Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2808: The old monster of the fairyland

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"This blow must make you die, you must."

The middle-aged man roared. If the attack could not kill Xiangyang, he would have little mana left. At that time, there was only one dead path left for him.

Xiang Yang looked at the thunder hammer that crashed down. This time, with his eyes with a dignified color, he is no longer a hippie smile, because he can obviously feel the thunder hammer, it is the real power. Even if he is not careful, it may be directly smashed by Thor.

Xiang Yang took back the Wan Jian Umbrella and did not continue to use the Wan Jian Umbrella. Instead, he appeared in the hands of the Demon Sword. His body was volley and suddenly roared. "This sword allows you to truly see what is Kendo, even if it is Wan Jian is not as good as a sword."


Next, the onlookers all saw their unforgettable scenes, only to see Xiangyang volley, a sword to go out, beautiful, empty, infinite swords do not know where to come from, as if from ancient times Time and space, as if from the future, the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the world, the chaotic void, the infinite sword and the sudden appearance.

This is the sword that was summoned by the sword of Xiangyang. These swords are the peaks and swords of the top leaders of all eras.

The infinite swords burst out, only to hear the sound of ‘bang’, and the collapse of the power of the sub-Supreme Power suddenly exploded, and the middle-aged man exploded.

The middle-aged man did not know how he was killed when he died.

Because when he tried his best to display Raytheon hammer to Xiangyang, he was in the void of the front, back, left and right, the infinite swordsman appeared with the power of horror, all killed in his body, making him whole People annihilate in an instant, leaving only those remaining treasures to fall.

However, because of the mana that has been injected into the middle-aged man, Raytheon is still like an ancient million-footed mountain.

"Is the ancient Thor hammer, can it compare with the first demon?"

After Xiang Yang’s sword was displayed, he did not continue to move. Instead, he stood up with his hands and looked proudly at the Thor hammer, which was still being suppressed by himself.

"Be careful."

"This kid thinks that after the guy has been killed, will the Thor hammer not continue to fall towards him?"

"Is he crazy?"

The onlookers saw all the tensions in this scene. Even though the top three sacred strongmen were shocked and Xiangyang, they were even more worried that Xiangyang would not be able to withstand the attack of Thor’s hammer and be killed. It is.

"The first sword of the first demon sword, born out of nothing, heaven and earth, ancient chaos, all the swords of the strongest, all listen to my call, for my use."

Xiang Yang has a proud color on his face, and he is talking to himself.


At this moment, the first sword of the first magic sword broke out. In the void around Xiangyang, a crack of the void suddenly burst open, and the breath of Senran broke out. The powerful swordsmanship was never known. It appears in the void, and after these swords appear, it is like a golden lotus, directly rooted in the void, guarding around Xiangyang.

At this moment, Xiangyang is surrounded by dense swords, and every sword is earth-shattering. Even the most terrifying power of the sword makes the three holy sages above feel the heart tremble.

"This is a sword of the Holy Land..."

"How can this be?"

The strong faces of the three Yasheng peaks have become very shocking. They clearly feel that the power of more than one sword has reached the prestige of the holy world. Even if they face the sword of Xiangyang, I am afraid that they must be careful to resist. Row.

Endless swords, like wild grasses generally grow around the Xiangyang, with the movement of Xiang Yangxin, these swords instantly bombarded on the Thor hammer.


At this moment, the Thor hammer could not continue to fall even if it was powerful, but after being bombarded by these swords, it flew upwards a little.

At the same time, the middle-aged man of the owner of Raytheon Hammer has been killed because of the loss of the owner's Thor hammer.


There is an invisible wave that comes from an unknown place, and after the Thunder hammer is sensed, it will sneak into the void and disappear.

"Great courage, Lao Tzu worked hard to kill each other, you dare to take my treasure?"

After Xiang Yang met, he sneered a sneer. His mind was moved, and his body shape did not enter the void. At the same time, the infinite swords around him also followed him into the void.

"The ancient Thor, the vastness is boundless, the thunder is endless, for my use, come back, Raytheon, I am your master, listen to my command, come back."

In the chaotic void, on a chaotic stone, there is a young man standing in front of him. There is an altar in front of him. He is doing crazy practice. At the same time, his body is full of powerful thunder, which is the power of this thunder. So that he pulled the Thor hammer and flew toward him.

"Thunderbolt re-emerged, it was really good, I got the inheritance of Raytheon. This time, I was born, I can just take back the Thor and the Thor, and when it is, what is the battle of the Million Island?"

At the same time as this youth practice, I am very excited.

He is a purple thunder, a character of ancient times. At the same time, he is also very famous because he was the first person in the first million-year-old real fairy war.

However, today he is still the cultivation of the true fairy peak.

He is the old monster that is hidden in the ancient times, in order to be able to get one of the first names in this year's Million Island.

Moreover, he has already received the inheritance of Raytheon in ancient times. Although the cultivation is still suppressed in the realm of the true fairy peak, the rules of the Dalu that he has learned have reached an astonishing nine, and these rules are It is also a branch of the rules of the mine.

He is the purest practitioner of Raytheon, and his body has reached a very terrifying level under the tempering of the Thunder.

Such an old monster, just after its birth, sensed the breath of Thor's hammer, so it was in this chaotic way, summoning Thor's hammer with the method of Raytheon's inheritance.

Originally, if the Thor hammer had a master, he could not summon the Thor hammer. However, after the middle-aged man had just been killed by Xiang Yang, the Thor hammer became an unowned thing at this moment, which made him seize the opportunity. In a flash, the Thor hammer is summoned.


In the chaos of the void, in front of the collapse of this youth, there was a void crack, and the Thunder hammer of a large size rushed out of it and landed directly in front of him.

At this moment, the Thor hammer still broke out with horror, although the power on the Thor hammer was offset by the first sword of the first magic sword exhibited by Xiang Yang, but more than half of the energy was still not released.

"A good Thor hammer, finally appeared, hahaha."

"The deity of Rea will come true, and it will be truly perfect."

"My way, as long as I can get the Raytheon suit when I get the Thor armor, I can restore the glory of the ancient Thor, and even surpass the ancient Thor, and become the true thunder."

The young man suddenly laughed when he saw the Thor hammer.

In front of him, the thunder hammer is unparalleled, and the explosive power is even more earth-shattering. However, he does not care, because he has the secret method to surrender the Thor hammer.

As a descendant of Raytheon, he has already received the true biography of Raytheon in ancient times. Although this infinite period of time has been in a state of self-enclosure, his understanding of heaven has never stopped, infinite. Years, not only the body becomes stronger and stronger under the wear of time, but his understanding of the Thunder is that he has reached the level of transcending the ancient Raytheon.

"Thunder hammer, it should be my income."

The young man laughed happily, and with the color of pride, he was ready to use the secret method to temper Raytheon. Suddenly, he heard the void in front of him, and a crack broke out in the roar again. Xiang Yang held the magic sword. Going out, at the same time, in the body of Xiang Yang is followed by a dense sword.

All the swords and qis broke out with incomparable power, and the infinite murderousness and swordsmanship broke out at the same time.

"It turned out to be your little thing. I dare to summon my Thor hammer and take away the trophy of Laozi. You don't want to live, right?" Xiang Yang saw the youth at a glance, and saw that the cultivation of the youth was just a true fairy. At the peak of the realm, Xiang Yang’s heart was suddenly shocked. He did not expect that the person who called the Thunder hammer would be just a true fairy.

However, he did not dare to look down on each other. A true fairy dared to call the Thunder hammer in the chaos alone. The other party is absolutely extraordinary.

"A master of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, this is a bit of a hassle."

When Zi Lei saw Xiang Yang, he suddenly frowned. He was too excited to see the Thor hammer. After a moment, he did not expect to grab the Thor hammer and he would definitely attract the other person.

"Although it is a little troublesome, I will kill you first."

Then, Zi Lei’s eyes were filled with the color of self-confidence. Even if Xiang Yang, who was chased after him, was the repair of Da Luo’s Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, he was not afraid.

His Thunder has reached a very strong level. Even if the ancient Thor is standing in front of him, he is confident that the understanding of the Thunder can never be stronger than him.

Although his cultivation is still suppressed to the extent of the peak of the true fairy, but he believes that with his strength can completely kill the strong of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

In fact, the purple thunder was born some time ago. When he was born, he met a strong chasing chaos in the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng. He tried to test his own combat strength to what extent, directly with the other party. In the chaos of the war, in the end, directly to the chaos to destroy the world, the thunder of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak hard hit.


The purple thunder did not say anything, and a direct Thunder rushed toward Xiangyang.

"It’s actually a direct action, no, this thunder of power is even stronger than that bastard."

Although Xiang Yang was originally vigilant, he did not think that the strength of the master of this immortal peak was so horrible. When a thunder broke out between the other party’s wave, Xiang Yang figured out the other’s The strength is too strong, and even the middle-aged man who has just been killed by himself is not the opponent of this young man.

"An old monster."

Xiang Yang understands that the other party is absolutely self-sealing and repairing in ancient times, waiting to participate in this time the old monster of the Million Island.

"However, even if you are an old monster in ancient times, do you really think that you are self-sealing, can you be invincible in the world?"

Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief, and the inexhaustible swords that surrounded the whole body broke out instantly, and they rushed toward the youth purple thunder.


The first sword air bombarded on the thunder, the sword gas directly annihilated, the purple thunder's face showed a faint smile, glanced at the Xiangyang, cold voice, "senior, although you are the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng The situation, however, you must know that you are such a person, even in the eyes of the deity, even the ants are not."

"Killing you, you don't have to spend much power at all."

While the purple thunder sneered, this thunder still came to Xiangyang. When his voice fell, the Thunder had already annihilated a full hundred swords.

"This guy is amazing." After Xiang Yang saw it, he took a breath of cold. This Thunder is really very powerful. However, the quality is very high. It should be chaotic and thunder. Although it is only one, it is enough to suppress the world. Everything can destroy everything.

"However, it is only such a Thunder that wants to defeat the first sword of my first sword. This is impossible."

Xiang Yang whispered softly. At this moment, he still carries a sword with no meaning in his body. It is the first sword of his first magic sword that is still being displayed.


Along with Xiang Yang's thoughts, an incomparable sword gas fluttered out of the ancient times of Chaos, and immediately ushered in that Thunder.

This time, although this Thunder is still very powerful, but when this sword is smashed, the Thunder instantly annihilates, but the sword is still powerless toward the purple thunder.

"how is this possible?"

After the purple thunder saw it, he frowned. He had already prepared to use the secret method to refine the thunder hammer. I didn’t expect that in his eyes, this fairy ancesm could summon this powerful sword to break his own. A thunder.

"A little strength of Xianzun, but in front of this Raytheon, you are still just an ant." Purple Thunder sneered, and a wave of chaos thundered again and thundered toward this sword.

This Thunder is more powerful, and it is actually red-red, with the power of horrible destruction. Wherever it goes, the chaotic void is instantly turned into nothingness, and it is directly annihilated by the power of destruction contained therein.


Then, the Thunder and Jianqi crashed together, and the two broke out with a huge roar. In the glare of the purple thunder, the thunder that he displayed was instantly annihilated, and that sword gas was powerful. Instantly penetrated the void and crashed into the altar in front of him.


The altar exploded in an instant, but fortunately, the purple thunder jumped in one step, or else, even if his physical strength is invincible, it will also be injured.

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