Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2806: He cheated

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In the moon-breaking boat, Xiang Yang still and Mei Aoxue sit and drink. After he untied his heart, he only felt that the whole person was very happy. His mood suddenly became clear in this moment, and his heart was no longer the same. My mother is full of resentment.

Mei Aoxue clearly felt the change of Xiangyang. She had a smile on her face and was very happy that Xiangyang could solve this knot.

Although this little heart knot did not have much impact on Xiang Yang, but after all, Xiang Yang has always been a bit uncomfortable with his mother.

Now, all this is finally solved.

"Mei Xiao Niu, thank you." Xiang Yang had a smile on his face, and he grabbed the hand of Mei Aoxue with one hand, and his face was touched.

"Do you really want to thank me?" Mei Ao Xue smiled and looked at Xiang Yang, not knowing what she was thinking, her pretty face was a blush.

"Of course, you let me untie a knot, I must thank you very much, whether you want me to agree or not, I will promise you."

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.

"Who wants you to make your own decisions, you think too beautiful." Mei Ao Xue Bai Xiang Xiang a look.

If she let Xiang Yang agree with her, it seems to her that she is no different from her.

Mei Ao Xue will not be fooled.

"What do you want me to do to thank you?" Xiang Yang asked.

"As long as you tell your mother about the things you have solved, you can." Mei Aoxue said at the same time, his face showed a shy red color, slightly bowed his head and did not dare to look at the item. Yang.

"Ah, hahahaha..." Xiang Yang listened to it first, then he laughed, and then he laughed loudly.

Mei Aoxue is to please the future mother-in-law. Apparently, Mei Aoxue is afraid that he is a latecomer. After meeting the future mother-in-law, she does not know how to get along with her mother-in-law. Therefore, she seized the relationship with Xiangyang. Such a little bit of things made Xiang Yang’s mother know that Xiang Yang’s knot was solved because of Mei Aoxue’s reason. At that time, it’s sure to be eye-catching, and even grateful to Mei Aoxue. .

In this way, Mei Aoxue does not have to worry about being treated with Xiang Yang because he was later compared with other women.

Xiang Yang’s face had a sly smile. He really didn’t think that Mei Aoxue would have such an idea. This is really interesting.

"You laugh and laugh, don't laugh." Although Mei Aoxue had a small face, he looked up and screamed at Xiangyang.

At this moment, Mei Ao Xue reveals a different beauty, smacking his mouth and looking fierce, making Xiang Yang almost look after seeing it, and can't help but whisper. "Ao Xue, you are beautiful. ”

"Just you can talk." After Mei Aoxue heard the words of Xiang Yang, the fierce look of the moment could not persist, but humbly whispered.

"I am talking about the truth." Xiang Yang quickly patted his chest to ensure that "you are definitely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

"Hey, still here to talk about love, but also, it will soon be destroyed on the stage, it is necessary to talk about love and love, or else, after being destroyed, nothing will be done."

However, at this time, the beautiful atmosphere was interrupted by sudden words. I saw that the middle-aged man had defeated his opponent from the ring. He sneered at Xiang Yang with a bloodthirsty face. Rays.

"Roll." Suddenly interrupted by the other party's romantic atmosphere, Xiang Yang's heart was extremely angry, cold eyes looked at this middle-aged man, his eyes with a slap in the face, it was not directly touched with the other side.

"Oh, I still want to do it with Lao Tzu, but unfortunately, I want to let you live for a little while, or else, if you just came to power, you have already been shredded by the deity." "The middle-aged man sneered a sneer, and there was no fear of Xiangyang's anger.

Xiang Yang stood up and looked at the middle-aged man. He looked calm and said. "You are very good. You have successfully provoked my killing."

"Provoke your killing, hehe, unfortunately, the air Yunshi stone will not let you shoot, how can you?" The middle-aged man still sneered and teased Xiangyang.

"is it?"

Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief, looking at the air and the gods in the sky, gently worshiping, whispered, "Please air me to let me go up with him."

"Kid, if you want to pay a useful word, then you need to do what you want to do..." No..."

The middle-aged man saw the action of Xiang Yang is ridiculous. However, before the sound of his ridicule fell, he found that something was wrong. The gas-powered **** stone broke out more than before, and did not know how many times the light, then, The man clearly felt that a traction force was acting on himself, directly pulling himself to fly up the platform. At the same time, on the other side, Xiang Yang also flew to the platform.

In the blink of an eye, the two men have stood together on the platform and stood facing each other.

"How is it possible, you are just arbitrarily worshipping the **** of gas, how can you really let the gas **** stone send you and me together? This is impossible, how could your luck be so good?"

The middle-aged man was paralyzed. If they were sent to the ring at the beginning of the normal third round, it would be very normal, and he would be very happy.

However, at this moment, the two of them came together on stage. It turned out to be the operation of Xiangyang's god. When they worshipped the **** of gas and gas, they directly took the two men together to fight on the stage, which made him feel very wrong.

Moreover, since he has just finished a downfall, although his opponent has been killed, his opponent is also a strong man of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. How can he not be injured after a big battle? The energy has not recovered, making his law a big bad.

Originally, I really wanted to fight against Xiangyang. When he really faced Xiangyang, his heart suddenly panicked.

Xiang Yang looked at the middle-aged man with a faint smile on his face. "As you wish, we have been standing together in the same platform. Are you very happy? Is it a surprise?"

"Bastard, what method did you use to let the gas gods send us together?"

Surprise, surprise, fart, the middle-aged man at the moment has been completely shocked and not happy, he spent more than half of his energy, and the injury did not recover well. At this time, he did not have the slightest grasp to defeat Xiangyang. How can I be pleasantly surprised?

"Three seniors, this kid cheating, I have to report him." The middle-aged man did not immediately shoot, but looked at the help of the three Asian saints who sat on the top and drank a small wine.

"Everything is the arrangement of the stone of the air, no one can cheat." The three Asian holy men said with a cold face.

"But it is impossible. Why did he worship a few times against the **** of gas, and the **** of the air will directly obey his words and send us together in the collapse?" The middle-aged man was unwilling to swear.

"You ask the gas **** stone yourself." The Yasheng strong man in the middle said coldly.


The middle-aged man was paralyzed and asked him to ask a stone. If this is perfunctory, it would be said from the mouth of the three referees. Is this in line with the rules? Is it fair?

He looked at the three Asian saints with sorrow and anger, but saw one of them with a warning look, making him a shackle and never dare to speak.

He knows that if he does not pursue this matter, he may be able to kill Xiang Yang. At that time, he still hopes to compete for the first place and help Feng Changxiu become the first person in the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny, but if Offended these three sacred strong men, even if his combat power is no longer powerful, it is useless, and certainly there is no place to go directly to the three people.

"You ask, ask what is going on with the air, and I am very curious. Why does it listen to me? Is it that I know that I am the master of the future, so I listen to me. Xiang Yang is smiling at the middle-aged man. You don't have to think about how the middle-aged man feels at the moment.

This middle-aged man has repeatedly challenged himself. This is really difficult for Xiang Yang to bear. So, he worshipped the **** of gas and gas, and as a result, he felt very much. Unexpectedly, when he had not used the power of a powerful soul to suppress the spirit of this sacred stone, this sacred stone was so consciously revealed, so he and his middle-aged man were brought together. .

It makes Xiang Yang’s heart sigh, and the gas-going stone is really different. It’s much more powerful than the emperor’s emperor. After all, the spirit of the emperor’s martial art needs to threaten it with the power of a powerful soul. Listen to your own words, and this qi sacred stone is not the same, you don't need to do anything yourself, just understand your own ideas, not bad.

What Xiang Yang didn’t know was that at the moment, the three sacred strongmen above the ring were also very puzzled. After they looked at each other a few times, they said, “This kid is weird, it’s a stone worship to the **** of gas. Just a moment, the gas **** stone actually listened to him and sent him up. Could it be that he used any magic to manipulate the gas stone?"

This is the words of the Yasheng in the middle.

"Impossible, we have been watching all the time. If the kid used some magic, we will definitely find it in the first place." The other two strong men shook their heads at the same time, and they sat on the edge of the air On the other hand, if Xiang Yang really used any method, they can definitely find it.

"Is it really like this kid said, he is the master of the destined **** of gas, so he said that under the sentiment of the spirit of the **** of gas, did he agree with his request?" St. feels a bit unbelievable.

"This is really possible."

These three Asian saints who act as referees think that Xiang Yang is a bit weird, but this kind of thing happens even under their eyes, they don’t know what it is. After all, this air transport Shenshi is not their treasure. It was taken out by the Emperor Xuan of the Eastern Heavens from the treasure house of the Temple of Heaven. No one knows what is strange about this stone.

At this moment, countless people in the field are all blinking, and all the enemies are thoughtful, thinking about whether they can use Xiangyang's method to deal with the enemy.

Xiang Yangzheng smiled and faced the middle-aged man, smiling and said, "How do you want to die?"

"Boy, you are too deceiving." The middle-aged man looked at Xiang Yang with anger.

Just now he was single-mindedly trying to stimulate Xiang Yang, but after the real downfall, he panicked.

"Oh, I really want to bully people. Who told you to keep yelling, now that you are really on stage, you will be finished." Xiang Yang sighed and appeared in his hand a paper umbrella that looked very ordinary, but When the oil-paper umbrella was taken out, the eyes of the three Asian holy men sitting above the ring were shrinking at the same time.

"I rely on this, this kid really does not want to let people live, and take out the Wanjian umbrella directly. This is the treasure that Lao Yang used to refine. Under Yasheng, no one can stop it."

"This kid is amazing."

"It’s no wonder that the sacred stone will listen to him. After all, with the sword of the sword in the hands of this kid, it is enough to sweep this time all the strong."

All three of the great saints of the saints sighed, and there is a good treasure that can absolutely sweep the world, no one can rival.

Xiang Yang’s Wanjian Umbrella is just like this. Although it is a treasure, it can explode a million martial arts attacks. Who can stop it under the holy world?

The middle-aged man opposite Xiangyang did not recognize the sword of Xiang Yang in his hands. He was still filled with the color of anger, and his voice was angry. "Kid, don't think that you can defeat this seat if you are guilty." Even if there is injury in this seat, you can still marry you. Today, the deity must prove to everyone, and the flowers in your greenhouse are incomparable to those of me who are practicing themselves."


While roaring, the middle-aged man directly sacrificed a Thunder sledgehammer. This sledgehammer turned out to be a magic weapon at the level of the treasure. As soon as it appeared, the whole platform was filled with endless thunder. These thunder powers and their tyranny, even if it is The fairy goddess of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianyi Peak did not dare to let them fall on the body.

This is the killer of this middle-aged man. This is the thunder hammer. It is the treasure of Raytheon in ancient times. It is endless power. Originally he was prepared to stay at the last stop and compete with the strongest one to take the first place, but Now, because he is only about 50% left in his body, he is injured, and he can only use this Thunder hammer in advance.

"What kind of treasure is this?" After Xiang Yang saw it, his eyes glowed, and even the voice of his voice shook.

He is really happy. He found that there are all kinds of treasures in the fairy world. When you need the treasures most, you can always earn some treasures if you participate in a big battle.

However, when Xiang Yang’s excitement shook, in the middle-aged man’s view, Xiang Yang was afraid of shivering. He said with sneer and disdain, “This is the ancient Thor hammer, the ancient heaven. The magic weapon controlled by Raytheon, if it is a slap in the face, despising God's thunder is enough to destroy any strong person, even if the sacred master is coming, he will not dare to take it."

He looked at Xiang Yang’s “fear” and shivered. He was relieved and very proud. At the same time, I was too worried. With this Thunder hammer, even if I met the Holy Land Can fight against one or two, even if the strong road can also kill the other side, this kid is a flower in the greenhouse, how can stop it.

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