field.

This point Xiang Yang does not know, even, even Mei Aoxue does not know these things.

However, Xiang Yang is certain that the ultimate winner of this battle will definitely be his.


The rushing bell rang again, without any words, and everyone started the second round of the war. The selected person flew directly into the ring and began to fight against the opponent.

"It’s the turn of the deity."

Suddenly, the middle-aged man’s face was full of excitement. He was directly dragged by a force, flew up to the platform, and then looked at Xiangyang with his eyes. He hoped that the spirit of Yunshi could listen to his inner thoughts and Xiangyang. Sent it up and let him kill.

"Your opponent is me."

However, the next moment, this middle-aged man was suddenly depressed, because his opponent appeared, is a master of the same big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, and Xiang Yang is still sitting on the broken moon boat and drinking with Mei Aoxue Small wine.

In this second round, Xiang Yang is still empty.

"Hey, luck, I didn't believe it before, but now, I can't believe it." Xiang Yang sighed, with a smile on his face, watching the middle-aged man with grief The opponent is fighting.

Imagine how unhappy the middle-aged man was at the moment. The guy wanted to fight with Xiangyang. As a result, he couldn't be labeled with Xiang Yang, but he was forced to go on stage.

"I believe that your luck will be good to the end." Mei Ao Xue smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

"Continue to watch the fun, right, since the places where the wives are located have been affirmed, after this time the Wanzhou Destiny Women's War is over, we will go directly to the Central Tianyu." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Yeah." Mei Aoxue nodded. As a woman, she naturally did not like other women around Xiangyang, but she was very clear that she only went with Xiangyang to find women, since she followed From the moment when Yang Ding had made a contract of life and death, she could no longer be separated from Xiang Yang. Since she could not choose, she could only accept it.

Fortunately, she also understands that although Xiang Yang has other women, but he will not be inferior to each other, but treat everyone with sincerity, and this is enough.

The two are still drinking and chatting. They are talking about the situation of the Holy Land of the Central Tianyu. Xiangyang lamented it and finally realized the grandness and grandeur of the fairyland.

He originally thought that the master of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng was already at the peak. The sanctuary was a minority after all, and now he understands that the real powerhouse is still a strong place.

The holy sage is the most terrible sect in the central celestial world. It can also be said to be the most terrible and mysterious sect of the whole fairyland.

Imagine that the worst disciple cultivated in Zongmen is the strongest person in the realm of the Tao. Even the strongest may have become a saint of chaos. How terrible is such a sect?

Even if this sect is too high, there may not be too many disciples, and there may be few people, but even if there is a man every 100,000 years, so long, the number of strong people in this sect will be It is a terrible existence.

"My mother really has such a great energy, can they send them to the Holy Family?" Xiang Yang wondered, and he could not see his mother more and more.

Her mother is indeed too mysterious. She has always enjoyed a lot of maternal love, but she can feel the existence of her mother. Now, as he enters the practice world, he is more and more I feel that my mother is mysterious and invisible.

"Fortunately, Xiaoye has not relied on his parents since he was a child. Otherwise, if they do this, I am really going crazy."

Xiang Yang sighed. He was still very upset about his mother sending the daughters to the fairyland to practice. He sent to the powerful Zongmen practice in the fairyland. Xiang Yang did not object, but the key is what you want to put them in. The place told me that at least I could find them.

"Xiang Yang, what's wrong with you?" Mei Aoxue looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color on his face. He didn't understand why Xiang Yang suddenly showed a very unhappy look.

"I remembered my mother, and my heart was a bit uncomfortable." In front of Mei Aoxue, Xiang Yang did not hide anything.

"Why?" Mei Ao Xue was stunned. In her opinion, Xiang Yang could not be the kind of filial son. Why did she not think of her mother, not only because she missed it, but because she was unhappy.

"A decade ago, my mother told me that I would take my daughters to repair some of the holy places that she found in the real world, and then throw me a star map and turn my women away. When I entered the realm of comprehension, I spent the cost of the boss looking for it. When I finally found the trace of her old man in a sect, she found that they had entered the fairy world, and she did not leave anything for me. The clues just let me know that they have entered the fairy world. Do you have such a mother?"

When talking about his mother, Xiang Yang was filled with resentment.

"Hey, what do you mean, the few women you asked me to find, are your mothers bringing them to the fairyland, and then sent them to various places to practice?" After the Mei Ao Xue listened, he sucked With a sigh of relief, she finally understood why Xiang Yang was so resentful. She knew very well that Xiang Yang’s main goal to come to the fairyland was to find the women, and the good man who caused him to be so tired was actually his. Mother, I can imagine how uncomfortable Xiang Yang’s heart is.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for my mother, I would have found a place in the lower bounds to enjoy life, and I need to go to the fairy world to fight hard." Xiang Yang sang.

"Xiang Yang, have you ever thought that since you entered the fairy world, your cultivation has grown by leaps and bounds, and all opportunities are actually related to your mother, because she is too familiar with you, knowing that if you don’t give you a visit to the fairyland Excuse me, maybe you will really stay in the lower bounds to live a comfortable life. At that time, if there is any turmoil in the heavens, it may not be a good thing for you." Mei Aoxue whispered .

"What do you mean, is this my mother's intention?" Xiang Yang blinked.

All along, although he did not show how to show it, but his heart is very unhappy with his mother, it is because of his mother's reasons, so that he lost the opportunity to reunite with the women, not only have to work hard to find all The woman is also to be separated from the women of the lower bounds, looking for herself alone in the fairy world.

After listening to the words of Mei Aoxue at the moment, his mind was flowing and suddenly understood.

"Knowledge son Mo Ruo, your mother is very great, she knows your character, knows that if you are the woman who is following you, with your character, you will not easily take risks, because you are afraid that after you have an accident, you The woman will be sad and unprotected, so she deliberately uses this method to send a few women to the powerful Zongmen practice in the fairy world, and also allows you to practice and practice in the process. Let you grow up quickly. Now, although you have come to the fairy world for a few years, you have already achieved such great achievements. You should thank your mother for all this, instead of feeling full of grievances against her." Ao Xue said softly.

Xiang Yang lived, the whole person was stunned, and he always came. Although he did not say it on the surface, he was filled with grievances about his mother. Now he really heard the words of Mei Aoxue. Like a blue sky, the whole person trembled, and finally understood.

"Yeah, I should not be angry with my parents. I have achievements now. Although all the opportunities are obtained by myself, if I don't have my mother to send them to the fairy world, maybe I am still in the lower bound. It is impossible to come to the fairy world." Xiang Yang whispered, and at this moment he suddenly became cheerful.

In the past, he always complained about his mother. Now he really understands the good intentions of his mother. If he does not have his own mother, perhaps he is still only the realm of the peak, no, not even a fairy. It is possible, how can we have today's achievements?

Poor parents in the world, what parents do is for the sake of their children, anything, on the surface it seems to be no good for themselves, but in fact, it is for their own women.

Xiang Yang’s knot was suddenly untied at this moment.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers...

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