Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2809: Strong purple thunder

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When the altar exploded, Zi Lei’s eyes looked at Xiang Yang and finally looked at Xiang Yang.

His face looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified color, and found that Xiang Yang was not the same as the fairy **** in the world where he was recognized by the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. It seems that Xiang Yang is more immortal than those who are in the world. The strength of respect is even stronger.

"A bit of a skill, the area of ​​the big Luo Jiuzhongtian, can actually break my power of thunder." Purple Thunder's eyes look to Xiangyang, his eyes with a dignified color.

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the purple thunder. "You are a real fairy in your district. You can display such a powerful chaos and destroy the thunder. The power is really extraordinary. I am afraid that in the real fairyland, I can’t find a few. Can exist compared to you."

At this moment, Xiang Yang was indeed shocked by the other side, because the strength of the other side is really too strong, and the power of a Thunder that was displayed by a real fairy has reached such a terrible degree, even if the deity of Xiangyang came. Easily block it.

"Kid, do you know who I am?" Purple Thunder looked coldly at Xiang Yang, and he was very dissatisfied with Xiang Yang's tone.

Although he is only the realm of the peak of immortality, he is a figure in ancient times, and he was the first in the millions of continents in ancient times. His strong contemporaries and even some have become Yasheng. In order to be able to get the chance of this year's Million Chapel, in order to be able to become a chaotic sage, he has been self-sealing, so that he has always remained at the peak of true fairy.

However, although he is a true immortal, he has surpassed any of the sacred sects of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak in his realm. His strength is able to kill the existence of Xianzun.

Xiang Yang, a fairy in the world of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, must not be able to compare with him in his generation. He dared to speak with him in such a tone, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Where do I know what your little sister-in-law is." Xiang Yang’s face looked at the purple thunder with a sly look, and sighed, "Although you are really making a difference in the real fairyland, and you should be The old monsters that were self-sealing in ancient times, in order to participate in this year’s Million Island.

"Exactly, knowing that the deity is the identity of the ancient Thor, is you still rude to the deity?" Purple Thunder looked at Xiangyang proudly.

"It turns out that you are the descendant of Raytheon." Xiang Yang looked at the purple thunder strangely. It is no wonder that this guy can summon the Thor hammer, but because he is familiar with the Thor hammer.

"Nature, the deity is a purple thunder is also." Purple Thunder face with a proud color, very satisfied with Xiang Yang's reaction.

He believes that Xiang Yang knows that he is the descendant of the ancient Thor, and he will never dare to compete with him for the Thunder hammer. After all, he is the thunder orthodox, and Raytheon is what he deserves.

"Unrespected and disrespectful, I did not expect you to be the descendant of the ancient Thor, the purple thunder."

Xiang Yang arched his hand against the purple thunder, as if he was very admired by the purple thunder, so that after the purple thunder saw it, the smile on his face was more prosperous.

He thinks that Xiang Yang is still very interesting. If Xiang Yang is on the road, he may not be able to kill Xiang Yang, but to accept Xiang Yang as a slave.

"You are very good." Purple Thunder looked at Xiang Yang's eyes with a satisfaction.

At this time, Mei Aoxue and others who followed up with Xiang Yang saw this scene, and all of them showed strange colors.

"There were so many people coming." Purple Thunder frowned and turned to look at it. He found that these people did not have a sacred strongman. He was relieved. Although he was very proud, he knew that If he is really against the Holy Land, he has no way to defeat the Holy Power.

Of course, what he doesn't know is that the gods of the three holy sages have already entered the chaotic void with these Xiangyang. They are observing this scene, just because the gods of the Holy Land are too secret. In addition to Xiangyang accident, no one can sense it, even if the purple thunder is an old monster in ancient times, but his realm is still only the real fairy peak, bound by the realm, can not sense the three Asian holy strong God's knowledge.

"Then, purple thunder brother, the descendant of ancient Raytheon, I have a question to ask you, can you answer me?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the purple thunder.

He understands the thoughts of Zi Lei's heart a bit, but he doesn't care. He cares that since the other party is a descendant of the ancient Thor, then the Raytheon armor may be on the other side, then, I want to get a whole set. The idea of ​​Raytheon's armor does not seem to be a dream.

After Xiang Yang’s questioning, his face looked at the purple thunder with a look of hope. The truth was that the other side of the West could answer that Raytheon’s armor was on the other side.

"This kid, so there will be so much nonsense with this guy. It was originally to find out if Raytheon's armor is on the other side, just to get Raytheon's armor. I said, this kid is really unprofitable." "Emperor Yuxi also came, and the two old men around her listened and smiled."

"If you let this guy know that Raytheon's armor is in the Wan Yao Group, I don't know if he will rush to the Wan Yao Group to steal."

"Don't dare, this kid is arrogant, but he still knows how to cherish his little life. Even if he is going to the Wan Yao Group, he is only looking for death."

"Hey, who knows, but it's okay to let the Raytheon suit come together. No matter who's in the end, this set of treasures is also complete."


While the two old guys were talking, the purple thunder was staying after listening to Xiang Yang’s words. He was not stupid. He suddenly understood the idea of ​​Xiang Yang, and he even wanted to set himself up. I know the existence of Raytheon's armor here. It seems that I want to take away the Raytheon suit.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Purple Thunder looked coldly at Xiangyang, he was completely angry, this guy, dare to want to get all the Raytheon suits that should be taken for granted, let alone Raytheon I am not in my own hands, even if Raytheon is in my own hands, how can I give it to this guy?

"I know, I just want to ask if Raytheon's armor is in your hands. If Raytheon's armor is in your hands, I will thank you very much." Xiang Yang took for granted the purple thunder.

"If it is not in the hands of the deity?" Purple Thunder is cold.

At this moment, the purple thunder is in a very bad mood. After he understands the purpose of Xiang Yang, he feels that his face is a little hot. He is so passionate and thinks that this kid must know that he is an ancient Raytheon. After passing on people, I want to rely on myself. As a result, I understand now that this guy is not going to rely on himself, but wants to get Raytheon armor from his own hands, so that he can get a whole set of Raytheon suits.

Purple Thunder looked gloomy at Xiang Yang. This time, he was angry with Xiang Yang and really wanted to kill Xiang Yang.

This is the first time he started to seal himself since ancient times. The first time he really wants to kill, the last time he killed himself, just to test his strength, so he came across a bad luck in chaos. Xianzun, the two sides will destroy the other side, which is not a big deal for the purple thunder.

This time, he really wants to deal with Xiang Yang and wants to kill Xiang Yang.

This bastard, even dare to count himself, this is a great ancient Thunder passer, the future Thunder saint can not tolerate things.

"If you are not in your hands, are you still standing here?"

Xiang Yang looked at the purple thunder with a strange color. "I thought you summoned the Thor hammer. It is because you have got the Raytheon armor. You want to make this set of Raytheon suit one. As a result, you are in your hands." There is no Raytheon armor, then your last bit of action is gone, you are too disappointing."

Xiang Yang sighed. From the look of Zi Lei, he had already figured out that the other side absolutely did not know where Raythew’s armor was. As Xiang Yang said, since the other party did not know where Raytheon’s armor was, then There is no use value.

"Do you think that you have more people on this side, can you eat the deity?" Purple Thunder looked calmly at Xiangyang, and he couldn't figure out how many people in the past were in the middle of the bustle. Although there are some deities in these people, he is really fearless. If it is a real outbreak, he can kill all of them.

"No, no, you misunderstood, we are not with him." After the voice of Purple Thunder fell, the two old men around Donghuang Yuxi shook hands very excitedly.

"Young man, you continue, hit him, hit him slyly, especially, Xiangyang, this little bastard, we have long wanted to hit him. As a result, we are not his opponent, if you can beat him. We tell you where Raytheon is."

"Right, as long as you can hit Xiangyang, we will tell you where Raytheon is."

These two old men are absolutely fearless people, they are crazy, laughing and laughing, it is actually to let the purple Thunder and Xiang Yang confrontation.

"Two old guys, are you itchy skin?" After Xiang Yang listened, he was almost angry with his nose. What's special, these two old things actually helped Zi Lei.

However, although the two old guys just said that they knew where the Raytheon armor was, they caught the attention of Zi Lei and Xiang Yang.

Whether it was Xiangyang or Zilei, they took a deep look at the two old men. They made a decision at the same time. After the other party was destroyed, they got the Thor hammer and they talked to the two old men.

Donghuang Yuxi looked at the two old men with a headache. I knew that these two old guys were crazy and very fond of playing. At this moment, I saw that not only the two old men were eyeing, but also they were also being Xiang Yanghe. When the purple thunder stared, she felt very helpless.


At this time, both Xiang Yang and Zi Leijun wanted to know the place where Raytheon’s armor was located from the mouth of the two old men. However, before they both acted, there was already someone who was patient in the crowd. Live directly.

I saw a roaring sound, and a big hand instantly grabbed it toward the Thor. The power that broke out from this hand was the strength of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. The void was instantly disturbed, and the chaos was rolling. Obviously, the other party dared. At this time, it is a certain strength to get rid of the treasures.

"A big courage, even Lao Tzu's things dare to grab."

"You are looking for death."

At this moment, Xiang Yang and Zi Lei were both furious at the same time. The purple thunder was turned into a chaos and thundered to the other side of the energy, and Xiang Yang went out with a sword.


At the same time, the two men fell in the same big hand. At this moment, the big hand was cut off by Xiang Yang’s sword, and the chaotic thunder bombarded it, causing the big hand to explode instantly.

"So strong..."

Among the crowd, there was a young man whose face changed greatly. He was unstable, but he quickly retreated. He was about to tear open the air and escape.

"Want to run?"

At this moment, Xiang Yang and Zi Lei also found each other, they sneered, and the two shot at the same time, the purple thunder issued a purple thunder, although very small, only the size of the chopsticks, but instantly disappeared through the void, and the item Yang is a gaze, and there are two black, ruined lights that burst out.

At about the same time, the supernatural powers of both of them fell on the young man who was about to turn and fled. The young man roared, "block me."

He tried his best to display the defensive magic weapon to block these two attacks. However, both Xiang Yang and Zi Leijun were able to kill the existence of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. Even if it was just a casual person, it was definitely not blocked by this young man. Not to mention that the attack of the two men has fallen on this guy.

The young man roared. In his despair and unwillingness, two black and devastating lights instantly shattered his defensive magic weapon into his body. At the same time, the purple chaotic thunder took the law of uttering everything. Also followed by the body of Xianzun who did not enter the realm of this young Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.


At this moment, the young man broke out with the power of horror and utter destruction. His whole person was instantly annihilated, and the power of destruction and the power of silence flowed at the same time, causing the people around him to change their faces and go crazy around. Run away.

Almost at this moment, after the youth was annihilated, the law of destruction and the law of silence were reprinted together, and the two black rays shattered with the power of destruction and the sudden appearance of the purple thunder with the power of silence. , the power of horror is outbreaking.

This is the confrontation between Xiang Yang and Zi Lei, whose ultimate goal is not to deal with the young man, because no one of them has put the young man in his eyes.

After destroying the young man, the magical powers of the two also exploded, and the terrible power of the forces of these two laws broke out, causing the people around them to retreat and almost be affected.

When the group of onlookers of the riots retreated to a safe place, they looked at the place where the two laws met, and they all took a breath.

"This is simply too fierce..."

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