Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2810: Fleeing away (five more flowers)

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"It’s too fierce. The two guys’ understanding of the law of destruction and the law of silence has reached a very terrible level.” Seeing the confrontation between Xiang Yang and Zi Lei, they just attacked each other with their own actions. The extent of this horror has caused all people to change their faces.

The attack of the two of them, the power of the attack containing the law of destruction, the power of the law of silence, the two forces are the most horrible laws, can be said to be half a catty, after colliding with each other, their The attacks also disappeared from each other.

At this time, Xiang Yang looked at the purple thunder, and the latter had a dignified color on his face. He finally realized that the fairy **** of Xiangyang, the big heaven and the earth, was not the one he had seen before. Kind of useless waste.

"You are very good." Purple Thunder sighed.

"Your Thunder is also stubborn." Xiang Yang laughed, the actual ability of the purple Thunder is too strong, this guy can be said to be the strongest true fairy that he has ever encountered.

Even if the invincible king of fire is invincible, it is not the opponent of this guy.

This guy is indeed a person who is qualified to compete in the first place in the Million Island.

"Thunder hammer, I have to fix it. If you still want to grab it with the deity, then the deity can only send you to death." Purple Thunder is very overbearing, his eyes are on Xiangyang, with a cold color, "Although your strength is good, as long as you don't enter the holy realm, even if you are a realm of the realm of the road, I can kill it. Just rely on you, a fairy who is a little big and nine heavens. If it is true. To kill you, turn your hands."

"is it?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, his hand turned over, and there was a sacred gourd at the level of Zhibao. He held the scented gourd in one hand and looked at the purple thunder with a smile. "Then we will take a look, who is the one who beats between the hands." Let the other party."


Purple Thunder.

"......." The crowd of people watching the Xiangyang hand directly took out a sacred gourd at the level of the treasure, everyone was stunned, and the person who knew Xiangyang almost couldn’t help but laugh. This is really the face of the red fruit. The purple thunder also said that it was necessary to turn off the Xiangyang between the hands. As a result, Xiang Yang really took out a cucurbit gourd between the hands, ask, who can compare with the squash Killing faster?

Moreover, this is the level of the sacred gourd at the level of the treasure. If it is to attack the attack power, even if the sage of the sage is too late, it will be injured.

Purple Thunder is a true fairy, even if it is so strong, it is impossible to stop the Xiangyang gourd.

“The sacred gourd at the level of the treasure.”

At this time, the purple thunder was long and exhaled. His face still looked at the sacred gourd in Xiangyang’s hand with a shocking color. He said, “I’m looking down on you, I don’t think you have such a magic weapon. ""

"Yeah, is it feeling desperate?"

Xiangyanghehe smiled at the same time, without hesitation, directly opened the gourd cover of the 斩仙葫芦, at the same time, the mind was moved, the 斩 葫 葫 喷 squirting a group of chaotic light, a knife flashed away.


When everyone thought that the purple thunder would definitely be killed by the 斩仙飞刀, but they heard a roar, and I saw a token on the body of the purple thunder. This token broke out a powerful one. The power of defense blocked the knives of Zhu Xian.

Although Zhu Xianfei knife cut into the defensive energy cover a lot, but did not break it, but fell into it, as if stuck in the mire.

"this is..."

Everyone saw this scene all shocked, even Xiang Yang was still staring at the purple thunder, although he had long felt that this guy was an old monster that had been hidden since ancient times, certainly very terrible, did not expect to There is still such a treasure that can block the attack of the 斩仙飞刀.

The token that appeared on the upper body flashed a powerful thunder, which was homologous to the Thor hammer. Obviously, it was the treasure of Raytheon.


Purple Thunder also breathed a sigh of relief at this time, he is really afraid of blocking the attack of the 斩仙飞刀, after all, from ancient times to the present, the 斩仙飞刀 has always been prestige, can be said to be the supreme treasure of assassination of the enemy.

Even if the purple thunder has all kinds of treasures, he can't say that he can block the attack of the 斩仙飞刀. Fortunately, it finally blocked.

"This is Raytheon, with the power to summon all the thunder in ancient chaos, and it is able to block any attack, even if it is a knives, it can't break the defense of Raytheon."

Purple Thunder was proud of his heart and even introduced the role of Raytheon to Xiang Yang.

"A very good treasure."

Seeing that Zhu Xianfei knife could not hurt the other side, Xiang Yang directly collected the 斩仙飞刀 into the 葫仙葫芦, and even with it, the 斩仙葫芦 was also collected by him.

His eyes looked at the other party's Raytheon, and his eyes were smiling. "It seems that this is one of the Raytheon suits. I know, the Raytheon suit should be more than the Thor and the Thor."

"Yes, the Thor suits include Raytheon Hammer, Raytheon Armor, Raytheon and Raytheon. However, Raytheon has disappeared in the war of ancient times. I can't find it." Purple Thunder didn't hide it. But instead said directly.

"Well, yes, it seems that I have already got two pieces of Raytheon suit." Xiang Yang haha ​​laughed, his hand turned over, and once again appeared a magic weapon, but it was Wan Jian umbrella.

At this moment, he ate the Wanjian umbrella with one hand, and looked at the purple thunder with a smile. The latter's pupils shrank and his heart was very angry. I didn't expect Xiangyang this guy to have so many treasures. Just now, I have the treasure level of Zhu Xianfei. Even if the knife is out, now I have taken out an umbrella. Although this umbrella looks like a ugly look, he is very clear that after the Xiangyang can pick up the cucurbits, the treasures that are taken out are definitely beyond the power. The 斩仙飞刀.

"You can go die."

The purple thunder screamed, and Raytheon made a top on his head. At the same time, there was a magic weapon in his hand. No, it should be two magic weapons, because this is a set of bows and arrows.


At this moment, pulling the bow on the arrow, there is a thunder that roars out of the bow and arrow, and there is a black thunder on the arrow that is brewing the power of horror and destruction.

"this is..."

Rao is Xiang Yang, when he senses the power of destruction of the black Thunder on the arrow, he can't help but change his face. He exclaimed, "Chaos is the **** of thunder, is this the Thunder bow?"

"Yes, this is the Lei Shen bow, but it is not one of the Raytheon suits. It is just a treasure of the ancient Thor."

Purple Thunder sneered, bow and arrow against Xiang Yang, in the eyes of countless people exclaimed, directly spurred toward Xiangyang.


At this moment, an arrow containing the chaos of the gods disappeared into the void and disappeared. Xiang Yang’s eyes were blank and his eyes opened. In each eye, there seemed to be two pupils open. There are two black and dark rays that make his eyes look at the void at this moment, and he can see the chaos of the chaos that is rushing toward him.

Of course, the speed of the arrow is very fast, but the reaction speed of Xiangyang is also very fast to an incredible degree.

He showed the eye of the first demon, obviously can see the flight path of this arrow, and his heart sighed with relief. At the same time, the mind was moved, the demon battle blade appeared in the hand, and in front of the millennium, directly blocked in front of oneself. .


Next, everyone saw a scene that made them feel trembled. Only when the arrowheads with the chaos of the gods disappeared in front of Xiangyang, Xiangyang seemed to wave with one hand and a sword blade appeared directly. In front of Xiang Yang, just blocked the arrow, so that this arrow just shot on the blade.

A huge roar broke out, and the chaos on the arrow broke out. However, at this time, the demon battle blade seemed to be irritated, and the majesty of the day after tomorrow broke out, a horrible force from the devil Appeared on the blade of the battle, a flash of light flashed, and this arrow with the chaos of the gods was smashed in an instant, and then the breath of the demon battle blade was powerful and unmatched, with a stream of flashing lights, instantly The eruption of the chaos of the world is suppressed.

"How can this be..."

At this moment, the smile on the face of the purple thunder has solidified. He thinks that this arrow is shot, and no one can resist it. Because this arrow contains the chaos and the gods, even if the sacred master encounters it, unless there is super To the treasure, otherwise you will be injured.

However, what he did not expect was that Xiang Yang actually blocked the arrow with this war blade in a timely manner, and the blade was actually the true treasure of the day!

"After, the day after tomorrow is treasure..."

The heart of the purple thunder trembled. Although there are treasures of the treasure level on his body, there is nothing in the treasures of the day after tomorrow, because the difference between the treasures and the treasures is only a grade, but in these days. Among them, the day after tomorrow is too rare, and many of the sacred are not, let alone him.

At this moment, Zilei suddenly realized that he might have encountered a nemesis. Even if his strength is strong, it seems that he may not be able to destroy Xiangyang.

His body trembled, and when he saw that the power of the arrow had been completely suppressed by Xiang Yang, he did not hesitate to receive the Lei Shen bow, and he turned to escape the chaos.

"Want to escape?"

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and the Devil's Blade in his hand threw it in the direction of Thor's hammer, allowing the Devil's Blade to suppress the Thor's hammer while defending the Thor's Hammer, making it impossible for others to sneak into the Thor. hammer.

And his code appeared a big bow, which is the wind and thunder bow.

Although this wind and thunder bow is only a treasure of the best fairy level, but at this moment, Xiang Yang's bow and arrow is the magic weapon.

He used the magic sword as the arrow to pull the bowstring, and then a spurt shot.


In the chaos, accompanied by a huge roar, the demon sword turned into a sword light, and accompanied by a blood, while a hand grabbed a big bow and fell from the purple thunder. Chaos, and the purple thunder is a crazy roar. "You wait, one day, the deity must make you die like death..."

The sound gradually disappeared, and the tumbling chaos blocked all of this. The Magic Spirit Sword brought the purple thunder's arm and the thunderbolt back directly.

"Unfortunately, there is still a little arrow."

Xiang Yang glanced at the purple thunder's hand. He did not hesitate. He waved his right hand and immediately appeared a black flame. He burned this hand cleanly. At the same time, he grabbed the Thunder bow for this big bow of the treasure level. He was very satisfied, but he regretted that he was only a bow and did not get an arrow.

"Is there only one arrow that was destroyed by me?" Xiang Yang groaned, feeling a little regret, and knew that he would not destroy that arrow.

"Unfortunately, Raytheon did not get it back."

Xiang Yang has shaken his head, and Raytheon is one of the Raytheon suits, and the defense is very powerful. The value of the treasure that can block the attack of the 斩Gourd gourd is naturally needless to say. If you can find it with Raytheon and Raytheon. It is absolutely unparalleled in power, and it may be possible to be able to condense into a true after-the-day treasure.

"However, don't worry, in the Million Island, you will naturally meet with you, and Raytheon is only temporarily placed in your hands."

Xiang Yangyi thought that he would be destined to meet with the other party in the final of the Million Chau Immortal World War. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it is his own treasure. After all, it is his own. Purple Thunder will definitely not think of it today. Although he fled, he is destined to meet his own again in the future.

"Oh, I don't know what kind of expression this guy will look like when he sees himself next time. It must be very exciting."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, Zi Lei, such a person is a very proud person at first glance, now not only did not steal his own Thunder hammer, but lost a treasure of the Lei Shen bow, and even broke his arm, such a Hatred, it is estimated that the purple thunder is almost going crazy, and the heart is definitely trying to kill himself and then fast, but this guy is absolutely afraid to appear in front of himself before he finds enough treasures to fight against his own magical blade.

Want to find a treasure that can block the level of the devil of the day after tomorrow, at least the level of the day after tomorrow, Xiang Yang really do not believe that purple thunder can find.

As a result, since Purple Thunder can't fight against himself, he must find a way to hide from himself, because he is very clear, if he meets with himself, he will definitely not let him go in order to get the Raytheon.

However, he would not have thought of it anyway, the two were destined to meet in the Million Chapel, which was the most exciting at that time.

"I really look forward to seeing you."

Xiang Yang Lehe said, put the Thunder bow up, and then looked at the direction of the Thor and the Warrior, and found that no one came to **** the Thor hammer, his face was a regrettable color. "It's a pity that no one has come to grab my treasure."


The people around you are all tired after listening. You have already put the treasures of the day behind, but even the horrible treasures that can be directly shredded by the arrows of the chaos and the thunder, who dares to move the thunder hammer?

No one will go to the dead at this time and want to grab the thunder hammer. The horror of the guy before can still be seen.

Xiang Yang felt that no one came to grab the Thunder Hammer and felt very sorry. After collecting the Thor and the Demon War, he was ready to continue to go out to participate in the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming.

"Kid, come over..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is updated, five more Huahua...

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